Glossary of Riemannian and metric geometry

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This is a glossary of some terms used in Riemannian geometry and metric geometry — it doesn't cover the terminology of differential topology. The following articles may also be useful; they either contain specialised vocabulary or provide more detailed expositions of the definitions given below.

See also:

Unless stated otherwise, letters X, Y, Z below denote metric spaces, M, N denote Riemannian manifolds, |xy| or |xy|X denotes the distance between points x and y in X. Italic word denotes a self-reference to this glossary. A caveat: many terms in Riemannian and metric geometry, such as convex function, convex set and others, do not have exactly the same meaning as in general mathematical usage.


Alexandrov space a generalization of Riemannian manifolds with upper, lower or integral curvature bounds (the last one works only in dimension 2) Almost flat manifold Arc-wise isometry the same as path isometry. Autoparallel the same as totally geodesic.[1]


Barycenter, see center of mass. bi-Lipschitz map. A map f:XY is called bi-Lipschitz if there are positive constants c and C such that for any x and y in X


Busemann function given a ray, γ : [0, ∞)→X, the Busemann function is defined by



Cartan–Hadamard theorem is the statement that a connected, simply connected complete Riemannian manifold with non-positive sectional curvature is diffeomorphic to Rn via the exponential map; for metric spaces, the statement that a connected, simply connected complete geodesic metric space with non-positive curvature in the sense of Alexandrov is a (globally) CAT(0) space. Cartan extended Einstein's General relativity to Einstein–Cartan theory, using Riemannian-Cartan geometry instead of Riemannian geometry. This extension provides affine torsion, which allows for non-symmetric curvature tensors and the incorporation of spin–orbit coupling. Center of mass. A point qM is called the center of mass[2] of the points p1,p2,,pk if it is a point of global minimum of the function


Such a point is unique if all distances |pipj| are less than the convexity radius. Christoffel symbol Collapsing manifold Complete manifold Complete metric space Completion Conformal map is a map which preserves angles. Conformally flat a manifold M is conformally flat if it is locally conformally equivalent to a Euclidean space, for example standard sphere is conformally flat. Conjugate points two points p and q on a geodesic γ are called conjugate if there is a Jacobi field on γ which has a zero at p and q. Convex function. A function f on a Riemannian manifold is a convex if for any geodesic γ the function fγ is convex. A function f is called λ-convex if for any geodesic γ with natural parameter t, the function fγ(t)λt2 is convex. Convex A subset K of a Riemannian manifold M is called convex if for any two points in K there is a unique shortest path connecting them which lies entirely in K, see also totally convex. Convexity radius at a point p of a Riemannian manifold is the supremum of radii of balls centered at p that are (totally) convex. The convexity radius of the manifold is the infimum of the convexity radii at its points; for a compact manifold this is a positive number.[3] Sometimes the additional requirement is made that the distance function to p in these balls is convex.[4] Cotangent bundle Covariant derivative Cut locus


Diameter of a metric space is the supremum of distances between pairs of points. Developable surface is a surface isometric to the plane. Dilation same as Lipschitz constant


Exponential map: Exponential map (Lie theory), Exponential map (Riemannian geometry)


Finsler metric First fundamental form for an embedding or immersion is the pullback of the metric tensor. Flat manifold


Geodesic is a curve which locally minimizes distance. Geodesic flow is a flow on a tangent bundle TM of a manifold M, generated by a vector field whose trajectories are of the form (γ(t),γ(t)) where γ is a geodesic. Gromov-Hausdorff convergence Geodesic metric space is a metric space where any two points are the endpoints of a minimizing geodesic.


Hadamard space is a complete simply connected space with nonpositive curvature. Horosphere a level set of Busemann function.


Injectivity radius The injectivity radius at a point p of a Riemannian manifold is the supremum of radii for which the exponential map at p is a diffeomorphism. The injectivity radius of a Riemannian manifold is the infimum of the injectivity radii at all points.[5] See also cut locus. For complete manifolds, if the injectivity radius at p is a finite number r, then either there is a geodesic of length 2r which starts and ends at p or there is a point q conjugate to p (see conjugate point above) and on the distance r from p.[6] For a closed Riemannian manifold the injectivity radius is either half the minimal length of a closed geodesic or the minimal distance between conjugate points on a geodesic. Infranilmanifold Given a simply connected nilpotent Lie group N acting on itself by left multiplication and a finite group of automorphisms F of N one can define an action of the semidirect product NF on N. An orbit space of N by a discrete subgroup of NF which acts freely on N is called an infranilmanifold. An infranilmanifold is finitely covered by a nilmanifold.[7] Isometry is a map which preserves distances. Intrinsic metric


Jacobi field A Jacobi field is a vector field on a geodesic γ which can be obtained on the following way: Take a smooth one parameter family of geodesics γτ with γ0=γ, then the Jacobi field is described by


Jordan curve


Kähler-Einstein metric Kähler metric Killing vector field


Length metric the same as intrinsic metric. Levi-Civita connection is a natural way to differentiate vector fields on Riemannian manifolds. Lipschitz constant of a map is the infimum of numbers L such that the given map is L-Lipschitz. Lipschitz convergence the convergence of metric spaces defined by Lipschitz distance. Lipschitz distance between metric spaces is the infimum of numbers r such that there is a bijective bi-Lipschitz map between these spaces with constants exp(-r), exp(r).[8] Lipschitz map Logarithmic map, or logarithm, is a right inverse of Exponential map.[9][10]


Mean curvature Metric ball Metric tensor Minimal surface is a submanifold with (vector of) mean curvature zero.


Natural parametrization is the parametrization by length.[11] Net. A subset S of a metric space X is called ϵ-net if for any point in X there is a point in S on the distance ϵ.[12] This is distinct from topological nets which generalize limits. Nilmanifold: An element of the minimal set of manifolds which includes a point, and has the following property: any oriented S1-bundle over a nilmanifold is a nilmanifold. It also can be defined as a factor of a connected nilpotent Lie group by a lattice. Normal bundle: associated to an embedding of a manifold M into an ambient Euclidean space N, the normal bundle is a vector bundle whose fiber at each point p is the orthogonal complement (in N) of the tangent space TpM. Nonexpanding map same as short map.


Parallel transport Path isometry Polyhedral space a simplicial complex with a metric such that each simplex with induced metric is isometric to a simplex in Euclidean space. Principal curvature is the maximum and minimum normal curvatures at a point on a surface. Principal direction is the direction of the principal curvatures. Proper metric space is a metric space in which every closed ball is compact. Equivalently, if every closed bounded subset is compact. Every proper metric space is complete.[13] Pseudo-Riemannian manifold


Quasigeodesic has two meanings; here we give the most common. A map f:IY (where I is a subinterval) is called a quasigeodesic if there are constants K1 and C0 such that for every x,yI


Note that a quasigeodesic is not necessarily a continuous curve. Quasi-isometry. A map f:XY is called a quasi-isometry if there are constants K1 and C0 such that


and every point in Y has distance at most C from some point of f(X). Note that a quasi-isometry is not assumed to be continuous. For example, any map between compact metric spaces is a quasi isometry. If there exists a quasi-isometry from X to Y, then X and Y are said to be quasi-isometric.


Radius of metric space is the infimum of radii of metric balls which contain the space completely.[14] Ray is a one side infinite geodesic which is minimizing on each interval.[15] Ricci curvature Riemann Riemann curvature tensor Riemannian manifold Riemannian submersion is a map between Riemannian manifolds which is submersion and submetry at the same time.


Scalar curvature Second fundamental form is a quadratic form on the tangent space of hypersurface, usually denoted by II, an equivalent way to describe the shape operator of a hypersurface,


It can be also generalized to arbitrary codimension, in which case it is a quadratic form with values in the normal space. Shape operator for a hypersurface M is a linear operator on tangent spaces, SpTpMTpM. If n is a unit normal field to M and v is a tangent vector then


(there is no standard agreement whether to use + or − in the definition). Short map is a distance non increasing map. Smooth manifold Sol manifold is a factor of a connected solvable Lie group by a lattice. Submetry A short map f between metric spaces is called a submetry[16] if there exists R > 0 such that for any point x and radius r < R the image of metric r-ball is an r-ball, i.e.f(Br(x))=Br(f(x)).Sub-Riemannian manifold Systole. The k-systole of M, systk(M), is the minimal volume of k-cycle nonhomologous to zero.


Tangent bundle Totally convex A subset K of a Riemannian manifold M is called totally convex if for any two points in K any geodesic connecting them lies entirely in K, see also convex.[17] Totally geodesic submanifold is a submanifold such that all geodesics in the submanifold are also geodesics of the surrounding manifold.[18]


Uniquely geodesic metric space is a metric space where any two points are the endpoints of a unique minimizing geodesic.


Word metric on a group is a metric of the Cayley graph constructed using a set of generators.


  1. Kobayashi, Shōshichi; Nomizu, Katsumi (1963). "Chapter VII Submanifolds, 8. Autoparallel submanifolds and totally geodesic submanifolds". Foundations of differential geometry. Interscience Publishers, New York, NY. pp. 53–62. ISBN 978-0-471-15732-8. Zbl 0175.48504.
  2. Mancinelli, Claudio; Puppo, Enrico (2023-06-01). "Computing the Riemannian center of mass on meshes". Computer Aided Geometric Design. 103: 102203. doi:10.1016/j.cagd.2023.102203. ISSN 0167-8396.
  3. Gallot, Sylvestre; Hulin, Dominique; Lafontaine, Jacques (2004), Gallot, Sylvestre; Hulin, Dominique; Lafontaine, Jacques (eds.), "Riemannian metrics", Riemannian Geometry, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, Remark after Proof of Corollary 2.89, p.87, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-18855-8_2, ISBN 978-3-642-18855-8, retrieved 2024-11-28
  4. Petersen, Peter (2016), Petersen, Peter (ed.), "Sectional Curvature Comparison I", Riemannian Geometry, Cham: Springer International Publishing, Theorem 6.4.8, pp. 258-259, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-26654-1_6, ISBN 978-3-319-26654-1, retrieved 2024-11-29
  5. Lee, Jeffrey M. (2009). "13. Riemannian and Semi-Riemannian Geometry, Definition 13.141". Manifolds and differential geometry. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS). p. 615. ISBN 978-0-8218-4815-9. Zbl 1190.58001.
  6. Gallot, Sylvestre; Hulin, Dominique; Lafontaine, Jacques (2004), Gallot, Sylvestre; Hulin, Dominique; Lafontaine, Jacques (eds.), "Curvature", Riemannian Geometry, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, Scholium 3.78, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-18855-8_3, ISBN 978-3-642-18855-8, retrieved 2024-11-28
  7. Hirsch, Morris W. (1970). "Expanding maps and transformation groups". Global Analysis, Proc. Sympos. Pure Math. (14): 125–131. doi:10.1090/pspum/014/0298701. Zbl 0223.58009.
  8. Burago, Dmitri; Burago, Yurii; Ivanov, Sergei (2001). A course in metric geometry. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS). Chapter 7, §7.2, pp. 249-250. ISBN 0-8218-2129-6. Zbl 0981.51016.
  9. Burago, Dmitri; Burago, Yurii; Ivanov, Sergei (2001). A course in metric geometry. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS). Chapter 9, §9.1, pp. 321-322. ISBN 0-8218-2129-6. Zbl 0981.51016.
  10. Lang, Serge (1999). "Fundamentals of Differential Geometry". Graduate Texts in Mathematics. Chapter XII An example of seminegative curvature, p. 323. doi:10.1007/978-1-4612-0541-8. ISSN 0072-5285.
  11. Burago, Dmitri; Burago, Yurii; Ivanov, Sergei (2001). A course in metric geometry. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS). Chapter 2, §2.5.1, Definition 2.5.7. ISBN 0-8218-2129-6. Zbl 0981.51016.
  12. Burago, Dmitri; Burago, Yurii; Ivanov, Sergei (2001). A course in metric geometry. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS). Chapter 1, §1.6, Definition 1.6.1, p. 13. ISBN 0-8218-2129-6. Zbl 0981.51016.
  13. Bridson, Martin R.; Haefliger, André (1999), Bridson, Martin R.; Haefliger, André (eds.), "Basic Concepts", Metric Spaces of Non-Positive Curvature, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, Chapter I.1, § Metric spaces, Definitions 1.1, p. 2, doi:10.1007/978-3-662-12494-9_1, ISBN 978-3-662-12494-9, retrieved 2024-11-29
  14. Burago, Dmitri; Burago, Yurii; Ivanov, Sergei (2001). A course in metric geometry. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS). Chapter 10, §10.4, Exercise 10.4.5, p. 366. ISBN 0-8218-2129-6. Zbl 0981.51016.
  15. Petersen, Peter (2016). "Riemannian Geometry". Graduate Texts in Mathematics. Chapter 7, §7.3.1 Rays and Lines, p. 298. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-26654-1. ISSN 0072-5285.
  16. Berestovskii, V. N. (1987-07-01). "Submetries of space-forms of negative curvature". Siberian Mathematical Journal. 28 (4): 552–562. doi:10.1007/BF00973842. ISSN 1573-9260.
  17. Petersen, Peter (2016). "Riemannian Geometry". Graduate Texts in Mathematics. Chapter 12, §12.4 The Soul Theorem, p. 463. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-26654-1. ISSN 0072-5285.
  18. Gallot, Sylvestre; Hulin, Dominique; Lafontaine, Jacques (2004). "Riemannian Geometry". Universitext. Chapter 2, §2.C.1, Definition 2.80 bis, p.82. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-18855-8. ISSN 0172-5939.