2015–16 National League 3 Midlands

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This is a list of every 2015–16 National League 3 Midlands matchday results.


Matchday 1

Saturday 5 September
Birmingham & Solihull 24 - 32 Syston
Bromsgrove 32 - 31 Sutton Coldfield
Hinckley 21 - 13 Scunthorpe
Lichfield 21 - 0 Sandbach
Longton 12 - 42 Peterborough Lions
Newport (Salop) 36 - 3 Old Northamptonians
Nuneaton 13 - 26 Old Halesonians

Matchday 2

Saturday 12 September
Birmingham & Solihull 14 - 17 Bromsgrove
Old Northamptonians 17 - 30 Nuneaton
Peterborough Lions 22 - 9 Newport (Salop)
Sandbach 25 - 3 Longton
Scunthorpe 20 - 24 Lichfield
Sutton Coldfield 3 - 46 Hinckley
Syston 13 - 31 Old Halesonians

Matchday 3

Saturday 19 September
Bromsgrove 17 - 3 Syston
Hinckley 41 - 10 Birmingham & Solihull
Lichfield 58 - 19 Sutton Coldfield
Longton 17 - 52 Scunthorpe
Newport (Salop) 35 - 14 Sandbach
Nuneaton 23 - 12 Peterborough Lions
Old Halesonians 41 - 3 Old Northamptonians

Matchday 4

Saturday 26 September
Birmingham & Solihull 41 - 17 Lichfield
Bromsgrove 17 - 34 Hinckley
Peterborough Lions 22 - 25 Old Halesonians
Sandbach 19 - 15 Nuneaton
Scunthorpe 35 - 24 Newport (Salop)
Sutton Coldfield 14 - 26 Longton
Syston 38 - 33 Old Northamptonians

Matchday 5

Saturday 3 October
Hinckley 32 - 20 Syston
Lichfield 22 - 25 Bromsgrove
Longton 15 - 23 Birmingham & Solihull
Newport (Salop) 12 - 31 Sutton Coldfield
Nuneaton 19 - 30 Scunthorpe
Old Halesonians 27 - 17 Sandbach
Old Northamptonians 17 - 18 Peterborough Lions

Matchday 6

Saturday 10 October
Birmingham & Solihull 31 - 34 Newport (Salop)
Bromsgrove 50 - 29 Longton
Hinckley 26 - 14 Lichfield
Sandbach 19 - 22 Old Northamptonians
Scunthorpe 24 - 19 Old Halesonians
Sutton Coldfield 21 - 52 Nuneaton
Syston 27 - 15 Peterborough Lions

Matchday 7

Saturday 24 October
Lichfield 27 - 18 Syston
Longton 7 - 21 Hinckley
Newport (Salop) 45 - 26 Bromsgrove
Nuneaton 25 - 3 Birmingham & Solihull
Old Halesonians 41 - 0 Sutton Coldfield
Old Northamptonians 7 - 8 Scunthorpe
Peterborough Lions 10 - 14 Sandbach

Matchday 8

Saturday 7 November
Birmingham & Solihull 7 - 29 Old Halesonians
Bromsgrove 16 - 15 Nuneaton
Hinckley 55 - 7 Newport (Salop)
Lichfield 14 - 26 Longton
Scunthorpe 28 - 19 Peterborough Lions
Sutton Coldfield 23 - 22 Old Northamptonians
Syston 5 - 8 Sandbach

Matchday 9

Saturday 14 November
Longton 15 - 12 Syston
Newport (Salop) 27 - 10 Lichfield
Nuneaton 6 - 15 Hinckley
Old Halesonians 15 - 16 Bromsgrove
Old Northamptonians 22 - 13 Birmingham & Solihull
Peterborough Lions 12 - 8 Sutton Coldfield
Sandbach 14 - 17 Scunthorpe

Matchday 10

Saturday 21 November
Birmingham & Solihull 17 - 22 Peterborough Lions
Bromsgrove 18 - 25 Old Northamptonians
Hinckley 20 - 17 Old Halesonians
Lichfield 15 - 18 Nuneaton
Longton 55 - 0 Newport (Salop)
Sutton Coldfield 20 - 12 Sandbach
Syston 31 - 24 Scunthorpe

Matchday 11

Saturday 28 November
Newport (Salop) 7 - 17 Syston
Nuneaton 25 - 12 Longton
Old Halesonians 26 - 24 Lichfield
Old Northamptonians 0 - 36 Hinckley
Peterborough Lions 17 - 3 Bromsgrove
Sandbach 10 - 31 Birmingham & Solihull
Scunthorpe 44 - 7 Sutton Coldfield

Matchday 12

Saturday 5 December
Birmingham & Solihull 8 - 29 Scunthorpe
Bromsgrove 51 - 38 Sandbach
Hinckley 39 - 18 Peterborough Lions
Lichfield 24 - 10 Old Northamptonians
Longton 6 - 10 Old Halesonians
Newport (Salop) 10 - 27 Nuneaton
Syston 27 - 23 Sutton Coldfield

Matchday 13

Saturday 12 December
Old Halesonians 36 - 10 Newport (Salop)
Old Northamptonians 22 - 10 Longton
Peterborough Lions 43 - 0 Lichfield
Sandbach 11 - 20 Hinckley
Scunthorpe 36 - 6 Bromsgrove
Sutton Coldfield 16 - 18 Birmingham & Solihull
Syston 7 - 24 Nuneaton

Matchday 14

Saturday 19 December
Bromsgrove 32 - 27 Birmingham & Solihull
Hinckley 26 - 13 Sutton Coldfield
Lichfield 22 - 26 Scunthorpe
Longton 27 - 8 Sandbach
Newport (Salop) 12 - 31 Peterborough Lions
Nuneaton 27 - 12 Old Northamptonians
Old Halesonians 22 - 8 Syston

Matchday 15

Saturday 9 January
Birmingham & Solihull 3 - 18 Hinckley
Old Northamptonians 28 - 21 Old Halesonians
Peterborough Lions 17 - 9 Nuneaton
Sandbach 36 - 15 Newport (Salop)
Scunthorpe 35 - 10 Longton
Sutton Coldfield 17 - 25 Lichfield
Syston 32 - 25 Bromsgrove

Matchday 16 (4/7)

Saturday 16 January
Hinckley 26 - 0 Bromsgrove
Lichfield 19 - 23 Birmingham & Solihull
Nuneaton 24 - 20 Sandbach
Old Northamptonians 22 - 26 Syston

Matchday 17

Saturday 9 January
Birmingham & Solihull 8 - 5 Longton
Bromsgrove 8 - 22 Lichfield
Peterborough Lions 33 - 8 Old Northamptonians
Sandbach 15 - 32 Old Halesonians
Scunthorpe 51 - 3 Nuneaton
Sutton Coldfield 18 - 36 Newport (Salop)
Syston 18 - 12 Hinckley

Matchday 18

Saturday 30 January
Lichfield 35 - 32 Hinckley
Longton 20 - 35 Bromsgrove
Newport (Salop) 5 - 18 Birmingham & Solihull
Nuneaton 44 - 12 Sutton Coldfield
Old Halesonians 10 - 28 Scunthorpe
Old Northamptonians 19 - 22 Sandbach
Peterborough Lions 26 - 10 Syston

Matchday 16 (7/7)

Saturday 6 February
Longton 38 - 3 Sutton Coldfield
Newport (Salop) 3 - 31 Scunthorpe
Old Halesonians 13 - 5 Peterborough Lions

Matchday 19

Saturday 13 February
Birmingham & Solihull 17 - 7 Nuneaton
Bromsgrove 29 - 11 Newport (Salop)
Hinckley 29 - 29 Longton
Sandbach 38 - 10 Peterborough Lions
Scunthorpe 48 - 5 Old Northamptonians
Sutton Coldfield 26 - 45 Old Halesonians
Syston 28 - 17 Lichfield

Matchday 20

Saturday 20 February
Longton 17 - 15 Lichfield
Newport (Salop) 5 - 28 Hinckley
Nuneaton 38 - 0 Bromsgrove
Old Halesonians 10 - 8 Birmingham & Solihull
Old Northamptonians 24 - 10 Sutton Coldfield
Peterborough Lions 9 - 15 Scunthorpe
Sandbach 32 - 8 Syston

Matchday 21

Saturday 27 February
Birmingham & Solihull 35 - 6 Old Northamptonians
Bromsgrove 15 - 35 Old Halesonians
Hinckley 22 - 17 Nuneaton
Lichfield 25 - 27 Newport (Salop)
Scunthorpe 39 - 8 Sandbach
Sutton Coldfield 28 - 60 Peterborough Lions
Syston 31 - 34 Longton

Matchday 22

Saturday 5 March
Newport (Salop) 0 - 26 Longton
Nuneaton 31 - 17 Lichfield
Old Northamptonians 36 - 22 Bromsgrove
Peterborough Lions 7 - 19 Birmingham & Solihull
Sandbach 50 - 3 Sutton Coldfield
Scunthorpe 12 - 11 Syston
Saturday 12 March
Old Halesonians 20 - 31 Hinckley

Matchday 23

Saturday 19 March
Birmingham & Solihull 24 - 20 Sandbach
Bromsgrove 17 - 20 Peterborough Lions
Hinckley 68 - 3 Old Northamptonians
Lichfield 27 - 24 Old Halesonians
Longton 24 - 25 Nuneaton
Sutton Coldfield 12 - 57 Scunthorpe
Syston 29 - 21 Newport (Salop)

Matchday 24

Saturday 2 April
Nuneaton 32 - 33 Newport (Salop)
Old Halesonians 18 - 22 Longton
Old Northamptonians 50 - 29 Lichfield
Peterborough Lions 24 - 26 Hinckley
Sandbach 35 - 18 Bromsgrove
Scunthorpe 17 - 16 Birmingham & Solihull
Sutton Coldfield 23 - 58 Syston

Matchday 25

Saturday 9 April
Birmingham & Solihull 43 - 11 Sutton Coldfield
Bromsgrove 5 - 24 Scunthorpe
Hinckley 53 - 10 Sandbach
Lichfield 35 - 50 Peterborough Lions
Longton 33 - 31 Old Northamptonians
Newport (Salop) 13 - 22 Old Halesonians
Nuneaton 17 - 20 Syston

Matchday 26

Saturday 16 April
Old Halesonians 15 - 7 Nuneaton
Old Northamptonians 51 - 14 Newport (Salop)
Peterborough Lions 29 - 12 Longton
Sandbach 51 - 42 Lichfield
Scunthorpe 23 - 13 Hinckley
Sutton Coldfield 20 - 59 Bromsgrove
Syston 9 - 19 Birmingham & Solihull