Phyl Garland of Stereo Review proclaimed that the LP was "made up of the sort of briskly invigorating and tuneful songs that reach right out and grab your ear". Garland added " Still, though White may well be the Svengali behind this trio of Trilbys, none of his magic would work if it were not for the energy and polish supplied and applied by the Emotions."[7] Jon Wall of Melody Maker noted that "throughout Come into Our World The Emotions' superb vocal control, range and harmonic sense are displayed to maximum effect". He also proclaimed that "Come into Our World is one of the most appealing albums I've heard since Off the Wall. I can't get the album off the turntable and I don't want to".[8]
Fred Murphy of Variety called the LP "a slick smooth production and a refreshing change of material for the group."[9] Bill Rhedon of The Baltimore Sun found that "Like many of the 'Sound of Chicago' groups, the Emotions don't rely on audio gimmicks or super-polished stage presence for their success. Their only 'secrets' are great songwriters, who provide three sopranos with excellent material, and their musicians. Beyond that it's simply steady, unvarying 'Coming at You, Soul'. The nice thing about the Emotions on record is their consistent and even performance."[10]
Bernard Kundell, Carl LaMagna, David Frisina, David Montagu, Don Palmer, Endre Granat, Enro Neufeld, Frank Foster, Gina Kronstadt, Haim Shtrum, Harris Goldman, Harry Bluestone, Henry Ferber, Henry L. Roth, Ilkka Talvi, Israel Baker, Jack Gootkin, Janice Gower, Jerome Reisler, Jerome Webster, Joseph Goodman, Joy Lyle, Karen Jones, Lya Stern, Marcy Dicterow, Mari Botnick Tsumura, Mark Cargill, Marshall Sasson, Marvin Limonick, Nathan Ross, Norman Car, Pam Gates, Paul Shure, Pavel Farkas, Robert Lipsett, Ron Clark, Ronald Folsom, Tibor Zlig, Bill Henderson – violin
Allan Harshman, David Schwartz, Gareth Nuttycombe, Herschel Wise, Jan Hlinka, James Ross, Linda Lipsett, Marilyn Baker, Myron Sadler, Patrick Morgan, Virginia Majewski, William Hymanson – viola
Barbara H. Badgley, Daniel Rothmuller, Edgar Listgarten, Harry Schultz, Jacqueline Lustgarten, Julianna Buffum, Larry Corbett, Miguel Martinez, Ray Kramer, Robert L. Adcock, Ronald Cooper – cello
Tom Tom 84 (Thomas Washington), Ben Wright, Greg Mathieson, Wade Marcus - arranger
Engineered by George Massenburg, Mic Guzauski, Tom Perry
Produced for Kalimba Productions
Recorded at: Hollywood Sound Recorders, Davlen Sound Studios and Sound City Studios, Los Angeles, CA