Change of fiber

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In algebraic topology, given a fibration p:EB, the change of fiber is a map between the fibers induced by paths in B. Since a covering is a fibration, the construction generalizes the corresponding facts in the theory of covering spaces.


If β is a path in B that starts at, say, b, then we have the homotopy h:p1(b)×IIβB where the first map is a projection. Since p is a fibration, by the homotopy lifting property, h lifts to a homotopy g:p1(b)×IE with g0:p1(b)E. We have:


(There might be an ambiguity and so βg1 need not be well-defined.) Let Pc(B) denote the set of path classes in B. We claim that the construction determines the map:

τ:Pc(B) the set of homotopy classes of maps.

Suppose β, β' are in the same path class; thus, there is a homotopy h from β to β'. Let


Drawing a picture, there is a homeomorphism I2I2 that restricts to a homeomorphism KI×{0}. Let f:p1(b)×KE be such that f(x,s,0)=g(x,s), f(x,s,1)=g(x,s) and f(x,0,t)=x. Then, by the homotopy lifting property, we can lift the homotopy p1(b)×I2I2hB to w such that w restricts to f. In particular, we have g1g1, establishing the claim. It is clear from the construction that the map is a homomorphism: if γ(1)=β(0),


where cb is the constant path at b. It follows that τ([β]) has inverse. Hence, we can actually say:

τ:Pc(B) the set of homotopy classes of homotopy equivalences.

Also, we have: for each b in B,

τ:π1(B,b) { [ƒ] | homotopy equivalence f:p1(b)p1(b) }

which is a group homomorphism (the right-hand side is clearly a group.) In other words, the fundamental group of B at b acts on the fiber over b, up to homotopy. This fact is a useful substitute for the absence of the structure group.


One consequence of the construction is the below:

  • The fibers of p over a path-component is homotopy equivalent to each other.
