Carminati–McLenaghan invariants

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In general relativity, the Carminati–McLenaghan invariants or CM scalars are a set of 16 scalar curvature invariants for the Riemann tensor. This set is usually supplemented with at least two additional invariants.

Mathematical definition

The CM invariants consist of 6 real scalars plus 5 complex scalars, making a total of 16 invariants. They are defined in terms of the Weyl tensor Cabcd and its right (or left) dual Cijkl=(1/2)ϵklmnCijmn, the Ricci tensor Rab, and the trace-free Ricci tensor


In the following, it may be helpful to note that if we regard Sab as a matrix, then SamSmb is the square of this matrix, so the trace of the square is SabSba, and so forth. The real CM scalars are:

  1. R=Rmm (the trace of the Ricci tensor)
  2. R1=14SabSba
  3. R2=18SabSbcSca
  4. R3=116SabSbcScdSda
  5. M3=116SbcSef(CabcdCaefd+CabcdCaefd)
  6. M4=132SagSefScd(CacdbCbefg+CacdbCbefg)

The complex CM scalars are:

  1. W1=18(Cabcd+iCabcd)Cabcd
  2. W2=116(Cabcd+iCabcd)CcdefCefab
  3. M1=18SabScd(Cacdb+iCacdb)
  4. M2=116SbcSef(CabcdCaefdCabcdCaefd)+18iSbcSefCabcdCaefd
  5. M5=132ScdSef(Caghb+iCaghb)(CacdbCgefh+CacdbCgefh)

The CM scalars have the following degrees:

  1. R is linear,
  2. R1,W1 are quadratic,
  3. R2,W2,M1 are cubic,
  4. R3,M2,M3 are quartic,
  5. M4,M5 are quintic.

They can all be expressed directly in terms of the Ricci spinors and Weyl spinors, using Newman–Penrose formalism; see the link below.

Complete sets of invariants

In the case of spherically symmetric spacetimes or planar symmetric spacetimes, it is known that


comprise a complete set of invariants for the Riemann tensor. In the case of vacuum solutions, electrovacuum solutions and perfect fluid solutions, the CM scalars comprise a complete set. Additional invariants may be required for more general spacetimes; determining the exact number (and possible syzygies among the various invariants) is an open problem.

See also


  • Carminati J.; McLenaghan, R. G. (1991). "Algebraic invariants of the Riemann tensor in a four-dimensional Lorentzian space". J. Math. Phys. 32 (11): 3135–3140. Bibcode:1991JMP....32.3135C. doi:10.1063/1.529470.

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