Helly's selection theorem

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In mathematics, Helly's selection theorem (also called the Helly selection principle) states that a uniformly bounded sequence of monotone real functions admits a convergent subsequence. In other words, it is a sequential compactness theorem for the space of uniformly bounded monotone functions. It is named for the Austrian mathematician Eduard Helly. A more general version of the theorem asserts compactness of the space BVloc of functions locally of bounded total variation that are uniformly bounded at a point. The theorem has applications throughout mathematical analysis. In probability theory, the result implies compactness of a tight family of measures.

Statement of the theorem

Let (fn)n ∈ N be a sequence of increasing functions mapping a real interval I into the real line R, and suppose that it is uniformly bounded: there are a,b ∈ R such that a ≤ fn ≤ b for every n  ∈  N. Then the sequence (fn)n ∈ N admits a pointwise convergent subsequence.


Step 1. An increasing function f on an interval I has at most countably many points of discontinuity.

Let A={xI:f(y)↛f(x) as yx}, i.e. the set of discontinuities, then since f is increasing, any x in A satisfies f(x)f(x)f(x+), where f(x)=lim\limits yxf(y),f(x+)=lim\limits yxf(y), hence by discontinuity, f(x)<f(x+). Since the set of rational numbers is dense in R, xA[(f(x),f(x+))Q] is non-empty. Thus the axiom of choice indicates that there is a mapping s from A to Q. It is sufficient to show that s is injective, which implies that A has a non-larger cardinity than Q, which is countable. Suppose x1,x2A, x1<x2, then f(x1)<f(x1+)f(x2)<f(x2+), by the construction of s, we have s(x1)<s(x2). Thus s is injective.

Step 2. Inductive Construction of a subsequence converging at discontinuities and rationals.

Let An={xI;fn(y)↛fn(x) as yx}, i.e. the discontinuities of fn, A=(nNAn)(IQ), then A is countable, and it can be denoted as {an: nN}. By the uniform boundedness of (fn)n ∈ N and B-W theorem, there is a subsequence (f(1)n)n ∈ N such that (f(1)n(a1))n ∈ N converges. Suppose (f(k)n)n ∈ N has been chosen such that (f(k)n(ai))n ∈ N converges for i=1,...,k, then by uniform boundedness, there is a subsequence (f(k+1)n)n ∈ N of (f(k)n)n ∈ N, such that (f(k+1)n(ak+1))n ∈ N converges, thus (f(k+1)n)n ∈ N converges for i=1,...,k+1. Let gk=fk(k), then gk is a subsequence of fn that converges pointwise in A.

Step 3. gk converges in I except possibly in an at most countable set.

Let hk(x)=supax,aAgk(a), then , hk(a)=gk(a) for aA, hk is increasing, let h(x)=lim sup\limits khk(x), then h is increasing, since supremes and limits of increasing functions are increasing, and h(a)=lim\limits kgk(a) for aA by Step 2. By Step 1, h has at most countably many discontinuities. We will show that gk converges at all continuities of h. Let x be a continuity of h, q,r∈ A, q<x<r, then gk(q)h(r)gk(x)h(x)gk(r)h(q),hence lim sup\limits k(gk(x)h(x))lim sup\limits k(gk(r)h(q))=h(r)h(q) h(q)h(r)=lim inf\limits k(gk(q)h(r))lim inf\limits k(gk(x)h(x)) Thus, h(q)h(r)lim inf\limits k(gk(x)h(x))lim sup\limits k(gk(x)h(x))h(r)h(q) Since h is continuous at x, by taking the limits qx,rx, we have h(q),h(r)h(x), thus lim\limits kgk(x)=h(x)

Step 4. Choosing a subsequence of gk that converges pointwise in I

This can be done with a diagonal process similar to Step 2. With the above steps we have constructed a subsequence of (fn)n ∈ N that converges pointwise in I.

Generalisation to BVloc

Let U be an open subset of the real line and let fn : U → R, n ∈ N, be a sequence of functions. Suppose that (fn) has uniformly bounded total variation on any W that is compactly embedded in U. That is, for all sets W ⊆ U with compact closure  ⊆ U,

where the derivative is taken in the sense of tempered distributions.

Then, there exists a subsequence fnk, k ∈ N, of fn and a function f : U → R, locally of bounded variation, such that

limkW|fnk(x)f(x)|dx=0; [1]: 132 
  • and, for W compactly embedded in U,
dfdtL1(W)lim infkdfnkdtL1(W).[1]: 122 

Further generalizations

There are many generalizations and refinements of Helly's theorem. The following theorem, for BV functions taking values in Banach spaces, is due to Barbu and Precupanu: Let X be a reflexive, separable Hilbert space and let E be a closed, convex subset of X. Let Δ : X → [0, +∞) be positive-definite and homogeneous of degree one. Suppose that zn is a uniformly bounded sequence in BV([0, T]; X) with zn(t) ∈ E for all n ∈ N and t ∈ [0, T]. Then there exists a subsequence znk and functions δz ∈ BV([0, T]; X) such that

  • for all t ∈ [0, T],
  • and, for all t ∈ [0, T],
  • and, for all 0 ≤ s < t ≤ T,

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 Ambrosio, Luigi; Fusco, Nicola; Pallara, Diego (2000). Functions of Bounded Variation and Free Discontinuity Problems. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198502456.
  • Rudin, W. (1976). Principles of Mathematical Analysis. International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics (Third ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. 167. ISBN 978-0070542358.
  • Barbu, V.; Precupanu, Th. (1986). Convexity and optimization in Banach spaces. Mathematics and its Applications (East European Series). Vol. 10 (Second Romanian ed.). Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co. xviii+397. ISBN 90-277-1761-3. MR860772