Glossary of Russian and USSR aviation acronyms: Aircraft designations
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Glossary of Russian and USSR aviation acronyms |
This is a Glossary of acronyms used for aircraft designations in the Russian Federation and formerly the USSR. The Latin-alphabet names are phonetic representations of the Cyrillic originals, and variations are inevitable.
File:Information icon4.svg |
- 2I-N1
- 2 Istrebitel – N1 – two-seat fighter with Napier engine[1] see DI-1
- 2MG
- 2 Motor Gelikopter – twin-engined helicopter[1]
- AK
- Artilleriskii Korrektirovshchik – artillery correction[1]
- AO
- Aeroopylitel – air duster[1] Po-2
- AP
- Aeropyl – air dust[1] Po-2
- ARKtichyeskii - arctic[1]
- -[1]
- ASh
- Arkadiy Shvetsov-led engine design bureau prefix, coming from the OKB-19 bureau
- Amfibiya Severnogo Kraya – amphibian for northern territory[1]
- BB
- Blizhnii Bombardirovshchik – short-range bomber[2]
- Bombardirovshchik D D -[1] Bolkhovitnov
- Boyevoi Desantnyi Planer – troops assault glider[1]
- BI
- Blizhniy Istrebitel – short-range fighter[1]
- - towed mine glider
- -
- -
- Blizhniy Pikiruyushchiy Bombardirovshchik – short-range dive bomber[3]
- BS
- -
- -
- BskhS
- -[1]
- BSh
- Bronirovannyy Shturmovik – armoured ground attack aircraft[1]
- see TsKB
- D
- 1. - two-seat fighter[1]
- 2. Dalnost - distance/range
- DB
- 1. Dal'niy Bombardirovshchik – long-range bomber[2]
- 2. Dnevnoi Bombardirovshchik – day bomber
- DB-A
- Dauhl'niy Bombardirovshchik-A – long-range bomber, academy[1]
- Dauhl'niy Bombardirovshchik-LK -[1]
- DBSh
- -[1]
- DD
- suffix Dauhl'niy Deystviya - long-range[3]
- Dauhl'niy Dvuhkmestny Bronirovannyi Shturmovik - long-range two-seat close support aircraft[2]
- -[1]
- DG
- -[1]
- DI
- Dvukhmesnyy Istrebitel' - two-seat fighter[1]
- Dvukhmyestnyi Istrebitel Pushechny – two-seat cannon fighter[2]
- 1. Dvukhmotortnyi Istrebitel Soprovozhdyenyia – twin-engined escort fighter[1]
- 2. Dalnyi Istrebitel Soprovozhdyeniya – (ДИС, Дальний истребитель сопровождения – long-range escort fighter)[1]
- Dvukhmyestnyi Istrebitel T - two-seat fughter -[1] 2-seat shturmovik version of I-152
- Dvukhmotornyi Krayenoi Linyeinyi - regional airliner[1]
- -
- DP
- Dal'niy Perekhvahtchik – long-range interceptor[4]
- - long-range glider torpedo
- DR
- Dvigatel' [izdeliye] R [Tu-4] – engine test-bed [product] R [Tu-4][5] Myasischev inhouse designation for engine test aircraft.
- Dnevnoy Skorosnoy Bombardirovshchik - fast day bomber[1]
- Dalnyi Vysotnyi Bombardirovshchik – long-range high-altitude bomber[1]
- E
- Eksperimentalnyi - experimental[1]
- EA
- Eksperimentalnyi Apparat – experimental apparatus – usually prefixed by a number
- ED
- Eksperimental Dvigatyel – experimental engine[1]
- EG
- Eksperimentalnyi Gelikopter – experimental helicopter[1]
- EI
- Eksperimentalyni Istribetel – experimental fighter[1]
- Eksperimentalyni Odnomyestnyi Istribetel – experimental single-seat fighter[1]
- FI
- Frontovoy Istrebitel – frontal fighter
- FS
- Foto Samolyet – Photographic aircraft
- G
- Gelikopter – helicopter
- Gidro-Aeroplan Spetsialno Naznachyeniya – seaplane special destination
- Giperzvukovya letayuschchaya Laboratoriya – hypersonic flying laboratory[6]
- GM
- -[1]
- Gidro Samolyet Transportnaya – hydro aircraft transport[1] – pby-1 Catalina
- I
- IB
- -[1]
- Istrebitel-Bombardirovschik - fighter bomber / strike fighter
- Istrebitel' Dahl'nevo Deystviya – long-range fighter[7]
- IgA
- -[1]
- IKh
- -
- IL
- Istrebitel' [s dvigatelem] Liberty [moschnost'yu] 400 [loshadinykh sil] - fighter with a 400hp Liberty engine[8] Polikarpov IL-400
- Istrebitel' odnomestny Pushechnyi – single-seat cannon fighter[2]
- IP
- Istrebitel' Pushyechnii – fighter, cannon[1]
- IS
- 1. Istrebitel' Skladnoi – folding fighter[1]
- 2. Istrebitel' Soprovozhdyeniya – escort fighter
- 3. Istrebitel' Sylvanskii – fighter Sylvanskii[1]
- ISh
- Istrebitel' Shturmovik – fighter attack
- IT
- Istrebitel' Tyazhelyi – heavy fighter[1]
- Istrebitel' Tyazhelyi Pushechnyi – heavy fighter with cannon
- Istrebitel' VyisokoSkorostnyi – high speed fighter[1]
- I-Z
- Izdeliye Z - project Z[1]
- K
- KhB
- Khimichyevskii Boyevik – chemical fighter[1]
- Korabelnii O Razvedchik – shipboard catapult reconnaissance[1]
- -[1]
- KR
- 1. Korabelniy Razvedchik – (корабельный разведчик - Shipboard Reconnaissance)[1]
- 2. Katapul'tiruyemoye Kreslo [izdeliye] R [Tu-4] – ejection seat test-bed [product] R [Tu-4][5] Myasischev inhouse designation for ejection seat test aircraft.
- 3. Kreiser Razvyedchik - cruiser reconnaissance)
- -[1] Avietka non OKB designed light aircraft
- KT
- Kr'lya Tank – flying tank[1]
- -[1]
- Летающая Атомная Лаборатория - letayuschchaya ahtomnaya laboratoriya - flying nuclear laboratory[9]
- LB
- Legkii Bombardirovshchik – light bomber
- LB-2LD
- Legkii Bombardirovshchik-2LD – light bomber with 2 lorraine-Dietrich engines[1]
- Legkii Bombardirovshchik Sparka – light bomber, two seater
- LBSh
- Legkii Bronirovannyi Shturmovik – (ЛБШ, Легкий бронированный штурмовик – light armored attack aircraft)[1]
- Lev Pavlovich Malinovski- 1930s director of NTU-GVF[1]
- Leningradskii Institoot Grazdahnskovo Vozdooshnovo Flota- Leningrad Institute civil air fleet[1]
- LK
- LKhS
- - light utility transport[1] 1994
- LL
- Letayuschchaya Laboratoriya - flying laboratory[3]
- LM
- -[1]
- -[1]
- LR
- Legkii Razvedchik – (ЛР, Легкий разведчик – light reconnaissance)[1]
- LS
- Laminarnyi Sloi – laminar layer[1]
- LSh
- Lyegkii Shturmovik – (ЛШ, Легкий штурмовик – light attack)[1]
- LT
- Letayushchiy Tank – flying tank
- -long-range flying torpedo
- M
- Mishen – [radio-controlled] target[6] radio-controlled versions of production aircraft had the OKB designation replaced with M, thus the RC target Il-28 became the M-28
- MA
- Mestnaya Amfibiya – regional amphibian[1]
- -[1]
- MB
- -[1]
- Morskoi Blizhnii Razvedchik – marine short-range reconnaissance[1]
- Morskoi Dalnii Razvedchik – marine long-range reconnaissance[1]
- Morskoi Dalnii Razvedchik Torpedonosyets – (МДРТ, Морской дальний разведчик-торпедоносец – long-range sea recon/torpedo bomber)
- -[1]
- MG
- -[1]
- Mnogotselevoy Gruzovoy Samolet - multi-role cargo aircraft[6]
- MI
- -[1]
- -[1]
- MK
- Morskoi Kreiser – sea cruiser[1]
- MM
- Morskoi Minonosyets – marine mine carrier[1]
- -[1]
- MMSh
- Malya Mod Shturmovik – experimental engine attacker
- MP
- 1. Motor Planer – motor glider[1]
- 2. Morskoi Passazhirskii – naval passenger transport[1]
- 3. Morskoi Podvesnoi – marine suspended
- 1. Mnogomestnyi Pushyechnyi Istrebitel – (МПИ, Многоместный пушечный истребитель – multi-seat cannon fighter)[1]
- 2. Morskoi Poplavkovyi Istrebitel – sea floatplane fighter[1]
- MR
- Morskoi Razvedchik – naval reconnaissance[1]
- Morskoi Razvedchik Liberty – naval reconnaissance, Liberty engine[1]
- MS
- Morskoi Samolyet – naval aircraft[1]
- MSh
- -[6]
- MT
- Morskoi Torpedonosyets – naval torpedo carrier[1]
- Morskoi Torpedonosyets-Bombardirovshchik – naval torpedo carrier-bomber
- Morskoi тяжелый Torpedonosyets-Bombardirovshchik – (МТБТ, Морской тяжелый бомбардировщик-торпедоносец – Heavy sea bomber/torpedo bomber)
- MU
- Morskoi Uchyebnii – naval trainer[1]
- Morskoi Uchyebnii Rhone – naval trainer, Rhone engine[1]
- N
- -[1]
- Nochno-artillerisykyi Korrektirovshchik – night artillery observer
- NB
- Nochnoi Bombardirovshchik – night bomber[1]
- Nochnoy Blizhniy Bombardirovshchik – short-range night bomber[3]
- NK
- -[1]
- OBSh
- Odnomestnyi Bronirovanny Shturmovik (ОБШ, Одноместный бронированный штурмовик – single-seat armored attack aircraft)
- -[1]
- Odnomestnyi Dvukhmotorny Bronirovanny Shturmovik – single-seat twin-engined armoured attack aircraft[2]
- -[1]
- -[1]
- Odnomestnyi Pikiryushchyi Bombardirovshchik - (ОПБ, Одноместный пикирующий бомбардировщик – single-seat dive bomber)[1]
- -[1]
- - deck based aircraft[1]
- OSh
- Odnomotornyi Shturmovik – single-engined attack
- -[1]
- P
- P-Z
- -[1]
- PB
- 1. Planer Bombardirovshchik – glider bomber
- 2. Pikiriyushchii Bombardirovshchik – dive bomber[1]
- PBSh
- Pushechnyy Bronirovannyi Shturmovik (ПБШ, Пикирующий бронированный штурмовик – cannon-armed armoured assault aircraft)[10]
- PD
- Perekhvatchik [s ToorboKompressorom] Dollezhalya – interceptor with a dollezhal' designed supercharger[3]
- PI
- Pushechnii Istrebitel – cannon fighter[1]
- PL
- Passazhirskii Leningrad – passenger transport Leningrad[1]
- PM
- Passazhirskii Maybach – passenger transport Maybach engine[1]
- PR
- -[1]
- PS
- 1. Passazheerskiy Samolyot – airliner / passenger aircraft[1]
- 2. Proxrachnyy Samolyot – transparent aircraft[3]
- Planer Spetsial'no Naznachenaya – glider for special purposes
- PT
- -[1]
- -
- R
- 1. Razvedchik – reconnaissance[1]
- 2. Reaktivnii - jet
- RB
- Razvedchik-Bombardirovshchik – reconnaissance-bomber[7]
- RD
- Rekord Dalnosti – long distance record aircraft[1]
- Rekord Dalnost Diesel'nyi – diesel-engined long-range record aircraft[1]
- -[1]
- RF
- Rot front – Red Front[1]
- RG
- -[1]
- -[1]
- RK
- RK-I '
- Razdvizhnoye Krylo - Istrebitel – extending wing fighter[1]
- RM
- -[1]
- -[1]
- Razvedchik Otkrytogo Morya – reconnaissance open sea[1]
- RP
- RShR
- -[1]
- -[1]
- RV
- Rekord Vysoty – record height[1]
- -[1]
- R-Z
- -[1]
- S
- 1. Skorostnoi - speedy[1]
- 2. Sparka – twin / coupled[1]
- 3. Samolet - aircraft
- 4. Strelovidnoye [krylo] – swept wings[11]
- SB
- Russian: Скоростной бомбардировщик - Skorostnoi Bombardirovschik - high speed bomber,
- -[1]
- -[1]
- 1. Skorostnyi Dnyevnoi Bombardirovshchik – high-speed day bomber[1]
- 2. Strategicheskiy Dal'niy Bombardirovshchik – strategic long-range bomber[5]
- SE
- -[1]
- Samolyot Yefremova i Nadiradze – Yefremova and Nadiradze's aircraft[3] UT-2N
- SG
- Samolet Gonochnii - Racing Aeroplane[1]
- Sh
- Shturmovik – attack[1]
- ShB
- 1. Shturmovik Bombardirovshchik – ShB (ШБ, Штурмовик-бомбардировщик – attack/bomber)[1]
- 2. Shturmovik Brovirovanny – armoured attack aircraft[2]
- ShBM
- -[1]
- ShM
- -[1]
- Sh-MAI
- -[1]
- ShON
- Shturmovik Osobogo Naznachyeniya – (ШОН, Штурмовик особого назначения – special purpose attack aircraft)[1]
- ShR
- Shassi [izdeliye] R – undercarriage [product] R [Tu-4][5] Myasischev inhouse designation for bicycle u/c test aircraft.
- ShS
- Shtabnoi Samolet – staff aeroplane[1]
- SI
- -[1]
- SK
- Skorostnii Krylo – high-speed wing[1]
- -[1] Avietka non OKB designed light aircraft
- Sanitarnyi Kabina Filatov – ambulance cabin[1]
- SKh
- Syel'skolkhozyaistyennyi - agricultural[1]
- Samoletnyy Komandno-Izmeritel'nyy Punkt – airborne measuring and control point[6] Beriev Samolyot 976
- SL
- -[1]
- SM
- -[1]
- Samolet Osobogo Naznachyeniya – aircraft special/personal assignment
- SP
- 1. Spetzprimeneniya or Spetsialno Primeneniya – special purposes[1]
- 2. Stratosfernyi Plane – stratospheric glider
- Skorostnoi Pikiruyushchnyi Bombardirovshchik – (СПБ, Скоростной пикирующий бомбардировщик – high-speed dive bomber)[1]
- Skorostnoi Pikiruyushchnyi Bombardirovshchik / D – fast dive bomber / D[1]
- Skorostnoi Pikiruyushchnyi BombardirovshchikPoplavkii – fast dive bomberfloat
- Skorostnoi Pikiruyushchnyi BombardirovshchikBSB – fast dive bomber -
- Samolet Passazheerskiy Dal'niy - long-range passenger aircraft???? - (Ilyushin Il-18)
- 1. Svyazno Passazhirskii L – liaison passenger
- 2. Samolyet dlya Podvodnikh Lodok – aeroplane for submarine boats[1]
- Skorostnoi Passazhirskii Samolet – high-speed passenger aircraft[1]
- SR
- skorstnoi Razvedchik – (СР, Скоростной разведчик – high-speed reconnaissance)[1]
- Skorostnoi Razvedchik Bombardirovshchik – high-speed reconnaissance-bomber[1]
- SS
- Stratosfernii Samolyet – stratospheric aircraft[1]
- Skoropodyemnyi Skorotrelnyi – speedster, high-speed lift, fast-shooter[1]
- -[1]
- Samolyet UrkVozdukhPut – aircraft Ukrainian civil aviation authority[1]
- Samolet Vozdushnogo Boya – aircraft for air combat[1]
- T
- 1. Torpedonosyets – torpedo carrier[1]
- 2. Treugol'noye(треугольный) [krylo] - triangular wing
- TA
- Transportnaya Amfibiya – transport amphibian[1]
- Transportnaya Amfibiya Fotografichyeskii – transport amphibian, photographic[1]
- TB
- Tyazholyy Bombardirovshchik – heavy bomber[1]
- TI
- Treneirovochni Istrebitel (ТИ, Тренировочный истребитель – trainer fighter)[1]
- Tyazhelyi Istrebitel Soprovozhdeniya – heavy escort fighter[1]
- Tyazhelyi Istrebitel Soprovozhdeniya Mnogotsyelevoi -A – heavy escort fighter, multirole A
- TK
- Tjazholij Krejser - heavy cruiser[1]
- Torpedonosyets Otkrytogo Morya – (Торпедоносец открытого моря – Torpedo bomber for open seas)[1]
- - thick wing section
- -[1]
- TS
- Transportnyi Samolet – transport aircraft[1]
- TSh
- Tyazheli Shturmovik – heavy attacker[1]
- TShB
- -[1]
- -[1] Avietka non OKB designed light aircraft - Pissarenko
- U
- uchebnyy - trainer[2]
- Universal'noye letayushchyeye Krylo – universal flying wing[1] Grokhovskii G-37
- Uchyebno-erekhodnoi Bombardirovshchik – training transitional bomber[1]
- -[1]
- Upravleniye Pogranichnym Sloyem – boundary layer control
- UR
- [sistema] oopravleniya [izdeliye] R – control [system] [product] R[Tu-4][5] Myasischev inhouse designation forpowered flying control system test aircraft.
- -[1]
- UT
- Uchebno Trenirovochnyy - trainer[1]
- Uchebno Trenirovochnyy Bombardirovshchik – bomber trainer[1]
- Uchebno-trenirovochnyy Istrebitel' - fighter trainer[1]
- Uchebno-trenirovochnyy Pikeeruyushchiy Bombardirovshchik – dive bomber trainer[3]
- -[1] Avietka non OKB designed light aircraft
- VB
- -[1]
- -[1]
- VI
- Vysotnyi Istrebitel – high altitude fighter[1]
- -[1]
- Vozdushnyi Istrebitel Tankov – aerial tank fighter[1]
- VM
- -[1]
- VM-T
- Vladimir Myasischev-Transportnaya - Vladimir Myasischev - Transport[5]
- Vozdushnii Nabludatyelnii Punkt - aerial observation point[1]
- VO
- -[1]
- -[1]
- VP
- Vysotnyi Perekhvatchik – high altitude interceptor[1]
- VS
- Vystavlyaet Samolyet – demonstration aircraft[1]
- VysokoSkorostnyi Istrebitel – high speed fighter[1]
- VT
- -[1]
- -[1]
- Ye
- Yedinitsa - one-off / single unit[12]
- Z
- Zveno-link/flight[1]
- -[1]
OKB / Constructor Prefixes
- ACh
- Charomskii engines[1]
- Yakovlev[1] in-house designations
- An
- Antonov[1]
- Ar
- Arkhangyelskii[1]
- Be
- Beriev[1]
- BI
- Beresnyak - Isayev[1]
- -
- Chelomey[13]
- Chye
- Chyetverikov[1]
- DG
- Grigorovich[1] in-house designations
- Gu
- Gudkov[1]
- Il
- Ilyushin[1]
- KTs
- Koleznikov-Tsybin[1]
- La
- Lavochkin[1]
- LaGG
- Lavochkin-Gorbunov-Gudkov[1]
- Li
- Lisunov[1]
- MiG
- Mikoyan i Guryevich[1]
- Mi
- Mil[1]
- Mya
- Myasischev[1]
- NK
- Kuznetsov engines[1]
- NV
- Nikitin[1] in-house designations
- Pe
- Petlyakov[1]
- Po
- Polikarpov[1]
- Rafaelyants[1] in-house designations
- Sh
- Shavrov[1]
- Shchye
- Shchyerbakov[1]
- Su
- Sukhoi[1]
- Ts
- Tsybin[1]
- Tu
- Tupolev[1]
- Ya
- Yakovlev[1] in-house designations
- Yak
- Yakovlev[1]
- Yer
- Yermolayev[1]
Designation suffixes & prefixes
- A
- 1. (suffix) Ahtomnyy – atomic, i.e. nuclear capable[6]
- 2. (suffix) - assault
- AK
- 1. (suffix) Artilleriskii Korrektirovshchik – artillery correction
- 2. (suffix) A [dlya podgotovki] Kosmonahvtov – A for cosmonaut training[6]
- (suffix) Apparatoora Kosmicheskoy Svyazi – space communications equipment[6]
- (suffix) Avtomatizeerovannaya [sistema] Lyotnovo Kontrolya – automatic flight check system[14]
- AS
- (suffix) AS – Slovakian upgrade[10] MiG-29AS
- AT
- (suffix) A Trahnsportnyy – A transport[6] Il-18
- (suffix) A Trahnsportnyy Reaktivnyye Dvigateli – A transport Jet engine[14]
- AT-U
- (suffix) A Trahnsportnyy Ooskoriteli - A transport boosters[14]
- B
- 1. (suffix) Bombardirovshchik – bomber[2]
- 2. (suffix) Biplahn - biplane[3]
- 3. (suffix) B – second version[10] MiG-31B
- BI
- (suffix) -[3]
- BK
- (suffix) -[10] MiG-23
- BM
- 1. (suffix) B Modernizeerovannyy – B modernised[10] MiG-31
- 2. (suffix) Beloroosskaya Modernizahtsiya – Belorussian upgrade[10] MiG-29BM
- 3. (suffix) Booksirovshchik Misheney – target tug[6]
- BN
- (suffix) -
- BS
- (suffix) B Stroyevaya [modernizahtsiya] – B in-service up-grade[10]
- BT
- 1. (suffix) BuksirTralshchik – towing minesweeper
- 2. (suffix) B Trahnsportnyy – B transport[6] Il-18
- B/R
- (suffix) Bombardirovshchik-Razvedchik – bomber / reconnaissance
- D
- 1. (suffix) Dahl'nomer - rangefinder[10]
- 2. (suffix) - MiG-27
- 3. (suffix) -[10] MiG-31D ASAT launcher
- 4. (suffix) Derevyannyy - wooden
- 5. (suffix) Dahl'niy - long-range[3]
- 6. (suffix) Dorabotannya - revised[10]
- 7. (suffix) Dvookhmesnyy - two-seat[10]
- DB
- (suffix) Dahl'niy Bombardirovshchik - long-range bomber
- DI
- (suffix) Dahl'niy Istrebitel' - long-range[3]
- DM
- (suffix) Dopolnitel'nyye Motor – supplementary engine[8]
- (suffix) [Samolyto] Dahl'niy Okeahnskiy Razvedchik Ryby – long-range ocean fishery reconnaissance aircraft[6]
- DP
- (suffix) Dvukmestnyi Polutoplan – two-seat sesquiplane
- (suffix) Dahl'niy Strategicheskiy Razvedchik – long-range strategic reconnaissance aircraft[6]
- (suffix) Desahntno-Trahnsportnyy i Sanitarnyy – assault transport/ambulance[3]
- DU
- (suffix) Dvoinyi Upravlenii – war control
- DV
- (suffix) - Pe-2DV
- DZ
- (suffix) DoZaprahvka – in-flight refuelling[10]
- E
- 1. (suffix) Ekranoplan – wing in ground effect[15]
- 2. (suffix) Eksportnyy - export[10]
- 3. (suffix) Eksperimentahl'nyy - experimental[10]
- F
- 1. (suffix) Forseerovannyy - uprated
- 2. (suffix) Fonar – canopy
- 3. (suffix) Fotograficheskiy – photo[6]
- 4. (suffix) Fotorazvedchik - Photo-reconnaissance[15]
- FE
- (suffix) Frontovoy Eksportnyy – frontal/tactical export[10] MiG-31
- FG
- (suffix) FotokartGraficheskiy – photo survey / mapping
- FK
- (suffix) FotoKartgraficheskiy – photo mapping[6]
- (suffix) FotoKartgraficheskiy Modernizeerovannyy – photo mapping, modified[6]
- (suffix) FotoKartgraficheskiy Modernizeerovannyy Passazheerskiy – photo mapping, passenger[6]
- FL
- (suffix) -
- FN
- (suffix) -
- FT
- (suffix) Frontovoye Trebovaniye – front-line request
- FZ
- (suffix) Frontovoye Zadaniye –
- (suffix) Glavnaya Gheofizicheskaya Observatoriya – geophysical observatory[6]
- G
- 1. (suffix) Gak – hook[2] arrestor hook equipped
- 2. (suffix) G - Germany[10] MiG-29G German upgraded
- 3. (suffix) Ghidrosamolyot - floatplane[3]
- 4. (suffix) Groozovoy – cargo[6]
- GK
- 1. (suffix) Gruzovymi Kassetami – underwing cargo container
- 2. (suffix) Germetichyeskoi Kabine – hermetic pressure cabin
- Gr
- (suffix) Groozovoy – cargo[6]
- GrM
- (suffix) Groozovoy, Modernizeerovannyy – cargo, modified[6]
- GN
- (suffix) Golos Nyeba – voice from the sky
- GT
- (suffix) GT – Germany upgraded trainer[10] MiG-29GT German upgraded
- I
- 1. (suffix) Indeeskiy - Indian[10]
- 2. (suffix) Issledovatel'skiy – research[6]
- 3. (suffix) Istrebitel – fighter[2]
- 4. (suffix) Izrail'skoye [obroodovaniye] – Israeli [equipment][6]
- IB
- (suffix) Istrebitel Bombardirovshchik – fighter bomber[2]
- IS
- (suffix) Istrebitel soprovozhdeniya – escort fighter[3]
- ISh
- (suffix) Istrebitel' Shtoormovik – attack fighter[10]
- K
- 1. (suffix) -[10] MiG-27
- 2. (suffix) Kabina – cabin
- 3. (suffix) Kommerchesky – commercial for export[2]
- 4. (suffix) Kompleks [vo'oruzheniya – weapons [system][10]
- 5. (suffix) Konverteeruyennyy - convertible[3]
- 6. (suffix) Korabelnyi – ship based[10]
- 7. (suffix) Korotkonogii – short legged
- 8. (suffix) Korrektovovshchik – correction[15]
- 9. (suffix) [dlya podgotovki] Kosmonahvtov – for cosmonaut training[6]
- (suffix) Kombineerovnannaya Artillerisko Bombardirovochnaya Batareya Mozharovskovo i Venevidova – combined gun/bomb battery spotter designed by Mozharovskiy and Venevidova[3]
- Kh
- (suffix) Kholod - cold[6] cryogenic fuel testbed
- KR
- 1. (suffix) - MiG-27KR
- 2. (suffix) KorrektiRovschchik – artillery spotter[6]
- KU
- (suffix) Korabel'nyy Oochebnyy – shipboard trainer[10]
- (suffix) Korabel'nyy Oochebno-Boyevoy – shipboard combat trainer[10] MiG-29KUB
- (suffix) Korotkiy Vzlyot Posahdka – short landing/STOL[10]
- L
- 1. (suffix) Laborotoriya – laboratory[16]
- 2. (suffix) Lesozashchita – forestry protection[15]
- 3. (suffix) Limuzin – cabin transport
- 4. (suffix) Lyuks – de Luxe
- (suffix) Lytno-Ispytatel'nyy Kompleks – flight test complex[6]
- LL
- (suffix) Letyushchaya Laborotoriya – flying laboratory[14]
- (suffix) Letyushchaya Laborotoriya - Protivolodochnoy Obrony – flying laboratory – [ASW] anti submarine warfare[14]
- (suffix) Lyegkii Nochnoi Bomardirovshchik – light night bomber
- LP
- (suffix) LesopPozharnyy - forest patrol[6]
- (suffix) Lyezhachi Polozheni Lyetchik – prone position pilot
- LR
- (suffix) Ledovyy Razvedchik – ice reconnaissance[6]
- LS
- (suffix)0 Limuzin Svyarznoi -
- LSh
- 1. (suffix) Lyzhnoye Shassee – ski undercarriage[3]
- 2. (suffix) Lyokhkiy Shtoormovik – light attack aircraft[3]
- MF
- (suffix) -
- M
- 1. (suffix) Manevreeruyushchaya - manoeuvering[10]
- 2. (suffix) Mishen - target[10]
- 3. (prefix) Mishen – [radio-controlled] target[10]
- 4. (suffix) Morskoi - marine[8]
- 5. (suffix) Modernizeerovannyy – up-dated/modernised[10]
- 6. (suffix) Modifikatsirovanni - modified[2]
- 7. (suffix) Modifitseerovannyy – modified[3]
- 8. (suffix) Morskoi - marine
- 9. (suffix) - meteorological
- MD
- 1. (suffix) Modifitseerovannyy, Dorabotannyy - modified, upgraded[10]
- 2. (suffix) Modifitseerovannyy, Dahl'niy - modified, long-range[6]
- ME
- (suffix) Modernizeerovannyy Eksportnyy – up-dated/modernised export[10] MiG-29ME
- MF
- (suffix) Modifikahtsya dlya Filipin – Philippines export version[10] MiG-29MF
- (suffix) Ministerstvo Grazhdahnskoy Aviahtsii – ministry of civil aviation[6] Il-76MGA
- MK
- 1. (suffix) Modifitseerovannyy Konverteeruyemyy – modified, convertible[6] Il-76MK
- 2. (suffix) Mekhanizeerovannoye Krylo – mechanised wings[3] fitted with high lift devices
- ML
- (suffix) Modifitseerovannyy, Lyohkiy - modified lightweight[10]
- (suffix) Modifitseerovannyy, Lyohkiy, Ametist - modified lightweight fitted with Amethyst RADAR[10]
- (suffix) Modifitseerovannyy, Lyohkiy, Dorabotannyy - modified lightweight, upgraded[10]
- (suffix) Modifitseerovannyy, Lyohkiy, Dorabotannyy, Gardeniya - modified lightweight, upgraded, [fitted with] Gardenia radar[10]
- (suffix) Modifitseerovannyy, Lyohkiy, Gardeniya - modified lightweight, [fitted with] Gardenia radar[10]
- (suffix) Modifitseerovannyy, Lyohkiy, S - modified lightweight, S[10]
- MM
- (suffix) Mahlovysotnaya Mishen - low-altitude target[10]
- MMSh
- (suffix) Malya Mod Shturmovik – experimental engine attacker
- MP
- (suffix) - electronic countermeasures[2]
- MR
- (suffix) MeteoRazvedchik – weather reconnaissance[10]
- MS
- (suffix) -
- MSh
- (suffix) MiShen - target[3]
- MT
- (suffix) -
- MV
- (suffix) Modifitseerovannyy Vo'oruzhonnyy – modified armed[3]
- MZ
- (suffix) Modernizeerovannyy/Zaprahvshchik – modernised/tanker[6]
- N
- 1. (suffix) Nositel' [yadernovo oroozhiya] – [nuclear weapons] carrier[10]
- 2. (suffix) Nositel' [spetsboyepripasa] – [special weapons] carrier[10]
- 3. (suffix) N – [Malaysian export][10] MiG-29
- 4. (suffix) Nit – [fitted with] Nit'-S1[SLAR][6]
- (suffix) NochnoArtilleriskyi Korrektovovshchik – night artillery correction
- (suffix) N Uchebno-Boevoy –[Malaysian export] combat trainer[10] MiG-29
- OB
- (suffix) Odnomestnyi Biplan – single-seat biplane
- (suffix) Opytnny Experimental'nyy Samolyot – prototype experimental aircraft
- ON
- 1. (suffix) Odnomestnyi Nizkoplan – single-seat low-wing monoplane
- 2. (suffix) Osobogo Naznachyeniya – special/personal assignment
- OP
- (suffix) OPerahtorskiy [samolyot] – [camera] operators [aircraft]
- (suffix) Okeahnskiy Razvedchik Ryby – ocean / fishery reconnaissance aircraft[6]
- OS
- (suffix) Opyshyennyi Stabilizator – trimmed stabiliser
- (suffix) Otklonyayemyy Vektor Tyaghi – thrust vector control[10]
- P
- 1. (suffix) Passazheerskiy – passenger[6]
- 2. (suffix) Perkhvatchik' – interceptor
- 3. (suffix) Pushechnyy – cannon armed[8]
- 4. (suffix) Pochtovyy [samolyot] – mailplane
- 5. (suffix) Poplavkii – floats
- 6. (suffix) Poolsa – stripe
- 7. (suffix) Pozharnyy – forestry protection[15]
- 8. (suffix) Pererabotannyy - re-worked
- PA
- (suffix) Perkhvatchik' Aerostahtov – balloon interceptor
- PB
- (suffix) Planer Bombardirovshchik – glider bomber
- PD
- 1. (suffix) Perkhvatchik' Dorabotanny – interceptor modified[3]
- 2. (suffix) Podyomnyye Dvigateli – lift engines[10]
- (suffix) Perkhvatchik' Dorabotanny v Stroyoo – interceptor modified field-modified[10]
- (suffix) Perkhvatchik' Dorabotanny Zaprahvka – interceptor modified re-fuelling[10]
- PF
- (suffix) - photo mapping[15]
- (suffix) -
- (suffix) -
- (suffix) -
- PL
- (suffix) ProtivoLodochnyy - Anti-submarine[6]
- (suffix) Protivolodochnoy Obrony – [ASW] anti submarine warfare[14]
- PM
- 1. (suffix) Pilotazhnyy Modifitseerovannyy – aerobatic modified[3]
- 2. (suffix) Perekhvatchik' Modernizeerovannyy – interceptor modified[10]
- (suffix) Perekhvatchik' Modernizeerovannyy U – interceptor modified boosted[10]
- Polyarnyi
- (suffix) polar
- PP
- 1. (suffix) Postanovshchik Pomekh – ECM aircraft[10]
- 2. (suffix) Protivopozharnyy – fire fighting[6]
- (suffix) Patanovchik Pamech Aktivni'i – comint and jamming platform
- Poikovo-spasahtel'nyy Reaktivnyy [Ooskoritel'] Trahnsportnyy – SAR boosted transport[14]
- PS
- 1. (suffix) Pilotazhnyy Spetsiahl'nyy – aerobatic special[3]
- 2. (suffix) Pilotazhnyy Samolyot – aerobatic aircraft[3]
- 3. (suffix) Poiskovo-Spahtel'nyy – search and rescue[6]
- PT
- (suffix) Perkhvatchik' Teplvaya golovka samonavedeniya – interceptor with IR seeker head
- (suffix) Protivovozdushnaya Oborona – air defence[3]
- (suffix) Pryamototchnyye Vozdooshno Reaktivnyye Dvigatel - ramjets[3]
- PU
- (suffix) Perekhvatchik' Oochebnyy – interceptor trainer[10]
- (suffix) Perekhvatchik' Oochebnyy – Samolyot Optiko-Televizionnovo Nablyudeniya – interceptor trainer – optical/TV surveillance aircraft[10]
- (suffix) -
- R
- 1. (suffix) - Mi-10
- 2. (suffix) Razvedchik – reconnaissance[2]
- 3. (suffix) Reaktivnyy – jet propelled[3] reaction engines
- 4. (suffix) Rekordnyi - record
- RB
- (suffix) Razvedchik Bombardirovshchik – reconnaissance bomber[10]
- RBF (suffix) Razvedchik Bombardirovshchik [izdeliye 02]F – reconnaissance/bomber/electronic reconnaissance [fitted with 'Shar' sigint package in izdeliye02]F[10]
- (suffix) Razvedchik Bombardirovshchik s apparatooroy Koob – reconnaissance/bomber/electronic reconnaissance fitted with 'Koob' sigint package[10]
- (suffix) Razvedchik Bombardirovshchik Nochnoy – night reconnaissance/bomber/electronic reconnaissance[10]
- (suffix) Razvedchik Bombardirovshchik s apparatooroy Sablya – reconnaissance/bomber/electronic reconnaissance fitted with 'Sablya' SLAR[10]
- RBSh
- (suffix) Razvedchik Bombardirovshchik s apparatooroy Shompol – reconnaissance/bomber/electronic reconnaissance fitted with 'Shompol' sigint package[10]
- (suffix) Razvedchik Bombardirovshchik s apparatooroy Tangazh – reconnaissance/bomber/electronic reconnaissance fitted with 'Tangazh' sigint package[10]
- (suffix) Razvedchik Bombardirovshchik s apparatooroy Virazh – reconnaissance/bomber/electronic reconnaissance fitted with 'Virazh' sigint package[10]
- (suffix) Razvedchik Bombardirovshchik s apparatooroy Virazh Dorabotannyy dlya Zapravki – reconnaissance/bomber/electronic reconnaissance fitted with 'Virazh' sigint package and in flight refuelling[10]
- (suffix) Razvedchik Bombardirovshchik s apparatooroy Shompol Dorabotannyy dlya Zapravki – reconnaissance/bomber/electronic reconnaissance fitted with 'Shompol' sigint packageand in flight refuelling[10]
- RR
- (suffix) Razvedchik Ryby – fisheries reconnaissance[6]
- RD
- (suffix) Reaktivnyy Dvigatel – jet propelled engine[3]
- (suffix) [Samolyot] RahdioElektronnoy Bor'byy – electronic countermeasures aircraft[6]
- (suffix) [Samolyot] RahdioElektronnoye Oboroodovaniye – electronic equipment test-bed [aircraft][3]
- (suffix) RahdioElektronnoye Protivodeystviye - ECM Electronic Counter-Measures [aircraft][14]
- (suffix) Rahdio Lokatsionnyy Dozor – radar picket[6]
- RM
- (suffix) [samolyot] Razvedchik, Modifitseerovannyy – modified reconnaissance aircraft[6]
- RP
- (suffix) - fisheries reconnaissance
- RR
- (suffix) [samolyot] Radiotsionnyy Razvedchik – radiation intelligence [aircraft][3]
- (suffix) Radiotsionnyy Razvedchik Vysotnyy – radiation intelligence [aircraft], high altitude[3]
- RT
- 1. (suffix) Reaktivnyy [ooskoritel'] Trahnsportnyy - jet booster transport[14]
- 2. (suffix) ReTranslyator – relay installation[6]
- (suffix) ReTranslyator Laborotoriya – relay installation laboratory[6]
- (suffix) [Samolyot] RahdioTekhnicheskoy Razvedki – electronic reconnaissance aircraft[6]
- RU
- (suffix) Razvedchik Oochebnyy – reconnaissance aircraft, trainer[10]
- RV
- 1. (suffix) Razvedchik Vysotnyy – reconnaissance aircraft, high altitude[3]
- 2. (suffix) Reaktivnyy [Ooskoritel'] V – boosted V[14] An-24RV
- S
- 1. (suffix) -[10] MiG-29S
- 2. (suffix) Salon – vip aircraft[3]
- 3. (suffix) Sanitarnyy - medical[3]
- 4. (suffix) Sapfeer – [fitted with] Sapfeer [radar][10]
- 5. (suffix) Sereeynyy / Serinyi -series / production
- 6. (suffix) Stabilizator - stabiliser[10]
- 7. (suffix) Strelovidnoye [krylo] – swept wings[6]
- (suffix) Sistema Avtomaticheskovo Oopravleniya – [fitted with] automatic control system[10]
- SD
- (suffix) S Dozaprahvka – S in-flight refuelling[10] MiG-29SD
- (suffix) Skorostnyi Dnyevnoi Bombardirovshchik – high-speed day bomber
- (suffix) Samolyot-Dooblyor Komety – Kometa missilemanned analogue[10] MiG-17SDK
- SE
- (suffix) S Eksportnyy – S export[10] MiG-29SE
- Sh
- (suffix) Shturmovik - attack
- ShS
- (suffix) Shatbnoi Samolyet – staff aeroplane
- ShT
- (suffix) Shtabnoy Trahnsportnyy – Staff/HQ transport[14]
- (suffix) Samolyotnyy Izmeritel'nyy Poonkt – airborne measuring station[6]
- SK
- 1. (suffix) Spetsiahl'nyy Komahndnyy [samolyot] – special command [aircraft][6]
- 2. (suffix) Samolyotnyy Komahndno-[izmeritel'nyy poonkt] – airborne [measuring and] control [point][6] ULL-76 / ULL-76-02
- SKh
- (suffix) Sel'skoKhozyaistvennyy - agricultural sprayer/duster[3]
- SL
- (prefix) Samolyot-Laboratoriya – laboratory aircraft[6] Leninets re-designated their research aircraft with the prefix SL, thus the Il-18SL was probably more correctly designated the SL-18A
- SM
- (suffix) S Modernizeerovannyy - S modernised[10] MiG-29SM
- (suffix) S Modernizeerovannyy Toplivo – up-dated/modernised, fuel[10] Mig-29SMT
- (suffix) - border surveillance Mi-8
- SO
- Salon Obslooga – VIP service personnel[6]
- (suffix) Spetsializeerovannyy Oftal'mologicheskiy Letayushchiy Filiahl – specialised ophthalmic [surgery] flying branch office[6]
- SP
- (suffix) SpetzPrimeneniya or Spetsialno Primeneniya – special purposes
- (suffix) Skoropodyemnyi SkoroStrelnyi – speedster, high-speed lift, fast-shooter
- stk
- (suffix) [izdeliye S] trenirov-ochnoy Katapool'toy – training ejection system UTI-MiG-15stk[10]
- SU
- (suffix) Spahrennoye Oopravleniye – dual controls
- T
- 1. (suffix) Tankovyi – tank buster[2]
- 2. (suffix) Tahksi - taxi[3]
- 3. (suffix) Teplovaya [glovka Samonavedeniya] – Infra-Red seeker[10]
- 4. (suffix) Toplivo - fuel[10]
- 5. (suffix) Torpedonosyets – torpedo carrier[6]
- 6. (suffix) Trahnsportnyy – transport[6]
- 7. (suffix) Trenirovochnyy – proficiency trainer[3]
- 8. (suffix) Tryokhkolyosnoye Shasee – tri-cycle undercarriage[3]
- 9. (suffix) Tyazhelovo'oruzhonny – heavily armed[3]
- 10. (suffix) Treugol'noye(треугольный) [krylo] - triangular wing[11]
- TB
- 1. (suffix) Trahnsportno-Booksirovshchik – transport / glider tug[6]
- 2. (suffix) - Mil Mi-8TB
- (suffix) - Mil Mi-8TBK
- TD
- (suffix) Trahnsportno-Desahntnyy – transport / assault aircraft[6]
- TG
- 1. (suffix) Trahnsportno-Groozovoy – transport / cargo[6]
- 2. (suffix) - LPG powered Mi-8
- TK
- 1. (suffix) – anti-tank[2]
- 2. (suffix) - thin wing
- 3. (suffix) Trahnsportnyy, Konverteeruyemyy – convertible passenger/cargo[15]
- 4. (suffix) ToorboKompressorom - turbo-charged[8]
- (suffix) ToorboKompressorom Ghermeticheskoy Kabinoy - turbo-charged [engine], hermetically sealed cabin[8]
- TM
- (suffix) Torpedonosets Modifitseerovannyy – modified torpedo bomber[6]
- TS
- (suffix) Trahnsportno-Sanitarnyy – transport / medical[6]
- TP
- 1. (suffix) Torpedonosets Poplavkovyy – Torpedo carrier floatplane
- 2. (suffix) Trahnsportno-Paasazheerskiy – cargo / passenger[15]
- TV
- (suffix) Trahnsportnyy V – transport V[14]
- U
- UD
- (suffix) Oosovershenstvovannyy, Dereviannyy - improved, wooden[8]
- UF
- (suffix) Oochebnyy Fotosoprovozhdeniye – trainer-photographic support
- UB
- (suffix) Uchebno-Boevoy – combat trainer[2]
- (suffix) Uchebno-Boevoy Toplivo – combat trainer, fuel[10] MiG-29UBT
- (suffix) Uchebno-Boevoy Modernizeerovannyy – combat trainer, modernised[10] MiG-29UBM
- US
- (suffix) oochebnyy Sdoov [Pogranichnovo Sloya] – trainer with BLC[10]
- USh
- 1. (suffix) Oochebno Shtoormanskiy [Samolyot] – navigator trainer aircraft[6]
- 2. (suffix) U Shtoormanskiy [Samolyot] – U trainer aircraft[8] I-153USh
- (prefix) Ooniversahl'naya letyuschchaya Laboratoriya – universal flying laboratory
- UM
- 1. (suffix) Oochebnyy, Modernizeerovannyy – upgraded trainer[10]
- 2 (suffix) Uloochshennyy M – improved M[3] new build Yak-9U's
- US
- (suffix) -
- UT
- (suffix) Uchyebno Trenirovochnyi – conversion/proficiency/educational training[2]
- (suffix) Uchyebno Trenirovochnyi Gak – educational training with arrestor hook[2]
- (suffix) oochebno Trenirovochnyy Istrebitel' - fighter trainer[16]
- UV
- (suffix) Uloochshennyy Vyvoznoy – improved familiarisation training[3]
- (suffix) Ookorochennyy Vzlyot i Posahdka - STOL[10]
- V
- 1. (suffix) - floatplane[15] An-2 floatplane
- 2. (suffix) -[6] Il-18
- 3. (suffix) Vysotnyy – height/high-altitude[3]
- 4. (suffix) Vyvoznoy – familiarisation training[3]
- (suffix) Vysotnyi ToorboKompressorom Germetichyeskoi Kabine – high-altitude turbo-charged hermetic pressure cabin
- VB
- (suffix) Visotnyi Bombardirovshchik – high altitude bomber
- VI
- (suffix) Visotnyi Istrebitel – (ВИ, Высотный истребитель – high-altitude fighter)
- VK
- (suffix) Vozdooshno-Kosmicheskiy – air/space [satellite launcher][10]
- (suffix) Vozdooshnyy Komahndnyy Poonkt – Airborne command post[6]
- VP
- (suffix) -
- (suffix) Vozdooshnyy Poonkt Oopravleniya – airborne command post[6]
- (suffix) Vozdooshno Reaktivnyye Dvigatel - ramjets[3]
- (suffix) Vozdooshno-Reaktivnyy Dvigatel' Kompressornovo Tipa – compressor-type air-breathing engine[3]
- VS
- (suffix) Voiskovoi Seriya – military series
- VT
- 1. (suffix) V Trahnsportnyy – V transport[6] Il-18
- 2. (suffix) Voyenno-Trahnsportnyy [samolyot] – military transport aircraft[6] Il-114VT
- VV (suffix) Vertikahl'nyy Vzlyot – vertical take-off[3]
- (suffix) Vozduzhni'i Zapasdnoi Punkt Upravlenya – aerial emergency command post
- ZA
- (suffix) Zondirovshchik Atmosfery – atmosphere sampler[6]
- Zh
- (suffix) Zhidkosnyy[reaktivnyy dvigatel] – liquid fuelled [rocket motor][10]
- (suffix) Zavod Imyennyi Goltsman – Works named for Goltsman[1]
- ↑ 1.000 1.001 1.002 1.003 1.004 1.005 1.006 1.007 1.008 1.009 1.010 1.011 1.012 1.013 1.014 1.015 1.016 1.017 1.018 1.019 1.020 1.021 1.022 1.023 1.024 1.025 1.026 1.027 1.028 1.029 1.030 1.031 1.032 1.033 1.034 1.035 1.036 1.037 1.038 1.039 1.040 1.041 1.042 1.043 1.044 1.045 1.046 1.047 1.048 1.049 1.050 1.051 1.052 1.053 1.054 1.055 1.056 1.057 1.058 1.059 1.060 1.061 1.062 1.063 1.064 1.065 1.066 1.067 1.068 1.069 1.070 1.071 1.072 1.073 1.074 1.075 1.076 1.077 1.078 1.079 1.080 1.081 1.082 1.083 1.084 1.085 1.086 1.087 1.088 1.089 1.090 1.091 1.092 1.093 1.094 1.095 1.096 1.097 1.098 1.099 1.100 1.101 1.102 1.103 1.104 1.105 1.106 1.107 1.108 1.109 1.110 1.111 1.112 1.113 1.114 1.115 1.116 1.117 1.118 1.119 1.120 1.121 1.122 1.123 1.124 1.125 1.126 1.127 1.128 1.129 1.130 1.131 1.132 1.133 1.134 1.135 1.136 1.137 1.138 1.139 1.140 1.141 1.142 1.143 1.144 1.145 1.146 1.147 1.148 1.149 1.150 1.151 1.152 1.153 1.154 1.155 1.156 1.157 1.158 1.159 1.160 1.161 1.162 1.163 1.164 1.165 1.166 1.167 1.168 1.169 1.170 1.171 1.172 1.173 1.174 1.175 1.176 1.177 1.178 1.179 1.180 1.181 1.182 1.183 1.184 1.185 1.186 1.187 1.188 1.189 1.190 1.191 1.192 1.193 1.194 1.195 1.196 1.197 1.198 1.199 1.200 1.201 1.202 1.203 1.204 1.205 1.206 1.207 1.208 1.209 1.210 1.211 1.212 1.213 1.214 1.215 1.216 1.217 1.218 1.219 1.220 1.221 1.222 1.223 1.224 1.225 Gunston, Bill. The Osprey Encyclopaedia of Russian Aircraft 1875 – 1995. London, Osprey. 1995. ISBN 1-85532-405-9
- ↑ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 Antonov,Vladimir & Gordon, Yefim & others. OKB Sukhoi. Leicester. Midland. 1996. ISBN 1-85780-012-5
- ↑ 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.28 3.29 3.30 3.31 3.32 3.33 3.34 3.35 3.36 3.37 3.38 3.39 3.40 3.41 3.42 3.43 3.44 3.45 3.46 3.47 3.48 3.49 3.50 Gordon, Yefim. Komissarov, Dmitry & Sergey. OKB Yakovlev. Hinkley. Midland. 2005. ISBN 1-85780-203-9
- ↑ Gordon,Yefim & Rigmant, Vladimir. Tupolev Tu-144. Midland. Hinkley. 2005. ISBN 1-85780-216-0 ISBN 978 185780 216 0
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Gordon, Yefim. Myasischev M-4 and 3M. Hinkley. Midland. 2003. ISBN 1-85780-152-0
- ↑ 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 6.21 6.22 6.23 6.24 6.25 6.26 6.27 6.28 6.29 6.30 6.31 6.32 6.33 6.34 6.35 6.36 6.37 6.38 6.39 6.40 6.41 6.42 6.43 6.44 6.45 6.46 6.47 6.48 6.49 6.50 6.51 6.52 6.53 6.54 6.55 6.56 6.57 6.58 6.59 6.60 6.61 6.62 6.63 6.64 6.65 6.66 Gordon, Yefim. Komissarov, Dmitry & Sergey. OKB Ilyushin. Hinkley. Midland. 2004. ISBN 1-85780-187-3
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 Gordon, Yefim. Early Soviet Jet Bombers. Hinkley, Midland. 2004. ISBN 1-85780-181-4
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 Gordon,Yefim. & Dexter, Keith. Polikarpov's Biplane Fighters. Hinkley. Midland Publishing. 2002. ISBN 1-85780-141-5
- ↑ Gordon, Yefim; Peter Davison (2006). Tupolev Tu-95 Bear. Warbird Tech. Vol. 43. USA: Speciality Press. ISBN 978-1-58007-102-4.
- ↑ 10.00 10.01 10.02 10.03 10.04 10.05 10.06 10.07 10.08 10.09 10.10 10.11 10.12 10.13 10.14 10.15 10.16 10.17 10.18 10.19 10.20 10.21 10.22 10.23 10.24 10.25 10.26 10.27 10.28 10.29 10.30 10.31 10.32 10.33 10.34 10.35 10.36 10.37 10.38 10.39 10.40 10.41 10.42 10.43 10.44 10.45 10.46 10.47 10.48 10.49 10.50 10.51 10.52 10.53 10.54 10.55 10.56 10.57 10.58 10.59 10.60 10.61 10.62 10.63 10.64 10.65 10.66 10.67 10.68 10.69 10.70 10.71 10.72 10.73 10.74 10.75 10.76 10.77 10.78 10.79 10.80 10.81 10.82 Gordon, Yefim & Komissarov, Dmitry. OKB Mikoyan. Hinkley, Midland. 2009. ISBN 978-1-85780-307-5
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 Gordon, Yefim. Sukhoi Interceptors. Hinkley, Midland. 2004. ISBN 1-85780-180-6
- ↑ Gordon, Yefim. Soviet Heavy Interceptors. Hinkley, Midland. 2004. ISBN 1-85780-191-1
- ↑ Gordon, Yefim. Soviet/Russian Aircraft Weapons. Midland. 2004. ISBN 1-85780-188-1
- ↑ 14.00 14.01 14.02 14.03 14.04 14.05 14.06 14.07 14.08 14.09 14.10 14.11 Gordon, Yefim. Komissarov, Dmitry & Sergey. Antonov's Turboprop Twins. Hinkley. Midland. 2003. ISBN 1-85780-153-9
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 15.7 15.8 Gordon,Yefim & Komissarov, Dmitry. Antonov An-2. Midland. Hinkley. 2004. ISBN 1-85780-162-8
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 Gordon, Yefim. Early Soviet Jet Fighters. Hinkley, Midland. 2002. ISBN 1-85780-139-3
Gordon, Yefim; Peter Davison (2006). Tupolev Tu-95 Bear. Warbird Tech. Vol. 43. USA: Speciality Press. ISBN 978-1-58007-102-4.
- Gordon, Yefim. Early Soviet Jet Bombers. Hinkley, Midland. 2004. ISBN 1-85780-181-4
- Gordon, Yefim. Early Soviet Jet Fighters. Hinkley, Midland. 2002. ISBN 1-85780-139-3
- Gordon, Yefim. Sukhoi Interceptors. Hinkley, Midland. 2004. ISBN 1-85780-180-6
- Gordon, Yefim. Soviet Rocket Fighters. Hinkley, Midland. 2006. ISBN 1-85780-245-4 / ISBN 978-1-85780-245-0
- Gordon, Yefim. Soviet Heavy Interceptors. Hinkley, Midland. 2004. ISBN 1-85780-191-1
- Gordon, Yefim. Lavochkin's Last Jets. Hinkley, Midland. 2004. ISBN 1-85780-253-5 / ISBN 978-1-85780-253-5
- Gordon, Yefim & Komissarov, Dmitry & Komissarov, Sergey. OKB Ilyushin. Hinkley, Midland. 2004. ISBN 1-85780-187-3
- Gunston, Bill. The Osprey Encyclopaedia of Russian Aircraft 1875 – 1995. London, Osprey. 1995. ISBN 1-85532-405-9
- Antonov, Vladimir & Gordon, Yefim & others. OKB Sukhoi. Leicester. Midland. 1996. ISBN 1-85780-012-5
- Gordon, Yefim. Komissarov, Dmitry & Sergey. OKB Yakovlev. Hinkley. Midland. 2005. ISBN 1-85780-203-9
- Gordon, Yefim & Komissarov, Dmitry. OKB Mikoyan. Hinkley, Midland. 2009. ISBN 978-1-85780-307-5
- Gordon, Yefim. Komissarov, Dmitry & Sergey. OKB Ilyushin. Hinkley. Midland. 2004. ISBN 1-85780-187-3
- Gordon, Yefim & Rigmant, Vladimir. Tupolev Tu-144. Midland. Hinkley. 2005. ISBN 1-85780-216-0 ISBN 978 185780 216 0
- Gordon, Yefim & Komissarov, Dmitry. Antonov An-12. Midland. Hinkley. 2007. ISBN 1-85780-255-1 ISBN 978 1 85780 255 9
- Gordon, Yefim & Komissarov, Dmitry & Komissarov, Sergey. Mil's Heavylift Helicopters. Hinkley, Midland. 2005. ISBN 1-85780-206-3
- Gordon, Yefim. Tupolev Tu-160 "Blackjack". Hinkley, Midland. 2003. ISBN 1-85780-147-4
- Gordon, Yefim & Komissarov, Dmitry. Antonov's Jet Twins. Hinkley, Midland. 2005. ISBN 1-85780-199-7
- Gordon, Yefim & Komissarov, Dmitry. Kamov Ka-27/-32 Family. Hinkley, Midland. 2006. ISBN 1-85780-237-3 ISBN 978 1 85780 237 5
- Gordon, Yefim & Komissarov, Dmitry. Antonov An-2. Midland. Hinkley. 2004. ISBN 1-85780-162-8
- Gordon, Yefim & Rigmant, Vladimir. Tupolev Tu-114. Midland. Hinkley. 2007. ISBN 1-85780-246-2 ISBN 978 1 85780 246 7
- Gordon, Yefim & Komissarov, Dmitry. Ilyushin Il-12 and Il-14. Midland. Hinkley. 2005. ISBN 1-85780-223-3 ISBN 978 1 85780 223 8
- Gordon, Yefim. Yakovlev Yak-36, Yak-38 & Yak-41. Midland. Hinkley. 2008. ISBN 978-1-85780-287-0
- Gordon, Yefim. Komissarov, Dmitry & Sergey. Antonov's Turboprop Twins. Hinkley. Midland. 2003. ISBN 1-85780-153-9
- Gordon, Yefim. Myasischev M-4 and 3M. Hinkley. Midland. 2003. ISBN 1-85780-152-0
- Gordon, Yefim & Rigmant, Vladimir. Tupolev Tu-104. Midland. Hinkley. 2007. ISBN 978-1-85780-265-8
- Gordon, Yefim. Komissarov, Dmitry. Mil Mi-8/Mi-17. Hinkley. Midland. 2003. ISBN 1-85780-161-X
- Gordon, Yefim & Dexter, Kieth Polikarpov's I-16 Fighter. Hinkley. Midland. 2001. ISBN 1-85780-131-8
- Gordon, Yefim. Mikoyan MiG-25 "Foxbat". Hinkley. Midland. 2007. ISBN 1-85780-259-4 ISBN 978 1 85780 259 7
- Gordon, Yefim & Dexter, Kieth Mikoyan's Piston-Engined Fighters. Hinkley. Midland. 2003. ISBN 1-85780-160-1
- Gordon, Yefim & Rigmant, Vladimir. Tupolev Tu-4. Midland. Hinkley. 2002. ISBN 1-85780-142-3
- Gordon, Yefim. Sukhoi S-37 and Mikoyan MFI. Midland. Hinkley. 2001 reprinted 2006. ISBN 1-85780-120-2 ISBN 978 1 85780 120 0
- Gordon, Yefim. Khazanov, Dmitry. Yakovlev's Piston-Engined Fighters. Hinkley. Midland. 2002. ISBN 1-85780-140-7
- Gordon, Yefim. Sal'nikov, Andrey. Zablotsky, Aleksandr. Beriev's Jet Flying Boats. Hinkley. Midland. 2006. ISBN 1-85780-236-5 ISBN 978 1 85780 236 8
- Gordon, Yefim. & Dexter, Keith. Polikarpov's Biplane Fighters. Hinkley. Midland Publishing. 2002. ISBN 1-85780-141-5
- Gordon, Yefim. Soviet/Russian Aircraft Weapons. Midland. 2004. ISBN 1-85780-188-1
- Tupolev SB Wikipedia Tupolev SB