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Homothety: Example with k>0
For k=1 one gets the identity (no point is moved),
for k>1 an enlargement
for k<1 a reduction
Example with k<0
For k=1 one gets a point reflection at point S
Homothety of a pyramid

In mathematics, a homothety (or homothecy, or homogeneous dilation) is a transformation of an affine space determined by a point S called its center and a nonzero number k called its ratio, which sends point X to a point X by the rule [1]

SX=kSX for a fixed number k0.

Using position vectors:


In case of S=O (Origin):


which is a uniform scaling and shows the meaning of special choices for k:

for k=1 one gets the identity mapping,
for k=1 one gets the reflection at the center,

For 1/k one gets the inverse mapping defined by k. In Euclidean geometry homotheties are the similarities that fix a point and either preserve (if k>0) or reverse (if k<0) the direction of all vectors. Together with the translations, all homotheties of an affine (or Euclidean) space form a group, the group of dilations or homothety-translations. These are precisely the affine transformations with the property that the image of every line g is a line parallel to g. In projective geometry, a homothetic transformation is a similarity transformation (i.e., fixes a given elliptic involution) that leaves the line at infinity pointwise invariant.[2] In Euclidean geometry, a homothety of ratio k multiplies distances between points by |k|, areas by k2 and volumes by |k|3. Here k is the ratio of magnification or dilation factor or scale factor or similitude ratio. Such a transformation can be called an enlargement if the scale factor exceeds 1. The above-mentioned fixed point S is called homothetic center or center of similarity or center of similitude. The term, coined by French mathematician Michel Chasles, is derived from two Greek elements: the prefix homo- (όμο), meaning "similar", and thesis (Θέσις), meaning "position". It describes the relationship between two figures of the same shape and orientation. For example, two Russian dolls looking in the same direction can be considered homothetic. Homotheties are used to scale the contents of computer screens; for example, smartphones, notebooks, and laptops.


The following properties hold in any dimension.

Mapping lines, line segments and angles

A homothety has the following properties:

  • A line is mapped onto a parallel line. Hence: angles remain unchanged.
  • The ratio of two line segments is preserved.

Both properties show:

Derivation of the properties: In order to make calculations easy it is assumed that the center S is the origin: xkx. A line g with parametric representation x=p+tv is mapped onto the point set g with equation x=k(p+tv)=kp+tkv, which is a line parallel to g. The distance of two points P:p,Q:q is |pq| and |kpkq|=|k||pq| the distance between their images. Hence, the ratio (quotient) of two line segments remains unchanged . In case of SO the calculation is analogous but a little extensive. Consequences: A triangle is mapped on a similar one. The homothetic image of a circle is a circle. The image of an ellipse is a similar one. i.e. the ratio of the two axes is unchanged.

With intercept theorem

Graphical constructions

using the intercept theorem

If for a homothety with center S the image Q1 of a point P1 is given (see diagram) then the image Q2 of a second point P2, which lies not on line SP1 can be constructed graphically using the intercept theorem: Q2 is the common point th two lines P1P2 and SP2. The image of a point collinear with P1,Q1 can be determined using P2,Q2.

Geometrical background
Pantograph 3d rendering

using a pantograph

Before computers became ubiquitous, scalings of drawings were done by using a pantograph, a tool similar to a compass. Construction and geometrical background:

  1. Take 4 rods and assemble a mobile parallelogram with vertices P0,Q0,H,P such that the two rods meeting at Q0 are prolonged at the other end as shown in the diagram. Choose the ratio k.
  2. On the prolonged rods mark the two points S,Q such that |SQ0|=k|SP0| and |QQ0|=k|HQ0|. This is the case if |SQ0|=kk1|P0Q0|. (Instead of k the location of the center S can be prescribed. In this case the ratio is k=|SQ0|/|SP0|.)
  3. Attach the mobile rods rotatable at point S.
  4. Vary the location of point P and mark at each time point Q.

Because of |SQ0|/|SP0|=|Q0Q|/|PP0| (see diagram) one gets from the intercept theorem that the points S,P,Q are collinear (lie on a line) and equation |SQ|=k|SP| holds. That shows: the mapping PQ is a homothety with center S and ratio k.


The composition of two homotheties with centers S1,S2 and ratios k1=2,k2=0.3 mapping PiQiRi is a homothety again with its center S3 on line S1S2 with ratio kl=0.6.
  • The composition of two homotheties with the same center S is again a homothety with center S. The homotheties with center S form a group.
  • The composition of two homotheties with different centers S1,S2 and its ratios k1,k2 is
in case of k1k21 a homothety with its center on line S1S2 and ratio k1k2 or
in case of k1k2=1 a translation in direction S1S2. Especially, if k1=k2=1 (point reflections).

Derivation: For the composition σ2σ1 of the two homotheties σ1,σ2 with centers S1,S2 with


one gets by calculation for the image of point X:x:


Hence, the composition is

in case of k1k2=1 a translation in direction S1S2 by vector (1k2)(s2s1).
in case of k1k21 point

is a fixpoint (is not moved) and the composition


is a homothety with center S3 and ratio k1k2. S3 lies on line S1S2.

Composition with a translation
  • The composition of a homothety and a translation is a homothety.

Derivation: The composition of the homothety

σ:xs+k(xs),k1, and the translation
τ:xx+v is

which is a homothety with center s=s+v1k and ratio k.

In homogeneous coordinates

The homothety σ:xs+k(xs) with center S=(u,v) can be written as the composition of a homothety with center O and a translation:


Hence σ can be represented in homogeneous coordinates by the matrix:


A pure homothety linear transformation is also conformal because it is composed of translation and uniform scale.

See also


  1. Hadamard, p. 145)
  2. Tuller (1967, p. 119)


  • H.S.M. Coxeter, "Introduction to geometry" , Wiley (1961), p. 94
  • Hadamard, J., Lessons in Plane Geometry
  • Meserve, Bruce E. (1955), "Homothetic transformations", Fundamental Concepts of Geometry, Addison-Wesley, pp. 166–169
  • Tuller, Annita (1967), A Modern Introduction to Geometries, University Series in Undergraduate Mathematics, Princeton, NJ: D. Van Nostrand Co.

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