"Hole in the Earth" is a song by the American alternative metal band Deftones. The song was released as the first single from their fifth album, Saturday Night Wrist, and appeared as the album's opening track.
Moreno wrote "Hole in the Earth" about his frustration with the rest of the band during the writing process of the album. He felt that the other members were bothering him over how long it was taking to finish the record, and Moreno expressed his dismay with his bandmates in the song with the lyric: "I hate all of my friends, they all lack taste".[1]
In a 2016 interview with Spin, Moreno acknowledged that, "in their defense, they probably hated me at that time, too ... At that point, the disconnect was so strong and that record took three years to get finished and basically everybody just came in and did their part and left, including myself."[1]