Evolution equations in high-energy particle physics

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Evolution equations play a great role in high-energy particle physics, especially in the Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) field. Because these are fundamental equations used to establish the relationship between energy carrying particles and their interaction at high energy. most basic tools for understanding the experiments to determine the consequences and predicting the outcomes of particle collisions and theories to describe the fundamental nature of the universe.


The development of evolution equations in high-energy particle physics is closely associated with the general evolution of physical science. With the development of physics from classical theories to modern concepts like D-branes and superstrings, lead to development more mathematical tools to describe particle interactions at high energies. The use of evolution equations became a highly effective tool to describe the probability density of particles in various contexts, including rarefied gases, and their mechanisms are being utilized in high-energy physics. Parton distributions and the evolution equations have deep historical links to the development of QCD and the study of parton distributions. The experiments have checked the internal structure of matter ever more deeply and physicists have developed mathematical frameworks to describe how the distribution of quarks and gluons, collectively called partons, within hadrons changes with energy scale.

Theoretical Framework

QCD Evolution Equations

In the Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) evolution equations describe how parton distribution functions change with the energy scale of the interaction, Some of those equations are:

  • DGLAP Equations: These equations were proposed by Dokshitzer, Gribov, Lipatov, Altarelli, and Parisi and they describe the evolution of parton densities as a function of the momentum transfer Q2 [1].
  • BFKL equation: The Balitsky-Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov(BFKL) equation describes the evolution of the gluon distributions at small Bjorken x. That denotes the high-energy regimes
  • JIMWLK Equation: when you study high-density associate systems this refers to the Jalilian-Marian–Iancu–McLerran–Weigert–Leonidov–Kovner equation. the general evolution of nonlinear effects to high-energy scattered gluons .

These equations form the backbone of our understanding of parton dynamics in high-energy collisions. predict how the internal structure of hadrons evolves when they are develope at different energy scales, which is essential for explain data collected at particle accelerators like the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

The Pomeron and Evolution Equations

The concept of the Pomeron which originated in Regge theory, has been combined into the QCD evolution equations. The Pomeron is a trajectory that explains the behavior of scattering amplitudes at high energies, particularly the slowly rising cross-sections observed in hadron-hadron collisions. Recent theoretical developments have led to the Pomeron loops in evolution equations, which include gluon number change. This provides a more accurate description of high-energy QCD dynamics . The relationship between evolution equations and the Pomeron is complex:

  • Pomeron loops in evolution equations like the Balitsky-Kovchegov (BK) and JIMWLK equations enhance our understanding of scattering processes at high energies.[2]
  • The running of the coupling in these equations can suppress particle number change, affecting the evolution of the saturation front in high-energy processes [2]
  • Even when dealing with such loops the use of mean-field type approximations like the BK equation is still valid, especially when running coupling effects .
  • Geometric scaling, which is characteristic of BK dynamics, is affected by Pomeron loops but is maintained as an effect of running coupling.

Such techniques have played an important role in enhancing our predictions capacity within QCD and understanding particle dynamics at high energies.

Applications in Experiments and Theoretical Discoveries

Evolution equations find numerous applications in both experimental and theoretical high-energy particle physics

Experimental Applications

  • Evolution equations are used in event generators for (high-energy) physics experiments. Simulation of particle collisions is performed and which helps understanding experimental results[3].
  • High-Energy Particle Collisions: At the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) data shows physical phenomena that are analyzed and explain evolution equations.

Theoretical Discoveries

  • Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs): There is renewed interest of late in the evolution equations for GPDs (e.g., in momentum space), with detailed work on evolution kernels and their properties. This has submit numerical application of GPD evolution equations, which can be found in libraries such as APFEL++ [4]
  • Next-to-Leading Order (NLO) Corrections:Theoretical developments have resulted in more elaborate evolution equations that take into describe both Pomeron loops and NLO corrections, which greatly enhance our understanding of high-energy QCD processes .
  • Saturation Physics: Matter in a high energy collision evolves with time, and the equations that describe this evolution are critical in understanding the saturation of gluons, a phenomenon that has to be taken into analyzing matter at high energies.

See also


  1. Dr. Guido Altarelli (2009-05-15). "QCD evolution equations for parton densities". Scholarpedia.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Dumitru, Adrian; Iancu, Edmond; Portugal, Licinio; Soyez, Gregory; Triantafyllopoulos, Dionysis N (2007-08-22). "Pomeron loop and running coupling effects in high energy QCD evolution". Journal of High Energy Physics. 2007 (08): 062–062. doi:10.1088/1126-6708/2007/08/062. ISSN 1029-8479.
  3. "Event generators for high-energy particle physics event simulation" (PDF). SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. Stanford University. 2022-03-21.
  4. Bertone, Valerio; Dutrieux, Hervé; Mezrag, Cédric; Morgado, José M.; Moutarde, Hervé (2022-10-08). "Revisiting evolution equations for generalised parton distributions". The European Physical Journal C. 82 (10). doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-022-10793-0. ISSN 1434-6052.