Image (category theory)

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In category theory, a branch of mathematics, the image of a morphism is a generalization of the image of a function.

General definition

Given a category C and a morphism f:XY in C, the image[1] of f is a monomorphism m:IY satisfying the following universal property:

  1. There exists a morphism e:XI such that f=me.
  2. For any object I with a morphism e:XI and a monomorphism m:IY such that f=me, there exists a unique morphism v:II such that m=mv.


  1. such a factorization does not necessarily exist.
  2. e is unique by definition of m monic.
  3. me=f=me=mve, therefore e=ve by m monic.
  4. v is monic.
  5. m=mv already implies that v is unique.
File:Image Theorie des catégories.png

The image of f is often denoted by Imf or Im(f). Proposition: If C has all equalizers then the e in the factorization f=me of (1) is an epimorphism.[2]


Let α,β be such that αe=βe, one needs to show that α=β. Since the equalizer of (α,β) exists, e factorizes as e=qe with q monic. But then f=(mq)e is a factorization of f with (mq) monomorphism. Hence by the universal property of the image there exists a unique arrow v:IEqα,β such that m=mqv and since m is monic idI=qv. Furthermore, one has mq=(mqv)q and by the monomorphism property of mq one obtains idEqα,β=vq.

File:E epimorphism.png

This means that IEqα,β and thus that idI=qv equalizes (α,β), whence α=β.

Second definition

In a category C with all finite limits and colimits, the image is defined as the equalizer (Im,m) of the so-called cokernel pair (YXY,i1,i2), which is the cocartesian of a morphism with itself over its domain, which will result in a pair of morphisms i1,i2:YYXY, on which the equalizer is taken, i.e. the first of the following diagrams is cocartesian, and the second equalizing.[3]

File:Cokernel pair.png
File:Equalizer of the cokernel pair, diagram.png


  1. Finite bicompleteness of the category ensures that pushouts and equalizers exist.
  2. (Im,m) can be called regular image as m is a regular monomorphism, i.e. the equalizer of a pair of morphisms. (Recall also that an equalizer is automatically a monomorphism).
  3. In an abelian category, the cokernel pair property can be written i1f=i2f(i1i2)f=0=0f and the equalizer condition i1m=i2m(i1i2)m=0m. Moreover, all monomorphisms are regular.

Theorem — If f always factorizes through regular monomorphisms, then the two definitions coincide.


First definition implies the second: Assume that (1) holds with m regular monomorphism.

  • Equalization: one needs to show that i1m=i2m . As the cokernel pair of f,i1f=i2f and by previous proposition, since C has all equalizers, the arrow e in the factorization f=me is an epimorphism, hence i1f=i2fi1m=i2m.
  • Universality: in a category with all colimits (or at least all pushouts) m itself admits a cokernel pair (YIY,c1,c2)
File:Cokernel pair m.png
Moreover, as a regular monomorphism, (I,m) is the equalizer of a pair of morphisms b1,b2:YB but we claim here that it is also the equalizer of c1,c2:YYIY.
Indeed, by construction b1m=b2m thus the "cokernel pair" diagram for m yields a unique morphism u:YIYB such that b1=uc1,b2=uc2. Now, a map m:IY which equalizes (c1,c2) also satisfies b1m=uc1m=uc2m=b2m, hence by the equalizer diagram for (b1,b2), there exists a unique map h:II such that m=mh.
Finally, use the cokernel pair diagram (of f) with j1:=c1,j2:=c2,Z:=YIY : there exists a unique u:YXYYIY such that c1=ui1,c2=ui2. Therefore, any map g which equalizes (i1,i2) also equalizes (c1,c2) and thus uniquely factorizes as g=mh. This exactly means that (I,m) is the equalizer of (i1,i2).

Second definition implies the first:

  • Factorization: taking m:=f in the equalizer diagram (m corresponds to g), one obtains the factorization f=mh.
  • Universality: let f=me be a factorization with m regular monomorphism, i.e. the equalizer of some pair (d1,d2).
Then d1m=d2md1f=d1me=d2me=d2f so that by the "cokernel pair" diagram (of f), with j1:=d1,j2:=d2,Z:=D, there exists a unique u:YXYD such that d1=ui1,d2=ui2.
Now, from i1m=i2m (m from the equalizer of (i1, i2) diagram), one obtains d1m=ui1m=ui2m=d2m, hence by the universality in the (equalizer of (d1, d2) diagram, with f replaced by m), there exists a unique v:ImI such that m=mv.


In the category of sets the image of a morphism f:XY is the inclusion from the ordinary image {f(x)|xX} to Y. In many concrete categories such as groups, abelian groups and (left- or right) modules, the image of a morphism is the image of the correspondent morphism in the category of sets. In any normal category with a zero object and kernels and cokernels for every morphism, the image of a morphism f can be expressed as follows:

im f = ker coker f

In an abelian category (which is in particular binormal), if f is a monomorphism then f = ker coker f, and so f = im f.

Essential Image

A related notion to image is essential image.[4] A subcategory CB of a (strict) category is said to be replete if for every xC, and for every isomorphism ι:xy, both ι and y belong to C. Given a functor F:AB between categories, the smallest replete subcategory of the target n-category B containing the image of A under F.

See also


  1. Mitchell, Barry (1965), Theory of categories, Pure and applied mathematics, vol. 17, Academic Press, ISBN 978-0-12-499250-4, MR 0202787 Section I.10 p.12
  2. Mitchell, Barry (1965), Theory of categories, Pure and applied mathematics, vol. 17, Academic Press, ISBN 978-0-12-499250-4, MR 0202787 Proposition 10.1 p.12
  3. Kashiwara, Masaki; Schapira, Pierre (2006), "Categories and Sheaves", Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften, vol. 332, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 113–114 Definition 5.1.1
  4. "essential image in nLab". Retrieved 2024-11-15.