The tenth season of Bulgarian singing reality competition Glasat na Bulgaria premiered on 10 September 2023. This season features some changes in the coaching panel, as only Ivan Lechev and Dara return from the previous season. Former coach Miro, who participated in the first three seasons, and new coach Maria Ilieva join the panel. Meanwhile, Ivan Tishev remains as the host of the program.
Nadezhda Kovacheva was crowned as the "voice", marking Miro's second win as a coach.
Some changes in the coaching panel are seen in this season as only Ivan Lechev and Dara return from the previous season.[1] They are joined by Miro,[2] who returns after being part of the jury in the first three seasons of the program, and Maria Ilieva,[3][4] who was a battle advisor on the previous season.
Ivan Tishev remains as the presenter. This year there are online behind the scenes episodes, but without an online "V-Reporter".
Third place
Fourth place
Fifth place
Sixth place
Eliminated in the Live semi-final
Eliminated in the Knockouts
Stolen in the Battles
Artist was eliminated after being switched with another stolen artist
Note: Italicized names are stolen artists (names struck through within former teams).
Blind auditions
The show began with the blind auditions. In each audition, an artist sings their piece in front of the coaches whose chairs are facing the audience. If a coach is interested to work with the artist, they will press their button to face the artist. If a singular coach presses the button, the artist automatically becomes part of their team. If multiple coaches turn, they will compete for the artist, who will decide which team they will join.
Continuing the rule from the previous season, coaches could have an unlimited number of contestants on their team and finalize them at the end of the auditions. This season, the blocking rule that is similar to the twelfth season of the French version was applied where coaches can block another coach only after the audition ended, and their chair will turn to the audience backwards.[5] Each coach is given two super-blocks to use.
Blind auditions color key
Coach pressed "I WANT YOU" button
Artist joined this coach's team
Artist was eliminated as no coach pressed their button
Artist was, initially, part of the team but was eliminated on the cut round
Coach pressed "I WANT YOU" button, but was super-blocked by another coach from getting the artist
Former Coach Ivana, who is Miro's advisor in the battle round, made a surprise guest appearance, singing "Ah, tezi pari."
The battles begin airing on November 4. The battle advisors for each coach this season were the following: season 6 and 7 coach Mihaela Fileva for Team Ivan, duo Molets for Team Dara, season 8 and 9 coach Lubo Kirov for Team Maria, and season 1 coach Ivana for Team Miro.
The rule about the unlimited steal from the last season is presented, as well a new rule: each coach can safe both his artists from one battle once in the whole round.
Battles color key
Artist won the battle
Artist lost the battle and was stolen by another coach, but was later switched with another artist
Artist lost the battle but was stolen by another coach
Both artists won the battle and were saved by their coach
The Knockouts round began airing on November 26. This round returned from one year absence, as the Cross Battles took its place in the last season. Each team has a total of eight contestants. This season introduced a new rule to this round. Each coach will divide their 8 singers into 4 pairs. The performers from each pair will compete against each other by performing a song of their choice one after the other on stage. At the end of the two performances, it's up to the coach who will continue to the Live shows.
Knockouts color key
Artist won the knockout and advanced to the Live Shows
The semi-final aired on 10 December. A total of 16 contestants who advanced from the knockout round performed in this round. Voting was solely for the artists, henceforth coaches were not guaranteed to have an artist representing his/her team in the Finale.
In the end, six artists from the public's vote were through to the finale. For the second time in the entire history of the show, a coach (Ivan Lechev) has no contestants advancing to the Final, with the previous occurrence being Lubo Kirov's team in the eighth season.
Semi-final color key
Artist was advanced to the finale from the public's vote