Portal:Latter Day Saint movement/Timeline of Mormonism

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  Timeline of Mormonism
Book of Mormon
2200–600 BC According to the Book of Mormon, the Jaredites left the area around the Tower of Babel. They traveled to the Americas with help from God. In the Americas, the people fought each other in a civil war and destroyed themselves. The last prophet of that time, Ether, wrote the history of his people on plates. This is the Book of Ether.
600 BC–0 The prophet Lehi had a house in Jerusalem. He escaped Babylonian captivity by travelling with his family to the Americas. God revealed to him during the journey the Tree of life vision. The Liahona showed him the way to follow. His descendants, the Nephites and Lamanites, populated the area.
0–33 AD The descendants of Lehi were visited by the resurrected Jesus. Jesus explained to them that they were a part of the Ten Lost Tribes and preached a sermon, which had similarities to the Sermon on the Mount.
33–400 AD Mormon wrote the history of his people on the Golden plates before he died during a battle on the Hill Cumorah. His son, Moroni, added his own words and the Book of Ether to the record. Moroni hid and protected the Golden plates at the Hill Cumorah. For a possible map look at Image:Book of Mormon Lands and Sites2.jpg. For Videos look at Book of Mormon Videos.
Great Apostasy
The age after the Book of Mormon, but before the founding events of the Church of Christ, is called the Great Apostasy.
1492 The Americas were discovered on 12 October.
1611 The King James Version of the Bible was published for the first time.
1620 The Pilgrim Fathers arrived on the Mayflower at the area which is today known as Cape Cod, on 12 November.
1787 The United States Constitution was signed on 17 September.
1805 Joseph Smith was born on 23 December, in Vermont.
1816 The Smith family moved to Palmyra, New York during a time called the Second Great Awakening.
1820 Joseph Smith said that he received the First Vision in the spring during this year.
1823 On 21 September, the Angel Moroni appeared for the first time and Joseph was told about the Hill Cumorah on the next day.
1827 On 18 January, Joseph married Emma Hale, against the consent of her parents. On 22 September, he received the Golden plates from the Angel Moroni.
1828 April: Martin Harris became the scribe for Joseph. Joseph stopped using him for that task after 116 pages were lost by Martin.
1829 5 April: Oliver Cowdery became the new scribe for Joseph. 15 May: Joseph and Oliver received the Aaronic priesthood. June: The Book of Mormon witnesses testified to the truthfullness of the record.
1830 On 26 March, the Book of Mormon was published for the first time. On 6 April, the Church of Christ (Latter Day Saints) was founded and in October, Sidney Rigdon joined the church.
1832 The First Presidency was founded by Joseph and his two counselors.
1833 On 27 February, the Word of Wisdom was revealed to Joseph. In the same year he published the concept of Zion.
1835 138 Revelations of Joseph Smith were published in the book Doctrine and Covenants.
1836 The Kirtland Temple was dedicated on 27 March. In November, the Kirtland Safety Society was founded.
1838 The non-Mormon Governor from Missouri, Lilburn Boggs, issued Missouri Executive Order 44 on 27 October. In the same year, the church's name was adopted through a revelation.
1839 Joseph Smith and his followers escaped to Illinois and founded there the city Nauvoo in April.
1842 Emma Hale Smith founded the Relief Society together with Joseph Smith on 17 March. The Articles of Faith and the Book of Abraham were published.
1843 Joseph Smith proclaimed baptism for the dead and polygamy.
1844 Joseph Smith was killed on 27 June.
1845 Brigham Young gave the first Endowments to church members, on 10 December.
1846 On 4 February, the Mormon pioneers began their escape under the direction of Brigham Young. The Mexican–American War began on 25 April and the Mormon Battalion enlisted. On 30 April, the Nauvoo Temple was completed and dedicated.
1847 Pioneer Day: On 24 July, the Mormon pioneers arrived in the Salt Lake Valley. Later in the year, after leading the church as President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles for several years, Brigham Young became President of the Church. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir was founded.
1848 Many thousand Mormons came over the Mormon Trail to Salt Lake City.
1849 The provisional State of Deseret was organized, but was rejected by the United States Congress. The Utah Territory was proposed instead.
1851 The first pages of the Book of Moses were published.
1852 The Church of Christ (Temple Lot) was founded.
1857 The Utah War started.
1858 The Utah War ended with Brigham Young being replaced as Governor of Utah Territory.
1860 The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was officially founded on 6 April.
1867 The Salt Lake Tabernacle was completed.
1875 Brigham Young University was founded by Karl G. Maeser.
1880 The Pearl of Great Price was accepted as scripture by the church during general conference on 10 October.
1890 The President of the Church, Wilford Woodruff, proclaimed the end of Polygamy in the 1890 Manifesto.
1893 The Salt Lake Temple was dedicated on 6 April, exactly forty years after construction began.
1894 The Family History Library was founded on 13 November.
1896 Utah became a state of the United States on 4 January.
1935 The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was founded by excommunicated Polygamists.
1942 Helmuth Hübener was excommunicated from the church and executed by the German government because of his resistance to the Third Reich, on 27 October.
1952 First graphical representation of the Plan of salvation (Latter Day Saints).
1955 The Bern Switzerland Temple was dedicated by David O. McKay on 11 September.
1978 The 1978 Revelation on Priesthood was accepted by the General Conference on 30 September.
1985 The Freiberg Germany Temple was dedicated by Gordon B. Hinckley on 29 June.
1987 The Frankfurt Germany Temple was dedicated by Ezra Taft Benson on 28 August.
1992 The Encyclopedia of Mormonism was published by Brigham Young University in March.
1994 The Independence Temple was dedicated by the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on 17 April.
1995 The statement, The Family: A Proclamation to the World, was first published on 23 September.
1999 The Orchestra at Temple Square was founded by Gordon B. Hinckley.
2000 The Conference Center was dedicated on 8 October.
2001 The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints changed its name to Community of Christ.
2003 The Book of Mormon Movie was given a limited theatrical release on 12 September.
2004 The German Dieter F. Uchtdorf was accepted into the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (LDS Church), on 7 October.
2012 In the 2012 United States presidential election, was Mitt Romney nominated, who is a Mormon. He lost the election to Barack Obama.
2014 The documentary Meet the Mormons premiered in the cinemas of the United States on 10 October.
2016 The Provo City Center Temple was dedicated by Dallin H. Oaks on 20 March, the 150th temple.
2017 The Paris France Temple was dedicated by Henry B. Eyring on 21 May.
2018 The film Believer (2018 American film) was released.
2019 The Rome Italy Temple was dedicated by Russell M. Nelson on 10 March. The Book of Mormon Videos were released.
2020 Russell M. Nelson announced a new symbol for the church, featuring an image of the Christus (statue) as the central element, on April 4.
2021 Ensign ceased publication and was replaced by Liahona.