Scientific name |
Vernacular name |
Illinois status (2020)[5] |
Illinois status (2015)[1] |
Federal status |
Group |
Subgroup |
Gastrophryne carolinensis |
Eastern narrow-mouthed toad |
threatened |
threatened |
amphibians |
frogs and toads |
File:Gastrophryne carolinensis.jpg
Hyla avivoca |
Bird-voiced treefrog |
threatened |
threatened |
amphibians |
frogs and toads |
File:Hyla avivoca.jpg
Pseudacris illinoensis |
Illinois chorus frog |
threatened |
threatened |
amphibians |
frogs and toads |
File:Pseudacris streckeri illinoensis.jpg
Ambystoma platineum |
Silvery salamander |
endangered |
endangered |
amphibians |
salamanders |
Cryptobranchus alleganiensis |
Hellbender |
endangered |
endangered |
amphibians |
salamanders |
Desmognathus conanti |
Spotted dusky salamander |
endangered |
endangered |
amphibians |
salamanders |
File:Spotted dusky salamander (13949618472).jpg
Ambystoma jeffersonianum |
Jefferson salamander |
threatened |
threatened |
amphibians |
salamanders |
File:Ambystoma jeffersonianum.jpg
Hemidactylium scutatum |
Four-toed salamander |
threatened |
threatened |
amphibians |
salamanders |
File:Hemidactylium scutatum.jpg
Necturus maculosus |
Mudpuppy |
threatened |
threatened |
amphibians |
salamanders |
File:Necturus maculosus maculosus.jpg
Asio flammeus |
Short-eared owl |
endangered |
endangered |
birds |
File:Short Eared Owl on the Ground.jpg
Bartramia longicauda |
Upland sandpiper |
endangered |
endangered |
birds |
Botaurus lentiginosus |
American bittern |
endangered |
endangered |
birds |
Buteo swainsoni |
Swainson's hawk |
endangered |
endangered |
birds |
File:Swainson's Hawk (Buteo swainsoni) RWD.jpg
Charadrius melodus |
Piping plover |
endangered |
endangered |
endangered |
birds |
File:Charadrius melodus -Cape May, New Jersey, USA -adult-8 (6).jpg
Chlidonias niger |
Black tern |
endangered |
endangered |
birds |
File:Chlidonias niger Point Pelee.jpg
Circus hudsonius |
Northern harrier |
endangered |
endangered |
birds |
File:Circus hudsonius juvenile.jpg
Egretta caerulea |
Little blue heron |
endangered |
endangered |
birds |
File:Egretta caerulea Dobak.jpg
Egretta thula |
Snowy egret |
endangered |
endangered |
birds |
File:Egretta thula PT.jpg
Gallinula galeata |
Common gallinule |
endangered |
endangered |
birds |
File:Gallinula galeata in Botanical Garden of São Paulo.jpg
Lanius ludovicianus |
Loggerhead shrike |
endangered |
endangered |
birds |
File:Lanius ludovicianus, Palo Alto Baylands 1.jpg
Laterallus jamaicensis |
Black rail |
endangered |
endangered |
birds |
File:Laterallus jamaicensisAAP026CB.jpg
Limnothlypis swainsonii |
Swainson's warbler |
endangered |
endangered |
birds |
File:Swainson's Warbler Hooks Wood High Island TX 2018-04-11 10-04-25 (26941163947).jpg
Nyctanassa violacea |
Yellow-crowned night-heron |
endangered |
endangered |
birds |
File:Nyctanassa violacea 6zz.jpg
Nycticorax nycticorax |
Black-crowned night-heron |
endangered |
endangered |
birds |
File:Nycticorax nycticorax Topham Pond Toronto.jpg
Phalaropus tricolor |
Wilson's phalarope |
endangered |
endangered |
birds |
File:Phalaropus tricolor - breeding female.jpg
Rallus elegans |
King rail |
endangered |
endangered |
birds |
File:King Rail and young (8425428230).jpg
Sterna forsteri |
Forster's tern |
endangered |
endangered |
birds |
File:Sterna forsteri 4zz.jpg
Sterna hirundo |
Common tern |
endangered |
endangered |
birds |
File:Common tern (Sterna hirundo).jpg
Sternula antillarum |
Least tern |
endangered |
endangered |
endangered |
birds |
File:Sternula antillarum -St Augustine, Florida, USA -parent and chick-8.jpg
Thryomanes bewickii |
Bewick's wren |
endangered |
endangered |
birds |
File:Thryomanes bewickii 14432.JPG
Tympanuchus cupido |
Greater prairie-chicken |
endangered |
endangered |
birds |
File:Greater Prairie Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido) (20351644665).jpg
Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus |
Yellow-headed blackbird |
endangered |
endangered |
birds |
File:Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus -USA-8a.jpg
Ictinia mississippiensis |
Mississippi kite |
removed from threatened |
threatened |
birds |
File:Mississippi Kite RWD3.jpg
Tyto alba |
Barn owl |
removed from threatened |
threatened |
birds |
File:Tyto alba side.JPG
Antrostomus carolinensis |
Chuck-will's-widow |
threatened |
threatened |
birds |
File:Antrostomus carolinensis, Centennial Olympic Park, Atlanta 3.jpg
Calidris canutus rufa |
Rufa red knot |
threatened |
threatened |
threatened |
birds |
File:Red knot (Calidris canutus rufa) at Mispillion Harbor, Delaware, candidate (5039504566).jpg
Coccyzus erythropthalmus |
Black-billed cuckoo |
threatened |
threatened |
birds |
File:Black-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus erythropthalmus) (5821965275) (cropped).jpg
Ixobrychus exilis |
Least bittern |
threatened |
threatened |
birds |
File:Least Bittern (Ixobrychus exilis) male (8724152438).jpg
Pandion haliaetus |
Osprey |
threatened |
endangered |
birds |
File:Pandion haliaetus -fish -Texas-8-4c.jpg
Setophaga cerulea |
Cerulean warbler |
threatened |
threatened |
birds |
Acipenser fulvescens |
Lake sturgeon |
endangered |
endangered |
fishes |
File:Young lake sturgeon.jpg
Ammocrypta clara |
Western sand darter |
endangered |
endangered |
fishes |
File:Fishes (1907) (14797408173).jpg
Coregonus artedi |
Cisco |
endangered |
threatened |
fishes |
File:FMIB 42891 Lake Huron Herring - Lecichthys sisco huronius (Jordan & Evermann).jpeg
Crystallaria asprella |
Crystal darter |
endangered |
threatened |
fishes |
Etheostoma camurum |
Bluebreast darter |
endangered |
endangered |
fishes |
File:Etheostoma camurum.jpg
Etheostoma histrio |
Harlequin darter |
endangered |
endangered |
fishes |
File:Harlequin darter (Etheostoma histrio).jpg
Hybognathus hayi |
Cypress minnow |
endangered |
endangered |
fishes |
File:Cypress Minnow Hybognathus hayi.jpg
Hybopsis amnis |
Pallid shiner |
endangered |
endangered |
fishes |
File:Hybopsis amnis Pallid Shiner.jpg
Ichthyomyzon fossor |
Northern brook lamprey |
endangered |
endangered |
fishes |
File:Ichthyomyzon fossor (cropped).jpg
Macrhybopsis gelida |
Sturgeon chub |
endangered |
endangered |
fishes |
File:Sturgeon chub.jpg
Moxostoma valenciennesi |
Greater redhorse |
endangered |
endangered |
fishes |
File:Moxostoma valenciennesi.jpg
Nocomis micropogon |
River chub |
endangered |
endangered |
fishes |
File:River chub - Nocomis micropogon.jpg
Notropis anogenus |
Pugnose shiner |
endangered |
endangered |
fishes |
File:Pugnose Shiner (Notropis anogenus).gif
Notropis boops |
Bigeye shiner |
endangered |
endangered |
fishes |
File:Bigeye Shiner Juvenile.jpg
Notropis heterolepis |
Blacknose shiner |
endangered |
endangered |
fishes |
File:Notropis heterolepis.jpg
Notropis maculatus |
Taillight shiner |
endangered |
endangered |
fishes |
File:Notropis maculatus.jpg
Notropis texanus |
Weed shiner |
endangered |
endangered |
fishes |
File:FMIB 40137 Notropis nux Evermann Type Neches River, Palestine, Texas.jpeg
Noturus stigmosus |
Northern madtom |
endangered |
endangered |
fishes |
Scaphirhynchus albus |
Pallid sturgeon |
endangered |
endangered |
endangered |
fishes |
File:Scaphirhynchus albus (Pallid sturgeon) FWS 23610.jpg
Anguilla rostrata |
American eel |
removed from threatened |
threatened |
fishes |
Etheostoma exile |
Iowa darter |
removed from threatened |
threatened |
fishes |
File:Etheostoma exile.png
Ammocrypta pellucida |
Eastern sand darter |
threatened |
threatened |
fishes |
File:Ammocrypta pellucida (cropped).jpg
Catostomus catostomus |
Longnose sucker |
threatened |
threatened |
fishes |
Cottus bairdii |
Mottled sculpin |
threatened |
fishes |
File:Cottus bairdii.jpg
Erimystax x-punctatus |
Gravel chub |
threatened |
threatened |
fishes |
File:Gravel Chub1 Scioto River 28JUL09 by BZ.jpg
Forbesichthys agassizii |
Spring cavefish |
threatened |
fishes |
File:Forbesichthys agassizii.jpg
Fundulus diaphanus subsp. menona |
Western banded killifish |
threatened |
threatened |
fishes |
File:Fundulus diaphanus menona (45995838915).jpg
Fundulus dispar |
Starhead topminnow |
threatened |
threatened |
fishes |
File:Fundulus dispar (46858198272).jpg
Hybognathus hankinsoni |
Brassy minnow |
threatened |
threatened |
fishes |
Hybopsis amblops |
Bigeye chub |
threatened |
endangered |
fishes |
File:Bigeye chub.jpg
Lampetra aepyptera |
Least brook lamprey |
threatened |
threatened |
fishes |
File:Lampetra aepyptera juvenile 2.jpg
Lepomis miniatus |
Redspotted sunfish |
threatened |
endangered |
fishes |
File:Lepomis miniatus.jpg
Lepomis symmetricus |
Bantam sunfish |
threatened |
threatened |
fishes |
File:FMIB 40133 Lepomis symmetricus Forbes Kilper's Pond, Houston, Texas.jpeg
Lethenteron appendix |
American brook lamprey |
threatened |
threatened |
fishes |
File:Lethenteron appendix.jpg
Moxostoma carinatum |
River redhorse |
threatened |
threatened |
fishes |
File:Moxostoma carinatum 153150190.jpg
Notropis chalybaeus |
Ironcolor shiner |
threatened |
threatened |
fishes |
File:Notropis chalybaeus FWS 20915.jpg
Notropis heterodon |
Blackchin shiner |
threatened |
threatened |
fishes |
File:Notropis heterodon.jpg
Notropis nubilus |
Ozark minnow |
threatened |
fishes |
File:Ozark minnow.jpg
Bombus affinis |
Rusty patched bumble bee |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
bees |
File:Rusty Patched Bumble Bee (28971822177).jpg
Calephelis muticum |
Swamp metalmark |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
butterflies and moths |
File:Swamp Metalmark butterfly - Calephelis muticum (14138783918).jpg
Hesperia metea |
Cobweb skipper |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
butterflies and moths |
File:Hesperia metea 63203982.jpg
Hesperia ottoe |
Ottoe skipper |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
butterflies and moths |
File:Hesperia ottoe.jpg
Incisalia polios |
Hoary elfin |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
butterflies and moths |
File:Incisalia polia.jpg
Papaipema eryngii |
Eryngium stem borer |
threatened |
threatened |
invertebrates |
butterflies and moths |
Plebejus melissa samuelis |
Karner blue butterfly |
endangered |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
butterflies and moths |
File:Karner Blue (Plebejus melissa samuelis) (9061134413).jpg
Speyeria idalia |
Regal fritillary |
threatened |
threatened |
invertebrates |
butterflies and moths |
File:Speyeria idalia1.jpg
Caecidotea lesliei |
Isopod |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
crustaceans |
Crangonyx anomalus |
Anomalous spring amphipod |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
crustaceans |
Crangonyx packardi |
Packard's cave amphipod |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
crustaceans |
File:Crangonyx packardii.jpg
Faxonius indianensis |
Indiana crayfish |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
crustaceans |
Faxonius kentuckiensis |
Kentucky crayfish |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
crustaceans |
Faxonius lancifer |
Shrimp crayfish |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
crustaceans |
File:Faxonius lancifer Shrimp Crayfish.jpg
Faxonius placidus |
Bigclaw crayfish |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
crustaceans |
Gammarus acherondytes |
Illinois cave amphipod |
endangered |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
crustaceans |
Stygobromus iowae |
Iowa amphipod |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
crustaceans |
Nannothemis bella |
Elfin skimmer |
endangered |
threatened |
invertebrates |
dragonflies |
File:Nannothemis bella InsectImages 5538304 (cropped).jpg
Somatochlora hineana |
Hine's emerald dragonfly |
endangered |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
dragonflies |
File:Hine's Emerald Dragonfly (41092633930).jpg
Athysanella incongrua |
Leafhopper |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
leafhoppers |
Aflexia rubranura |
Redveined prairie leafhopper |
threatened |
threatened |
invertebrates |
leafhoppers |
File:Red-tailed Prairie Leafhopper (Aflexia rubranura) (5948723124).jpg
Cyprogenia stegaria |
Fanshell |
endangered |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
mussels |
File:Fanshell mussel cyprogenia stegaria.jpg
Elliptio crassidens |
Elephant-ear |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
mussels |
File:Naturalis Biodiversity Center - RMNH.MOL.326102 - Elliptio crassidens (Lamarck, 1819) - Unionidae - Mollusc shell.jpeg
Epioblasma rangiana |
Northern riffleshell |
endangered |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
mussels |
File:Epioblasma torulosa rangiana.jpg
Epioblasma triquetra |
Snuffbox |
endangered |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
mussels |
File:Epioblasma triquetra.jpg
Eurynia dilatata |
Spike |
endangered |
threatened |
invertebrates |
mussels |
File:Spike, Unio gibbosus (Barnes) (=Eurynia dilatata) , from Mississippi (cropped).jpeg
Lampsilis abrupta |
Pink mucket |
endangered |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
mussels |
File:Lampsilis abrupta.jpg
Lampsilis fasciola |
Wavy-rayed lampmussel |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
mussels |
File:Lampsilis fasciola.jpg
Lampsilis higginsii |
Higgins eye |
endangered |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
mussels |
File:Lampsilis higginsii.jpg
Leptodea leptodon |
Scaleshell |
endangered |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
mussels |
File:Leptodea leptodon.jpg
Margaritifera monodonta |
Spectaclecase |
endangered |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
mussels |
File:Naturalis Biodiversity Center - RMNH.MOL.325030 2 - Margaritifera monodonta (Say, 1829) - Margaritiferidae - Mollusc shell.jpeg
Plethobasus cooperianus |
Orangefoot pimpleback |
endangered |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
mussels |
File:Plethobasus cooperianus.jpg
Plethobasus cyphyus |
Sheepnose |
endangered |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
mussels |
File:Plethobasus cyphyus.jpg
Pleurobema clava |
Clubshell |
endangered |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
mussels |
File:Pleurobema clava.JPG
Pleurobema cordatum |
Ohio pigtoe |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
mussels |
File:Naturalis Biodiversity Center - ZMA.MOLL.419072 - Pleurobema cordatum (Rafinesque, 1820) - Unionidae - Mollusc shell.jpeg
Potamilus capax |
Fat pocketbook |
endangered |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
mussels |
File:Naturalis Biodiversity Center - ZMA.MOLL.418635 - Potamilus capax (Green, 1832) - Unionidae - Mollusc shell.jpeg
Ptychobranchus fasciolaris |
Kidneyshell |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
mussels |
File:Ptychobranchus fasciolaris (Rafinesce, 1820).jpg
Reginaia ebenus |
Ebonyshell |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
mussels |
File:Ebonyshell Reginaia ebenus formerly Quadrula ebenus.jpeg
Simpsonaias ambigua |
Salamander mussel |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
mussels |
File:Naturalis Biodiversity Center - ZMA.MOLL.418093 - Simpsonaias ambigua (Say, 1825) - Unionidae - Mollusc shell.jpeg
Theliderma cylindrica |
Rabbitsfoot |
endangered |
endangered |
threatened |
invertebrates |
mussels |
File:Quadrula cylindrica strigillata.jpg
Toxolasma lividum |
Purple lilliput |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
mussels |
File:Naturalis Biodiversity Center - ZMA.MOLL.213722 - Toxolasma lividum Rafinesque, 1831 - Unionidae - Mollusc shell.jpeg
Villosa iris |
Rainbow mussel |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
mussels |
File:Villosa iris.jpg
Alasmidonta viridis |
Slippershell |
removed from threatened |
threatened |
invertebrates |
mussels |
File:Alasmidonta viridis.jpg
Ligumia recta |
Black sandshell |
removed from threatened |
threatened |
invertebrates |
mussels |
File:Ligumia recta.jpg
Villosa lienosa |
Little spectaclecase |
removed from threatened |
threatened |
invertebrates |
mussels |
File:Naturalis Biodiversity Center - ZMA.MOLL.419418 - Villosa lienosa (Conrad, 1834) - Unionidae - Mollusc shell.jpeg
Cyclonaias tuberculata |
Purple wartyback |
threatened |
threatened |
invertebrates |
mussels |
File:Cyclonaias tuberculata.jpg
Ellipsaria lineolata |
Butterfly mussel |
threatened |
threatened |
invertebrates |
mussels |
File:Ellipsaria lineolata.jpg
Quadrula metanevra |
Monkeyface |
threatened |
invertebrates |
mussels |
File:Quadrula metanevra.jpg
Centruroides vittatus |
Common striped scorpion |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
scorpions |
File:Centruroides vittatus P1410866a.jpg
Discus macclintocki |
Iowa Pleistocene snail |
endangered |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
snails |
File:Discus macclintocki.jpg
Fontigens antroecetes |
Hydrobiid Cave snail |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
snails |
Leptoxis praerosa |
Onyx rocksnail |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
snails |
File:Naturalis Biodiversity Center - RMNH.MOL.175328 - Leptoxis praerosa (Say, 1821) - Pleuroceridae - Mollusc shell.jpeg
Lithasia obovata |
Shawnee rocksnail |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
snails |
File:Naturalis Biodiversity Center - RMNH.MOL.175198 - Lithasia obovata (Say, 1829) - Pleuroceridae - Mollusc shell.jpeg
Pygmarrhopalites madonnensis |
Madonna Cave springtail |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
springtails |
Diploperla robusta |
Robust springfly |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
stoneflies |
Prostoia ozarkensis |
Central forestfly |
endangered |
endangered |
invertebrates |
stoneflies |
Canis lupus |
Gray/timber wolf |
endangered |
threatened |
endangered |
mammals |
File:Loup commun DSCF1584.jpg
Corynorhinus rafinesquii |
Rafinesque's big-eared bat |
endangered |
endangered |
mammals |
File:Corynorhinus rafinesquii.JPG
Myotis austroriparius |
Southeastern myotis |
endangered |
endangered |
mammals |
File:Myotis austroriparius 2.jpg
Myotis grisescens |
Gray bat |
endangered |
endangered |
endangered |
mammals |
File:Myotis grisescens.jpg
Myotis sodalis |
Indiana bat |
endangered |
endangered |
endangered |
mammals |
File:Indiana Bat FWS.jpg
Neotoma floridana |
Eastern wood rat |
removed from endangered |
endangered |
mammals |
File:Key Largo woodrat (15610225542).jpg
Myotis leibii |
Eastern small-footed bat |
threatened |
threatened |
mammals |
File:Eastern small-footed bat with white-nose syndrome (5880655901).jpg
Myotis septentrionalis |
Northern long-eared bat |
threatened |
threatened |
threatened |
mammals |
File:Northern long-eared bat (5881232758).jpg
Poliocitellus franklinii |
Franklin's ground squirrel |
threatened |
threatened |
mammals |
File:Flickr - Furryscaly - Are You Still There.jpg
Actaea podocarpa |
American bugbane |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Actaea podocarpa.jpg
Actaea racemosa |
False bugbane |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Actaea racemosa 002.JPG
Actaea rubifolia |
Black cohosh |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Actaea rubifolia drawing.png
Adoxa moschatellina |
Moschatel |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Adoxa moschatellina kz08.jpg
Alnus incana subsp. rugosa |
Speckled alder |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Alnus incana rugosa leaves.jpg
Amelanchier sanguinea |
Shadbush |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Blutrote Felsenbirne (Amelanchier sanguinea) 5868.JPG
Amorpha nitens |
Smooth false indigo |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Amorpha nitens (1).jpg
Andromeda glaucophylla |
Bog rosemary |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Andromeda glaucophylla 2 (5097494549).jpg
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi |
Bearberry |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 25919.JPG
Artemisia dracunculus |
Dragon wormwood |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Artemisia dracunculus3.jpg
Asclepias lanuginosa |
Wooly milkweed |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Acerates lanuginòsa now Asclepias lanuginosa (14803554493).jpg
Asclepias meadii |
Mead's milkweed |
endangered |
endangered |
threatened |
plants |
File:Mead's Milkweed (Asclepias meadii) - Flickr - Jay Sturner.jpg
Asclepias ovalifolia |
Oval milkweed |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Oval-leaf Milkweed on Mundt Lake WPA (36093654383).jpg
Asclepias stenophylla |
Narrow-leaved green milkweed |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Asclepias stenophylla 141042195.jpg
Asplenium bradleyi |
Bradley's spleenwort |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Asplenium bradleyi tuft.JPG
Asplenium resiliens |
Black spleenwort |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:BB-0060 Asplenium resiliens.png
Astragalus crassicarpus var. trichocalyx |
Large ground plum |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
Astragalus distortus |
Bent milk vetch |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Astragalus distortus var. engelmannii.jpg
Astragalus tennesseensis |
Tennessee milk vetch |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Astragalus tennesseensis.jpg
Avenella flexuosa |
Hairgrass |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Avenella flexuosa subsp. flexuosa sl13.jpg
Baptisia tinctoria |
Yellow wild indigo |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Baptisia tinctoria 2x3.jpg
Bartonia paniculata |
Screwstem |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Bartonia paniculata (twining screwstem), Spencer Preserve, Foster, RI (32047618621).jpg
Beckmannia syzigachne |
American slough grass |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Beckmannia syzigachne 01.jpg
Berchemia scandens |
Supple-jack |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Berchemia scandens photo.jpg
Betula alleghaniensis |
Yellow birch |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Betula alleghaniensis Yellow Birch.jpg
Botrychium campestre |
Prairie moonwort |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Botrychium campestre - NPS Photo.jpg
Botrychium matricariifolium |
Daisyleaf grape fern |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Botrychium matricariifolium (05).jpg
Botrychium multifidum |
Northern grape fern |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Botrychium multifidum 3-eheep (5098043922).jpg
Botrychium simplex |
Dwarf grape fern |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Dvärglåsbräken - Botrychium simplex0222 - Flickr - Ragnhild & Neil Crawford.jpg
Bouteloua gracilis |
Blue grama |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Bouteloua gracilis (3796725893).jpg
Bumelia lanuginosa |
Wooly buckthorn |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Gum-Bumelia (2945882076).gif
Calamagrostis insperata |
Hollow reed grass |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Calamagrostis insperata.jpg
Calla palustris |
Water arum |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Calla palustris 7871.jpg
Calopogon oklahomensis |
Oklahoma grass pink orchid |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Calopogon oklahomensis Oklahoma Grasspink.jpg
Calopogon tuberosus |
Grass pink orchid |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Calopogon tuberosus (17597349022).jpg
Camassia angusta |
Wild hyacinth |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
Cardamine pratensis var. palustris |
Cuckoo flower |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
Carex alata |
Winged sedge |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Carex alata.jpg
Carex arkansana |
Arkansas sedge |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
Carex brunnescens |
Brownish sedge |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Carex brunnescens var sphaerostachya.jpg
Carex canescens |
Silvery sedge |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
Carex chordorrhiza |
Cordroot sedge |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Carex chordorrhiza Oulu, Finland 12.06.2013.jpg
Carex crawfordii |
Crawford's sedge |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Carex crawfordii inflorescense (5).jpg
Carex cumulata |
Sedge |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Carex cumulata 84757225.jpg
Carex debilis |
White-edge sedge |
endangered |
plants |
File:02847 White-edged Sedge (8916548965).jpg
Carex decomposita |
Cypress-knee sedge |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Carex decomposita NRCS-1.jpg
Carex diandra |
Sedge |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Carex diandra inflorescens (01).jpg
Carex disperma |
Shortleaf sedge |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Carex disperma 5559529.jpg
Carex echinata |
Sedge |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Carex echinata inflorescens (32).jpg
Carex formosa |
Sedge |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Carex formosa BB-1913.png
Carex garberi |
Elk sedge |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Carex garberi iNat-19571898.jpg
Carex gigantea |
Large sedge |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Carex gigantea BHL3346998.jpg
Carex heliophila |
Plains sedge |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Carex inops heliophila (7462179936).jpg
Carex intumescens |
Swollen sedge |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Carex intumescens.jpg
Carex nigromarginata |
Black-edged sedge |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Carex nigromarginata BB-1913.png
Carex oligosperma |
Few-seeded sedge |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Carex oligosperma BB-1913.png
Carex opaca |
Opaque oval sedge |
endangered |
plants |
Carex physorhyncha |
Bellow's beak sedge |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
Carex plantaginea |
Plaintain-leaved sedge |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
Carex reniformis |
Reniform sedge |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
Carex straminea |
Eastern Straw sedge |
endangered |
plants |
File:Carex straminea NRCS-1.jpg
Carex trisperma |
Three-seeded sedge |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Carex trisperma c (16345959621).jpg
Carex tuckermanii |
Tuckerman's sedge |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Carex tuckermanii BB-1913.png
Carya pallida |
Pale hickory |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Carya pallida BB-1913.png
Castilleja sessiliflora |
Downy yellow painted cup |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Castilleja sessilifolia (4000614699).jpg
Ceanothus herbaceus |
Redroot |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Ceanothus herbaceus (4617385527).jpg
Chamaelirium luteum |
Fairy wand |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Chamaelirium luteum.jpg
Chamaesyce polygonifolia |
Seaside spurge |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Euphorbia polygonifolia BB-1913.png
Chimaphila maculata |
Spotted wintergreen |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Chimaphila maculata Snowbird Mountain.jpg
Chimaphila umbellata |
Pipsissewa |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Chimaphila umbellata fleur.JPG
Circaea alpina |
Small enchanter's nightshade |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Circaea alpina 6758.JPG
Cirsium pitcheri |
Pitcher's (dune) thistle |
endangered |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Cirsium pitcheri.jpg
Cladrastis lutea |
Yellowwood |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Cladrastis lutea 2zz.jpg
Clematis crispa |
Blue jasmine |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Curlflower - Clematis crispa, Catahoula National Wildlife Refuge, Jonesville, Louisiana.jpg
Clematis viorna |
Leatherflower |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Clematis viorna.jpg
Collinsia violacea |
Violet collinsia |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Plants - Violet Blue-eyed Mary by Brenda Loveless (32705399335).jpg
Comptonia peregrina |
Sweetfern |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
Conioselinum chinense |
Hemlock parsley |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Conioselinum chinense BB-1913.png
Corallorhiza maculata |
Spotted coral-root orchid |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Corallorhiza maculata 0905.JPG
Cornus canadensis |
Bunchberry |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Cornus canadensis (mature flower).jpg
Corydalis aurea |
Golden corydalis |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Corydalis aurea 4.jpg
Corydalis halei |
Hale's corydalis |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
Corydalis sempervirens |
Pink corydalis |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Corydalis sempervirens 4 (5097234905).jpg
Cynosciadium digitatum |
Cynosciadium |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Aquatic and wetland plants of southwestern United States (1972) (19128307564).jpg
Cypripedium acaule |
Moccasin flower |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Cypripedium acaule - Henvey Inlet.jpg
Cypripedium parviflorum |
Small yellow lady's slipper |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Cypripedium parviflorum flower.JPG
Cypripedium reginae |
Showy lady's slipper |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Cypripedium reginae (17600043605).jpg
Cystopteris laurentiana |
Laurentian fragile fern |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Cystopteris laurentiana imported from iNaturalist photo 19571186 on 23 January 2020.jpg
Dalea foliosa |
Leafy prairie clover |
endangered |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Dalea foliosa.jpg
Delphinium carolinianum |
Hill prairie larkspur/wild blue larkspur |
endangered |
threatened |
plants |
File:Delphinium carolinianum (9289516039).jpg
Dendrolycopodium dendroideum |
Ground pine |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Dendrolycopodium dendroideum jomegat.jpg
Dendrolycopodium hickeyi |
Hickey's groundpine |
endangered |
plants |
File:Lycopodium hickeyi.JPG
Dennstaedtia punctilobula |
Hay-scented fern |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Dennstaedtia punctilobula 2.jpg
Dichanthelium boreale |
Northern panic grass |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Dichanthelium boreale (as Panicum boreale) BB-1913.png
Dichanthelium joori |
Panic grass |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
Dichanthelium portoricense |
Hemlock panic grass |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Dichanthelium portoricense (as Panicum nashianum) BB-1913.png
Dichanthelium ravenelii |
Ravenel's panic grass |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
Dichanthelium yadkinense |
Panic grass |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
Draba cuneifolia |
Whitlow grass |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Draba cuneifolia az.jpg
Drosera rotundifolia |
Round-leaved sundew |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Ordunte - Drosera rotundifolia (2).jpg
Dryopteris celsa |
Log fern |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Dryopteris celsa NBG LR.jpg
Echinodorus tenellus |
Small burhead |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Echinodorus tenellus BB-1913.jpg
Eleocharis olivacea |
Capitate spikerush |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
Eleocharis pauciflora |
Few-flowered spikerush |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Fig. 02 Eleocharis pauciflora.jpg
Elymus trachycaulus |
Bearded wheat grass |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Elymus trachycaulus (3938669335).jpg
Equisetum scirpoides |
Dwarf scouring rush |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Equisetum scirpoides01.jpg
Equisetum sylvaticum |
Woodland horsetail |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Equisetum sylvaticum 01.JPG
Eriophorum virginicum |
Rusty cotton grass |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:GH Eriophorum virginicum; Tawny cottongrass (20632128055).jpg
Eryngium prostratum |
Eryngo |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Eryngium prostratum BHL3347706.jpg
Eupatorium hyssopifolium |
Hyssop-leaved thoroughwort |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Eupatorium hyssopifolium.jpg
Euphorbia spathulata |
Spurge |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Euphorbia spathulata (7495152596).jpg
Fimbristylis vahlii |
Vahl's fimbry |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Fimbristylis vahlii BB-1913.jpg
Galactia mohlenbrockii |
Boykin's dioclea |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
Galium virgatum |
Dwarf bedstraw |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Galium virgatum (14597272819 32918224) .jpg
Geranium bicknellii |
Northern cranesbill |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Geranium bicknellii 6-eheep (5097901224).jpg
Glyceria arkansana |
Arkansas mannagrass |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
Gratiola quartermaniae |
Hedge hyssop |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Gratiola quartermaniae.jpg
Gymnocarpium dryopteris |
Oak fern |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Gymnocarpium dryopteris 6028.JPG
Gymnocarpium robertianum |
Scented oak fern |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Gymnocarpium robertianum leaves.jpg
Hackelia deflexa var. americana |
Stickseed |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Hackelia deflexa americana imported from iNaturalist photo 20394438 on 23 January 2020.jpg
Halesia carolina |
Silverbell tree |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Halesia carolina 22zz.jpg
Helianthus angustifolius |
Narrow-leaved sunflower |
endangered |
threatened |
plants |
File:Helianthus angustifolius 2.jpg
Helianthus giganteus |
Tall sunflower |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Helianthus giganteus (9592721496).jpg
Heliotropium tenellum |
Slender heliotrope |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Heliotropium tenellum.jpg
Heteranthera reniformis |
Mud plantain |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Heteranthera reniformis kz1.JPG
Hexalectris spicata |
Crested coralroot orchid |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Hexalectris spicata (16977585464).jpg
Hudsonia tomentosa |
False heather |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Hudsonia tomentosa WFNY-132A.jpg
Hydrolea uniflora |
One-flowered hydrolea |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Hydrolea uniflora BHL3347846.jpg
Hymenopappus scabiosaeus |
Old plainsman |
endangered |
threatened |
plants |
File:Old Plainsman (Hymenopappus scabiosaeus) (2426972843).jpg
Hypericum adpressum |
Shore St. John's wort |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Hypericum adpressum drawing.png
Hypericum kalmianum |
Kalm's St. John's wort |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Hypericum kalmianum 2-eheep (5098107630).jpg
Iliamna remota |
Kankakee mallow |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Phymosia remota.tif
Iresine rhizomatosa |
Bloodleaf |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Iresine rhizomatosa.jpg
Isoetes butleri |
Butler's quillwort |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Isoetes butleri.jpg
Isotria medeoloides |
Small whorled pogonia |
endangered |
endangered |
threatened |
plants |
File:Isotria medeoloides (16977598144).jpg
Isotria verticillata |
Whorled pogonia |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Isotria verticillata USFWS-1.jpg
Juglans cinerea |
Butternut |
endangered |
plants |
File:Juglans cinerea 006 Nekrasov.jpg
Juncus vaseyi |
Vasey's rush |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Juncus vaseyi (14779713361).jpg
Juniperus horizontalis |
Trailing juniper |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Juniperus horizontalis, Pancake Bay PP.jpg
Justicia ovata |
Water willow |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Pineland Water Willow (5695664130).jpg
Larix laricina |
Tamarack |
endangered |
threatened |
plants |
File:Larix laricina.jpg
Lechea intermedia |
Savanna pinweed |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Lechea intermedia BB-1913.png
Lespedeza leptostachya |
Prairie bush clover |
endangered |
endangered |
threatened |
plants |
File:Lespedeza leptostachya.jpg
Lonicera dioica var. glaucescens |
Red honeysuckle |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Lonicera dioica var. glaucescens (wild glaucus honeysuckle), Thacher State Park, Voorheesville, NY (32131021086).jpg
Lonicera flava |
Yellow honeysuckle |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Lonicera flava Arkansas.jpg
Luzula acuminata |
Hairy woodrush |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Luzula acuminata 0zz.jpg
Lycopodiella inundata |
Bog clubmoss |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Lycopodiella inundata 003.jpg
Lycopodium clavatum |
Running pine |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Lycopodium annotinum 01 cor.jpg
Lysimachia radicans |
Creeping loosestrife |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
Malus angustifolia |
Narrow-leaved crabapple |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:A guide to the trees (Plate LXXX) (8435943414).jpg
Malvastrum hispidum |
False mallow |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
Matelea decipiens |
Climbing milkweed |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Matelea decipiens (3).jpg
Medeola virginiana |
Indian cucumber root |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Medeola virginiana 5458.jpg
Megalodonta beckii |
Water marigold |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Rural Hours - Beck's Bidens.jpg
Melanthera nivea |
White melanthera |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Square Snowstem. Melanthera nivea. Asteraceae - Flickr - gailhampshire.jpg
Melanthium virginicum |
Virginia bunchflower |
endangered |
threatened |
plants |
File:Melanthium virginicum - Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens - DSC03154.jpg
Melica mutica |
Two-flowered melic grass |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Melica mutica.jpg
Mentzelia oligosperma |
Stickleaf |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Stickleaf (Mentzelia oligosperma) (561871855).jpg
Micranthes virginiensis |
Early saxifrage |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Micranthes virginiensis, C & O Canal, Widewater, 4-25-13 (8685462151).jpg
Mimosa nuttallii |
Cat's claw |
endangered |
plants |
Mimulus glabratus |
Yellow monkey flower |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Mimulus glabratus (8436536472).jpg
Mirabilis hirsuta |
Hairy umbrella-wort |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Meehans' monthly - a magazine of horticulture, botany and kindred subjects (1899) (14596854687).jpg
Nemophila triloba |
Baby blue-eyes |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Nemophila aphylla Radnor Lake.jpg
Nothocalais cuspidata |
Prairie dandelion |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Nothocalais cuspidata (27592520095).jpg
Opuntia fragilis |
Fragile prickly pear |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Opuntia fragilis pm.jpg
Orobanche fasciculata |
Clustered broomrape |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Orobanche fasciculata 6.jpg
Penstemon grandiflorus |
Large-flowered beard tongue |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Large-flowered Penstemon (27265265260).jpg
Penstemon tubaeflorus |
Tube beard tongue |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Penstemon tubiflorus var. tubiflorus.jpg
Phacelia gilioides |
Ozark phacelia |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
Phegopteris connectilis |
Long beech fern |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Phegopteris connectilis (Buchenfarn) IMG 9296.jpg
Phemeranthus calycinus |
Fameflower |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Talinum calycinum 2.jpg
Phlox pilosa sangamonensis |
Sangamon phlox |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
Physaria ludoviciana |
Silvery bladderpod |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Lesquerella ludoviciana (4749633198).jpg
Pinus banksiana |
Jack pine |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Pinus banksiana cones.jpg
Pinus echinata |
Shortleaf pine |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Pinus echinata 3zz.jpg
Pinus resinosa |
Red pine |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Pinus resinosa Papoose Creek Pines 1.jpg
Plantago cordata |
Heart-leaved plantain |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Plantago cordata NRCS-2.jpg
Platanthera ciliaris |
Orange fringed orchid |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Platanthera ciliaris.jpg
Platanthera clavellata |
Wood orchid |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Little Club Spur Orchid (Platanthera clavellata).jpg
Platanthera leucophaea |
Eastern prairie fringed orchid |
endangered |
endangered |
threatened |
plants |
File:Platanthera leucophaea.jpg
Platanthera psycodes |
Purple fringed orchid |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Small Purple Fringed Orchid (Platanthera psycodes) (6009378099).jpg
Poa alsodes |
Grove bluegrass |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Poa alsodes HC-1950.png
Poa languida |
Weak bluegrass |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
Poa wolfii |
Wolf's bluegrass |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
Pogonia ophioglossoides |
Snake-mouth |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Pogonia ophioglossoides Orchi 29.jpg
Polanisia jamesii |
James' clammyweed |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
Polygala incarnata |
Pink milkwort |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Procession flower (Polygala incarnata) (6017283504).jpg
Polygonatum pubescens |
Downy Solomon's Seal |
endangered |
threatened |
plants |
File:Polygonatum pubescens (Liliaceae).JPG
Polygonum careyi |
Carey's heartsease |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Persicaria careyi BB-1913.png
Populus balsamifera |
Balsam poplar |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Populus balsamifera (5002986268).jpg
Potamogeton praelongus |
White-stemmed pondweed |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Potamogeton praelongus, Llyn Cregennen Isaf, Wales.jpg
Potamogeton pulcher |
Spotted pondweed |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:BB-0177 Potamogeton pulcher.png
Potamogeton robbinsii |
Fern pondweed |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Potamogeton robbinsii NRCS-002.jpg
Potamogeton strictifolius |
Stiff pondweed |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Aquatic plants of Illinois; an illustrated manual including species submersed, floating, and some of shallow water and muddy shores (1966) (19740088632).jpg
Primula mistassinica |
Bird's-eye primrose |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Primula mistassinica.jpg
Ptilimnium nuttallii |
Mock bishop's weed |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Ptilimnium nuttallii Arkansas.jpg
Quercus texana |
Nuttall's oak |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Quercus texana kz3.jpg
Ranunculus rhomboideus |
Prairie buttercup |
endangered |
threatened |
plants |
Rhamnus alnifolia |
Alder buckthorn |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Rhamnus alnifolia 5473175.jpg
Rhexia mariana |
Dull meadow beauty |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Rhexia mariana flower.jpg
Rhynchospora alba |
Beaked rush |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Rhynchospora alba.jpeg
Rhynchospora glomerata |
Clustered beak rush |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Rhynchospora glomerata (14784443295).jpg
Ribes hirtellum |
Northern gooseberry |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Ribes hirtellum fruit.jpg
Rosa acicularis |
Bristly rose |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Rosa acicularis 1 (5097496809).jpg
Sabatia campestris |
Prairie rose gentian |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Sabatia campestris (8472085266).jpg
Sagittaria australis |
Arrowhead |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Long-beaked Arrowhead - Sagittaria australis, Prince William Forest Park, Triangle, Virginia.jpg
Salix serissima |
Autumn willow |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Salix serissima BB-1913-lo-res.jpg
Salix syrticola |
Dune willow |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Salix Cordata-Weldy.jpg
Sambucus racemosa subsp. pubens |
Red-berried elder |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
Sanguisorba canadensis |
American burnet |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Sanguisorba canadensis - JBM.jpg
Sanicula smallii |
Southern black snakeroot |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Sanicula smallii.jpg
Sarracenia purpurea |
Pitcher plant |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Sarracenia purpurea detail.jpg
Sceptridium biternatum |
Southern grape fern |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Southern Grapefern (9383190642).jpg
Schizachne purpurascens |
False melic grass |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Schizachne purpurascens flowers 001 (4×3).jpg]
Schoenoplectus purshianus |
Pursh's bulrush |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
Schoenoplectus smithii |
Smith's bulrush |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
Scirpus hattorianus |
Bulrush |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Scirpus hattorianus imported from iNaturalist photo 23082191 on 24 January 2020.jpg
Scirpus microcarpus |
Small-fruited bulrush |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Scirpus microcarpus (4155051409).jpg
Scirpus polyphyllus |
Leafy bulrush |
endangered |
threatened |
plants |
File:Scirpus polyphyllus 82100891.jpg
Scleria muhlenbergii |
Muhlenberg's nut rush |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Scleria muehlenbergii BB-1913.png
Scleria pauciflora |
Carolina whipgrass |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Scleria pauciflora BB-1913.png
Shepherdia canadensis |
Buffaloberry |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Shepherdia canadensis 05.JPG
Silene ovata |
Ovate catchfly |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Silene ovata White River Ozark Natl Forest 2.jpg
Silene regia |
Royal catchfly |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Silene regia (14763270844).jpg
Sisyrinchium atlanticum |
Eastern blue-eyed grass |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
Sisyrinchium montanum |
Mountain blue-eyed grass |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Sisyrinchium montanum 2.jpg
Sorbus americana |
American mountain ash |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Sorbus americana, Whitefish Island 1.JPG
Sparganium americanum |
American bur-reed |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Sparganium americanum NRCS-1.jpg
Sparganium emersum |
Green-fruited bur-reed |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:20150627Sparganium emersum6.jpg
Spiranthes lucida |
Yellow-lipped ladies' tresses |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Spiranthes lucida BWF1-2995q.jpg
Spiranthes vernalis |
Spring ladies' tresses |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Spiranthes vernalis.jpg
Stellaria pubera |
Great chickweed |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Stellaria pubera - Star Chickweed.jpg
Stylisma pickeringii |
Patterson's bindweed |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Stylisma pickeringii blooming.JPG
Styrax grandifolius |
Bigleaf snowbell bush |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Styrax grandifolius.jpg
Symphoricarpos albus var. albus |
Snowberry |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
Tetraneuris herbacea |
Lakeside daisy |
endangered |
endangered |
threatened |
plants |
File:Hymenoxys herbacea.jpg
Thelypteris noveboracensis |
New York fern |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Thelypteris noveboracensis 6zz.jpg
Tilia heterophylla |
White basswood |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Tilia heterophylla.jpg
Torreyochloa pallida |
Pole manna-grass |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Torreyochloa pallida var pauciflora BLM-1.jpg
Tracaulon arifolium |
Halberd-leaved tearthumb |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Tracaulon arifolium Persicaria arifolia Halberd-leaved tearthumb (17806579893) (cropped).jpg
Tradescantia bracteata |
Prairie spiderwort |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Spiderwort (Tradescantia bracteata) colors the mixed grass prairie on Lacreek National Wildlife Refuge 01 (13453907043).jpg
Trichophorum cespitosum |
Tufted bulrush |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Trichophorum cespitosum (Rasen-Haarbinse) IMG 2929.jpg
Trientalis borealis |
Star-flower |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Trientalis borealis, fleur.JPG
Trillium cernuum |
Nodding trillium |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Nodding trillium flower -SC woodlot- 3.JPG
Trillium erectum |
Ill-scented trillium |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Trillium erectum Bergianska.JPG
Trillium viride |
Green trillium |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Trillium viride BB-1913.png
Ulmus thomasii |
Rock elm |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Ulmus thomasii (meisse) 1.jpg
Utricularia cornuta |
Horned bladderwort |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Utricularia cornuta 2-eheep (5097411467).jpg
Utricularia minor |
Small bladderwort |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Utricularia minor flowers (02).jpg
Utricularia subulata |
Hair bladderwort |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Zigzag bladderwort (Utricularia subulata) (6724857615).jpg
Vaccinium corymbosum |
Highbush blueberry |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Vaccinium corymbosum Beeren.jpg
Vaccinium macrocarpon |
Large cranberry |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Vaccinium macrocarpon (15054125499).jpg
Vaccinium oxycoccos |
Small cranberry |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
Vaccinium stamineum |
Deerberry |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Vaccineum stamineum 1120600.jpg
Valeriana uliginosa |
Marsh valerian |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Valeriana uliginosa 5536644 4x3.jpg
Valerianella chenopodifolia |
Corn salad |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Valerianella chenopodifolia (14782992685).jpg
Valerianella umbilicata |
Corn salad |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Valerianella umbilicata BB-1913.png
Vandenboschia boschiana |
Filmy fern |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Vandenboschia boschiana.jpg
Veronica americana |
American brooklime |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Veronica americana 5496922.jpg
Viola blanda |
Hairy white violet |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Viola blanda UMFS.jpg
Viola canadensis |
Canada violet |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Viola canadensis (Orvokki) Kanadaviol C DSC03075.JPG
Viola primulifolia |
Primrose violet |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Viola primulifolia WFNY-140A-4x3.jpg
Woodsia ilvensis |
Rusty woodsia |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Woodsia ilvensis inat5.jpg
Zigadenus elegans |
White camas |
endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Zigadenus elegans (19687913492).jpg
Clematis occidentalis |
Mountain clematis |
removed from endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Clematis occidentalis var. dissecta 5.jpg
Corylus cornuta |
Beaked hazelnut |
removed from endangered |
endangered |
plants |
File:Corylus cornuta fruit (5097503079).jpg
Carex communis |
Fibrous-footed sedge/fibrous-rooted sedge |
removed from threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Carex communis BB-1913.png
Agalinis skinneriana |
Pale false foxglove |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Agalinis skinneriana drawing.png
Amelanchier interior |
Shadbush |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Amelanchier interior - finished flowering.jpg
Ammophila breviligulata |
Marram grass |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Ammophila breviligulata Leland June.jpg
Aster furcatus |
Forked aster |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Eurybia furcata.gif
Besseya bullii |
Kitten tails |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Besseya bullii.jpg
Boltonia decurrens |
Decurrent false aster |
threatened |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Boltonia decurrens millar.jpg
Buchnera americana |
Bluehearts |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Buchnera americana.jpg
Cakile edentula var. lacustris |
Sea rocket |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Cakile edentula lacustris imported from iNaturalist photo 10230317 on 24 January 2020.jpg
Carex atlantica |
Sedge |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Carex atlantica NRCS-1.jpg
Carex aurea |
Golden sedge |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Carex aurea close.jpg
Carex bromoides |
Sedge |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Carex bromoides.png
Carex cryptolepis |
Yellow sedge |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Carex cryptolepis imported from iNaturalist photo 49554449 on 23 January 2020.jpg
Carex oxylepis |
Sharp-scaled sedge |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Aquatic and wetland plants of southwestern United States (1972) (19562938829).jpg
Carex prasina |
Drooping sedge |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Carex prasina NRCS-002.jpg
Carex viridula |
Little green sedge |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Carex viridula weibl.jpeg
Carex willdenowii |
Willdenow's sedge |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Carex willdenowii drawing 1.png
Carya aquatica |
Water hickory |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Carya aquatica USDA.jpg
Chamaedaphne calyculata |
Leatherleaf |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Chamaedaphne calyculata.jpg
Cyperus grayoides |
Umbrella sedge |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Cyperus grayoides.jpg
Cyperus lancastriensis |
Galingale |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Cyperus lancastriensis Manyflower Flatsedge imported from iNaturalist photo 20924562 on 24 January 2020.jpg
Dodecatheon frenchii |
French's shootingstar |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Primula frenchii Pope County, IL 2018.jpg
Drosera intermedia |
Narrow-leaved sundew |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Drosera intermedia Fangblatt.jpg
Eleocharis rostellata |
Beaked spike rush |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Eleocharis rostellata (3735302658).jpg
Epilobium strictum |
Downy willow herb |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Epilobium strictum BB-1913.png
Equisetum pratense |
Meadow horsetail |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Equisetum pratense 58031.jpg
Euonymus americanus |
American strawberry bush |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
Festuca paradoxa |
Cluster fescue |
threatened |
plants |
File:Cluster fescue.jpg
Filipendula rubra |
Queen-of-the-prairie |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Filipendula rubra Venusta 3zz.jpg
Huperzia porophila |
Cliff clubmoss |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Huperzia porophila-jk13.jpg
Hylotelephium telephioides |
American orpine |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Hylotelephium telephoides Shenandoah National Park Hawksbill.jpg
Juncus alpinoarticulatus |
Richardson's rush |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Juncus alpinoarticulatus ssp. rariflorus Kiiminki, Finland 25.06.2013.jpg
Juniperus communis |
Ground juniper |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Juniperus communis Quarry island Mingan.jpg
Lathyrus ochroleucus |
Pale vetchling |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Lathyrus ochroleucus 1 (5097296689).jpg
Melothria pendula |
Squirting cucumber |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Melothria pendula (Creeping Cucumber Fruit).jpg
Menyanthes trifoliata |
Buckbean |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Menyanthes trifoliata Bukkeblad.JPG
Minuartia patula |
Slender sandwort |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Minuartia patula.jpg
Monarda clinopodia |
White bergamot |
threatened |
plants |
File:Monarda clinopodia - White Bergamot.jpg
Orobanche ludoviciana |
Broomrape |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Orobanche ludoviciana.jpg
Oxalis illinoensis |
Illinois wood sorrel |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Oxalis illinoensis.jpg
Phaeophyscia leana |
Lea's bog lichen |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
Phemeranthus parviflorus |
Small flower-of-an-hour |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Phemeranthus parviflorus.jpg
Planera aquatica |
Water elm |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:B10 Planera aquatica (Water Elm) Close-up.jpg
Platanthera flava |
Tubercled orchid |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Platanthera flava var herbiola 1003083.JPG
Potamogeton gramineus |
Grass-leaved pondweed |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Potamogeton gramineus (3817604665).jpg
Quercus montana |
Rock chestnut oak |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Quercus montana (24076856201).jpg
Quercus phellos |
Willow oak |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
Ranunculus harveyi |
Harvey's buttercup |
threatened |
plants |
File:Ranunculus harveyi (14593218128).jpg
Rubus odoratus |
Purple-flowering raspberry |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Rubus odoratus - Tuoksuvatukka, Rosenhallon, Purple-flowered raspberry C 20151008 081546.jpg
Rubus pubescens |
Dwarf raspberry |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Rubus pubescens flower.jpg
Rubus schneideri |
Bristly blackberry |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
Rudbeckia missouriensis |
Missouri orange coneflower |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Rudbeckia missouriensis 03.JPG
Salvia azurea |
Blue sage |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Salvia azurea kz02.jpg
Schoenoplectus hallii |
Hall's bulrush |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Schoenoplectiella hallii imported from iNaturalist photo 5513558 on 23 January 2020.jpg
Solidago sciaphila |
Cliff goldenrod |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Solidago sciaphila.jpg
Stenanthium gramineum |
Grass-leaved lily |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Stenanthium gramineum (1014705818).jpg
Styrax americana |
Storax |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Styrax americanus 6zz.jpg
Sullivantia sullivantii |
Sullivantia |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Sullivantia sullivantii.jpg
Synandra hispidula |
Hairy synandra |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
Tofieldia glutinosa |
False asphodel |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Tofieldia glutinosa subsp. japonica 0809.JPG
Trifolium reflexum |
Buffalo clover |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Trifolium reflexum.jpg
Triglochin maritima |
Common bog arrowgrass |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Triglochin maritima baie-authie 80 29042007 8.JPG
Triglochin palustris |
Slender bog arrowgrass |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Triglochin palustris 02.jpg
Urtica chamaedryoides |
Nettle |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Urtica chamaedryoides.jpg
Utricularia intermedia |
Flat-leaved bladderwort |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Utricularia intermedia flower (01).JPG
Veronica scutellata |
Marsh speedwell |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Veronica scutellata kz04.jpg
Viburnum molle |
Arrowwood |
threatened |
threatened |
plants |
File:Viburnum molle.jpg
Coluber flagellum |
Coachwhip |
endangered |
endangered |
reptiles |
snakes |
File:Eastern Coachwhip (Coluber flagellum flagellum).jpg
Nerodia fasciata |
Southern watersnake |
endangered |
endangered |
reptiles |
snakes |
File:Nerodia fasciata CDC.png
Pantherophis emoryi |
Great Plains ratsnake |
endangered |
endangered |
reptiles |
snakes |
File:Pantherophis guttatus emoryi.jpg
Sistrurus catenatus |
Eastern massasauga |
endangered |
endangered |
reptiles |
snakes |
File:Sistrurus catetanus tergeminus by LA Dawson.jpg
Clonophis kirtlandii |
Kirtland's snake |
threatened |
threatened |
reptiles |
snakes |
File:Clonophis kirtlandii by Peter Paplanus.jpg
Crotalus horridus |
Timber rattlesnake |
threatened |
threatened |
reptiles |
snakes |
File:Crotalus horridus atricaudatus2.jpg
Heterodon nasicus |
Plains hog-nosed snake |
threatened |
threatened |
reptiles |
snakes |
File:Western Hognose Snake by Trisha.jpg
Nerodia cyclopion |
Mississippi green watersnake |
threatened |
threatened |
reptiles |
snakes |
File:Mississippi Green Water Snake.jpg
Tantilla gracilis |
Flat-headed snake |
threatened |
threatened |
reptiles |
snakes |
File:Tantilla gracilis.jpg
Thamnophis saurita |
Eastern ribbonsnake |
threatened |
threatened |
reptiles |
snakes |
File:The American Museum journal (c1900-(1918)) (18159607225).jpg
Tropidoclonion lineatum |
Lined snake |
threatened |
threatened |
reptiles |
snakes |
File:Tropidoclonion lineatum texanum.jpg
Clemmys guttata |
Spotted turtle |
endangered |
endangered |
reptiles |
turtles |
File:Spotted Turtle (Clemmys guttata) (captive specimen) (36331198042).jpg
Emydoidea blandingii |
Blanding's turtle |
endangered |
endangered |
reptiles |
turtles |
File:Blanding's Turtle.JPG
Kinosternon flavescens |
Yellow mud turtle |
endangered |
endangered |
reptiles |
turtles |
File:Kinosternon flavescens 1.jpg
Macrochelys temminckii |
Alligator snapping turtle |
endangered |
endangered |
reptiles |
turtles |
File:Hul - Macrochelys temminckii - 2.jpg
Pseudemys concinna |
River cooter |
endangered |
endangered |
reptiles |
turtles |
File:Suwannee River Cooter - Pseudemys concinna suwanniensis, Lower Suwannee National Wildlife Refuge, Chiefland, Florida.jpg
Apalone mutica |
Smooth softshell |
threatened |
endangered |
reptiles |
turtles |
File:Midland Smooth Softshell Turtle (Apalone mutica mutica) (9236915356).jpg
Terrapene ornata |
Ornate box turtle |
threatened |
threatened |
reptiles |
turtles |
File:Ornate Box Turtle (Terrapene ornata) (29905668306).jpg