Completely positive map

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In mathematics a positive map is a map between C*-algebras that sends positive elements to positive elements. A completely positive map is one which satisfies a stronger, more robust condition.


Let A and B be C*-algebras. A linear map ϕ:AB is called a positive map if ϕ maps positive elements to positive elements: a0ϕ(a)0. Any linear map ϕ:AB induces another map


in a natural way. If k×kA is identified with the C*-algebra Ak×k of k×k-matrices with entries in A, then idϕ acts as


ϕ is called k-positive if idk×kϕ is a positive map and completely positive if ϕ is k-positive for all k.


  • Positive maps are monotone, i.e. a1a2ϕ(a1)ϕ(a2) for all self-adjoint elements a1,a2Asa.
  • Since aA1AaaA1A for all self-adjoint elements aAsa, every positive map is automatically continuous with respect to the C*-norms and its operator norm equals ϕ(1A)B. A similar statement with approximate units holds for non-unital algebras.
  • The set of positive functionals is the dual cone of the cone of positive elements of A.


  • Every *-homomorphism is completely positive.[1]
  • For every linear operator V:H1H2 between Hilbert spaces, the map L(H1)L(H2),AVAV is completely positive.[2] Stinespring's theorem says that all completely positive maps are compositions of *-homomorphisms and these special maps.
  • Every positive functional ϕ:A (in particular every state) is automatically completely positive.
  • Given the algebras C(X) and C(Y) of complex-valued continuous functions on compact Hausdorff spaces X,Y, every positive map C(X)C(Y) is completely positive.
  • The transposition of matrices is a standard example of a positive map that fails to be 2-positive. Let T denote this map on n×n. The following is a positive matrix in 2×22×2: [(1000)(0100)(0010)(0001)]=[1001000000001001]. The image of this matrix under I2T is [(1000)T(0100)T(0010)T(0001)T]=[1000001001000001], which is clearly not positive, having determinant −1. Moreover, the eigenvalues of this matrix are 1,1,1 and −1. (This matrix happens to be the Choi matrix of T, in fact.)
    Incidentally, a map Φ is said to be co-positive if the composition Φ T is positive. The transposition map itself is a co-positive map.

See also


  1. K. R. Davidson: C*-Algebras by Example, American Mathematical Society (1996), ISBN 0-821-80599-1, Thm. IX.4.1
  2. R.V. Kadison, J. R. Ringrose: Fundamentals of the Theory of Operator Algebras II, Academic Press (1983), ISBN 0-1239-3302-1, Sect. 11.5.21