Automorphism group

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In mathematics, the automorphism group of an object X is the group consisting of automorphisms of X under composition of morphisms. For example, if X is a finite-dimensional vector space, then the automorphism group of X is the group of invertible linear transformations from X to itself (the general linear group of X). If instead X is a group, then its automorphism group Aut(X) is the group consisting of all group automorphisms of X. Especially in geometric contexts, an automorphism group is also called a symmetry group. A subgroup of an automorphism group is sometimes called a transformation group. Automorphism groups are studied in a general way in the field of category theory.


If X is a set with no additional structure, then any bijection from X to itself is an automorphism, and hence the automorphism group of X in this case is precisely the symmetric group of X. If the set X has additional structure, then it may be the case that not all bijections on the set preserve this structure, in which case the automorphism group will be a subgroup of the symmetric group on X. Some examples of this include the following:

If G is a group acting on a set X, the action amounts to a group homomorphism from G to the automorphism group of X and conversely. Indeed, each left G-action on a set X determines GAut(X),gσg,σg(x)=gx, and, conversely, each homomorphism φ:GAut(X) defines an action by gx=φ(g)x. This extends to the case when the set X has more structure than just a set. For example, if X is a vector space, then a group action of G on X is a group representation of the group G, representing G as a group of linear transformations (automorphisms) of X; these representations are the main object of study in the field of representation theory. Here are some other facts about automorphism groups:

In category theory

Automorphism groups appear very naturally in category theory. If X is an object in a category, then the automorphism group of X is the group consisting of all the invertible morphisms from X to itself. It is the unit group of the endomorphism monoid of X. (For some examples, see PROP.) If A,B are objects in some category, then the set Iso(A,B) of all AB is a left Aut(B)-torsor. In practical terms, this says that a different choice of a base point of Iso(A,B) differs unambiguously by an element of Aut(B), or that each choice of a base point is precisely a choice of a trivialization of the torsor. If X1 and X2 are objects in categories C1 and C2, and if F:C1C2 is a functor mapping X1 to X2, then F induces a group homomorphism Aut(X1)Aut(X2), as it maps invertible morphisms to invertible morphisms. In particular, if G is a group viewed as a category with a single object * or, more generally, if G is a groupoid, then each functor F:GC, C a category, is called an action or a representation of G on the object F(*), or the objects F(Obj(G)). Those objects are then said to be G-objects (as they are acted by G); cf. 𝕊-object. If C is a module category like the category of finite-dimensional vector spaces, then G-objects are also called G-modules.

Automorphism group functor

Let M be a finite-dimensional vector space over a field k that is equipped with some algebraic structure (that is, M is a finite-dimensional algebra over k). It can be, for example, an associative algebra or a Lie algebra. Now, consider k-linear maps MM that preserve the algebraic structure: they form a vector subspace Endalg(M) of End(M). The unit group of Endalg(M) is the automorphism group Aut(M). When a basis on M is chosen, End(M) is the space of square matrices and Endalg(M) is the zero set of some polynomial equations, and the invertibility is again described by polynomials. Hence, Aut(M) is a linear algebraic group over k. Now base extensions applied to the above discussion determines a functor:[6] namely, for each commutative ring R over k, consider the R-linear maps MRMR preserving the algebraic structure: denote it by Endalg(MR). Then the unit group of the matrix ring Endalg(MR) over R is the automorphism group Aut(MR) and RAut(MR) is a group functor: a functor from the category of commutative rings over k to the category of groups. Even better, it is represented by a scheme (since the automorphism groups are defined by polynomials): this scheme is called the automorphism group scheme and is denoted by Aut(M). In general, however, an automorphism group functor may not be represented by a scheme.

See also


  1. First, if G is simply connected, the automorphism group of G is that of 𝔤. Second, every connected Lie group is of the form G~/C where G~ is a simply connected Lie group and C is a central subgroup and the automorphism group of G is the automorphism group of G that preserves C. Third, by convention, a Lie group is second countable and has at most coutably many connected components; thus, the general case reduces to the connected case.


  1. Hartshorne 1977, Ch. II, Example 7.1.1.
  2. Dummit & Foote 2004, § 2.3. Exercise 26.
  3. Hochschild, G. (1952). "The Automorphism Group of a Lie Group". Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 72 (2): 209–216. JSTOR 1990752.
  4. Fulton & Harris 1991, Exercise 8.28.
  5. Milnor 1971, Lemma 3.2.
  6. Waterhouse 2012, § 7.6.


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