Tessie Thompson, played by Sian Gibson, debuted on-screen during 1998. She was involved in storylines such as pretending to be pregnant, extortion and hiding Tony Hutchinson's (Nick Pickard) son from him for 8 years. The Sun announced her return on 17 October 2007.
Tessie and Tony begin dating and she pretends to be pregnant before she tries to scam him and take his money. She gets found out and leaves a humiliated Tony. Several years after her last appearance, "old flame" Tessie returns for Tony's 30th birthday party.[1] Tony is "gob-smacked" to see her there and Tessie "rocks Tony's world to its foundations" when she introduces him to his long-lost son, Harry (Daniel Seymour).[2] When she supposedly lied about her pregnancy, she was pregnant and had chosen to lie about it. Radio Times described Tessie as "slightly unhinged".[3]
Kevin Daniels, played by Robert Weatherby, was the friend and roommate of Rob Hawthorne (Warren Derosa). Kevin joined Rob and Ruth Osborne (Terri Dwyer) on a charity mountain climb, but the they ended up getting stuck and needed to be rescued. In October 1998, Kurt Benson (Jeremy Edwards) turned up at the flat searching for Rob, who had put his sister, Lucy (Kerrie Taylor), in a drug-induced coma. Kurt got physical with Kevin, until Kevin told him that Rob was searching for Jude Cunningham (Davinia Taylor), and Kurt left.
Kirsty Williams, played by Keeley Forsyth, is a member of the Williams family who targeted the Patrick family. Gina Patrick (Dannielle Brent) had witnessed a stabbing committed by Kirsty and was asked to testify against Kirsty in court. The Williams family targeted Gina's family, so Gina decided not to testify. Gina was arrested for failing to appear in court and ended up giving evidence.
Detective Inspector Vicky Green, played by Francesca Ryan in 1998 and 2006 and Rosie Fellner in 2005, was a detective who investigated the disappearance of Mandy Richardson (Sarah Jayne Dunn) after she disappeared from home. Mandy's boyfriend Sol Patrick (Paul Danan) was suspected to have been involved in her disappearance, especially when Paul Millington (Zander Ward) refused to corroborate Sol's alibi that they were joyriding in a stolen car at the time. D.S. Green returned in 2005 and served as the family liaison officer when Mandy's half-brother Tom Cunningham (Ellis Hollins) went missing. He was later discovered by Mandy at her late mother and step-father's grave. The following year, D.I. Green was called Hollyoaks following the tragic cot death of Mandy's daughter Grace Hutchinson. She questioned Mandy's husband Tony Hutchinson (Nick Pickard), Mandy, and babysitters Hannah Ashworth (Emma Rigby) and Nancy Hayton (Jessica Fox) over what had happened up to when Mandy found Grace dead.
Rory "Finn" Finnigan, played by James Redmond, first appeared in 1998 before leaving in 2002, after playing the character for 4 years. He left to return to his previous life before his time in Hollyoaks village. Rory was described as a "cheeky chancer" and a "heart-throb".[4] In 2009, the Daily Star reported that Hollyoaks producer Lucy Allan was planning to lure Redmond back into his role.[5]
Vernon Booth, played by Seamus O'Neill, was a builder who worked on Gordon Cunningham's (Bernard Latham) building on Oakdale Drive. Vernon caused problems with Mr. C's tenant Tony Hutchinson (Nick Pickard) - who owned Got It Taped - with his late arrival and behaviour that turned customers away. He was hired by Rory Finnigan (James Redmond) in August 2000 to work on building The Loft, with his girlfriend Victoria Hutchinson (Fiona Mollison) managing to talk Vernon into talking down the price. In March 2006, Vernon worked on the construction of Evissa. Tony protested against the building, believing it to be a sex shop, with Vernon embarrassing Tony before Tony was arrested.
Wayne Clark, played by James Corden, appeared between 1998 and 1999. Wayne was friends with Paul Millington (Zander Ward) and Sol Patrick (Paul Danan), befriending them as they worked community service for a car theft in May 1998. After leaving HCC, Wayne ran a car wash stall and employed Sol. After Sol was imprisoned for stealing a car and crashing it, Wayne closed the stall and left the village.
Emily Taylor, played by Lorna Pegler, first appeared in 1998, before leaving in 2001. She is the girlfriend of Gina Patrick (Dannielle Brent). Emily and Gina share an interest in animal welfare and begin a relationship together. Emily cheats on Gina so their relationship ends. Emily shares a kiss with Nikki Sullivan (Wendy Glenn), but is furious when Nikki tells her she only kissed Emily to see how kissing a woman would feel. Emily and Gina reconcile and Emily leaves with her when Gina leaves to do charity work in China.