List of Euphorbiaceae genera
Here is a full taxonomy of the family Euphorbiaceae, according to the most recent molecular research.[1] This complex family previously comprised five subfamilies:[1] the Acalyphoideae, the Crotonoideae, the Euphorbioideae, the Phyllanthoideae and the Oldfieldioideae. The first three are uni-ovulate families, and the last two are bi-ovulate. Now the Euphorbiaceae has been split into five families: The three uni-ovulate subfamilies have become the Euphorbiaceae in the strict sense, with the tribe Galearieae in the Acalyphoideae forming most of the family Pandaceae.[1] Part of the bi-ovulate subfamily Phyllanthoideae has become the family Phyllanthaceae,[1] with the tribe Drypeteae as family Putranjivaceae.[1] The other bi-ovulate subfamily Oldfieldioideae has become the Picrodendraceae.[1] Plants of the World Online places genus Phyllanoa in Euphorbiaceae.[2] Hayden et al. place it in Violaceae.[3]
Subfamily Acalyphoideae
Tribe Acalypheae
There are 12 subtribes and 32 genera:
- Subtribe Acalyphinae
- Acalypha (also Acalyphes, Acalyphopsis, Calyptrospatha, Caturus, Corythea, Cupameni, Galurus, Gymnalypha, Linostachys, Mercuriastrum, Odonteilema, Paracelsea, Ricinocarpus, Schizogyne, Usteria)
- Subtribe Adrianinae
- Adriana (also Meialisa, Trachycaryon)
- Subtribe Claoxylinae
- Claoxylon (also Erythrochilus, Erythrochylus)
- Claoxylopsis
- Discoclaoxylon
- Erythrococca (also Athroandra, Autrandra, Chloropatane, Deflersia, Poggeophyton, Rivinoides)
- Micrococca
- Subtribe Cleidiinae
- Cleidion (also Lasiostyles, Psilostachys, Redia, Tetraglossa)
- Sampantaea
- Wetria (also Pseudotrewia)
- Subtribe Dysopsidinae
- Dysopsis (also Mirabellia, Molina)
- Subtribe Lasiococcinae
- Clonostylis
- Homonoia (also called Haematospermum, Lumanaja])
- Lasiococca
- Spathiostemon (also Polydragma)
- Subtribe Lobaniliinae
- Subtribe Macaranginae
- Macaranga (also Adenoceras, Mappa, Mecostylis, Pachystemon, Panopia, Phocea, Tanarius)
- Subtribe Mareyinae
- Subtribe Mercurialinae
- Mercurialis (also Cynocrambe, Discoplis, Synema)
- Leidesia
- Seidelia
- Subtribe Ricininae
- Subtribe Rottlerinae
- Avellanita
- Deuteromallotus
- Hancea
- Mallotus (also Aconceveibum, Axenfeldia, Coelodiscus, Diplochlamys, Echinocroton, Echinus, Hancea, Lasipana, Plagianthera, Rottlera,Stylanthus)
- Rockinghamia
Tribe Adelieae
There are 6 genera:
- Adelia (also Ricinella)
- Crotonogynopsis
- Enriquebeltrania (also Beltrania)
- Garciadelia
- Lasiocroton
- Leucocroton
Tribe Agrostistachydeae
There are 4 genera:
- Agrostistachys (also Heterocalyx, Sarcoclinium)
- Chondrostylis (also Kunstlerodendron)
- Cyttaranthus
- Pseudagrostistachys
Tribe Alchorneae
There are 2 subtribes and 7 genera:
- Subtribe Alchorneinae
- Alchornea (also Bleekeria, Cladodes, Hermesia, Lepidoturus, Schousboea, Stipellaria)
- Aparisthmium
- Aubletiana
- Bocquillonia (also Ramelia)
- Orfilea (also Diderotia, Laurembergia)
- Subtribe Conceveibinae
- Conceveiba (also Conceveibastrum, Conceveibum, Veconcibea)
- Gavarretia
- Polyandra
Tribe Ampereae
There are 2 genera:
Tribe Bernardieae
There are 6 genera:
- Adenophaedra
- Amyrea
- Bernardia (also Alevia, Bernarda, Bernhardia, Bivonia, Passaea, Phaedra, Polyboea, Traganthus, Tyria)
- Discocleidion
- Necepsia (also Neopalissya, Palissya)
- Paranecepsia
Tribe Caryodendreae
There are 3 genera:
- Alchorneopsis
- Caryodendron (also Centrodiscus)
- Discoglypremna
Tribe Chaetocarpeae
This tribe has 2 genera:
- Chaetocarpus (also Gaedawakka, Mettenia, Neochevaliera, Regnaldia)
- Trigonopleura (also Peniculifera)
Tribe Cheiloseae
There are 2 genera:
- Cheilosa
- Neoscortechinia (also Alcineanthus, Scortechinia)
Tribe Chrozophoreae
This tribe has 4 subtribes and 12 genera:
- Subtribe Chrozophorinae
- Chrozophora (also Crossophora, Crozophora, Ricinoides, Tournesol, Tournesolia)
- Subtribe Ditaxinae
- Argythamnia (also Argithamnia, Argothamnia, Argyrothamnia, Argytamnia, Odotalon, Serophyton)
- Caperonia (also Acanthopyxis, Androphoranthus, Cavanilla, Lepidococea, Meterana)
- Chiropetalum (also Aonikena, Desfontaena, Desfontaina, Desfontainea)
- Ditaxis (also Aphora, Paxiuscula, Stenonia)
- Philyra (also Phyllera)
- Subtribe Doryxylinae
- Doryxylon (also Mercadoa, Sumbavia)
- Melanolepis
- Sumbaviopsis (also Adisa, Adisca)
- Thyrsanthera
- Subtribe Speranskiinae
Tribe Dicoelieae
This tribe has one genus:
Tribe Epiprineae
There are 2 subtribes and 9 genera:
- Subtribe Epiprininae
- Adenochlaena (also Niedenzua, Centrostylis)
- Cephalocroton
- Cephalocrotonopsis
- Cladogynos (also Adenogynum, Baprea, Chloradenia)
- Cleidiocarpon (also Sinopimelodendron)
- Epiprinus
- Koilodepas (also Caelodepas, Calpigyne, Coelodepas, Nephrostylus)
- Subtribe Cephalomappinae
Tribe Erismantheae
There are 3 genera:
Tribe Omphaleae
This tribe only has 1 genus:
- Omphalea (also Duchola, Hebecocca, Hecatea, Neomphalea, Omphalandria, Ronnowia)
Tribe Plukenetieae
There are 3 subtribes and 13 genera:
- Subtribe Dalechampiinae
- Dalechampia (also Cremophyllum, Dalechampsia, Megalostylis, Rhopalostylis)
- Subtribe Plukenetiinae
- Angostylis (also Angostyles)
- Astrococcus
- Haematostemon
- Plukenetia (also Accia, Angostylidium, Apopandra, Botryanthe, Ceratococcus, Elaeophora, Eleutherostigma, Fragariopsis, Hedraiostylus, Pseudotragia, Pterococcus, Sajorium, Tetracarpidium or Vigia)
- Romanoa (also Anabaena, Anabaenella)
- Subtribe Tragiinae
- Acidoton (also Durandeeldia, Gitara)
- Bia
- Cnesmone (also Cenesmon, Cnesmosa)
- Megistostigma (also Clavistylus)
- Pachystylidium
- Platygyna (also Acanthocaulon)
- Sphaerostylis
- Tragia (also Agirta, Allosandra, Ctenomeria, Lassia, Leptobotrys, Leptorhachis, Leucandra, Schorigeram, Zuckertia)
- Tragiella
Tribe Pycnocomeae
There are 2 subtribes and 7 genera:
- Subtribe Blumeodendrinae
- Blumeodendron
- Botryophora (also Botryospora, Botryphora)
- Podadenia
- Ptychopyxis (also Clarorivinia)
- Subtribe Pycnocominae
- Argomuellera (also Neopycnocoma, Wetriaria)
- Droceloncia
- Pycnocoma (also Comopyena)
Tribe Sphyranthereae
There is only 1 genus:
Subfamily Crotonoideae
Tribe Adenoclineae
There are 2 subtribes and 6 genera:
- Subtribe Adenoclininae
- Adenocline (also Adenoclina, Diplostylis, Paradenocline)
- Ditta
- Glycydendron
- Klaineanthus
- Tetrorchidium (also Hasskarlia, Tetrorchidiopsis)
- Subtribe Endosperminae
- Endospermum (also Capellenia)
Tribe Aleuritideae
This tribe has 6 subtribes and 14 genera:
- Subtribe Aleuritinae
- Subtribe Benoistiinae
- Subtribe Crotonogyninae
- Crotonogyne (also Neomanniophyton)
- Cyrtogonone
- Manniophyton
- Subtribe Garciinae
- Garcia (also called Carcia)
- Subtribe Grosserinae
- Cavacoa
- Grossera
- Sandwithia
- Tannodia (also Domohinea)
- Tapoides
- Subtribe Neoboutoniinae
Tribe Codiaeae
There are 15 genera:
- Acidocroton
- Baliospermum
- Baloghia (also Steigeria)
- Blachia (also Deonia)
- Codiaeum (also Crozophyla, Junghuhnia, Phyllaurea, Synaspisma)
- Colobocarpos
- Tritaxis (with junior synonym Dimorphocalyx)
- Dodecastigma
- Fontainea
- Hylandia
- Ophellantha
- Ostodes
- Pantadenia
- Pausandra
- Sagotia
- Strophioblachia
Tribe Crotoneae
There are 6 genera:
- Astraea
- Brasiliocroton
- Croton (also Agelandra, Aldinia, Angelandra, Anisepta, Anisophyllum, Argyra, Argyrodendron, Astraea, Astrogyne, Aubertia, Banalia, Barhamia, Brachystachys, Calypteriopetalon, Cascarilla, Centrandra, Cieca, Cleodora, Codonocalyx, Comatocroton, Crotonanthus, Crotonopsis, Cyclostigma, Decarinium, Drepadenium, Eluteria, Engelmannia, Eremocarpus, Eutrophia, Friesia, Furcaria, Geiseleria, Gynamblosis, Halecus, Hendecandas, Heptallon, Heterochlamys, Heterocroton, Julocroton, Klotzschiphytum, Kurkas, Lasiogyne, Leptemon, Leucadenia, Luntia, Macrocroton, Medea, Merleta, Monguia, Myriogomphus, Ocalia, Oxydectes, Palanostigma, Penteca, Pilinophyton, Piscaria, Pleopadium, Podostachys, Saipania, Schradera, Semilta, Tiglium, Timandra, Tridesmis, Triplandra, Vandera)
- Mildbraedia (also Neojatropha, Plesiatropha)
- Moacroton (also Cubacroton)
- Paracroton (also Desmostemon, Fahrenheitia)
Tribe Elateriospermeae
This tribe only has 1 genus:
- Elateriospermum (also Elaterioides, Elaterispermum)
Tribe Gelonieae
This tribe has 2 genera:
- Cladogelonium
- Suregada (also Ceratophorus, Erythrocarpus, Gelonium, Owataria)
Tribe Jatropheae
There are 8 genera:
- Annesijoa
- Deutzianthus
- Jatropha (also Adenorhopium, Adenoropium, Castiglionia, Collenucia, Curcas, Jatropa, Loureira, Mesandrinia, Mozinna, Zimapania)
- Joannesia (also Anda, Andicus)
- Leeuwenbergia
- Loerzingia
- Oligoceras
- Vaupesia
Tribe Manihoteae
This tribe has 2 genera:
- Cnidoscolus (also Bivonea, Jussieuia, Mandioca, Victorinia)
- Manihot (also Hotnima, Janipha, Manihotoides)
Tribe Micrandreae
There are 2 subtribes and 4 genera:
- Subtribe Heveinae
- Hevea (also Caoutchoua, Micrandra, Siphonanthus, Siphonia)
- Subtribe Micrandrinae
- Cunuria
- Micrandra (also Clusiophyllum, Pogonophyllum)
- Micrandropsis
Tribe Ricinocarpeae
There are 2 subtribes and 7 genera:
- Subtribe Bertyinae
- Bertya (also Lambertya)
- Borneodendron
- Cocconerion
- Myricanthe
- Subtribe Ricinocarpinae
- Alphandia
- Beyeria (also Beyeriopsis, Calyptrostigma, Clavipodium)
- Ricinocarpos (also Echinosphaera, Ricinocarpus, Roeperia)
Tribe Ricinodendreae
There are 3 genera:
Tribe Trigonostemoneae
There is only 1 genus:
- Trigonostemon (also Actephilopsis, Athroisma, Enchidium, Kurziodendron, Neotrigonostemon, Nepenthandra, Poilaniella, Prosartema, Silvaea, Telogyne, Tritaxis, Tylosepalum)
Subfamily Euphorbioideae
Tribe Euphorbieae
This tribe has 3 subtribes and 6 genera:
- Subtribe Anthosteminae
- Subtribe Euphorbiinae
- Cubanthus (to be transferred to Euphorbia)
- Euphorbia (also Ademo, Adenopetalum, Adenorima, Agaloma, Aklema, Alectoroctonum, Allobia, Anisophyllum, Anthacantha, Aplarina, Arthrothamnus, Bojeria, Ceraselma, Chamaesyce, Characias, Chylogala, Crepidaria, Ctenadena, Cyathophora, Cystidospermum, Dactylanthes, Dematra, Desmonema, Diadenaria, Dichrophyllum, Dichylium, Diplocyathium, Ditritra, Elaeophorbia, Endadenium, Endoisila, Epurga, Esula, Euforbia, Eumecanthus, Euphorbiastrum, Euphorbiodendron, Euphorbiopsis, Euphorbium, Galarhoeus, Hexadenia, Kanopikon, Kobiosis, Lacanthis, Lathyris, Lepadena, Leptopus, Lophobios, Lortia, Lyciopsis, Medusea, Monadenium, Nisomenes, Ossifraga, Peccana, Pedilanthus, Petalandra, Pleuradena, Poinsettia, Pythius, Sclerocyathium, Stenadenium, Sterigmanthe, Synadenium, Tithymaloides, Tithymalopsis, Tithymalus, Torfasadis, Treisia, Tricherostigma, Trichosterigma, Tumalis, Vallaris, Ventenatia, Xamesike, Zalitea, Zygophyllidium)
- Subtribe Neoguillauminiinae
Tribe Hippomaneae
This tribe has 2 subtribes and 33 genera:
- Subtribe Carumbiinae
- Homalanthus (also Carumbium, Dibrachion, Dibrachium, Duania, Wartmannia)
- Subtribe Hippomaninae
- Actinostemon (also Dactylostemon)
- Adenopeltis
- Anomostachys
- Balakata
- Bonania (also Hypocoton)
- Colliguaja
- Conosapium
- Dalembertia (also Alcoceria)
- Dendrocousinsia
- Dendrothrix
- Ditrysinia
- Duvigneaudia
- Excoecaria (also Commia, Glyphostylus)
- Falconeria
- Grimmeodendron
- Gymnanthes (also Adenogyne, Ateramnus)
- Hippomane (also Mancanilla, Mancinella)
- Mabea
- Maprounea (also Aegopicron, Aegopricon, Aegopricum)
- Microstachys
- Neoshirakia (also Shirakia)
- Pleradenophora
- Pseudosenefeldera
- Rhodothyrsus
- Sapium (also Carumbium, Gymnobothrys, Sapiopsis, Seborium, Shirakiopsis, Stillingfleetia, Taeniosapium) - Chinese tallow
- Sclerocroton
- Sebastiania (also Clonostachys, Cnemidostachys, Elachocroton, Gussonia, Microstachys, Sarothrostachys, Tragiopsis)
- Senefeldera
- Senefelderopsis
- Shirakiopsis
- Spegazziniophytum
- Spirostachys
- Stillingia (also Gymnostillingia)
- Triadica
Tribe Hureae
There are 4 genera:
- Algernonia
- Hura
- Ophthalmoblapton
- Tetraplandra (also Dendrobryon)
Tribe Pachystromateae
There is one genus:
- Pachystroma (also Acantholoma)
Tribe Stomatocalyceae
There are 2 subtribes and 4 genera:
- Subtribe Hamilcoinae
- Subtribe Stomatocalycinae
- Pimelodendron (also Stomatocalyx)
- Plagiostyles
See also
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Wurdack, K. J.; Hoffmann, P.; Chase, M. W. (2005), "Molecular phylogenetic analysis of uniovulate Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbiaceae sensu stricto) using plastid RBCL and TRNL-F DNA sequences", American Journal of Botany, 92 (8): 1397–1420, doi:10.3732/ajb.92.8.1397, PMID 21646159
- ↑ Phyllanoa Croizat. Plants of the World Online. Retrieved 12 June 2024.
- ↑ W.J. Hayden et al. Two enigmatic biovulate Euphorbiaceae from the Neotropics: relationships of Chonocentrum and the identity of Phyllanoa. Am. J. Bot. (1996)