List of endangered and threatened animals and plants of Illinois

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The Illinois List of Endangered and Threatened Species is reviewed about every five years by the Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board (ESPB).[1] To date it has evaluated only plants and animals of the US state of Illinois, not fungi, algae, or other forms of life; species that occur in Illinois which are listed as endangered or threatened by the U.S. federal government under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 are automatically listed as such for the state of Illinois.[1]

Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board

The Illinois Endangered Species Protection Act created the ESPB in 1972.[2] The board is made up of six naturalists including at least one botanist, two zoologists, and two ecologists.[2] Board members are volunteers,[3] and as of 2019 include Jeff Walk of The Nature Conservancy,[3] ichthyologist Philip Willink,[3] Joyce Hofmann (chair), Janice Coons (vice-chair), Tracy Evans (secretary), ornithologist Angelo P. Capparella [species], Bruce Ross-Shannon, Jeremie Fant, Randy Schietzelt, Chris Young from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (non-voting member), and one vacancy.[4] They met most recently in 2019[needs update][5] and penultimately in 2014.[1]

Recovery plans

Only twenty species ever listed have had Illinois Endangered and Threatened Species Recovery Plans approved by the board, but other parties may implement recovery plans without board approval.[6] Examples of plans implemented by other parties include that for Hine's emerald dragonfly (Somatochlora hineana) headed by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service[7][8] and Blanding's turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) headed by the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County.[9][10] Species with approved recovery plans are: eryngium stem borer (Papaipema eryngii), golden mouse (Ochrotomys nuttalli), American snowbell (Styrax americana), bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), barn owl (Tyto alba), beardtongue (Penstemon tubaeflorus), bloodleaf (Iresine rhizomatosa), creeping St. Johnwort (Hypericum adpressum), eastern woodrat (Neotoma floridana), greater prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus cupido), halberd leaf tearthumb (Polygonum arifolium/Tracaulon arifolium), leatherflower (Clematis viorna), marsh rice rat (Oryzomys palustris), mud-plantain (Heteranthera reniformis), northern harrier (Circus cyaneus), osprey (Pandion haliaetus), peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), road-winged sedge (Carex alata), royal catchfly (Silene regia), and short-eared owl (Asio flammeus).[6]

List of species

Scientific name Vernacular name Illinois status (2020)[5] Illinois status (2015)[1] Federal status Group Subgroup Image
Gastrophryne carolinensis Eastern narrow-mouthed toad threatened threatened amphibians frogs and toads File:Gastrophryne carolinensis.jpg
Hyla avivoca Bird-voiced treefrog threatened threatened amphibians frogs and toads File:Hyla avivoca.jpg
Pseudacris illinoensis Illinois chorus frog threatened threatened amphibians frogs and toads File:Pseudacris streckeri illinoensis.jpg
Ambystoma platineum Silvery salamander endangered endangered amphibians salamanders
Cryptobranchus alleganiensis Hellbender endangered endangered amphibians salamanders File:Hellbender.jpg
Desmognathus conanti Spotted dusky salamander endangered endangered amphibians salamanders File:Spotted dusky salamander (13949618472).jpg
Ambystoma jeffersonianum Jefferson salamander threatened threatened amphibians salamanders File:Ambystoma jeffersonianum.jpg
Hemidactylium scutatum Four-toed salamander threatened threatened amphibians salamanders File:Hemidactylium scutatum.jpg
Necturus maculosus Mudpuppy threatened threatened amphibians salamanders File:Necturus maculosus maculosus.jpg
Asio flammeus Short-eared owl endangered endangered birds File:Short Eared Owl on the Ground.jpg
Bartramia longicauda Upland sandpiper endangered endangered birds File:UplandSandpiperOntarioCropped.jpg
Botaurus lentiginosus American bittern endangered endangered birds File:American-Bittern-01-web.jpg
Buteo swainsoni Swainson's hawk endangered endangered birds File:Swainson's Hawk (Buteo swainsoni) RWD.jpg
Charadrius melodus Piping plover endangered endangered endangered birds File:Charadrius melodus -Cape May, New Jersey, USA -adult-8 (6).jpg
Chlidonias niger Black tern endangered endangered birds File:Chlidonias niger Point Pelee.jpg
Circus hudsonius Northern harrier endangered endangered birds File:Circus hudsonius juvenile.jpg
Egretta caerulea Little blue heron endangered endangered birds File:Egretta caerulea Dobak.jpg
Egretta thula Snowy egret endangered endangered birds File:Egretta thula PT.jpg
Gallinula galeata Common gallinule endangered endangered birds File:Gallinula galeata in Botanical Garden of São Paulo.jpg
Lanius ludovicianus Loggerhead shrike endangered endangered birds File:Lanius ludovicianus, Palo Alto Baylands 1.jpg
Laterallus jamaicensis Black rail endangered endangered birds File:Laterallus jamaicensisAAP026CB.jpg
Limnothlypis swainsonii Swainson's warbler endangered endangered birds File:Swainson's Warbler Hooks Wood High Island TX 2018-04-11 10-04-25 (26941163947).jpg
Nyctanassa violacea Yellow-crowned night-heron endangered endangered birds File:Nyctanassa violacea 6zz.jpg
Nycticorax nycticorax Black-crowned night-heron endangered endangered birds File:Nycticorax nycticorax Topham Pond Toronto.jpg
Phalaropus tricolor Wilson's phalarope endangered endangered birds File:Phalaropus tricolor - breeding female.jpg
Rallus elegans King rail endangered endangered birds File:King Rail and young (8425428230).jpg
Sterna forsteri Forster's tern endangered endangered birds File:Sterna forsteri 4zz.jpg
Sterna hirundo Common tern endangered endangered birds File:Common tern (Sterna hirundo).jpg
Sternula antillarum Least tern endangered endangered endangered birds File:Sternula antillarum -St Augustine, Florida, USA -parent and chick-8.jpg
Thryomanes bewickii Bewick's wren endangered endangered birds File:Thryomanes bewickii 14432.JPG
Tympanuchus cupido Greater prairie-chicken endangered endangered birds File:Greater Prairie Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido) (20351644665).jpg
Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus Yellow-headed blackbird endangered endangered birds File:Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus -USA-8a.jpg
Ictinia mississippiensis Mississippi kite removed from threatened threatened birds File:Mississippi Kite RWD3.jpg
Tyto alba Barn owl removed from threatened threatened birds File:Tyto alba side.JPG
Antrostomus carolinensis Chuck-will's-widow threatened threatened birds File:Antrostomus carolinensis, Centennial Olympic Park, Atlanta 3.jpg
Calidris canutus rufa Rufa red knot threatened threatened threatened birds File:Red knot (Calidris canutus rufa) at Mispillion Harbor, Delaware, candidate (5039504566).jpg
Coccyzus erythropthalmus Black-billed cuckoo threatened threatened birds File:Black-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus erythropthalmus) (5821965275) (cropped).jpg
Ixobrychus exilis Least bittern threatened threatened birds File:Least Bittern (Ixobrychus exilis) male (8724152438).jpg
Pandion haliaetus Osprey threatened endangered birds File:Pandion haliaetus -fish -Texas-8-4c.jpg
Setophaga cerulea Cerulean warbler threatened threatened birds File:Dendroica-cerulea-002.jpg
Acipenser fulvescens Lake sturgeon endangered endangered fishes File:Young lake sturgeon.jpg
Ammocrypta clara Western sand darter endangered endangered fishes File:Fishes (1907) (14797408173).jpg
Coregonus artedi Cisco endangered threatened fishes File:FMIB 42891 Lake Huron Herring - Lecichthys sisco huronius (Jordan & Evermann).jpeg
Crystallaria asprella Crystal darter endangered threatened fishes File:Cdarter.jpg
Etheostoma camurum Bluebreast darter endangered endangered fishes File:Etheostoma camurum.jpg
Etheostoma histrio Harlequin darter endangered endangered fishes File:Harlequin darter (Etheostoma histrio).jpg
Hybognathus hayi Cypress minnow endangered endangered fishes File:Cypress Minnow Hybognathus hayi.jpg
Hybopsis amnis Pallid shiner endangered endangered fishes File:Hybopsis amnis Pallid Shiner.jpg
Ichthyomyzon fossor Northern brook lamprey endangered endangered fishes File:Ichthyomyzon fossor (cropped).jpg
Macrhybopsis gelida Sturgeon chub endangered endangered fishes File:Sturgeon chub.jpg
Moxostoma valenciennesi Greater redhorse endangered endangered fishes File:Moxostoma valenciennesi.jpg
Nocomis micropogon River chub endangered endangered fishes File:River chub - Nocomis micropogon.jpg
Notropis anogenus Pugnose shiner endangered endangered fishes File:Pugnose Shiner (Notropis anogenus).gif
Notropis boops Bigeye shiner endangered endangered fishes File:Bigeye Shiner Juvenile.jpg
Notropis heterolepis Blacknose shiner endangered endangered fishes File:Notropis heterolepis.jpg
Notropis maculatus Taillight shiner endangered endangered fishes File:Notropis maculatus.jpg
Notropis texanus Weed shiner endangered endangered fishes File:FMIB 40137 Notropis nux Evermann Type Neches River, Palestine, Texas.jpeg
Noturus stigmosus Northern madtom endangered endangered fishes
Scaphirhynchus albus Pallid sturgeon endangered endangered endangered fishes File:Scaphirhynchus albus (Pallid sturgeon) FWS 23610.jpg
Anguilla rostrata American eel removed from threatened threatened fishes File:Rostrata.jpg
Etheostoma exile Iowa darter removed from threatened threatened fishes File:Etheostoma exile.png
Ammocrypta pellucida Eastern sand darter threatened threatened fishes File:Ammocrypta pellucida (cropped).jpg
Catostomus catostomus Longnose sucker threatened threatened fishes File:LongnoseSucker.jpg
Cottus bairdii Mottled sculpin threatened fishes File:Cottus bairdii.jpg
Erimystax x-punctatus Gravel chub threatened threatened fishes File:Gravel Chub1 Scioto River 28JUL09 by BZ.jpg
Forbesichthys agassizii Spring cavefish threatened fishes File:Forbesichthys agassizii.jpg
Fundulus diaphanus subsp. menona Western banded killifish threatened threatened fishes File:Fundulus diaphanus menona (45995838915).jpg
Fundulus dispar Starhead topminnow threatened threatened fishes File:Fundulus dispar (46858198272).jpg
Hybognathus hankinsoni Brassy minnow threatened threatened fishes
Hybopsis amblops Bigeye chub threatened endangered fishes File:Bigeye chub.jpg
Lampetra aepyptera Least brook lamprey threatened threatened fishes File:Lampetra aepyptera juvenile 2.jpg
Lepomis miniatus Redspotted sunfish threatened endangered fishes File:Lepomis miniatus.jpg
Lepomis symmetricus Bantam sunfish threatened threatened fishes File:FMIB 40133 Lepomis symmetricus Forbes Kilper's Pond, Houston, Texas.jpeg
Lethenteron appendix American brook lamprey threatened threatened fishes File:Lethenteron appendix.jpg
Moxostoma carinatum River redhorse threatened threatened fishes File:Moxostoma carinatum 153150190.jpg
Notropis chalybaeus Ironcolor shiner threatened threatened fishes File:Notropis chalybaeus FWS 20915.jpg
Notropis heterodon Blackchin shiner threatened threatened fishes File:Notropis heterodon.jpg
Notropis nubilus Ozark minnow threatened fishes File:Ozark minnow.jpg
Bombus affinis Rusty patched bumble bee endangered endangered invertebrates bees File:Rusty Patched Bumble Bee (28971822177).jpg
Calephelis muticum Swamp metalmark endangered endangered invertebrates butterflies and moths File:Swamp Metalmark butterfly - Calephelis muticum (14138783918).jpg
Hesperia metea Cobweb skipper endangered endangered invertebrates butterflies and moths File:Hesperia metea 63203982.jpg
Hesperia ottoe Ottoe skipper endangered endangered invertebrates butterflies and moths File:Hesperia ottoe.jpg
Incisalia polios Hoary elfin endangered endangered invertebrates butterflies and moths File:Incisalia polia.jpg
Papaipema eryngii Eryngium stem borer threatened threatened invertebrates butterflies and moths
Plebejus melissa samuelis Karner blue butterfly endangered endangered endangered invertebrates butterflies and moths File:Karner Blue (Plebejus melissa samuelis) (9061134413).jpg
Speyeria idalia Regal fritillary threatened threatened invertebrates butterflies and moths File:Speyeria idalia1.jpg
Caecidotea lesliei Isopod endangered endangered invertebrates crustaceans
Crangonyx anomalus Anomalous spring amphipod endangered endangered invertebrates crustaceans
Crangonyx packardi Packard's cave amphipod endangered endangered invertebrates crustaceans File:Crangonyx packardii.jpg
Faxonius indianensis Indiana crayfish endangered endangered invertebrates crustaceans
Faxonius kentuckiensis Kentucky crayfish endangered endangered invertebrates crustaceans
Faxonius lancifer Shrimp crayfish endangered endangered invertebrates crustaceans File:Faxonius lancifer Shrimp Crayfish.jpg
Faxonius placidus Bigclaw crayfish endangered endangered invertebrates crustaceans
Gammarus acherondytes Illinois cave amphipod endangered endangered endangered invertebrates crustaceans
Stygobromus iowae Iowa amphipod endangered endangered invertebrates crustaceans
Nannothemis bella Elfin skimmer endangered threatened invertebrates dragonflies File:Nannothemis bella InsectImages 5538304 (cropped).jpg
Somatochlora hineana Hine's emerald dragonfly endangered endangered endangered invertebrates dragonflies File:Hine's Emerald Dragonfly (41092633930).jpg
Athysanella incongrua Leafhopper endangered endangered invertebrates leafhoppers
Aflexia rubranura Redveined prairie leafhopper threatened threatened invertebrates leafhoppers File:Red-tailed Prairie Leafhopper (Aflexia rubranura) (5948723124).jpg
Cyprogenia stegaria Fanshell endangered endangered endangered invertebrates mussels File:Fanshell mussel cyprogenia stegaria.jpg
Elliptio crassidens Elephant-ear endangered endangered invertebrates mussels File:Naturalis Biodiversity Center - RMNH.MOL.326102 - Elliptio crassidens (Lamarck, 1819) - Unionidae - Mollusc shell.jpeg
Epioblasma rangiana Northern riffleshell endangered endangered endangered invertebrates mussels File:Epioblasma torulosa rangiana.jpg
Epioblasma triquetra Snuffbox endangered endangered endangered invertebrates mussels File:Epioblasma triquetra.jpg
Eurynia dilatata Spike endangered threatened invertebrates mussels File:Spike, Unio gibbosus (Barnes) (=Eurynia dilatata) , from Mississippi (cropped).jpeg
Lampsilis abrupta Pink mucket endangered endangered endangered invertebrates mussels File:Lampsilis abrupta.jpg
Lampsilis fasciola Wavy-rayed lampmussel endangered endangered invertebrates mussels File:Lampsilis fasciola.jpg
Lampsilis higginsii Higgins eye endangered endangered endangered invertebrates mussels File:Lampsilis higginsii.jpg
Leptodea leptodon Scaleshell endangered endangered endangered invertebrates mussels File:Leptodea leptodon.jpg
Margaritifera monodonta Spectaclecase endangered endangered endangered invertebrates mussels File:Naturalis Biodiversity Center - RMNH.MOL.325030 2 - Margaritifera monodonta (Say, 1829) - Margaritiferidae - Mollusc shell.jpeg
Plethobasus cooperianus Orangefoot pimpleback endangered endangered endangered invertebrates mussels File:Plethobasus cooperianus.jpg
Plethobasus cyphyus Sheepnose endangered endangered endangered invertebrates mussels File:Plethobasus cyphyus.jpg
Pleurobema clava Clubshell endangered endangered endangered invertebrates mussels File:Pleurobema clava.JPG
Pleurobema cordatum Ohio pigtoe endangered endangered invertebrates mussels File:Naturalis Biodiversity Center - ZMA.MOLL.419072 - Pleurobema cordatum (Rafinesque, 1820) - Unionidae - Mollusc shell.jpeg
Potamilus capax Fat pocketbook endangered endangered endangered invertebrates mussels File:Naturalis Biodiversity Center - ZMA.MOLL.418635 - Potamilus capax (Green, 1832) - Unionidae - Mollusc shell.jpeg
Ptychobranchus fasciolaris Kidneyshell endangered endangered invertebrates mussels File:Ptychobranchus fasciolaris (Rafinesce, 1820).jpg
Reginaia ebenus Ebonyshell endangered endangered invertebrates mussels File:Ebonyshell Reginaia ebenus formerly Quadrula ebenus.jpeg
Simpsonaias ambigua Salamander mussel endangered endangered invertebrates mussels File:Naturalis Biodiversity Center - ZMA.MOLL.418093 - Simpsonaias ambigua (Say, 1825) - Unionidae - Mollusc shell.jpeg
Theliderma cylindrica Rabbitsfoot endangered endangered threatened invertebrates mussels File:Quadrula cylindrica strigillata.jpg
Toxolasma lividum Purple lilliput endangered endangered invertebrates mussels File:Naturalis Biodiversity Center - ZMA.MOLL.213722 - Toxolasma lividum Rafinesque, 1831 - Unionidae - Mollusc shell.jpeg
Villosa iris Rainbow mussel endangered endangered invertebrates mussels File:Villosa iris.jpg
Alasmidonta viridis Slippershell removed from threatened threatened invertebrates mussels File:Alasmidonta viridis.jpg
Ligumia recta Black sandshell removed from threatened threatened invertebrates mussels File:Ligumia recta.jpg
Villosa lienosa Little spectaclecase removed from threatened threatened invertebrates mussels File:Naturalis Biodiversity Center - ZMA.MOLL.419418 - Villosa lienosa (Conrad, 1834) - Unionidae - Mollusc shell.jpeg
Cyclonaias tuberculata Purple wartyback threatened threatened invertebrates mussels File:Cyclonaias tuberculata.jpg
Ellipsaria lineolata Butterfly mussel threatened threatened invertebrates mussels File:Ellipsaria lineolata.jpg
Quadrula metanevra Monkeyface threatened invertebrates mussels File:Quadrula metanevra.jpg
Centruroides vittatus Common striped scorpion endangered endangered invertebrates scorpions File:Centruroides vittatus P1410866a.jpg
Discus macclintocki Iowa Pleistocene snail endangered endangered endangered invertebrates snails File:Discus macclintocki.jpg
Fontigens antroecetes Hydrobiid Cave snail endangered endangered invertebrates snails
Leptoxis praerosa Onyx rocksnail endangered endangered invertebrates snails File:Naturalis Biodiversity Center - RMNH.MOL.175328 - Leptoxis praerosa (Say, 1821) - Pleuroceridae - Mollusc shell.jpeg
Lithasia obovata Shawnee rocksnail endangered endangered invertebrates snails File:Naturalis Biodiversity Center - RMNH.MOL.175198 - Lithasia obovata (Say, 1829) - Pleuroceridae - Mollusc shell.jpeg
Pygmarrhopalites madonnensis Madonna Cave springtail endangered endangered invertebrates springtails
Diploperla robusta Robust springfly endangered endangered invertebrates stoneflies
Prostoia ozarkensis Central forestfly endangered endangered invertebrates stoneflies
Canis lupus Gray/timber wolf endangered threatened endangered mammals File:Loup commun DSCF1584.jpg
Corynorhinus rafinesquii Rafinesque's big-eared bat endangered endangered mammals File:Corynorhinus rafinesquii.JPG
Myotis austroriparius Southeastern myotis endangered endangered mammals File:Myotis austroriparius 2.jpg
Myotis grisescens Gray bat endangered endangered endangered mammals File:Myotis grisescens.jpg
Myotis sodalis Indiana bat endangered endangered endangered mammals File:Indiana Bat FWS.jpg
Neotoma floridana Eastern wood rat removed from endangered endangered mammals File:Key Largo woodrat (15610225542).jpg
Myotis leibii Eastern small-footed bat threatened threatened mammals File:Eastern small-footed bat with white-nose syndrome (5880655901).jpg
Myotis septentrionalis Northern long-eared bat threatened threatened threatened mammals File:Northern long-eared bat (5881232758).jpg
Poliocitellus franklinii Franklin's ground squirrel threatened threatened mammals File:Flickr - Furryscaly - Are You Still There.jpg
Actaea podocarpa American bugbane endangered endangered plants File:Actaea podocarpa.jpg
Actaea racemosa False bugbane endangered endangered plants File:Actaea racemosa 002.JPG
Actaea rubifolia Black cohosh endangered endangered plants File:Actaea rubifolia drawing.png
Adoxa moschatellina Moschatel endangered endangered plants File:Adoxa moschatellina kz08.jpg
Alnus incana subsp. rugosa Speckled alder endangered endangered plants File:Alnus incana rugosa leaves.jpg
Amelanchier sanguinea Shadbush endangered endangered plants File:Blutrote Felsenbirne (Amelanchier sanguinea) 5868.JPG
Amorpha nitens Smooth false indigo endangered endangered plants File:Amorpha nitens (1).jpg
Andromeda glaucophylla Bog rosemary endangered endangered plants File:Andromeda glaucophylla 2 (5097494549).jpg
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Bearberry endangered endangered plants File:Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 25919.JPG
Artemisia dracunculus Dragon wormwood endangered endangered plants File:Artemisia dracunculus3.jpg
Asclepias lanuginosa Wooly milkweed endangered endangered plants File:Acerates lanuginòsa now Asclepias lanuginosa (14803554493).jpg
Asclepias meadii Mead's milkweed endangered endangered threatened plants File:Mead's Milkweed (Asclepias meadii) - Flickr - Jay Sturner.jpg
Asclepias ovalifolia Oval milkweed endangered endangered plants File:Oval-leaf Milkweed on Mundt Lake WPA (36093654383).jpg
Asclepias stenophylla Narrow-leaved green milkweed endangered endangered plants File:Asclepias stenophylla 141042195.jpg
Asplenium bradleyi Bradley's spleenwort endangered endangered plants File:Asplenium bradleyi tuft.JPG
Asplenium resiliens Black spleenwort endangered endangered plants File:BB-0060 Asplenium resiliens.png
Astragalus crassicarpus var. trichocalyx Large ground plum endangered endangered plants
Astragalus distortus Bent milk vetch endangered endangered plants File:Astragalus distortus var. engelmannii.jpg
Astragalus tennesseensis Tennessee milk vetch endangered endangered plants File:Astragalus tennesseensis.jpg
Avenella flexuosa Hairgrass endangered endangered plants File:Avenella flexuosa subsp. flexuosa sl13.jpg
Baptisia tinctoria Yellow wild indigo endangered endangered plants File:Baptisia tinctoria 2x3.jpg
Bartonia paniculata Screwstem endangered endangered plants File:Bartonia paniculata (twining screwstem), Spencer Preserve, Foster, RI (32047618621).jpg
Beckmannia syzigachne American slough grass endangered endangered plants File:Beckmannia syzigachne 01.jpg
Berchemia scandens Supple-jack endangered endangered plants File:Berchemia scandens photo.jpg
Betula alleghaniensis Yellow birch endangered endangered plants File:Betula alleghaniensis Yellow Birch.jpg
Botrychium campestre Prairie moonwort endangered endangered plants File:Botrychium campestre - NPS Photo.jpg
Botrychium matricariifolium Daisyleaf grape fern endangered endangered plants File:Botrychium matricariifolium (05).jpg
Botrychium multifidum Northern grape fern endangered endangered plants File:Botrychium multifidum 3-eheep (5098043922).jpg
Botrychium simplex Dwarf grape fern endangered endangered plants File:Dvärglåsbräken - Botrychium simplex0222 - Flickr - Ragnhild & Neil Crawford.jpg
Bouteloua gracilis Blue grama endangered endangered plants File:Bouteloua gracilis (3796725893).jpg
Bumelia lanuginosa Wooly buckthorn endangered endangered plants File:Gum-Bumelia (2945882076).gif
Calamagrostis insperata Hollow reed grass endangered endangered plants File:Calamagrostis insperata.jpg
Calla palustris Water arum endangered endangered plants File:Calla palustris 7871.jpg
Calopogon oklahomensis Oklahoma grass pink orchid endangered endangered plants File:Calopogon oklahomensis Oklahoma Grasspink.jpg
Calopogon tuberosus Grass pink orchid endangered endangered plants File:Calopogon tuberosus (17597349022).jpg
Camassia angusta Wild hyacinth endangered endangered plants
Cardamine pratensis var. palustris Cuckoo flower endangered endangered plants
Carex alata Winged sedge endangered endangered plants File:Carex alata.jpg
Carex arkansana Arkansas sedge endangered endangered plants
Carex brunnescens Brownish sedge endangered endangered plants File:Carex brunnescens var sphaerostachya.jpg
Carex canescens Silvery sedge endangered endangered plants File:CarexCanescens.jpg
Carex chordorrhiza Cordroot sedge endangered endangered plants File:Carex chordorrhiza Oulu, Finland 12.06.2013.jpg
Carex crawfordii Crawford's sedge endangered endangered plants File:Carex crawfordii inflorescense (5).jpg
Carex cumulata Sedge endangered endangered plants

File:Carex cumulata 84757225.jpg

Carex debilis White-edge sedge endangered plants File:02847 White-edged Sedge (8916548965).jpg
Carex decomposita Cypress-knee sedge endangered endangered plants File:Carex decomposita NRCS-1.jpg
Carex diandra Sedge endangered endangered plants File:Carex diandra inflorescens (01).jpg
Carex disperma Shortleaf sedge endangered endangered plants File:Carex disperma 5559529.jpg
Carex echinata Sedge endangered endangered plants File:Carex echinata inflorescens (32).jpg
Carex formosa Sedge endangered endangered plants File:Carex formosa BB-1913.png
Carex garberi Elk sedge endangered endangered plants File:Carex garberi iNat-19571898.jpg
Carex gigantea Large sedge endangered endangered plants File:Carex gigantea BHL3346998.jpg
Carex heliophila Plains sedge endangered endangered plants File:Carex inops heliophila (7462179936).jpg
Carex intumescens Swollen sedge endangered endangered plants File:Carex intumescens.jpg
Carex nigromarginata Black-edged sedge endangered endangered plants File:Carex nigromarginata BB-1913.png
Carex oligosperma Few-seeded sedge endangered endangered plants File:Carex oligosperma BB-1913.png
Carex opaca Opaque oval sedge endangered plants
Carex physorhyncha Bellow's beak sedge endangered endangered plants
Carex plantaginea Plaintain-leaved sedge endangered endangered plants File:Carex-plantaginea.jpg
Carex reniformis Reniform sedge endangered endangered plants
Carex straminea Eastern Straw sedge endangered plants File:Carex straminea NRCS-1.jpg
Carex trisperma Three-seeded sedge endangered endangered plants File:Carex trisperma c (16345959621).jpg
Carex tuckermanii Tuckerman's sedge endangered endangered plants File:Carex tuckermanii BB-1913.png
Carya pallida Pale hickory endangered endangered plants File:Carya pallida BB-1913.png
Castilleja sessiliflora Downy yellow painted cup endangered endangered plants File:Castilleja sessilifolia (4000614699).jpg
Ceanothus herbaceus Redroot endangered endangered plants File:Ceanothus herbaceus (4617385527).jpg
Chamaelirium luteum Fairy wand endangered endangered plants File:Chamaelirium luteum.jpg
Chamaesyce polygonifolia Seaside spurge endangered endangered plants File:Euphorbia polygonifolia BB-1913.png
Chimaphila maculata Spotted wintergreen endangered endangered plants File:Chimaphila maculata Snowbird Mountain.jpg
Chimaphila umbellata Pipsissewa endangered endangered plants File:Chimaphila umbellata fleur.JPG
Circaea alpina Small enchanter's nightshade endangered endangered plants File:Circaea alpina 6758.JPG
Cirsium pitcheri Pitcher's (dune) thistle endangered threatened threatened plants File:Cirsium pitcheri.jpg
Cladrastis lutea Yellowwood endangered endangered plants File:Cladrastis lutea 2zz.jpg
Clematis crispa Blue jasmine endangered endangered plants File:Curlflower - Clematis crispa, Catahoula National Wildlife Refuge, Jonesville, Louisiana.jpg
Clematis viorna Leatherflower endangered endangered plants File:Clematis viorna.jpg
Collinsia violacea Violet collinsia endangered endangered plants File:Plants - Violet Blue-eyed Mary by Brenda Loveless (32705399335).jpg
Comptonia peregrina Sweetfern endangered endangered plants File:Comptonia-peregrina-foliage.jpg
Conioselinum chinense Hemlock parsley endangered endangered plants File:Conioselinum chinense BB-1913.png
Corallorhiza maculata Spotted coral-root orchid endangered endangered plants File:Corallorhiza maculata 0905.JPG
Cornus canadensis Bunchberry endangered endangered plants File:Cornus canadensis (mature flower).jpg
Corydalis aurea Golden corydalis endangered endangered plants File:Corydalis aurea 4.jpg
Corydalis halei Hale's corydalis endangered endangered plants
Corydalis sempervirens Pink corydalis endangered endangered plants File:Corydalis sempervirens 4 (5097234905).jpg
Cynosciadium digitatum Cynosciadium endangered endangered plants File:Aquatic and wetland plants of southwestern United States (1972) (19128307564).jpg
Cypripedium acaule Moccasin flower endangered endangered plants File:Cypripedium acaule - Henvey Inlet.jpg
Cypripedium parviflorum Small yellow lady's slipper endangered endangered plants File:Cypripedium parviflorum flower.JPG
Cypripedium reginae Showy lady's slipper endangered endangered plants File:Cypripedium reginae (17600043605).jpg
Cystopteris laurentiana Laurentian fragile fern endangered endangered plants File:Cystopteris laurentiana imported from iNaturalist photo 19571186 on 23 January 2020.jpg
Dalea foliosa Leafy prairie clover endangered endangered endangered plants File:Dalea foliosa.jpg
Delphinium carolinianum Hill prairie larkspur/wild blue larkspur endangered threatened plants File:Delphinium carolinianum (9289516039).jpg
Dendrolycopodium dendroideum Ground pine endangered endangered plants File:Dendrolycopodium dendroideum jomegat.jpg
Dendrolycopodium hickeyi Hickey's groundpine endangered plants File:Lycopodium hickeyi.JPG
Dennstaedtia punctilobula Hay-scented fern endangered endangered plants File:Dennstaedtia punctilobula 2.jpg
Dichanthelium boreale Northern panic grass endangered endangered plants File:Dichanthelium boreale (as Panicum boreale) BB-1913.png
Dichanthelium joori Panic grass endangered endangered plants
Dichanthelium portoricense Hemlock panic grass endangered endangered plants File:Dichanthelium portoricense (as Panicum nashianum) BB-1913.png
Dichanthelium ravenelii Ravenel's panic grass endangered endangered plants
Dichanthelium yadkinense Panic grass endangered endangered plants
Draba cuneifolia Whitlow grass endangered endangered plants File:Draba cuneifolia az.jpg
Drosera rotundifolia Round-leaved sundew endangered endangered plants File:Ordunte - Drosera rotundifolia (2).jpg
Dryopteris celsa Log fern endangered endangered plants File:Dryopteris celsa NBG LR.jpg
Echinodorus tenellus Small burhead endangered endangered plants File:Echinodorus tenellus BB-1913.jpg
Eleocharis olivacea Capitate spikerush endangered endangered plants
Eleocharis pauciflora Few-flowered spikerush endangered endangered plants File:Fig. 02 Eleocharis pauciflora.jpg
Elymus trachycaulus Bearded wheat grass endangered endangered plants File:Elymus trachycaulus (3938669335).jpg
Equisetum scirpoides Dwarf scouring rush endangered endangered plants File:Equisetum scirpoides01.jpg
Equisetum sylvaticum Woodland horsetail endangered endangered plants File:Equisetum sylvaticum 01.JPG
Eriophorum virginicum Rusty cotton grass endangered endangered plants File:GH Eriophorum virginicum; Tawny cottongrass (20632128055).jpg
Eryngium prostratum Eryngo endangered endangered plants File:Eryngium prostratum BHL3347706.jpg
Eupatorium hyssopifolium Hyssop-leaved thoroughwort endangered endangered plants File:Eupatorium hyssopifolium.jpg
Euphorbia spathulata Spurge endangered endangered plants File:Euphorbia spathulata (7495152596).jpg
Fimbristylis vahlii Vahl's fimbry endangered endangered plants File:Fimbristylis vahlii BB-1913.jpg
Galactia mohlenbrockii Boykin's dioclea endangered endangered plants
Galium virgatum Dwarf bedstraw endangered endangered plants File:Galium virgatum (14597272819 32918224) .jpg
Geranium bicknellii Northern cranesbill endangered endangered plants File:Geranium bicknellii 6-eheep (5097901224).jpg
Glyceria arkansana Arkansas mannagrass endangered endangered plants
Gratiola quartermaniae Hedge hyssop endangered endangered plants File:Gratiola quartermaniae.jpg
Gymnocarpium dryopteris Oak fern endangered endangered plants File:Gymnocarpium dryopteris 6028.JPG
Gymnocarpium robertianum Scented oak fern endangered endangered plants File:Gymnocarpium robertianum leaves.jpg
Hackelia deflexa var. americana Stickseed endangered endangered plants File:Hackelia deflexa americana imported from iNaturalist photo 20394438 on 23 January 2020.jpg
Halesia carolina Silverbell tree endangered endangered plants File:Halesia carolina 22zz.jpg
Helianthus angustifolius Narrow-leaved sunflower endangered threatened plants File:Helianthus angustifolius 2.jpg
Helianthus giganteus Tall sunflower endangered endangered plants File:Helianthus giganteus (9592721496).jpg
Heliotropium tenellum Slender heliotrope endangered endangered plants File:Heliotropium tenellum.jpg
Heteranthera reniformis Mud plantain endangered endangered plants File:Heteranthera reniformis kz1.JPG
Hexalectris spicata Crested coralroot orchid endangered endangered plants File:Hexalectris spicata (16977585464).jpg
Hudsonia tomentosa False heather endangered endangered plants File:Hudsonia tomentosa WFNY-132A.jpg
Hydrolea uniflora One-flowered hydrolea endangered endangered plants File:Hydrolea uniflora BHL3347846.jpg
Hymenopappus scabiosaeus Old plainsman endangered threatened plants File:Old Plainsman (Hymenopappus scabiosaeus) (2426972843).jpg
Hypericum adpressum Shore St. John's wort endangered endangered plants File:Hypericum adpressum drawing.png
Hypericum kalmianum Kalm's St. John's wort endangered endangered plants File:Hypericum kalmianum 2-eheep (5098107630).jpg
Iliamna remota Kankakee mallow endangered endangered plants File:Phymosia remota.tif
Iresine rhizomatosa Bloodleaf endangered endangered plants File:Iresine rhizomatosa.jpg
Isoetes butleri Butler's quillwort endangered endangered plants File:Isoetes butleri.jpg
Isotria medeoloides Small whorled pogonia endangered endangered threatened plants File:Isotria medeoloides (16977598144).jpg
Isotria verticillata Whorled pogonia endangered endangered plants File:Isotria verticillata USFWS-1.jpg
Juglans cinerea Butternut endangered plants File:Juglans cinerea 006 Nekrasov.jpg
Juncus vaseyi Vasey's rush endangered endangered plants File:Juncus vaseyi (14779713361).jpg
Juniperus horizontalis Trailing juniper endangered endangered plants File:Juniperus horizontalis, Pancake Bay PP.jpg
Justicia ovata Water willow endangered endangered plants File:Pineland Water Willow (5695664130).jpg
Larix laricina Tamarack endangered threatened plants File:Larix laricina.jpg
Lechea intermedia Savanna pinweed endangered endangered plants File:Lechea intermedia BB-1913.png
Lespedeza leptostachya Prairie bush clover endangered endangered threatened plants File:Lespedeza leptostachya.jpg
Lonicera dioica var. glaucescens Red honeysuckle endangered endangered plants File:Lonicera dioica var. glaucescens (wild glaucus honeysuckle), Thacher State Park, Voorheesville, NY (32131021086).jpg
Lonicera flava Yellow honeysuckle endangered endangered plants File:Lonicera flava Arkansas.jpg
Luzula acuminata Hairy woodrush endangered endangered plants File:Luzula acuminata 0zz.jpg
Lycopodiella inundata Bog clubmoss endangered endangered plants File:Lycopodiella inundata 003.jpg
Lycopodium clavatum Running pine endangered endangered plants File:Lycopodium annotinum 01 cor.jpg
Lysimachia radicans Creeping loosestrife endangered endangered plants
Malus angustifolia Narrow-leaved crabapple endangered endangered plants File:A guide to the trees (Plate LXXX) (8435943414).jpg
Malvastrum hispidum False mallow endangered endangered plants
Matelea decipiens Climbing milkweed endangered endangered plants File:Matelea decipiens (3).jpg
Medeola virginiana Indian cucumber root endangered endangered plants File:Medeola virginiana 5458.jpg
Megalodonta beckii Water marigold endangered endangered plants File:Rural Hours - Beck's Bidens.jpg
Melanthera nivea White melanthera endangered endangered plants File:Square Snowstem. Melanthera nivea. Asteraceae - Flickr - gailhampshire.jpg
Melanthium virginicum Virginia bunchflower endangered threatened plants File:Melanthium virginicum - Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens - DSC03154.jpg
Melica mutica Two-flowered melic grass endangered endangered plants File:Melica mutica.jpg
Mentzelia oligosperma Stickleaf endangered endangered plants File:Stickleaf (Mentzelia oligosperma) (561871855).jpg
Micranthes virginiensis Early saxifrage endangered endangered plants File:Micranthes virginiensis, C & O Canal, Widewater, 4-25-13 (8685462151).jpg
Mimosa nuttallii Cat's claw endangered plants File:SensitivePlantFlowers.jpg
Mimulus glabratus Yellow monkey flower endangered endangered plants File:Mimulus glabratus (8436536472).jpg
Mirabilis hirsuta Hairy umbrella-wort endangered endangered plants File:Meehans' monthly - a magazine of horticulture, botany and kindred subjects (1899) (14596854687).jpg
Nemophila triloba Baby blue-eyes endangered endangered plants File:Nemophila aphylla Radnor Lake.jpg
Nothocalais cuspidata Prairie dandelion endangered endangered plants File:Nothocalais cuspidata (27592520095).jpg
Opuntia fragilis Fragile prickly pear endangered endangered plants File:Opuntia fragilis pm.jpg
Orobanche fasciculata Clustered broomrape endangered endangered plants File:Orobanche fasciculata 6.jpg
Penstemon grandiflorus Large-flowered beard tongue endangered endangered plants File:Large-flowered Penstemon (27265265260).jpg
Penstemon tubaeflorus Tube beard tongue endangered endangered plants File:Penstemon tubiflorus var. tubiflorus.jpg
Phacelia gilioides Ozark phacelia endangered endangered plants
Phegopteris connectilis Long beech fern endangered endangered plants File:Phegopteris connectilis (Buchenfarn) IMG 9296.jpg
Phemeranthus calycinus Fameflower endangered endangered plants File:Talinum calycinum 2.jpg
Phlox pilosa sangamonensis Sangamon phlox endangered endangered plants
Physaria ludoviciana Silvery bladderpod endangered endangered plants File:Lesquerella ludoviciana (4749633198).jpg
Pinus banksiana Jack pine endangered endangered plants File:Pinus banksiana cones.jpg
Pinus echinata Shortleaf pine endangered endangered plants File:Pinus echinata 3zz.jpg
Pinus resinosa Red pine endangered endangered plants File:Pinus resinosa Papoose Creek Pines 1.jpg
Plantago cordata Heart-leaved plantain endangered endangered plants File:Plantago cordata NRCS-2.jpg
Platanthera ciliaris Orange fringed orchid endangered endangered plants File:Platanthera ciliaris.jpg
Platanthera clavellata Wood orchid endangered endangered plants File:Little Club Spur Orchid (Platanthera clavellata).jpg
Platanthera leucophaea Eastern prairie fringed orchid endangered endangered threatened plants File:Platanthera leucophaea.jpg
Platanthera psycodes Purple fringed orchid endangered endangered plants File:Small Purple Fringed Orchid (Platanthera psycodes) (6009378099).jpg
Poa alsodes Grove bluegrass endangered endangered plants File:Poa alsodes HC-1950.png
Poa languida Weak bluegrass endangered endangered plants
Poa wolfii Wolf's bluegrass endangered endangered plants
Pogonia ophioglossoides Snake-mouth endangered endangered plants File:Pogonia ophioglossoides Orchi 29.jpg
Polanisia jamesii James' clammyweed endangered endangered plants
Polygala incarnata Pink milkwort endangered endangered plants File:Procession flower (Polygala incarnata) (6017283504).jpg
Polygonatum pubescens Downy Solomon's Seal endangered threatened plants File:Polygonatum pubescens (Liliaceae).JPG
Polygonum careyi Carey's heartsease endangered endangered plants File:Persicaria careyi BB-1913.png
Populus balsamifera Balsam poplar endangered endangered plants File:Populus balsamifera (5002986268).jpg
Potamogeton praelongus White-stemmed pondweed endangered endangered plants File:Potamogeton praelongus, Llyn Cregennen Isaf, Wales.jpg
Potamogeton pulcher Spotted pondweed endangered endangered plants File:BB-0177 Potamogeton pulcher.png
Potamogeton robbinsii Fern pondweed endangered endangered plants File:Potamogeton robbinsii NRCS-002.jpg
Potamogeton strictifolius Stiff pondweed endangered endangered plants File:Aquatic plants of Illinois; an illustrated manual including species submersed, floating, and some of shallow water and muddy shores (1966) (19740088632).jpg
Primula mistassinica Bird's-eye primrose endangered endangered plants File:Primula mistassinica.jpg
Ptilimnium nuttallii Mock bishop's weed endangered endangered plants File:Ptilimnium nuttallii Arkansas.jpg
Quercus texana Nuttall's oak endangered endangered plants File:Quercus texana kz3.jpg
Ranunculus rhomboideus Prairie buttercup endangered threatened plants
Rhamnus alnifolia Alder buckthorn endangered endangered plants File:Rhamnus alnifolia 5473175.jpg
Rhexia mariana Dull meadow beauty endangered endangered plants File:Rhexia mariana flower.jpg
Rhynchospora alba Beaked rush endangered endangered plants File:Rhynchospora alba.jpeg
Rhynchospora glomerata Clustered beak rush endangered endangered plants File:Rhynchospora glomerata (14784443295).jpg
Ribes hirtellum Northern gooseberry endangered endangered plants File:Ribes hirtellum fruit.jpg
Rosa acicularis Bristly rose endangered endangered plants File:Rosa acicularis 1 (5097496809).jpg
Sabatia campestris Prairie rose gentian endangered endangered plants File:Sabatia campestris (8472085266).jpg
Sagittaria australis Arrowhead endangered endangered plants File:Long-beaked Arrowhead - Sagittaria australis, Prince William Forest Park, Triangle, Virginia.jpg
Salix serissima Autumn willow endangered endangered plants File:Salix serissima BB-1913-lo-res.jpg
Salix syrticola Dune willow endangered endangered plants File:Salix Cordata-Weldy.jpg
Sambucus racemosa subsp. pubens Red-berried elder endangered endangered plants
Sanguisorba canadensis American burnet endangered endangered plants File:Sanguisorba canadensis - JBM.jpg
Sanicula smallii Southern black snakeroot endangered endangered plants File:Sanicula smallii.jpg
Sarracenia purpurea Pitcher plant endangered endangered plants File:Sarracenia purpurea detail.jpg
Sceptridium biternatum Southern grape fern endangered endangered plants File:Southern Grapefern (9383190642).jpg
Schizachne purpurascens False melic grass endangered endangered plants File:Schizachne purpurascens flowers 001 (4×3).jpg]
Schoenoplectus purshianus Pursh's bulrush endangered endangered plants
Schoenoplectus smithii Smith's bulrush endangered endangered plants
Scirpus hattorianus Bulrush endangered endangered plants File:Scirpus hattorianus imported from iNaturalist photo 23082191 on 24 January 2020.jpg
Scirpus microcarpus Small-fruited bulrush endangered endangered plants File:Scirpus microcarpus (4155051409).jpg
Scirpus polyphyllus Leafy bulrush endangered threatened plants

File:Scirpus polyphyllus 82100891.jpg

Scleria muhlenbergii Muhlenberg's nut rush endangered endangered plants File:Scleria muehlenbergii BB-1913.png
Scleria pauciflora Carolina whipgrass endangered endangered plants File:Scleria pauciflora BB-1913.png
Shepherdia canadensis Buffaloberry endangered endangered plants File:Shepherdia canadensis 05.JPG
Silene ovata Ovate catchfly endangered endangered plants File:Silene ovata White River Ozark Natl Forest 2.jpg
Silene regia Royal catchfly endangered endangered plants File:Silene regia (14763270844).jpg
Sisyrinchium atlanticum Eastern blue-eyed grass endangered endangered plants File:Sisyrinchium-atlanticum.jpg
Sisyrinchium montanum Mountain blue-eyed grass endangered endangered plants File:Sisyrinchium montanum 2.jpg
Sorbus americana American mountain ash endangered endangered plants File:Sorbus americana, Whitefish Island 1.JPG
Sparganium americanum American bur-reed endangered endangered plants File:Sparganium americanum NRCS-1.jpg
Sparganium emersum Green-fruited bur-reed endangered endangered plants File:20150627Sparganium emersum6.jpg
Spiranthes lucida Yellow-lipped ladies' tresses endangered endangered plants File:Spiranthes lucida BWF1-2995q.jpg
Spiranthes vernalis Spring ladies' tresses endangered endangered plants File:Spiranthes vernalis.jpg
Stellaria pubera Great chickweed endangered endangered plants File:Stellaria pubera - Star Chickweed.jpg
Stylisma pickeringii Patterson's bindweed endangered endangered plants File:Stylisma pickeringii blooming.JPG
Styrax grandifolius Bigleaf snowbell bush endangered endangered plants File:Styrax grandifolius.jpg
Symphoricarpos albus var. albus Snowberry endangered endangered plants
Tetraneuris herbacea Lakeside daisy endangered endangered threatened plants File:Hymenoxys herbacea.jpg
Thelypteris noveboracensis New York fern endangered endangered plants File:Thelypteris noveboracensis 6zz.jpg
Tilia heterophylla White basswood endangered endangered plants File:Tilia heterophylla.jpg
Torreyochloa pallida Pole manna-grass endangered endangered plants File:Torreyochloa pallida var pauciflora BLM-1.jpg
Tracaulon arifolium Halberd-leaved tearthumb endangered endangered plants File:Tracaulon arifolium Persicaria arifolia Halberd-leaved tearthumb (17806579893) (cropped).jpg
Tradescantia bracteata Prairie spiderwort endangered endangered plants File:Spiderwort (Tradescantia bracteata) colors the mixed grass prairie on Lacreek National Wildlife Refuge 01 (13453907043).jpg
Trichophorum cespitosum Tufted bulrush endangered endangered plants File:Trichophorum cespitosum (Rasen-Haarbinse) IMG 2929.jpg
Trientalis borealis Star-flower endangered endangered plants File:Trientalis borealis, fleur.JPG
Trillium cernuum Nodding trillium endangered endangered plants File:Nodding trillium flower -SC woodlot- 3.JPG
Trillium erectum Ill-scented trillium endangered endangered plants File:Trillium erectum Bergianska.JPG
Trillium viride Green trillium endangered endangered plants File:Trillium viride BB-1913.png
Ulmus thomasii Rock elm endangered endangered plants File:Ulmus thomasii (meisse) 1.jpg
Utricularia cornuta Horned bladderwort endangered endangered plants File:Utricularia cornuta 2-eheep (5097411467).jpg
Utricularia minor Small bladderwort endangered endangered plants File:Utricularia minor flowers (02).jpg
Utricularia subulata Hair bladderwort endangered endangered plants File:Zigzag bladderwort (Utricularia subulata) (6724857615).jpg
Vaccinium corymbosum Highbush blueberry endangered endangered plants File:Vaccinium corymbosum Beeren.jpg
Vaccinium macrocarpon Large cranberry endangered endangered plants File:Vaccinium macrocarpon (15054125499).jpg
Vaccinium oxycoccos Small cranberry endangered endangered plants File:VACCINIUM OXYCOCCOS. (1).jpg
Vaccinium stamineum Deerberry endangered endangered plants File:Vaccineum stamineum 1120600.jpg
Valeriana uliginosa Marsh valerian endangered endangered plants File:Valeriana uliginosa 5536644 4x3.jpg
Valerianella chenopodifolia Corn salad endangered endangered plants File:Valerianella chenopodifolia (14782992685).jpg
Valerianella umbilicata Corn salad endangered endangered plants File:Valerianella umbilicata BB-1913.png
Vandenboschia boschiana Filmy fern endangered endangered plants File:Vandenboschia boschiana.jpg
Veronica americana American brooklime endangered endangered plants File:Veronica americana 5496922.jpg
Viola blanda Hairy white violet endangered endangered plants File:Viola blanda UMFS.jpg
Viola canadensis Canada violet endangered endangered plants File:Viola canadensis (Orvokki) Kanadaviol C DSC03075.JPG
Viola primulifolia Primrose violet endangered endangered plants File:Viola primulifolia WFNY-140A-4x3.jpg
Woodsia ilvensis Rusty woodsia endangered endangered plants File:Woodsia ilvensis inat5.jpg
Zigadenus elegans White camas endangered endangered plants File:Zigadenus elegans (19687913492).jpg
Clematis occidentalis Mountain clematis removed from endangered endangered plants File:Clematis occidentalis var. dissecta 5.jpg
Corylus cornuta Beaked hazelnut removed from endangered endangered plants File:Corylus cornuta fruit (5097503079).jpg
Carex communis Fibrous-footed sedge/fibrous-rooted sedge removed from threatened threatened plants File:Carex communis BB-1913.png
Agalinis skinneriana Pale false foxglove threatened threatened plants File:Agalinis skinneriana drawing.png
Amelanchier interior Shadbush threatened threatened plants File:Amelanchier interior - finished flowering.jpg
Ammophila breviligulata Marram grass threatened threatened plants File:Ammophila breviligulata Leland June.jpg
Aster furcatus Forked aster threatened threatened plants File:Eurybia furcata.gif
Besseya bullii Kitten tails threatened threatened plants File:Besseya bullii.jpg
Boltonia decurrens Decurrent false aster threatened threatened threatened plants File:Boltonia decurrens millar.jpg
Buchnera americana Bluehearts threatened threatened plants File:Buchnera americana.jpg
Cakile edentula var. lacustris Sea rocket threatened threatened plants File:Cakile edentula lacustris imported from iNaturalist photo 10230317 on 24 January 2020.jpg
Carex atlantica Sedge threatened threatened plants File:Carex atlantica NRCS-1.jpg
Carex aurea Golden sedge threatened threatened plants File:Carex aurea close.jpg
Carex bromoides Sedge threatened threatened plants File:Carex bromoides.png
Carex cryptolepis Yellow sedge threatened threatened plants File:Carex cryptolepis imported from iNaturalist photo 49554449 on 23 January 2020.jpg
Carex oxylepis Sharp-scaled sedge threatened threatened plants File:Aquatic and wetland plants of southwestern United States (1972) (19562938829).jpg
Carex prasina Drooping sedge threatened threatened plants File:Carex prasina NRCS-002.jpg
Carex viridula Little green sedge threatened threatened plants File:Carex viridula weibl.jpeg
Carex willdenowii Willdenow's sedge threatened threatened plants File:Carex willdenowii drawing 1.png
Carya aquatica Water hickory threatened threatened plants File:Carya aquatica USDA.jpg
Chamaedaphne calyculata Leatherleaf threatened threatened plants File:Chamaedaphne calyculata.jpg
Cyperus grayoides Umbrella sedge threatened threatened plants File:Cyperus grayoides.jpg
Cyperus lancastriensis Galingale threatened threatened plants File:Cyperus lancastriensis Manyflower Flatsedge imported from iNaturalist photo 20924562 on 24 January 2020.jpg
Dodecatheon frenchii French's shootingstar threatened threatened plants

File:Primula frenchii Pope County, IL 2018.jpg

Drosera intermedia Narrow-leaved sundew threatened threatened plants File:Drosera intermedia Fangblatt.jpg
Eleocharis rostellata Beaked spike rush threatened threatened plants File:Eleocharis rostellata (3735302658).jpg
Epilobium strictum Downy willow herb threatened threatened plants File:Epilobium strictum BB-1913.png
Equisetum pratense Meadow horsetail threatened threatened plants File:Equisetum pratense 58031.jpg
Euonymus americanus American strawberry bush threatened threatened plants File:Euonymusthumb.JPG
Festuca paradoxa Cluster fescue threatened plants File:Cluster fescue.jpg
Filipendula rubra Queen-of-the-prairie threatened threatened plants File:Filipendula rubra Venusta 3zz.jpg
Huperzia porophila Cliff clubmoss threatened threatened plants File:Huperzia porophila-jk13.jpg
Hylotelephium telephioides American orpine threatened threatened plants File:Hylotelephium telephoides Shenandoah National Park Hawksbill.jpg
Juncus alpinoarticulatus Richardson's rush threatened threatened plants File:Juncus alpinoarticulatus ssp. rariflorus Kiiminki, Finland 25.06.2013.jpg
Juniperus communis Ground juniper threatened threatened plants File:Juniperus communis Quarry island Mingan.jpg
Lathyrus ochroleucus Pale vetchling threatened threatened plants File:Lathyrus ochroleucus 1 (5097296689).jpg
Melothria pendula Squirting cucumber threatened threatened plants File:Melothria pendula (Creeping Cucumber Fruit).jpg
Menyanthes trifoliata Buckbean threatened threatened plants File:Menyanthes trifoliata Bukkeblad.JPG
Minuartia patula Slender sandwort threatened threatened plants File:Minuartia patula.jpg
Monarda clinopodia White bergamot threatened plants File:Monarda clinopodia - White Bergamot.jpg
Orobanche ludoviciana Broomrape threatened threatened plants File:Orobanche ludoviciana.jpg
Oxalis illinoensis Illinois wood sorrel threatened threatened plants File:Oxalis illinoensis.jpg
Phaeophyscia leana Lea's bog lichen threatened threatened plants
Phemeranthus parviflorus Small flower-of-an-hour threatened threatened plants File:Phemeranthus parviflorus.jpg
Planera aquatica Water elm threatened threatened plants File:B10 Planera aquatica (Water Elm) Close-up.jpg
Platanthera flava Tubercled orchid threatened threatened plants File:Platanthera flava var herbiola 1003083.JPG
Potamogeton gramineus Grass-leaved pondweed threatened threatened plants File:Potamogeton gramineus (3817604665).jpg
Quercus montana Rock chestnut oak threatened threatened plants File:Quercus montana (24076856201).jpg
Quercus phellos Willow oak threatened threatened plants File:WillowOakinAutumn.JPG
Ranunculus harveyi Harvey's buttercup threatened plants File:Ranunculus harveyi (14593218128).jpg
Rubus odoratus Purple-flowering raspberry threatened threatened plants File:Rubus odoratus - Tuoksuvatukka, Rosenhallon, Purple-flowered raspberry C 20151008 081546.jpg
Rubus pubescens Dwarf raspberry threatened threatened plants File:Rubus pubescens flower.jpg
Rubus schneideri Bristly blackberry threatened threatened plants
Rudbeckia missouriensis Missouri orange coneflower threatened threatened plants File:Rudbeckia missouriensis 03.JPG
Salvia azurea Blue sage threatened threatened plants File:Salvia azurea kz02.jpg
Schoenoplectus hallii Hall's bulrush threatened threatened plants File:Schoenoplectiella hallii imported from iNaturalist photo 5513558 on 23 January 2020.jpg
Solidago sciaphila Cliff goldenrod threatened threatened plants File:Solidago sciaphila.jpg
Stenanthium gramineum Grass-leaved lily threatened threatened plants File:Stenanthium gramineum (1014705818).jpg
Styrax americana Storax threatened threatened plants File:Styrax americanus 6zz.jpg
Sullivantia sullivantii Sullivantia threatened threatened plants File:Sullivantia sullivantii.jpg
Synandra hispidula Hairy synandra threatened threatened plants File:Synandra.jpg
Tofieldia glutinosa False asphodel threatened threatened plants File:Tofieldia glutinosa subsp. japonica 0809.JPG
Trifolium reflexum Buffalo clover threatened threatened plants File:Trifolium reflexum.jpg
Triglochin maritima Common bog arrowgrass threatened threatened plants File:Triglochin maritima baie-authie 80 29042007 8.JPG
Triglochin palustris Slender bog arrowgrass threatened threatened plants File:Triglochin palustris 02.jpg
Urtica chamaedryoides Nettle threatened threatened plants File:Urtica chamaedryoides.jpg
Utricularia intermedia Flat-leaved bladderwort threatened threatened plants File:Utricularia intermedia flower (01).JPG
Veronica scutellata Marsh speedwell threatened threatened plants File:Veronica scutellata kz04.jpg
Viburnum molle Arrowwood threatened threatened plants File:Viburnum molle.jpg
Coluber flagellum Coachwhip endangered endangered reptiles snakes File:Eastern Coachwhip (Coluber flagellum flagellum).jpg
Nerodia fasciata Southern watersnake endangered endangered reptiles snakes File:Nerodia fasciata CDC.png
Pantherophis emoryi Great Plains ratsnake endangered endangered reptiles snakes File:Pantherophis guttatus emoryi.jpg
Sistrurus catenatus Eastern massasauga endangered endangered reptiles snakes File:Sistrurus catetanus tergeminus by LA Dawson.jpg
Clonophis kirtlandii Kirtland's snake threatened threatened reptiles snakes File:Clonophis kirtlandii by Peter Paplanus.jpg
Crotalus horridus Timber rattlesnake threatened threatened reptiles snakes File:Crotalus horridus atricaudatus2.jpg
Heterodon nasicus Plains hog-nosed snake threatened threatened reptiles snakes File:Western Hognose Snake by Trisha.jpg
Nerodia cyclopion Mississippi green watersnake threatened threatened reptiles snakes File:Mississippi Green Water Snake.jpg
Tantilla gracilis Flat-headed snake threatened threatened reptiles snakes File:Tantilla gracilis.jpg
Thamnophis saurita Eastern ribbonsnake threatened threatened reptiles snakes File:The American Museum journal (c1900-(1918)) (18159607225).jpg
Tropidoclonion lineatum Lined snake threatened threatened reptiles snakes File:Tropidoclonion lineatum texanum.jpg
Clemmys guttata Spotted turtle endangered endangered reptiles turtles File:Spotted Turtle (Clemmys guttata) (captive specimen) (36331198042).jpg
Emydoidea blandingii Blanding's turtle endangered endangered reptiles turtles File:Blanding's Turtle.JPG
Kinosternon flavescens Yellow mud turtle endangered endangered reptiles turtles File:Kinosternon flavescens 1.jpg
Macrochelys temminckii Alligator snapping turtle endangered endangered reptiles turtles File:Hul - Macrochelys temminckii - 2.jpg
Pseudemys concinna River cooter endangered endangered reptiles turtles File:Suwannee River Cooter - Pseudemys concinna suwanniensis, Lower Suwannee National Wildlife Refuge, Chiefland, Florida.jpg
Apalone mutica Smooth softshell threatened endangered reptiles turtles File:Midland Smooth Softshell Turtle (Apalone mutica mutica) (9236915356).jpg
Terrapene ornata Ornate box turtle threatened threatened reptiles turtles File:Ornate Box Turtle (Terrapene ornata) (29905668306).jpg


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board (19 May 2015). "Checklist of Endangered and Threatened Animals and Plants of Illinois" (PDF). Springfield, IL. pp. 1–18. Archived (PDF) from the original on 11 January 2020. Retrieved 9 January 2020.
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