The eleventh season of Bulgarian singing reality competition Glasat na Bulgaria premiered on 14 September 2024. The coaching panel consists of Ivan Lechev, Dara and Maria Ilieva, who returned for their eighth, fourth and second season respectively. Former coach Grafa, who coached between seasons 4 to 7, returned for his fifth season, replacing Miro.
The coaches remain the same from the previous season, except Miro was replaced by former coach Grafa.[1] He joins Ivan Lechev, Dara and Maria Ilieva who return from the previous season.[2]
This season there are new hosts, replacing former host Ivan Tishev. Vladimir Zombori and Boryana Bratoeva were announced to be the hosts for the season.[3] The "V Reporter" returned, as Petya Dikova hosted backstage episodes.
Third place
Fourth place
Fifth place
Sixth place
Eliminated in the Live shows
Stolen in the Knockouts
Eliminated in the Knockouts
Stolen in the Battles
Artist was eliminated after being switched with another stolen artist
Note: Italicized names are stolen artists (names struck through within former teams).
Blind auditions
The rules from the previous season are used again, as coaches could have an unlimited number of contestants on their team and finalize them at the end of the auditions. The blocking system returned from last season where coaches can block another coach only after the audition ended, and their chair will turn to the audience backwards. Each coach is given two super-blocks to use.[citation needed] In this season the Super Pass was introduced. Each coach can press this Button once in the Blind Auditions and while the other coaches get blocked, the contestants goes straight to The Battles.[4]
Blind auditions color key
Coach pressed "I WANT YOU" button
Artist joined this coach's team
Artist was eliminated as no coach pressed their button
Artist was, initially, part of the team but was eliminated on the cut round
Artist received a 'super pass' and was defaulted to this coach's team
Coach pressed "I WANT YOU" button, but was super-blocked by another coach from getting the artist
Blocked by Ivan
Blocked by Dara
Blocked by Maria
Blocked by Grafa
Episode 1 (14 September)
The coaches performed "Mezhduchasie" at the start of the show.
The battles begin airing on October 26. The battle advisors for each coach this season were the following: Margarita Hranova for Team Ivan, season 8 and 9 coach Galena for Team Dara, Jivko Petrov for Team Maria, and season 6 runner-up Tino for Team Grafa.
The rule about the non-stop steal from the last two seasons was implied.
Battles color key
Artist won the battle
Artist lost the battle and was stolen by another coach, but was later switched with another artist
Artist lost the battle but was stolen by another coach
Grafa and Maria performed their duet song "Chuvash li me" and the latter's song "Minalo" in episode 8.
The rules for this round were changed again: after each contestant's solo performance, the respective coach will have to decide either the artist qualify for the next round, is directly eliminated, or is sent to the "Danger Zone" – at risk of elimination. Each coach advances three of their own artists, but also have one steal to use across the round for the eliminated contestants or in the "Danger Zone". After all members from one team have concluded their performances, the coach will save a number of artists from the "Danger Zone" to move on to the Playoffs. Contestants who are sent to the "Danger Zone" and not chosen by their coach are eliminated, but have a chance to be saved. Also, each coach set a theme for the songs, but each contestant would choose their song. Grafa's theme was "my dream first single", Dara's theme was "complete surprise", Ivan's theme was "the eternal hits - evergreens from the last 60 plus years of music history" and Maria's theme was "the greatest Bulgarian hits of the 21st century".
Knockouts color key
Artist advanced to the Playoffs
Artist was initially eliminated or put in the Danger Zone but was stolen by another coach
Artist was put in the Danger Zone and later advanced to the Playoffs
Artist was put in the Danger Zone and was later eliminated
The playoffs aired on 1 December. A total of 16 contestants who advanced from the knockout round performed in this round. From each team, two artists advance to the semi-final from the public vote and one artist advances by the coach's choice with a total of 12 contestants moving to the semi-final.
Semi-final color key
Artist advanced to the semi-final from the public's vote
Artist was chosen by their coach to advance to the semi-final