Getis–Ord statistics

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Getis–Ord statistics, also known as Gi*, are used in spatial analysis to measure the local and global spatial autocorrelation. Developed by statisticians Arthur Getis and J. Keith Ord they are commonly used for Hot Spot Analysis[1][2] to identify where features with high or low values are spatially clustered in a statistically significant way. Getis-Ord statistics are available in a number of software libraries such as CrimeStat, GeoDa, ArcGIS, PySAL[3] and R.[4][5]

Local statistics

File:USA Contiguous Unemployment Rate 2020.jpg
Hot spot map showing hot and cold spots in the 2020 USA Contiguous Unemployment Rate, calculated using Getis Ord Gi*

There are two different versions of the statistic, depending on whether the data point at the target location i is included or not[6]


Here xi is the value observed at the ith spatial site and wij is the spatial weight matrix which constrains which sites are connected to one another. For Gi* the denominator is constant across all observations. A value larger (or smaller) than the mean suggests a hot (or cold) spot corresponding to a high-high (or low-low) cluster. Statistical significance can be estimated using analytical approximations as in the original work[7][8] however in practice permutation testing is used to obtain more reliable estimates of significance for statistical inference.[6]

Global statistics

The Getis-Ord statistics of overall spatial association are[7][9]


The local and global G* statistics are related through the weighted average


The relationship of the G and Gi statistics is more complicated due to the dependence of the denominator of Gi on i.

Relation to Moran's I

Moran's I is another commonly used measure of spatial association defined by


where N is the number of spatial sites and W=ijwij is the sum of the entries in the spatial weight matrix. Getis and Ord show[7] that


Where wi=jwij, wi=jwji, K1=(ij,ijxixj)1 and K2=WN(i(xix¯)2)1. They are equal if wij=w is constant, but not in general. Ord and Getis[8] also show that Moran's I can be written in terms of Gi*


where zi=(xix¯)/s, s is the standard deviation of x and


is an estimate of the variance of wij.

See also


  1. "RPubs - R Tutorial: Hotspot Analysis Using Getis Ord Gi".
  2. "Hot Spot Analysis (Getis-Ord Gi*) (Spatial Statistics)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation".
  4. "R-spatial/Spdep". GitHub.
  5. Bivand, R.S.; Wong, D.W. (2018). "Comparing implementations of global and local indicators of spatial association". Test. 27 (3): 716–748. doi:10.1007/s11749-018-0599-x. hdl:11250/2565494.
  6. 6.0 6.1 "Local Spatial Autocorrelation (2)".
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Getis, A.; Ord, J.K. (1992). "The analysis of spatial association by use of distance statistics". Geographical Analysis. 24 (3): 189–206. doi:10.1111/j.1538-4632.1992.tb00261.x.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Ord, J.K.; Getis, A. (1995). "Local spatial autocorrelation statistics: distributional issues and an application". Geographical Analysis. 27 (4): 286–306. doi:10.1111/j.1538-4632.1995.tb00912.x.
  9. "How High/Low Clustering (Getis-Ord General G) works—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation".