"Obsession" is a song by the French Canadian synthpop group Nudimension.
The single is in the French language (With the exception of a single English refrain from Anne Marie Cyr) and was recorded at Fountain Studios, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Released by Saison Records (Canada) in May 1984,[1] it became the second single for Nudimension and like most singles featured [part-time TV presenter Cyr on vocals. It would achieve moderate success in French speaking regions of Canada, charting in the top 20 francophone Québécoise charts,[1] and in Europe.[2]
After the single charted, an English-language version (now renamed "Rendez-Vous") was recorded. The English-language version of the song was not released as a single, however in 2009 it was featured on the band's remastered album The Best of Nudimension.[3]