The ninth season of Bulgarian singing reality competition Glasat na Bulgaria premiered on 4 September 2022. The show is broadcast by bTV on Sundays, starting at 8 pm. The four coaches from previous season, Ivan Lechev, Galena, Lubo Kirov and Dara returned for another season.
Jacklyn Tarracki was crowned the "voice", marking Dara’s first win as a coach.
The coaching panel remains unchanged from previous season: Ivan Lechev, Galena, Lubo Kirov and Dara.[1] Ivan Tishev remains as the presenter and is joined by Preyah as V-Reporter online,[2] replacing Alexandra Bogdanska.
Third place
Fourth place
Fifth place
Sixth place
Eliminated in the Live semi-final
Eliminated in the Cross battles
Stolen in the Battles
Artist was eliminated after being switched with another stolen artist
Note: Italicized names are stolen artists (names struck through within former teams).
Blind auditions
Continuing the rule from the previous season, coaches could have an unlimited number of contestants on their team and finalize them at the end of the auditions. However, unlike last season, coaches have to cut their team members down to 12 participants, instead of 14. Each coach was given two "blocks" to use during the blinds, but Dara and Galena only used one.
Blind auditions color key
Coach pressed "I WANT YOU" button
Artist joined this coach's team
Artist was eliminated as no coach pressed their button
Artist became initially part of the team but was eliminated on the cut round, therefore eliminated
Coach pressed "I WANT YOU" button, but was blocked by another coach from getting the artist
The battles begin airing on October 23. The battle advisors for each coach this season were the following: Alexandrina Pendatchanska for Team Ivan, Mihaela Marinova for Team Dara, third season coach Desi Slava for Team Galena, and Nina Nikolina for Team Lubo.
New to this season is the implementation of "unlimited steals". Each artist that is stolen will sit in a designated seat in the "Steal room" as they watch the other performances. If a coach steals one artist but later decides to steal another, the previous artist will be replaced and eliminated.[3] After the battle rounds, the artist who ends-up seating on the chair will move to the next round.
Battles color key
Artist won the battle
Artist lost the battle and was stolen by another coach, but was later switched with another artist
Artist lost the battle but was stolen by another coach
The Cross Battles began airing on 13 November and ended on 20 November. In this round, each coach was left with seven contestants. For the first time, the singers did not know their competitor until the moment of rehearsals. Only fourteen contestants, regardless of team, were let through the Semi-final.
Cross battles color key
Artist won the Cross Battle and advanced to the Semi-final
Artist lost the Cross Battle and was originally eliminated, but was voted by the public to advance in the semi-final
The semi-final aired on 27 November. In this round, fourteen artists were left in the competition. However, this season the public could choose a fifteenth semi-finalist, who had previously been eliminated. The public voted for Maxim Panayotov from Team Galena to take this spot.
Six artists, from any team, were voted through to the finale. Unlike the previous season, every coach is represented in the finale.
Semi-final color key
Artist was advanced to the finale from the public's vote
The Final took place on 4 December. Out of the remaining six artists, the public voted for the winner. Six pop stars supported the finalists - Poli Genova, Mihaela Fileva, Margarita Hranova, Medi, Jeremy? and Kristian Kostov.
Jacklyn Tarrakci was announced as the winner, which marked Dara's first victory as a coach.