Soling European Championship results (1985–1989)

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File:Soling insigna.png
File:Soling Line Drawing.svg

The main article describes all European Soling Championships from one the first held in 1968 to the announced Championships in the near future. This article states the detailed results, where relevant the controversies, and the progression of the Championship during the series race by race of the European Soling Championships in the years 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 and 1989. This is based on the major sources: World Sailing, the world governing body for the sport of sailing recognized by the IOC and the IPC, and the publications of the International Soling Association. Unfortunately not all crew names are documented in the major sources.

1985 Final results

File:Balatonfured harbour.png
Balatonfüred harbour
Event title
Edition18 [1][2][3]
HostBalatonfüredi Sport Club
Event details
File:Flag of Hungary.svg Hungary
Dates17–27 May
Opening ceremony21 May
Competing nations15
1st place, gold medalist(s) GoldFile:Flag of Norway.svg Norway
Terje Wang
Jan Petterson
Bjørn Selander
2nd place, silver medalist(s) SilverFile:Flag of East Germany.svg East Germany
Jochen Schümann
Thomas Flach
Bernd Jäkel
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) BronzeFile:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union
Georgy Shayduko
Sergey Kanov
Nikolay Polyakov
← 1984
1986 →

Remarkable is that the Norwegian team won this European Championship without a single race victory. The team of Jochen Schumann was in the lead until the final leg of the event. On the last moment team Terje Wang took the 8th place in the final race thus winning the event by just one point!

Rank Country Helmsman Crew Sail No. Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Total Total

Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts.
1st place, gold medalist(s) File:Flag of Norway.svg NOR Terje Wang Jan Petterson
Bjørn Selander
N 96 12 18.0 6 11.7 25 31.0 2 3.0 3 5.7 2 3.0 8 14.0 86.4 55.4
2nd place, silver medalist(s) File:Flag of East Germany.svg GDR Jochen Schümann Thomas Flach
Bernd Jäkel
DDR 1 1 0.0 3 5.7 1 0.0 3 5.7 15 21.0 18 24.0 22 28.0 84.4 56.4
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg URS Georgy Shayduko Sergey Kanov
Nikolay Polyakov
SR 27 7 13.0 14 20.0 10 16.0 5 10.0 2 3.0 14 20.0 1 0.0 82.0 62.0
4 File:Flag of the United States.svg USA John Kostecki Robert Billingham
William Baylis
US 706 10 16.0 8 14.0 13 19.0 27 33.0 1 0.0 13 19.0 4 8.0 109.0 76.0
5 File:Flag of Germany.svg FRG Erich Hirt, Jr. Frank Neufing
Kai Michels
G 219 4 8.0 15 21.0 2 3.0 17 23.0 7 13.0 8 14.0 21 27.0 109.0 82.0
6 File:Flag of Finland.svg FIN Tom Jungell Markus Mannstrom
S. Harima
L 47 9 15.0 13 19.0 YMP 26.0 33 39.0 4 8.0 5 10.0 3 5.7 122.7 83.7
7 File:Flag of Germany.svg FRG Willi Kuhweide Axel May
Karsten Meyer
G 245 11 17.0 1 0.0 19 25.0 8 14.0 8 14.0 10 16.0 27 33.0 119.0 86.0
8 File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg URS Boris Budnikov Oleg Miron
Gennadi Strakh
SR 33 5 10.0 27 33.0 22 28.0 1 0.0 6 11.7 11 17.0 26 32.0 131.7 98.7
9 File:Flag of East Germany.svg GDR Helmar Nauck Norbert Hellriegel
Sven Diedering
DDR 4 8 14.0 22 28.0 23 29.0 12 18.0 27 33.0 1 0.0 5 10.0 132.0 99.0
10 File:Flag of Germany.svg FRG Thomas Jungblut Klaus Stryi
Tim Kröger
G 262 17 23.0 12 18.0 18 24.0 15 21.0 50 56.0 9 15.0 6 11.7 168.7 112.7
11 File:Flag of Denmark.svg DEN Jesper Bank Jan Mathiasen
Steen Secher
D 83 14 20.0 2 3.0 3 5.7 34 40.0 23 29.0 12 18.0 45 51.0 166.7 115.7
12 File:Flag of Germany.svg FRG Karl Haist S. Nikolaus
Christian Pauksch
G 252 6 11.7 20 26.0 32 38.0 21 27.0 16 22.0 23 29.0 2 3.0 156.7 118.7
13 File:Flag of Denmark.svg DEN Valdemar Bandolowski Niels Petersen
Nomen nescio
D 84 18 24.0 21 27.0 12 18.0 4 8.0 36 42.0 24 30.0 9 15.0 164.0 122.0
14 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Lennart Persson Eje Öberg
Tony Wallin
S 124 15 21.0 18 24.0 5 10.0 43 49.0 28 34.0 7 13.0 15 21.0 172.0 123.0
15 File:Flag of Hungary.svg HUN D. Bartos S. Pettenkoffer
G. Boronkay
M 21 39 45.0 16 22.0 8 14.0 DSQ 60.0 10 16.0 6 11.7 11 17.0 185.7 125.7
16 File:Flag of Hungary.svg HUN György Fináczy Andras Toronyi
Tibor Izsak
M 25 30 36.0 7 13.0 17 23.0 20 26.0 42 48.0 4 8.0 14 20.0 174.0 126.0
17 File:Flag of East Germany.svg GDR Ralf Völker Steffen Voigt
Laurent Scheel
DDR 3 13 19.0 PMS 60.0 11 17.0 32 38.0 13 19.0 15 21.0 7 13.0 187.0 127.0
18 File:Flag of Germany.svg FRG Daniel Diesing Thomas Maschkiwitz
A. Schlitter
G 251 2 3.0 4 8.0 39 45.0 DNF 60.0 5 10.0 16 22.0 39 45.0 193.0 133.0
19 File:Flag of Germany.svg FRG Roman Koch Maxl Koch
Dieter Link
G 242 3 5.7 24 30.0 27 33.0 11 17.0 22 28.0 28 34.0 20 26.0 173.7 139.7
20 File:Flag of Hungary.svg HUN György Wossala László Kovácsi
L. Vajtai
M 77 16 22.0 5 10.0 38 44.0 10 16.0 21 27.0 30 36.0 33 39.0 194.0 150.0
21 File:Flag of Germany.svg FRG Achim Kadelbach Peter Wallner
J. Damerics
G 255 23 29.0 10 16.0 15 21.0 23 29.0 33 39.0 27 33.0 17 23.0 190.0 151.0
22 File:Flag of Denmark.svg DEN Jens Ranlov J. Hemmingsen
M. Bache
D 80 21 27.0 36 42.0 6 11.7 18 24.0 47 53.0 20 26.0 25 31.0 214.7 161.7
23 File:Flag of Norway.svg NOR Kalle Nergaard Kristian Nergaard
Peter Hauff
N 87 20 26.0 23 29.0 33 39.0 13 19.0 24 30.0 31 37.0 18 24.0 204.0 165.0
24 File:Flag of the United States.svg USA Stuart H. Walker P. Verdin
P. Proitz
US 725 19 25.0 34 40.0 7 13.0 36 42.0 43 49.0 3 5.7 44 50.0 224.7 174.7
25 File:Flag of Austria.svg AUT Uli Strohschneider Hannes Blaschke
Andreas Blaschke
OE 58 22 28.0 28 34.0 20 26.0 47 53.0 12 18.0 35 41.0 28 34.0 234.0 181.0
26 File:Flag of Hungary.svg HUN P. Gomory Georgy Galantha
P. Karg
M 22 25 31.0 11 17.0 DSQ 60.0 30 36.0 26 32.0 26 32.0 31 37.0 245.0 185.0
27 File:Flag of Italy.svg ITA Flavio Favini Marco di Natale
Giorgio Passoni
I 154 37 43.0 9 15.0 4 8.0 44 50.0 9 15.0 DSQ 60.0 YMP 56.0 247.0 187.0
28 File:Flag of Austria.svg AUT Christian Spießberger K. Spießberger
Thomas Linortner
OE 54 32 38.0 26 32.0 9 15.0 25 31.0 48 54.0 17 23.0 43 49.0 242.0 188.0
29 File:Flag of Poland.svg POL J. Olszewski R. Chybinski
J. Kwiecnski
PZ 4 35 41.0 32 38.0 37 43.0 35 41.0 11 17.0 32 38.0 10 16.0 234.0 191.0
30 File:Flag of Hungary.svg HUN I Szalai Z. Sabian
F. Kovacs
M 13 38 44.0 37 43.0 28 34.0 6 11.7 35 41.0 48 54.0 13 19.0 246.7 192.7
31 File:Flag of Hungary.svg HUN Zs. Beresi B. Puzsar
I. Takacs
M 6 34 40.0 25 31.0 42 48.0 19 25.0 30 36.0 33 39.0 23 29.0 248.0 200.0
32 File:Flag of Greece.svg GRE Dimitrios Deligiannis D. Benakis
V. Glaridis
GR 30 26 32.0 19 25.0 DNF 60.0 9 15.0 46 52.0 PMS 60.0 16 22.0 266.0 206.0
33 File:Flag of Poland.svg POL R. Wolniewicz B. Brudkiewicz
W. Cholewa
PZ 3 33 39.0 29 35.0 24 30.0 24 30.0 44 50.0 19 25.0 41 47.0 256.0 206.0
34 File:Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  SUI Christian Grimm M. Grimm
M. Beetschen
Z 258 28 34.0 39 45.0 43 49.0 26 32.0 29 35.0 22 28.0 29 35.0 258.0 209.0
35 File:Flag of Hungary.svg HUN T. Galgoczy L. Kiraly
A.H. Varga
M 81 29 35.0 31 37.0 45 51.0 42 48.0 17 23.0 DSQ 60.0 12 18.0 272.0 212.0
36 File:Flag of Finland.svg FIN Heikki Hohtari J. Majander
P. Salmela
L 41 51 57.0 30 36.0 21 27.0 22 28.0 18 24.0 43 49.0 46 52.0 273.0 216.0
37 File:Flag of Hungary.svg HUN T. Tusnai G. Szakatsits
J. Agost
M 71 31 37.0 33 39.0 26 32.0 38 44.0 19 25.0 41 47.0 38 44.0 268.0 221.0
38 File:Flag of Hungary.svg HUN J. Drgacs R. Kovacs
T. Horvath
M 18 47 53.0 17 23.0 30 36.0 50 56.0 32 38.0 36 42.0 24 30.0 278.0 222.0
39 File:Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  SUI Roger Guignard S. Bagyo
J.D. Gendre
Z 259 36 42.0 35 41.0 34 40.0 31 37.0 25 31.0 29 35.0 34 40.0 266.0 224.0
40 File:Flag of Hungary.svg HUN M. Majoross T. Farkas
Zs. Nagy
M 24 49 55.0 40 46.0 40 46.0 7 13.0 45 51.0 38 44.0 19 25.0 280.0 225.0
41 File:Flag of Austria.svg AUT Carl Auteried, Jr. Martin Zeileis
Georg Zeileis
OE 90 27 33.0 44 50.0 36 42.0 29 35.0 34 40.0 25 31.0 DNF 60.0 291.0 231.0
42 File:Flag of Hungary.svg HUN Szabolcs Detre Zsolt Detre
T. Bakos
M 63 24 30.0 DSQ 60.0 PMS 60.0 37 43.0 40 46.0 21 27.0 30 36.0 302.0 242.0
43 File:Flag of Hungary.svg HUN F. Bartha Cs Erenyi
L. Szilasi
M 23 44 50.0 46 52.0 29 35.0 48 54.0 14 20.0 34 40.0 40 46.0 297.0 243.0
44 File:Flag of Germany.svg FRG B. Blomberg A. Merlevede
L. Lange
G 241 41 47.0 43 49.0 48 54.0 16 22.0 31 37.0 42 48.0 35 41.0 298.0 244.0
45 File:Flag of Hungary.svg HUN A. Korcsog L. Racz
M. Demenczky
M 4 43 49.0 38 44.0 41 47.0 28 34.0 20 26.0 40 46.0 42 48.0 294.0 245.0
46 File:Flag of Germany.svg FRG Hugo Kriebel Dieter Meusinger
T. Stefan
G 234 48 54.0 42 48.0 14 20.0 46 52.0 39 45.0 37 43.0 32 38.0 300.0 246.0
47 File:Flag of Germany.svg FRG Hans Heitmann Martin Heitmann
Mathias Heitmann
G 215 46 52.0 48 54.0 46 52.0 14 20.0 38 44.0 44 50.0 DNC 60.0 332.0 272.0
48 File:Flag of Italy.svg ITA Silvio Santoni Fabio Toccoli
A. Ansaldi
I 220 45 51.0 47 53.0 16 22.0 41 47.0 51 57.0 39 45.0 48 54.0 329.0 272.0
49 File:Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  SUI Heiki Blok Andreas Keller
Bruno Wild
Z 249 42 48.0 45 51.0 35 41.0 39 45.0 37 43.0 DNC 60.0 DNC 60.0 348.0 288.0
50 File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg GBR Tony Clare D. Woolner
histian Robinson
K 136 50 56.0 41 47.0 DNF 60.0 40 46.0 41 47.0 47 53.0 37 43.0 352.0 292.0
51 File:Flag of Italy.svg ITA N. Chemolli A. Angelini
P. Digirolamo
I 199 40 46.0 49 55.0 44 50.0 45 51.0 49 55.0 46 52.0 36 42.0 351.0 296.0
52 File:Flag of Italy.svg ITA G. Benedetti D'Adda
R. Verginella
I 163 53 59.0 50 56.0 49 55.0 49 55.0 52 58.0 45 51.0 49 55.0 389.0 330.0
53 File:Flag of Italy.svg ITA A. Manenti M. Manenti
F. Bertalli
I 214 52 58.0 51 57.0 47 53.0 DNF 60.0 53 59.0 49 55.0 47 53.0 395.0 335.0

Legend: DNF – Did not finish; DNS – Did not start; DSQ – Disqualified;
Discard is crossed out and does not count for the overall result.

  • 1985 Progress

File:Progress EC Soling 1985.png

1986 Final results

File:Picture of Soling EM 1986 enamel plaque.png
Picture of Soling EM 1986 enamel plaque
Event title
Edition19 [1][2][4]
Event details
File:Flag of East Germany.svg East Germany
Dates4–13 July
Opening ceremony7 July
Competing nations16
1st place, gold medalist(s) GoldFile:Flag of East Germany.svg East Germany
Jochen Schümann
Thomas Flach
Bernd Jäkel
2nd place, silver medalist(s) SilverFile:Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden
Lennart Persson
Eje Öberg
Tony Wallin
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) BronzeFile:Flag of Germany.svg West Germany
Thomas Jungblut
Thomas Maschkiwitz
Tim Kröger
← 1985
1987 →
Rank Country Helmsman Crew Sail No. Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Total Total

Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts.
1st place, gold medalist(s) File:Flag of East Germany.svg GDR Jochen Schümann Bernd Jäkel
Thomas Flach
DDR 1 3 5.7 9 15.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 4 8.0 1 0.0 12 18.0 46.7 28.7
2nd place, silver medalist(s) File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Lennart Persson Eje Öberg
Tony Wallin
S 124 2 3.0 2 3.0 5 10.0 3 5.7 22 28.0 DSQ 54.0 1 0.0 103.7 49.7
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) File:Flag of Germany.svg FRG Thomas Jungblut Thomas Maschkiwitz
Tim Kröger
G 254 4 8.0 10 16.0 10 16.0 5 10.0 3 5.7 2 3.0 4 8.0 66.7 50.7
4 File:Flag of East Germany.svg GDR Helmar Nauck Norbert Hellreigel
Sven Diedering
DDR 4 1 0.0 25 31.0 20 26.0 11 17.0 1 0.0 5 10.0 3 5.7 89.7 58.7
5 File:Flag of East Germany.svg GDR Jörg Hermann Carl Olbrich
DDR 5 6 11.7 7 13.0 4 8.0 2 3.0 6 11.7 10 16.0 19 25.0 88.4 63.4
6 File:Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg CAN Bill Abbott, Jr. Larry Abbott
Don Beatty
KC 1 12 18.0 4 8.0 8 26.0 13 19.0 2 3.0 11 17.0 6 11.7 102.7 76.7
7 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Hans Hamel Malmgren
Jan-Olov Sandberg
S 130 20 26.0 3 5.7 25 31.0 8 14.0 10 16.0 15 21.0 2 3.0 116.7 85.7
8 File:Flag of East Germany.svg GDR Ralf Völker Laurent Scheel
Steffen Voigt
DDR 3 16 22.0 1 0.0 3 5.7 DSQ 54.0 19 25.0 14 20.0 10 16.0 142.7 88.7
9 File:Flag of Denmark.svg DEN Jesper Bank Jan Mathiasen
Steen Secher
D 83 PMS 54.0 6 11.7 2 3.0 18 24.0 11 17.0 22 28.0 5 10.0 147.7 93.7
10 File:Flag of Italy.svg ITA Flavio Favini Marco di Natale
Giorgio Passoni
I 223 19 25.0 21 27.0 11 17.0 7 13.0 23 29.0 3 5.7 8 14.0 130.7 101.7
11 File:Flag of Germany.svg FRG Wolfgang Gerz Andy Vinçon
G 260 15 21.0 5 10.0 12 18.0 10 16.0 8 14.0 20 26.0 26 32.0 137.0 105.0
12 File:Flag of the United States.svg USA Kevin Mahaney Lance Mahaney
Jim Brady
US 772 25 31.0 12 18.0 9 15.0 24 30.0 9 15.0 8 14.0 13 19.0 142.0 111.0
13 File:Flag of Finland.svg FIN Kenneth Thelen Henrik Thelen
Juha Valtanen
L 48 24 30.0 16 22.0 16 22.0 4 8.0 18 24.0 6 11.7 17 23.0 140.7 110.7
14 File:Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg CAN Paul Thomson Philip Gow
Stuart Flinn
KC 158 21 27.0 8 14.0 33 39.0 20 26.0 12 18.0 19 25.0 9 15.0 164.0 125.0
15 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Patrick Spaengs Lars Tornsten
S 131 8 14.0 31 37.0 13 19.0 21 27.0 7 13.0 RET 54.0 11 17.0 181.0 127.0
16 File:Flag of Italy.svg ITA Silvio Santoni Fabio Toccoli
A. Ansaldi
I 220 7 13.0 13 19.0 37 43.0 12 18.0 DSQ 54.0 4 8.0 22 28.0 183.0 129.0
17 File:Flag of Germany.svg FRG Jens-Peter Wrede Stefan Knabe
Matthias Adamczewski
G 261 5 10.0 RET 54.0 PMS 54.0 9 15.0 5 10.0 7 13.0 29 35.0 191.0 137.0
18 File:Flag of Germany.svg FRG Erich Hirt, Jr. Frank Neufing
G 219 PMS 54.0 15 21.0 18 24.0 16 22.0 28 34.0 17 23.0 7 13.0 191.0 137.0
19 File:Flag of Germany.svg FRG Jörg Diesch Eckart Diesch
Rupert Diesch
G 264 PMS 54.0 11 17.0 30 36.0 17 23.0 17 23.0 12 18.0 15 21.0 192.0 138.0
20 File:Flag of Australia (converted).svg AUS Glen Collings Warwick Anderson
Sam Snodgrass
KA 144 14 20.0 14 20.0 17 23.0 34 40.0 26 32.0 18 24.0 27 33.0 192.0 152.0
21 File:Flag of Denmark.svg DEN Jens Ranlov Jens Hemmingsen
D 89 9 15.0 23 29.0 RET 54.0 30 36.0 27 33.0 9 15.0 25 31.0 213.0 159.0
22 File:Flag of Norway.svg NOR Terje Wang Jan Petterson
Bjørn Selander
N 104 10 16.0 20 26.0 28 34.0 15 21.0 37 43.0 32 38.0 23 29.0 207.0 164.0
23 File:Flag of the Netherlands.svg NED Ron van Manen Rob Wiepjes
Harald Snater
H 24 PMS 54.0 18 24.0 26 32.0 33 39.0 13 19.0 YMP 28.2 21 27.0 223.2 169.2
24 File:Flag of Austria.svg AUT Uli Strohschneider Hannes Blaschke
Andreas Blaschke
OE 73 22 28.0 32 38.0 15 21.0 27 33.0 15 21.0 38 44.0 24 30.0 215.0 171.0
25 File:Flag of Poland.svg POL Rychcik Szymczak
PZ 1 PMS 54.0 39 45.0 7 13.0 19 25.0 35 41.0 23 29.0 20 26.0 233.0 179.0
26 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Rosengren Flygare
S 136 28 34.0 17 23.0 32 38.0 26 32.0 20 26.0 29 35.0 YMP 30.0 218.0 180.0
27 File:Flag of Italy.svg ITA Marco Rodolfi Besozzi
Guiseppe de Martino
I 194 DSQ 54.0 RET 54.0 6 11.7 25 31.0 16 22.0 13 19.0 RET 56.0 247.7 191.7
28 File:Flag of Norway.svg NOR Ole Schoyen Schoyen
N 102 PMS 54.0 29 35.0 35 41.0 6 11.7 14 20.0 26 32.0 RET 54.0 247.7 193.7
29 File:Flag of Hungary.svg HUN Rujak L. Vajtai
M 18 PMS 54.0 35 41.0 22 28.0 22 28.0 RET 54.0 21 27.0 14 20.0 252.0 198.0
30 File:Flag of Poland.svg POL J. Olszewski R. Chybinski
J. Kwiecnski
PZ 4 30 36.0 24 30.0 14 20.0 23 29.0 38 44.0 33 39.0 RET 54.0 252.0 198.0
31 File:Flag of Hungary.svg HUN Miklós Tuss G. Bankuty
M 81 11 17.0 34 40.0 31 37.0 32 38.0 21 27.0 34 40.0 37 43.0 242.0 199.0
32 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Torbjorn Hansson Hansson
S 138 13 19.0 33 39.0 40 46.0 RET 54.0 25 31.0 25 31.0 30 36.0 256.0 202.0
33 File:Flag of East Germany.svg GDR Schwarzer Bjorn Oestereich
Olaf Schütt
DDR 9 32 38.0 27 33.0 41 47.0 29 35.0 33 39.0 27 33.0 18 24.0 249.0 202.0
34 File:Flag of Hungary.svg HUN György Wossala Boros
László Kovácsi
M 77 PMS 54.0 22 28.0 42 48.0 28 34.0 24 30.0 37 43.0 16 22.0 259.0 205.0
35 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Martin Palsson Klaas Mattsson
S 137 PMS 54.0 38 44.0 34 40.0 14 20.0 36 42.0 16 22.0 33 39.0 261.0 207.0
36 File:Flag of East Germany.svg GDR Dieter Below Ziems
DDR 11 29 35.0 19 25.0 29 35.0 31 37.0 34 40.0 35 41.0 31 37.0 250.0 209.0
37 File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg GBR William Henderson Squire
K 133 18 24.0 40 46.0 27 33.0 35 41.0 29 35.0 40 46.0 28 34.0 259.0 213.0
38 File:Flag of Germany.svg FRG Karl Haist Christian Pauksch
S. Nikolaus
G 252 DSQ 54.0 28 34.0 21 27.0 38 44.0 39 45.0 28 34.0 32 38.0 276.0 222.0
39 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Martin Hedlund Suerlinger
Rolf Mattsson
S 132 17 23.0 30 36.0 23 29.0 39 45.0 32 38.0 DNC 54.0 DSQ 54.0 279.0 225.0
40 File:Flag of the Netherlands.svg NED Rudy den Outer Job Westening
Martin Debel
H 22 33 39.0 26 32.0 36 42.0 40 46.0 32 38.0 30 36.0 35 41.0 274.0 228.0
41 File:Flag of the Netherlands.svg NED Frank Verhagen Dick van der Vaart
Bob Smolders
H 21 31 37.0 41 47.0 24 30.0 RET 54.0 30 36.0 24 30.0 RET 54.0 288.0 234.0
42 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Per Cederholm Alnebeck
S 128 27 33.0 37 43.0 38 44.0 37 43.0 41 47.0 39 45.0 36 42.0 297.0 250.0
43 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Mats Persson Petersson
Göran Alm
S 118 26 32.0 DSQ 54.0 43 49.0 36 42.0 RET 54.0 31 37.0 34 40.0 308.0 254.0
44 File:Flag of Italy.svg ITA Ciferri Mondani
I 201 PMS 54.0 RET 54.0 19 25.0 41 47.0 40 46.0 36 42.0 RET 54.0 322.0 268.0
45 File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg GBR Glyn Charles Andy Beadsworth
K 131 23 29.0 36 42.0 39 45.0 RET 54.0 PMS 54.0 41 47.0 RET 54.0 325.0 271.0
46 File:Flag of Germany.svg FRG Dieter Meusinger Brinkmann
G 202 34 40.0 42 48.0 44 50.0 RET 54.0 42 48.0 DNC 54.0 DNC 54.0 348.0 294.0
47 File:Flag of Spain.svg ESP Guillermo Altadill Valades
E 140 RET 54.0 DNC 54.0 DNC 54.0 DNC 54.0 DNC 54.0 DNC 54.0 DNC 54.0 378.0 324.0

Legend: DNF – Did not finish; DNS – Did not start; DSQ – Disqualified; RET – Retired; YMP – Yacht materially prejudiced;
Discard is crossed out and does not count for the overall result.

  • 1986 Progress

File:Progress EC Soling 1986.png

1987 Final results

File:Karlshamn harbour.jpg
Karlshamn harbour
Event title
Edition20 [1][2][5]
HostKarlshamns Segelsällskap
Event details
File:Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden
Dates28 August - 6 September
Opened byLars-Johan Norrby,
File:Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden
Opening ceremony31 August
Competing nations17
1st place, gold medalist(s) GoldFile:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union
Georgy Shayduko
Sergey Kanov
Nikolay Polyakov
2nd place, silver medalist(s) SilverFile:Flag of East Germany.svg East Germany
Jochen Schümann
Thomas Flach
Bernd Jäkel
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) BronzeFile:Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Canada
Hans Fogh
Steve Calder
Hank Lammens
← 1986
1988 →
Rank Country Helmsman Crew Sail No. Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Total Total

Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts.
1st place, gold medalist(s) File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg URS Georgy Shayduko Nikolay Polyakov
Sergey Kanov
SR 41 3 5.7 2 3.0 8 14.0 15 21.0 1 0.0 3 5.7 DSQ 58.0 107.4 49.4
2nd place, silver medalist(s) File:Flag of East Germany.svg GDR Jochen Schümann Bernd Jäkel
Thomas Flach
DDR 1 4 8.0 7 13.0 6 11.7 1 0.0 15 21.0 2 3.0 11 17.0 73.7 52.7
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) File:Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg CAN Hans Fogh Steve Calder
Hank Lammens
KC 181 2 3.0 27 33.0 18 24.0 2 3.0 10 16.0 12 18.0 2 3.0 100.0 67.0
4 File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg GBR Chris Law Edward Leask
Jeremy Richards
K 143 7 13.0 10 16.0 21 27.0 RET 58.0 21 27.0 1 0.0 4 8.0 149.0 91.0
5 File:Flag of the United States.svg USA B. Cobb Green
US 997 1 0.0 12 18.0 27 33.0 22 28.0 6 11.7 16 22.0 6 11.7 124.4 91.4
6 File:Flag of Greece.svg GRE Tassos Boudouris Dimitrios Deligiannis
D. Benakis
GR 69 19 25.0 3 5.7 23 29.0 DSQ 58.0 7 13.0 8 14.0 3 5.7 150.4 92.4
7 File:Flag of East Germany.svg GDR Helmar Nauck Norbert Hellriegel
Sven Diedering
DDR 4 15 21.0 19 25.0 15 21.0 YMP 10.0 4 8.0 5 10.0 14 20.0 115.0 90.0
8 File:Flag of Germany.svg FRG Jörg Diesch Eckart Diesch
Rupert Diesch
G 259 14 20.0 1 0.0 4 8.0 6 11.7 27 33.0 25 31.0 20 26.0 129.7 96.7
9 File:Flag of East Germany.svg GDR Völker Laurent Scheel
Steffen Voigt
DDR 3 5 10.0 17 23.0 20 26.0 11 17.0 5 10.0 7 13.0 19 25.0 124.0 98.0
10 File:Flag of Denmark.svg DEN Jesper Bank Steen Secher
Jan Mathiasen
D 92 9 15.0 20 26.0 29 35.0 YMP 11.4.0 12 18.0 9 15.0 7 13.0 133.4 98.4
11 File:Flag of Germany.svg FRG Thomas Jungblut Thomas Maschkiwitz
Tim Kröger
G 269 22 28.0 18 24.0 26 32.0 8 14.0 8 14.0 11 17.0 5 10.0 139.0 107.0
12 File:Flag of New Zealand.svg NZL Russell Coutts Phillamore
Chistian Robinson
KZ 20 8 14.0 6 11.7 17 23.0 DSQ 58.0 19 25.0 14 20.0 9 15.0 166.7 108.7
13 File:Flag of Finland.svg FIN Tom Jungell M. Mannstrom
S. Harima
L 47 17 23.0 23 29.0 19 25.0 10 16.0 RET 58.0 10 16.0 1 0.0 167.0 109.0
14 File:Flag of Italy.svg ITA Marco Rodolfl Guiseppe de Martino
I 194 10 16.0 25 31.0 25 31.0 3 5.7 3 5.7 17 23.0 34 40.0 152.4 112.4
15 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Lennart Persson Eje Öberg
Tony Wallin
S 124 18 24.0 14 20.0 11 17.0 YMP 14.2.0 20 26.0 DSQ 58.0 8 14.0 173.2 115.2
16 File:Flag of Germany.svg FRG Jens-Peter Wrede Stefan Knabe
Matthias Adamczewski
G 261 26 32.0 28 34.0 32 38.0 32 38.0 2 3.0 4 8.0 12 18.0 171.0 133.0
17 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Martin Palsson Klaas Mattsson
S 137 22 28.0 24 30.0 9 15.0 30 36.0 17 23.0 33 39.0 10 16.0 187.0 148.0
18 File:Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg CAN Bill Abbott, Jr. Bill Abbott, Sr.
Larry Abbott
KC 1 46 52.0 13 19.0 12 18.0 13 19.0 13 19.0 6 11.7 PMS 58.0 196.7 138.7
19 File:Flag of the Netherlands.svg NED Ron van Manen Gert Kwlkkers
Dick van der Vaart
H 26 39 45.0 5 10.0 5 10.0 29 35.0 22 28.0 19 25.0 26 32.0 185.0 140.0
20 File:Flag of Finland.svg FIN Lundberg Borenlus
L 50 33 39.0 26 32.0 1 0.0 37 43.0 23 29.0 13 19.0 27 33.0 195.0 152.0
21 File:Flag of Finland.svg FIN Kenneth Thelen Henrik Thelen
Juha Valtanen
L 48 41 47.0 35 41.0 30 36.0 12 18.0 14 20.0 23 29.0 13 19.0 210.0 163.0
22 File:Flag of Norway.svg NOR Dag Usterud Johansen
Børre Skui
N 111 34 40.0 RET 58.0 3 5.7 5 10.0 24 30.0 40 46.0 28 34.0 223.7 165.7
23 File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg GBR Glyn Charles Andy Beadsworth
Robert Cruickshank
K 146 12 18.0 9 15.0 37 43.0 23 29.0 36 42.0 27 33.0 23 29.0 209.0 166.0
24 File:Flag of France.svg FRA Chourgnoz Herpin
F 150 13 19.0 34 40.0 16 22.0 19 25.0 DSQ 58.0 15 21.0 36 42.0 227.0 169.0
25 File:Flag of Italy.svg ITA Flavio Favini Giorgio Passoni
Marco di Natale
I 223 21 27.0 8 14.0 28 34.0 4 8.0 DSQ 58.0 YMP 22.2.0 DSQ 58.0 221.2 163.2
26 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Hans Hamel Jan-Olov Sandberg
S 130 20 26.0 29 35.0 22 28.0 9 15.0 26 32.0 28 34.0 31 37.0 207.0 170.0
27 File:Flag of Italy.svg ITA Gianluca Lamaro Aurelio Dalla Vecchia
Valerio Romano
I 209 32 38.0 4 8.0 2 3.0 20 26.0 DSQ 58.0 34 40.0 DNS 58.0 231.0 173.0
28 File:Flag of the Netherlands.svg NED Fred Imhoff Frank Steeneken
John Hofland
H 25 35 41.0 31 37.0 10 16.0 7 13.0 DSQ 58.0 39 45.0 15 21.0 231.0 173.0
29 File:Flag of Germany.svg FRG Erich Hirt, Jr. Roman Koch
Maxl Koch
G 275 37 43.0 39 45.0 7 13.0 26 32.0 16 22.0 22 28.0 29 35.0 218.0 173.0
30 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Martin Grävare Eric Wallin
Magnus Grävare
S 128 16 22.0 33 39.0 43 49.0 25 31.0 9 15.0 21 27.0 33 39.0 222.0 173.0
31 File:Flag of Norway.svg NOR Terje Wang Malm
Jan Petterson
N 104 38 44.0 30 36.0 13 19.0 16 22.0 11 17.0 29 35.0 PMS 58.0 231.0 173.0
32 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Gidfors Pettersson
S 133 23 29.0 21 27.0 36 42.0 41 47.0 18 24.0 24 30.0 22 28.0 227.0 180.0
33 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Magnus Holmberg Abenlus
Jan Holmqvist
S 135 28 34.0 16 22.0 41 47.0 35 41.0 25 31.0 30 36.0 21 27.0 238.0 191.0
34 File:Flag of Norway.svg NOR Ole Schoyen Schoyen
N 102 36 42.0 22 28.0 31 37.0 DSQ 58.0 34 40.0 18 24.0 18 24.0 253.0 195.0
35 File:Flag of Austria.svg AUT Uli Strohschneider Hannes Blaschke
Georg Stadler
OE 73 44 50.0 15 21.0 34 40.0 39 45.0 35 41.0 36 42.0 17 23.0 262.0 212.0
36 File:Flag of the Netherlands.svg NED Rudy den Outer Theo de Lange
Robert Molsbergen
H 22 24 30.0 40 46.0 38 44.0 24 30.0 30 36.0 42 48.0 24 30.0 264.0 216.0
37 File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg GBR Philip Crebbin Falkner
K 138 47 53.0 32 38.0 44 50.0 18 24.0 28 34.0 26 32.0 35 41.0 272.0 219.0
38 File:Flag of Italy.svg ITA Ciferri Ravarotto
I 201 27 33.0 43 49.0 14 20.0 33 39.0 39 45.0 35 41.0 37 43.0 270.0 221.0
39 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Rosengren Munck
S 136 43 49.0 44 50.0 42 48.0 31 37.0 38 44.0 20 26.0 16 22.0 276.0 226.0
40 File:Flag of Poland.svg POL Rychnik Szymczak
PZ 7 6 11.7 46 52.0 48 54.0 28 34.0 33 39.0 PMS 58.0 30 36.0 284.7 226.7
41 File:Flag of Denmark.svg DEN Jens Ranlov Jens Hemmingsen
D 89 29 35.0 38 44.0 33 39.0 PMS 58.0 29 35.0 31 37.0 32 38.0 286.0 228.0
42 File:Flag of Austria.svg AUT Michael Farthofer Rudolf Matheis
Michael Luschan
OE 83 30 36.0 47 53.0 24 30.0 14 20.0 37 43.0 45 51.0 RET 58.0 291.0 233.0
43 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Mats Persson Petersson
Göran Alm
S 118 PMS 58.0 36 42.0 39 45.0 38 44.0 32 38.0 32 38.0 25 31.0 296.0 238.0
44 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Nilsson Malm
S 121 25 31.0 37 43.0 35 41.0 36 42.0 41 47.0 37 43.0 PMS 58.0 305.0 247.0
45 File:Flag of New Zealand.svg NZL Gibson Fieury
KZ 28 31 37.0 49 55.0 45 51.0 40 46.0 31 37.0 38 44.0 38 44.0 314.0 259.0
46 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Rylander Norden
S 129 RET 58.0 41 47.0 47 53.0 17 23.0 DSQ 58.0 41 47.0 39 45.0 331.0 273.0
47 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Torbjorn Torbjorn Hansson
S 138 40 46.0 11 17.0 RET 58.0 DNC 58.0 DNC 58.0 DNC 58.0 DNC 58.0 353.0 295.0
48 File:Flag of Norway.svg NOR Birger Lie Faeste
N 87 42 48.0 45 51.0 40 46.0 DSQ 58.0 40 46.0 43 49.0 RET 58.0 356.0 298.0
49 File:Flag of Italy.svg ITA F. D'Adda D'Adda
I 210 49 55.0 48 54.0 46 52.0 42 48.0 43 49.0 47 53.0 41 47.0 358.0 303.0
50 File:Flag of Austria.svg AUT Rudolf Schuh Werkgartner
OE 59 48 54.0 50 56.0 50 56.0 43 49.0 42 48.0 46 52.0 40 46.0 361.0 305.0
51 File:Flag of Denmark.svg DEN Hold Larsen
D 81 45 51.0 42 48.0 49 55.0 RET 58.0 44 50.0 44 50.0 RET 58.0 370.0 312.0

Legend: DNF – Did not finish; DNS – Did not start; DSQ – Disqualified; RET – Retired;
Discard is crossed out and does not count for the overall result.

  • 1987 Progress

File:Progress EC Soling 1987.png

1988 Final Results

File:Alassio from Capo Mele.jpg
Event title
Edition21 [1][2][6]
HostIl Circolo Nautico Al Mare di Alassio, CNAM
Event details
File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy
Dates8–14 May
Opening ceremony7 May
Competing nations20
1st place, gold medalist(s) GoldFile:Flag of East Germany.svg East Germany
Jochen Schümann
Thomas Flach
Bernd Jäkel
2nd place, silver medalist(s) SilverFile:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States
John Kostecki
William Baylis
Bob Billingham
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) BronzeFile:Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark
Jesper Bank
Jan Mathiasen
Steen Secher
← 1987
1989 →
Rank Country Helmsman Crew Sail No. Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Total Total

Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts.
1st place, gold medalist(s) File:Flag of East Germany.svg GDR Jochen Schümann Thomas Flach
Bernd Jäkel
DDR 1 16 22.0 1 0.0 7 13.0 18 24.0 1 0.0 4 8.0 67.0 43.0
2nd place, silver medalist(s) File:Flag of the United States.svg USA John Kostecki Robert Billingham
William Baylis
US 736 6 11.7 2 3.0 21 27.0 26 32.0 4 8.0 1 0.0 81.7 49.7
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) File:Flag of Denmark.svg DEN Jesper Bank Steen Secher
Jan Mathiasen
D 92 8 14.0 13 19.0 8 14.0 4 8.0 3 5.7 14 20.0 80.7 60.7
4 File:Flag of East Germany.svg GDR Helmar Nauck Norbert Hellriegel
Sven Diedering
DDR 4 3 5.7 5 10.0 37 43.0 9 15.0 6 11.7 18 24.0 109.4 66.4
5 File:Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg CAN Paul Thomson Philip Gow
Stuart Flinn
KC 182 4 8.0 15 21.0 19 25.0 13 19.0 17 23.0 3 5.7 101.7 76.7
6 File:Flag of Australia (converted).svg AUS Bob Wilmot Glenn Read
Matthew Percy
KA 170 21 27.0 3 5.7 35 26.0 39 45.0 2 3.0 2 3.0 109.7 64.7
7 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Lennart Persson Tony Wallin
Eje Öberg
S 124 9 15.0 17 23.0 4 8.0 17 23.0 16 22.0 10 16.0 107.0 84.0
8 File:Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg CAN Hans Fogh Peter Hall
Steve Calder
KC 181 10 16.0 18 24.0 31 37.0 2 3.0 26 32.0 8 14.0 126.0 89.0
9 File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg URS Serhiy Pichuhin Gennedi Strach
Oleg Miron
SR 33 18 24.0 12 18.0 12 18.0 3 5.7 20 26.0 24 30.0 121.7 91.7
10 File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg URS Georgy Shayduko Nikolay Polyakov
Sergey Kanov
SR 41 27 33.0 21 27.0 1 0.0 7 13.0 15 21.0 26 32.0 126.0 93.0
11 File:Flag of Italy.svg ITA Tommaso Chieffi Enrico Chieffi
Luca Bontempelli
I 193 2 3.0 9 15.0 16 22.0 21 27.0 RET 70.0 23 29.0 166.0 96.0
12 File:Flag of the United States.svg USA Kevin Mahaney Nelson
US 787 5 10.0 DSQ 70.0 33 39.0 14 20.0 8 14.0 9 15.0 168.0 98.0
13 File:Flag of Italy.svg ITA Gianluca Lamaro Aurelio Dalla Vecchia
Valerio Romano
I 209 19 25.0 DSQ 70.0 6 11.7 19 25.0 12 18.0 13 19.0 168.7 98.7
14 File:Flag of East Germany.svg GDR Jörg Hermann Carl Olbrich
DDR 5 17 23.0 6 11.7 40 46.0 30 36.0 11 17.0 6 11.7 145.4 99.4
15 File:Flag of Brazil.svg BRA José Paulo Dias Daniel Adler
José Augusto Dias
BL 45 14 20.0 19 25.0 22 28.0 34 40.0 14 20.0 11 17.0 150.0 110.0
16 File:Flag of the United States.svg USA Chris Mason Andy Green
US 716 15 21.0 16 22.0 5 10.0 32 38.0 RET 70.0 15 21.0 182.0 112.0
17 File:Flag of Norway.svg NOR Terje Wang Jan Petterson
Erling Landsværk
N 107 41 47.0 23 29.0 2 3.0 20 26.0 25 31.0 20 26.0 162.0 115.0
18 File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg GBR Glyn Charles Robert Cruickshank
Andy Beadsworth
K 146 20 26.0 26 32.0 34 40.0 31 37.0 9 15.0 5 10.0 160.0 120.0
19 File:Flag of Spain.svg ESP Antonio Gorostegui Mancei
E 140 13 19.0 30 36.0 3 5.7 44 50.0 21 27.0 29 35.0 172.7 122.7
20 File:Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg CAN Bill Abbott, Jr. Larry Abbott
Don Beatty
KC 1 22 28.0 25 31.0 DSQ 70.0 5 10.0 27 33.0 16 22.0 194.0 124.0
21 File:Flag of Italy.svg ITA Flavio Favini Di Natale
Alberto Marelli
I 234 7 13.0 22 28.0 49 55.0 22 28.0 33 39.0 12 18.0 181.0 126.0
22 File:Flag of Italy.svg ITA Francesco de Angelis Perrone Capano
Giorgio Passoni
I 232 31 37.0 27 33.0 15 21.0 40 46.0 22 28.0 7 13.0 178.0 132.0
23 File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg GBR Lawrie Smith Jeremy Richards
Edward Leask
K 141 37 43.0 10 16.0 42 48.0 10 16.0 5 10.0 42 48.0 161.2 113.2
24 File:Flag of Finland.svg FIN Tom Jungell Mannstrom
S. Harima
L 47 RET 70.0 24 30.0 10 16.0 36 42.0 19 25.0 17 23.0 206.0 136.0
25 File:Flag of Norway.svg NOR Dag Usterud Johansen
N 111 1 0.0 8 14.0 60 66.0 DSQ 70.0 28 34.0 19 25.0 209.0 139.0
26 File:Flag of Germany.svg FRG Erich Hirt, Jr. Roman Koch
Maxl Koch
G 275 38 44.0 35 41.0 14 20.0 12 18.0 18 24.0 32 38.0 185.0 141.0
27 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Martin Palsson Klaas Mattsson
S 140 RET 70.0 14 20.0 47 53.0 8 14.0 23 29.0 21 27.0 213.0 143.0
28 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Per Ahlby Collberg
S 132 44 50.0 37 43.0 18 24.0 6 11.7 30 36.0 28 34.0 198.7 148.7
29 File:Flag of Denmark.svg DEN Valdemar Bandolowski Leroy
D 94 30 36.0 11 17.0 11 17.0 45 51.0 24 30.0 DNS 70.0 221.0 151.0
30 File:Flag of the Netherlands.svg NED Ron van Manen Gert Kwikkers
Dick van der Vaart
H 26 39 45.0 33 39.0 PMS 70.0 1 0.0 34 40.0 30 36.0 230.0 160.0
31 File:Flag of Denmark.svg DEN Morten Henriksen Anderson
Per Petterson
D 96 35 41.0 36 42.0 23 29.0 35 41.0 13 19.0 25 31.0 203.0 161.0
32 File:Flag of Japan.svg JPN Kazunori Komatsu Kazuo Hanaoka
Tadashi Ikeda
J 33 11 17.0 RET 70.0 50 56.0 24 30.0 7 13.0 40 46.0 232.0 162.0
33 File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg GBR Rory Bowman Stevens
K 147 34 40.0 42 48.0 9 15.0 15 21.0 41 47.0 39 45.0 216.0 168.0
34 File:Flag of Norway.svg NOR Ole Schoyen Schoyen
N 102 32 38.0 32 38.0 17 23.0 29 35.0 29 35.0 34 40.0 209.0 169.0
35 File:Flag of Finland.svg FIN Lundberg Borenius
L 50 42 48.0 31 37.0 56 62.0 42 48.0 10 16.0 22 28.0 239.0 177.0
36 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Mats Persson Petersson
Göran Alm
S 118 RET 70.0 29 35.0 29 35.0 28 34.0 32 38.0 31 37.0 249.0 179.0
37 File:Flag of Italy.svg ITA Federico Stopani Ribolli
I 223 23 29.0 39 45.0 26 32.0 55 61.0 37 43.0 27 33.0 243.0 182.0
38 File:Flag of Austria.svg AUT Uli Strohschneider Hannes Blaschke
Georg Stadler
OE 73 26 32.0 20 26.0 46 52.0 50 56.0 31 37.0 33 39.0 242.0 186.0
39 File:Flag of Hungary.svg HUN Rujak Ori
G. Bankuty
M 18 28 34.0 7 13.0 36 42.0 53 59.0 35 41.0 RET 70.0 259.0 189.0
40 File:Flag of Greece.svg GRE Tassos Boudouris Dimitris
Dimitrios Deligiannis
GR 31 12 18.0 RET 70.0 13 19.0 11 17.0 DNS 70.0 DNS 70.0 264.0 194.0
41 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Loven Torbjorn Hansson
S 138 43 49.0 38 44.0 27 33.0 48 54.0 39 45.0 36 42.0 267.0 213.0
42 File:Flag of Finland.svg FIN Kenneth Thelen Henrik Thelen
Juha Valtanen
L 48 RET 70.0 4 8.0 28 34.0 27 33.0 RET 70.0 DNS 70.0 285.0 215.0
43 File:Flag of Greece.svg GRE Dimov Giaridis
GR 30 46 52.0 46 52.0 25 31.0 41 47.0 40 46.0 37 43.0 271.0 219.0
44 File:Flag of Portugal.svg POR Antonio Tanger Beckers
Joao Cabecados
P 9 47 53.0 43 49.0 20 26.0 52 58.0 43 49.0 41 47.0 282.0 224.0
45 File:Flag of the Netherlands.svg NED Rudy den Outer Theo de Lange
Robert Molsbergen
H 22 36 42.0 41 47.0 52 58.0 47 53.0 36 42.0 35 41.0 283.0 225.0
46 File:Flag of Hungary.svg HUN György Wossala László Kovácsi
M 77 48 54.0 47 53.0 24 30.0 16 22.0 RET 70.0 DNS 70.0 299.0 229.0
47 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Gidfors Gille
S 133 45 51.0 28 34.0 30 36.0 38 44.0 DNS 70.0 DNS 70.0 305.0 235.0
48 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Hans Hamel Jan-Olov Sandberg
S 130 29 35.0 34 40.0 57 63.0 25 31.0 DNS 70.0 DNS 70.0 309.0 239.0
49 File:Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  SUI Diday Grimm
Z 269 49 55.0 40 46.0 45 51.0 23 29.0 DNS 70.0 DNS 70.0 321.0 251.0
50 File:Flag of Italy.svg ITA Wolleb Musso
I 227 54 60.0 44 50.0 55 61.0 46 52.0 42 48.0 38 44.0 315.0 254.0
51 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Magnus Holmberg Hallquist
Jan Holmqvist
S 135 24 30.0 PMS 70.0 39 45.0 34 40.0 DNS 70.0 DNS 70.0 325.0 255.0
52 File:Flag of Austria.svg AUT Carl Auteried, Jr. Herner
OE 97 33 39.0 RET 70.0 54 60.0 37 43.0 38 44.0 RET 70.0 326.0 256.0
53 File:Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  SUI Giugnard Perret
J.D. Gendre
Z 259 51 57.0 48 54.0 44 50.0 33 39.0 DNS 70.0 DNS 70.0 340.0 270.0
54 File:Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  SUI Ami Blanc Jean-Paul Marmier
Z 234 58 64.0 51 57.0 38 44.0 51 57.0 44 50.0 DNS 70.0 342.0 272.0
55 File:Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  SUI Munier Owen
Z 220 53 59.0 53 59.0 41 47.0 56 62.0 45 51.0 DNS 70.0 348.0 278.0
56 File:Flag of the United States.svg USA Stuart H. Walker Dunn
US 725 25 31.0 PMS 70.0 53 59.0 49 55.0 DNS 70.0 DNS 70.0 355.0 285.0
57 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Rylander Norden
S 142 50 56.0 45 51.0 32 38.0 DSQ 70.0 DNS 70.0 DNS 70.0 355.0 285.0
58 File:Flag of Norway.svg NOR Rune Jacobsen Andersen
N 104 40 46.0 RET 70.0 43 49.0 54 60.0 DNS 70.0 DNS 70.0 365.0 295.0
59 File:Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  SUI Heiki Blok Schmid
Z 267 52 58.0 49 55.0 58 64.0 57 63.0 DNS 70.0 DNS 70.0 380.0 310.0
60 File:Flag of Italy.svg ITA F. D'Adda D'Adda
I 210 56 62.0 52 58.0 51 57.0 58 64.0 DNS 70.0 DNS 70.0 381.0 311.0
61 File:Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  SUI Christian Grimm (sailor) M. Grimm
Z 258 55 61.0 DNS 70.0 48 54.0 RET 70.0 DNS 70.0 DNS 70.0 395.0 325.0
62 File:Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  SUI Schaer Sintes
Z 264 RET 70.0 50 56.0 61 67.0 RET 70.0 DNS 70.0 DNS 70.0 403.0 333.0
63 File:Flag of Italy.svg ITA Bianchi Corrado Cristaldini
I 215 57 63.0 DNS 70.0 59 65.0 DNS 70.0 DNS 70.0 DNS 70.0 408.0 338.0

Legend: DNF – Did not finish; DNS – Did not start; DSQ – Disqualified;
Discard is crossed out and does not count for the overall result.

  • 1988 Progress

File:Progress EC Soling 1988.png

1989 Final results

File:Frognerkilenbucht mit Jachthafen in Oslo.jpg
Royal Norwegian Yacht Club, Oslo
Event title
Edition22 [1][2][7]
HostKongelig Norsk Seilforening, KNS
Event details
File:Flag of Norway.svg Norway
Dates1–9 September
Key people
Olav V of Norway (prizegiving)
Opening ceremony4 September
Competing nations18
1st place, gold medalist(s) GoldFile:Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark
Jesper Bank
Jesper Seier
Steen Secher
2nd place, silver medalist(s) SilverFile:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union
Serhiy Pichuhin
Gennadi Strakh
Andrei Nikandrov
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) BronzeFile:Flag of East Germany.svg East Germany
Jochen Schümann
Thomas Flach
Bernd Jäkel
← 1988
1990 →
Rank Country Helmsman Crew Sail No. Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Total Total

Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts.
1st place, gold medalist(s) File:Flag of Denmark.svg DEN Jesper Bank Jesper Seier
Steen Secher
D 92 9 15.0 4 8.0 1 0.0 10 16.0 2 3.0 19 25.0 5 10.0 77.0 52.0
2nd place, silver medalist(s) File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg URS Serhiy Pichuhin Gennadi Strakh
Andrei Nikandrov
SR 41 4 8.0 1 0.0 3 5.7 14 20.0 3 5.7 14 20.0 12 18.0 77.4 57.4
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) File:Flag of East Germany.svg GDR Jochen Schümann Thomas Flach
Bernd Jäkel
DDR 1 1 0.0 18 24.0 2 3.0 1 0.0 PMS 55.0 15 21.0 10 16.0 119.0 64.0
4 File:Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg CAN Bill Abbott, Jr. Nomen nescio KC 1 8 14.0 6 11.7 5 10.0 4 8.0 12 18.0 11 17.0 6 11.7 90.4 72.4
5 File:Flag of Denmark.svg DEN Morten Henriksen Nomen nescio D 96 14 20.0 5 10.0 10 16.0 15 21.0 6 11.7 7 13.0 3 5.7 97.4 76.4
6 File:Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg CAN Hans Fogh Nomen nescio KC 181 2 3.0 3 5.7 17 23.0 5 10.0 PMS 55.0 6 11.7 23 29.0 137.4 82.4
7 File:Flag of East Germany.svg GDR Helmar Nauck Norbert Hellriegel
Sven Diedering
DDR 4 17 23.0 19 25.0 6 11.7 6 11.7 4 8.0 27 33.0 2 3.0 115.4 82.4
8 File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg URS Tõnu Tõniste Nomen nescio SR 29 24 30.0 15 21.0 16 22.0 13 19.0 8 14.0 1 0.0 15 21.0 127.0 97.0
9 File:Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg CAN Paul Thomson Philip Gow
Stuart Flinn
KC 182 5 10.0 7 13.0 4 8.0 7 13.0 PMS 55.0 DSQ 55.0 1 0.0 154.0 99.0
10 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Martin Palsson Nomen nescio S 140 11 17.0 11 17.0 35 41.0 23 29.0 7 13.0 2 3.0 14 20.0 140.0 99.0
11 File:Flag of the Netherlands.svg NED Roy Heiner Nomen nescio H 26 PMS 55.0 16 22.0 25 31.0 9 15.0 9 15.0 8 14.0 16 22.0 174.0 119.0
12 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Magnus Holmberg Nomen nescio S 135 13 19.0 10 16.0 9 15.0 24 30.0 PMS 55.0 5 10.0 24 30.0 175.0 120.0
13 File:Flag of Germany.svg FRG Wolfgang Gerz Nomen nescio G 277 10 16.0 23 29.0 19 25.0 11 17.0 12 18.0 21 27.0 13 19.0 151.0 122.0
14 File:Flag of France.svg FRA Thierry Peponnet Nomen nescio F 188 19 25.0 13 19.0 22 28.0 25 31.0 14 20.0 12 18.0 9 15.0 156.0 125.0
15 File:Flag of Austria.svg AUT Michael Luschan Nomen nescio OE 73 20 26.0 9 15.0 23 29.0 17 23.0 11 17.0 10 16.0 34 40.0 166.0 126.0
16 File:Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg CAN Eric Koppernaes Nomen nescio KC 158 DNF 55.0 8 14.0 36 42.0 26 32.0 1 0.0 13 19.0 21 27.0 189.0 134.0
17 File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg GBR Rory Bowman Nomen nescio K 147 7 13.0 32 38.0 14 20.0 28 34.0 10 16.0 23 29.0 18 24.0 174.0 136.0
18 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Peter Carlsson Nomen nescio S 131 6 11.7 24 30.0 21 27.0 8 14.0 20 26.0 24 30.0 22 28.0 166.7 136.7
19 File:Flag of Australia (converted).svg AUS William Hodder Tim Dorning
Michael Mottl
KA 172 3 5.7 2 3.0 DNF 55.0 22 28.0 PMS 55.0 34 40.0 4 8.0 194.7 139.7
20 File:Flag of Norway.svg NOR Dag Usterud Nomen nescio N 111 22 28.0 39 45.0 15 21.0 3 5.7 PMS 55.0 3 5.7 29 35.0 195.4 140.4
21 File:Flag of Norway.svg NOR Rune Jacobsen Nomen nescio N 104 26 32.0 14 20.0 20 26.0 29 35.0 5 10.0 25 31.0 17 23.0 177.0 142.0
22 File:Flag of the United States.svg USA Kevin Mahaney Nomen nescio US 787 PMS 55.0 22 28.0 18 24.0 2 3.0 PMS 55.0 17 23.0 11 17.0 205.0 150.0
23 File:Flag of Norway.svg NOR Terje Wang Nomen nescio N 107 18 24.0 20 26.0 7 13.0 12 18.0 PMS 55.0 16 22.0 43 49.0 207.0 152.0
24 File:Flag of Hungary.svg HUN Antal Székely Nomen nescio M 18 DSQ 55.0 12 18.0 24 30.0 20 26.0 21 27.0 35 41.0 7 13.0 210.0 155.0
25 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Anders Nordstrom Nomen nescio S 139 DNF 55.0 21 27.0 11 17.0 19 25.0 16 22.0 9 15.0 DNC 55.0 216.0 161.0
26 File:Flag of France.svg FRA Michel Kermarek Nomen nescio F 162 PMS 55.0 DSQ 55.0 13 19.0 16 22.0 27 33.0 4 8.0 19 30.0 222.0 167.0
27 File:Flag of Italy.svg ITA Flavio Favini Nomen nescio I 234 31 37.0 17 23.0 26 32.0 21 27.0 19 25.0 18 24.0 32 38.0 224.0 168.0
28 File:Flag of Germany.svg FRG Thomas Jungblut Nomen nescio G 269 15 21.0 26 32.0 12 18.0 30 36.0 23 29.0 36 42.0 27 33.0 211.0 169.0
29 File:Flag of Italy.svg ITA Federico Stopani Nomen nescio I 223 12 18.0 25 31.0 8 14.0 18 24.0 34 40.0 42 48.0 38 44.0 219.0 171.0
30 File:Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg CAN Jim Beatty Nomen nescio KC 185 25 31.0 30 36.0 34 40.0 27 33.0 15 21.0 PMS 55.0 20 26.0 242.0 187.0
31 File:Flag of Finland.svg FIN Heikki Hohtari Nomen nescio L 50 34 40.0 27 33.0 37 43.0 34 40.0 28 34.0 28 34.0 8 14.0 238.0 195.0
32 File:Flag of Italy.svg ITA Giova Arrivabene Nomen nescio I 232 32 38.0 31 37.0 27 33.0 32 38.0 18 24.0 DNF 55.0 39 45.0 270.0 215.0
33 File:Flag of the Netherlands.svg NED Rudy den Outer Bas Nederveen, Jr.
Robert Molsbergen
H 22 23 29.0 29 35.0 31 37.0 DSQ 55.0 30 36.0 38 44.0 33 39.0 275.0 220.0
34 File:Flag of Sweden.svg SWE Göran Sandberg Nomen nescio S 126 28 34.0 34 40.0 30 36.0 43 49.0 29 35.0 31 37.0 37 43.0 274.0 225.0
35 File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg GBR George Barker Nomen nescio K 141 DSQ 55.0 44 50.0 33 39.0 37 43.0 17 23.0 26 32.0 30 36.0 278.0 223.0
36 File:Flag of Portugal.svg POR Antonio Tanger Nomen nescio P 9 27 33.0 35 41.0 29 35.0 31 37.0 32 38.0 33 39.0 35 41.0 264.0 223.0
37 File:Flag of Finland.svg FIN Peter Koskull Nomen nescio L 48 16 22.0 38 44.0 28 34.0 PMS 55.0 31 37.0 PMS 55.0 26 32.0 279.0 224.0
38 File:Flag of Greece.svg GRE Matthias Meier Nomen nescio GR 32 36 42.0 36 42.0 DNF 55.0 DNF 55.0 22 28.0 20 26.0 31 37.0 285.0 230.0
39 File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg GBR Tony Dixon Nomen nescio K 143 21 27.0 43 49.0 DSQ 55.0 33 39.0 24 30.0 37 43.0 44 50.0 293.0 238.0
40 File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg GBR David Tabb Nomen nescio K 148 DNS 55.0 33 39.0 40 46.0 DNF 55.0 36 42.0 22 28.0 25 31.0 296.0 241.0
41 File:Flag of Germany.svg FRG Axel Mertens Nomen nescio G 276 DNF 55.0 37 43.0 32 38.0 40 46.0 25 31.0 30 36.0 45 51.0 300.0 245.0
42 File:Flag of Norway.svg NOR Elling Rishoff Nomen nescio N 87 PMS 55.0 28 34.0 38 44.0 39 45.0 26 32.0 40 46.0 40 46.0 302.0 247.0
43 File:Flag of Norway.svg NOR Kristian Nergaard Nomen nescio N 91 30 36.0 45 51.0 DNF 55.0 41 47.0 33 39.0 29 35.0 41 47.0 310.0 255.0
44 File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg GBR Alan Holmes Nomen nescio K 149 38 44.0 46 52.0 41 47.0 42 48.0 37 43.0 32 38.0 36 42.0 314.0 262.0
45 File:Flag of Italy.svg ITA Leonard Angelini Nomen nescio I 201 33 39.0 40 46.0 42 48.0 36 42.0 DNF 55.0 DNS 55.0 28 34.0 319.0 264.0
46 File:Flag of Germany.svg FRG Thomas Friese Nomen nescio G 280 35 41.0 42 48.0 39 45.0 35 41.0 DSQ 55.0 39 45.0 42 48.0 323.0 268.0
47 File:Flag of Norway.svg NOR Sverre Samdahl Nomen nescio N 108 37 43.0 41 47.0 43 49.0 38 44.0 35 41.0 41 47.0 DNC 55.0 326.0 271.0
48 File:Flag of the Netherlands.svg NED Ton Koot Nomen nescio H 25 29 35.0 DNF 55.0 DNC 55.0 DNC 55.0 DNC 55.0 DNC 55.0 DNC 55.0 365.0 310.0

Legend: DNF – Did not finish; DNS – Did not start; DSQ – Disqualified;
Discard is crossed out and does not count for the overall result.

  • 1989 Progress

File:Progress EC Soling 1989.png

Further results

For further results see:


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Reed, Dinny (ed.). "Soling Champions/World Events/World Champions" (PDF). The International Soling Association GUIDE 1996 - 2000. Vol. 1996–2000, no. 1. International Soling Association. p. 8 & 9.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 "Segeln - Welt- und Europameisterschaften Herren (Olympische Bootsklassen - Soling)" (ASCII). (in German). Sport Komplett. Retrieved 10 February 2020.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  3. Walker, Stuart (ed.). "TERJA WANG: Europa Meister by Dramatic Victory" (PDF). Soling Sailing. Vol. 13, no. 2. International Soling Association. pp. 2, 3 & 5. Retrieved 23 February 2020.
  4. Lars Norrby. Walker, Stuart (ed.). "EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP: won by Jochen Schümann, Warnemünde, DDR" (PDF). Soling Sailing. Vol. 14, no. 3. International Soling Association. p. 8 & 9. Retrieved 24 February 2020.
  5. Hannes Blaschke. Walker, Stuart (ed.). "GEORGI SHAIDUKO WINS 1987 EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP" (PDF). Soling Sailing. Vol. 15, no. 4. International Soling Association. p. 2 & 3. Retrieved 26 February 2020.
  6. Walker, Stuart (ed.). "SCHUMANN WINS HIS SECOND TITLE" (PDF). Soling Sailing. Vol. 16, no. 2. International Soling Association. pp. 2, 3 & 5. Retrieved 4 March 2020.
  7. Walker, Stuart (ed.). "JESPER BANKS WINS TITLE" (PDF). Soling Sailing. Vol. 17, no. 3. International Soling Association. pp. 2, 3 & 5. Retrieved 4 March 2020.