List of Phytomyza species
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This is a list of species in the genus Phytomyza.[1]
Phytomyza species
- Phytomyza abdita Hering, 1927[2]
- Phytomyza abdominalis Zetterstedt, 1848[3]
- Phytomyza abeliae Sasakawa, 1961[4]
- Phytomyza abiskensis Spencer, 1976[5]
- Phytomyza acanthopanicis Sasakawa, 1961[4]
- Phytomyza achilleae Hering, 1932[6]
- Phytomyza achilleaececis Süss, 1984
- Phytomyza achilleanella (Tschirnhaus, 1992)
- Phytomyza aconitella Hendel, 1934[7]
- Phytomyza aconiti Hendel, 1920[8]
- Phytomyza aconitophila Hendel, 1927
- Phytomyza actinidiae (Sasakawa, 1998)
- Phytomyza acutiventris (Zlobin, 1993)
- Phytomyza additionalis Papp, 2019[9]
- Phytomyza adenostylis Hering, 1926[10]
- Phytomyza adjuncta Hering, 1928[11]
- Phytomyza aenescens (Zetterstedt, 1855)[12]
- Phytomyza aesculi Eiseman & Lonsdale, 2018[13]
- Phytomyza affinalis Frost, 1924[14]
- Phytomyza affinis Fallén, 1823[15]
- Phytomyza africana Spencer, 1959[16]
- Phytomyza agnata Papp, 2019[9]
- Phytomyza agromyzina Meigen, 1830[17]
- Phytomyza aizoon Hering, 1932[6]
- Phytomyza akebiae (Sasakawa, 1954)[18]
- Phytomyza alamedensis Spencer, 1981[19]
- Phytomyza alaskana Griffiths, 1974[20]
- Phytomyza albiceps Meigen, 1830[17]
- Phytomyza albifrons Groschke, 1957[21]
- Phytomyza albimargo Hering, 1925
- Phytomyza aldrichi Spencer, 1986[22]
- Phytomyza alopecuri (Griffiths, 1980)[23]
- Phytomyza alpestris Hendel, 1920[8]
- Phytomyza alpigenae Hendel, 1925[24]
- Phytomyza alpina Groschke, 1957[21]
- Phytomyza alysi Nowakowski, 1975
- Phytomyza alysicarpi EntomologieSingh & Ipe, 1968
- Phytomyza ancholiae Goureau, 1851[25]
- Phytomyza anderi (Rydén, 1952)
- Phytomyza anemonantheae Spencer, 1969[26]
- Phytomyza anemones Hering, 1925
- Phytomyza anemonivora Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza angelicae Kaltenbach, 1874[28]
- Phytomyza angelicastri Hering, 1932[29]
- Phytomyza angelicivora Hering, 1924[30]
- Phytomyza angulata (Zlobin, 1993)
- Phytomyza anonera Séguy, 1951[31]
- Phytomyza anserimontis Griffiths, 1976
- Phytomyza antennata Spencer, 1960[32]
- Phytomyza anthocercidis Spencer, 1977[33]
- Phytomyza anthyllidis Hering, 1954[34]
- Phytomyza aphyllae Beiger, 1964[35]
- Phytomyza aposeridis Groschke, 1957[21]
- Phytomyza aquilegiae Hardy, 1849[36]
- Phytomyza aquilegiana Frost, 1930[37]
- Phytomyza aquilegioides Sehgal, 1971[38]
- Phytomyza aquilegiophaga Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza aquilegivora Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza aquilonia Frey, 1946[39]
- Phytomyza araciocecis Hering, 1958[40]
- Phytomyza aragonensis Griffiths, 1967[41]
- Phytomyza araliae Sasakawa, 1955[42]
- Phytomyza aralivora Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza archangelicae Hering, 1937
- Phytomyza arctagrostidis (Griffiths, 1980)[23]
- Phytomyza arcticola (Spencer, 1969)[27]
- Phytomyza argentata Papp, 2019[9]
- Phytomyza aristata Hendel, 1934[7]
- Phytomyza arnaudi Sasakawa, 1955[43]
- Phytomyza arnicae Hering, 1925
- Phytomyza arnicicola Lundqvist, 1949
- Phytomyza arnicivora Sehgal, 1971[38]
- Phytomyza aronici Nowakowski, 1962
- Phytomyza artemisivora Spencer, 1971[44]
- Phytomyza asparagi (Hering, 1942)[45]
- Phytomyza asparagivora (Spencer, 1964)[46]
- Phytomyza asteris Hendel, 1934
- Phytomyza asterophaga Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza astotinensis Griffiths, 1976[47]
- Phytomyza astrantiae Hendel, 1924[48]
- Phytomyza athamantae Hering, 1943[49]
- Phytomyza atomaria Zetterstedt, 1848[3]
- Phytomyza atricornis Meigen, 1838[50]
- Phytomyza atripalpis Aldrich, 1929[51]
- Phytomyza aulagromyzina Pakalniškis, 1994
- Phytomyza aurata Griffiths, 1974[20]
- Phytomyza aurei Hering, 1931[6]
- Phytomyza auricornis Frost, 1927[52]
- Phytomyza avicursa Lonsdale, 2021[53]
- Phytomyza banffensis Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza beigerae (Griffiths, 1980)[23]
- Phytomyza bellidina Hendel, 1934[7]
- Phytomyza bellidis (Griffiths, 1967)[54]
- Phytomyza beringiana Griffiths, 1975[55]
- Phytomyza bifida Sasakawa, 1961[4]
- Phytomyza bipunctata Loew, 1858[56]
- Phytomyza biseta Hering, 1954[34]
- Phytomyza blackstoniae (Spencer, 1990)[57]
- Phytomyza boulderella Spencer, 1986[22]
- Phytomyza brevicornis Hendel, 1934[7]
- Phytomyza brevifacies Hendel, 1934[7]
- Phytomyza breviseta (Zetterstedt, 1860)[58]
- Phytomyza brevituba Sasakawa, 1998
- Phytomyza brischkei Hendel, 1922[59]
- Phytomyza brunnea Brischke, 1881[60]
- Phytomyza brunnipes Brischke, 1881[60]
- Phytomyza buhri Hering, 1930
- Phytomyza buhriana Hering, 1949[61]
- Phytomyza buhriella Spencer, 1969[26]
- Phytomyza bukkensis Papp, 2019[9]
- Phytomyza bulbiseta Zlobin, 1997[62]
- Phytomyza bulgarica Cerný, Barták, Kubík & Vála, 2022[63]
- Phytomyza burchardi Hering, 1927[64]
- Phytomyza burmensis Zlobin, 2002[65]
- Phytomyza caesalpiniae Blanchard, 1954[66]
- Phytomyza caffra Macquart, 1846[67]
- Phytomyza calceata (Meigen, 1838)[50]
- Phytomyza californica Griffiths, 1974[68]
- Phytomyza californiensis Winkler, 2009[69]
- Phytomyza callianthemi Hering, 1944[70]
- Phytomyza calthae Hering, 1924[30]
- Phytomyza calthivora Hendel, 1934[7]
- Phytomyza calthophila Hering, 1931[71]
- Phytomyza cameronensis Spencer, 1982[72]
- Phytomyza campanulae Hendel, 1920[8]
- Phytomyza campestris Griffiths, 1974[68]
- Phytomyza camuna Süss & Moreschi, 2005[73]
- Phytomyza cana Rydén, 1954
- Phytomyza canadensis Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza caprifoliae Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza carbonensis Spencer, 1981[19]
- Phytomyza carlestolrai Cerný, 2007[74]
- Phytomyza carotae (Spencer, 1966)[75]
- Phytomyza carpesicola Sasakawa, 1955[76]
- Phytomyza castillejae Spencer, 1973[77]
- Phytomyza catalaunica Spencer, 1960[32]
- Phytomyza catenula Lonsdale, 2021[53]
- Phytomyza caulinaris Hering, 1949[78]
- Phytomyza ceanothi Spencer, 1986[22]
- Phytomyza cecidonomia Hering, 1937
- Phytomyza centaurii (Spencer, 1990)[57]
- Phytomyza centralis Frost, 1936[79]
- Phytomyza cepelaki (Cerný, 2012)[80]
- Phytomyza ceylonensis Spencer, 1975[81]
- Phytomyza chaerophylli Kaltenbach, 1856[82]
- Phytomyza chaerophylliana Hering, 1931[71]
- Phytomyza chamaemetabola (Griffiths, 1974)[83]
- Phytomyza cheilanthus Garg, 1971[84]
- Phytomyza chelonei Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza chrysocera Hendel, 1935[85]
- Phytomyza cichorii (Spencer, 1966)[75]
- Phytomyza cicutae Hendel, 1922[59]
- Phytomyza cicutella Spencer, 1981[19]
- Phytomyza cicutivora Hering, 1932[6]
- Phytomyza ciliata Hendel, 1935
- Phytomyza ciliolati Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza cinerea Hendel, 1920[8]
- Phytomyza cinnae (Griffiths, 1980)[23]
- Phytomyza cirrhosae Spencer, 1969[26]
- Phytomyza cirsii Hendel, 1923[86]
- Phytomyza cirsiophaga Hendel, 1935[85]
- Phytomyza cirsiophaga f. norwegica Rydén, 1957
- Phytomyza clematadi Watt, 1923
- Phytomyza clematidella Spencer, 1959[16]
- Phytomyza clematidicaulis Hering, 1958[87]
- Phytomyza clematidophoeta Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza clematiphaga Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza clematisana Spencer, 1981[19]
- Phytomyza clematisella Spencer, 1986[22]
- Phytomyza clematisi Spencer, 1964[46]
- Phytomyza clemativora Coquillett, 1910[88]
- Phytomyza clematoides Spencer, 1986[22]
- Phytomyza cnidii Griffiths, 1973[89]
- Phytomyza coloradella Spencer, 1986[22]
- Phytomyza columbiana Griffiths, 1977[90]
- Phytomyza columbinae Sehgal, 1971[38]
- Phytomyza compta (Spencer, 1986)[22]
- Phytomyza confinis Meigen, 1838[50]
- Phytomyza confusa Eiseman & Lonsdale, 2018[13]
- Phytomyza conglomerata Boucher & Wheeler, 2001[91]
- Phytomyza conii Hering, 1932[6]
- Phytomyza coniopais Hering, 1931[71]
- Phytomyza conioselini Griffiths, 1973[89]
- Phytomyza conjuncta Iwasaki, 1996
- Phytomyza continua Hendel, 1920[8]
- Phytomyza conyzae Hendel, 1920[8]
- Phytomyza coquilletti Spencer, 1986[22]
- Phytomyza corni Kaltenbach, 1859[92]
- Phytomyza cornuta Hendel, 1935[85]
- Phytomyza cortusifolii Spencer, 1965[93]
- Phytomyza corvimontana Hering, 1930[94]
- Phytomyza crassiseta Zetterstedt, 1860[58]
- Phytomyza crassiseta var. flavofemorata Strobl, 1893[95]
- Phytomyza crawfurdiae (Sasakawa, 1954)[18]
- Phytomyza crepidis Spencer, 1981[19]
- Phytomyza culmicola Garg, 1971[96]
- Phytomyza curvipes (Zlobin, 1993)
- Phytomyza cygnicollina (Griffiths, 1980)[23]
- Phytomyza cytisi Brischke, 1881[60]
- Phytomyza dalmatiensis (Spencer, 1961)[97]
- Phytomyza dasyops Hendel, 1920[8]
- Phytomyza davisii (Walton, 1912)
- Phytomyza deflecta Hendel, 1920[8]
- Phytomyza deirdreae Griffiths, 1972[98]
- Phytomyza delphinivora Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza demissa Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza despinosa Griffiths, 1976[47]
- Phytomyza deutziae Sasakawa, 1957[99]
- Phytomyza digitalis Hering, 1925
- Phytomyza dioni Boucher & Wheeler, 2001[91]
- Phytomyza disjuncta Sasakawa, 1961[4]
- Phytomyza disjunctivena Gu, 1991
- Phytomyza distantia Sasakawa, 2007[100]
- Phytomyza distantinervis (Strobl, 1909)[101]
- Phytomyza ditmani Kulp, 1968[102]
- Phytomyza diversicornis Hendel, 1927[103]
- Phytomyza doellingeriae Eiseman & Lonsdale, 2018[13]
- Phytomyza doolittlei (Spencer, 1986)[22]
- Phytomyza doronici Hendel, 1923[86]
- Phytomyza dorsata Hendel, 1920[8]
- Phytomyza dreisbachi Steyskal, 1972[104]
- Phytomyza dryas Hering, 1937[105]
- Phytomyza dryoptericola Sasakawa, 1961[4]
- Phytomyza dubia (Zlobin, 1994)
- Phytomyza duplex Spencer, 1986[22]
- Phytomyza dura Curran, 1931
- Phytomyza echo Winkler, 2009[69]
- Phytomyza edmontonensis Sehgal, 1971[38]
- Phytomyza elgonensis (Spencer, 1985)
- Phytomyza elsae Hendel, 1927[103]
- Phytomyza enigma Malloch, 1934[106]
- Phytomyza enigmatosa Zlobin, 1994
- Phytomyza epistomella Hendel, 1935[85]
- Phytomyza erigeronis Eiseman & Lonsdale, 2018[13]
- Phytomyza erigerontophaga Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza erigerophila Hering, 1927[2]
- Phytomyza eriodictyi (Spencer, 1981)[19]
- Phytomyza esakii Sasakawa, 1955[76]
- Phytomyza eumorpha Frey, 1946[39]
- Phytomyza eupatorii Hendel, 1927[103]
- Phytomyza euphrasiae Kaltenbach, 1860[92]
- Phytomyza evanescens Hendel, 1920[8]
- Phytomyza evansi Spencer, 1986[22]
- Phytomyza exilis Hering, 1937[105]
- Phytomyza facialis Kaltenbach, 1872[28]
- Phytomyza fallaciosa Brischke, 1881[60]
- Phytomyza farfarae Hendel, 1935[85]
- Phytomyza farfarella Hendel, 1935[85]
- Phytomyza fasciata Meigen, 1830[17]
- Phytomyza felix Spencer, 1981[19]
- Phytomyza fennoscandiae Spencer, 1976[5]
- Phytomyza ferina Spencer, 1971[44]
- Phytomyza ferruginea Hendel, 1935[85]
- Phytomyza ferulae Hering, 1927[64]
- Phytomyza ferulivora Griffiths, 1956
- Phytomyza filiformis Papp, 2019[9]
- Phytomyza filipenduliphila (Zlobin, 1994)
- Phytomyza fimbriata Sasakawa, 1955[42]
- Phytomyza flavens Spencer, 1986[22]
- Phytomyza flaviantennalis Spencer, 1981[19]
- Phytomyza flaviceps Macquart, 1835[107]
- Phytomyza flavicornis Fallén, 1823[15]
- Phytomyza flavida (Spencer, 1986)[22]
- Phytomyza flavifacies Hendel, 1935[85]
- Phytomyza flavilabris Macquart, 1835[107]
- Phytomyza flavimanus (Zetterstedt, 1860)[58]
- Phytomyza flavinervis Frost, 1924[14]
- Phytomyza flaviventris Zetterstedt, 1848[3]
- Phytomyza flavivertex (Zlobin, 1993)
- Phytomyza flavofemoralis Sasakawa, 1955[42]
- Phytomyza flavohumeralis (Zlobin, 1993)
- Phytomyza flexuosa Spencer, 1986[22]
- Phytomyza formosae Spencer, 1966[108]
- Phytomyza franzi Hering, 1944[70]
- Phytomyza fricki (Griffiths, 1974)[83]
- Phytomyza frontalis (Meigen, 1830)[17]
- Phytomyza fulgens Hendel, 1920[8]
- Phytomyza fumariacea Garg, 1971[84]
- Phytomyza furcata (Griffiths, 1980)[23]
- Phytomyza fuscipes (Macquart, 1835)[107]
- Phytomyza fuscula (Bjerkander, 1793)[109]
- Phytomyza fuscula Zetterstedt, 1838[110]
- Phytomyza gei (Brischke, 1881)[60]
- Phytomyza gelida Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza genalis Melander, 1913[111]
- Phytomyza geniculata Brullé, 1833[112]
- Phytomyza gentianae Hendel, 1920[8]
- Phytomyza gentianella Hendel, 1932[113]
- Phytomyza gentii (Hendel, 1920)[8]
- Phytomyza genualis (Zlobin, 1994)
- Phytomyza gilva Spencer, 1971[44]
- Phytomyza glabricola Kulp, 1968[102]
- Phytomyza glacialis Griffiths, 1964
- Phytomyza glechomae Kaltenbach, 1862[114]
- Phytomyza globulariae Hendel, 1935[85]
- Phytomyza gracilis (Meigen, 1830)[17]
- Phytomyza grandella (Spencer, 1986)[22]
- Phytomyza gregaria Frick, 1954[115]
- Phytomyza griffithsella Winkler, 2009[69]
- Phytomyza griffithsella Winkler, 2009[69]
- Phytomyza griffithsi Spencer, 1963[116]
- Phytomyza griffithsiana Beiger, 1977[117]
- Phytomyza grisescens Hendel, 1920[8]
- Phytomyza gymnostoma Loew, 1858[56]
- Phytomyza haemorrhoidalis (Zetterstedt, 1848)[3]
- Phytomyza hasegawai Sasakawa, 1981[118]
- Phytomyza hatfieldae Eiseman & Lonsdale, 2018[13]
- Phytomyza hebronensis Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza hecate (Pakalniškis, 1998)
- Phytomyza hedingi Rydén, 1953
- Phytomyza helianthi Sasakawa, 1955[42]
- Phytomyza hellebori Kaltenbach, 1872[28]
- Phytomyza helosciadii Kaltenbach, 1862[114]
- Phytomyza hendeli Hering, 1923[119]
- Phytomyza heracleana Hering, 1937
- Phytomyza heraclei (Bouché, 1847)[120]
- Phytomyza heringiana Hendel, 1922[59]
- Phytomyza heterophylli Bland, 1997
- Phytomyza hiemalis Griffiths, 1974[20]
- Phytomyza himachali Singh & Garg, 1970
- Phytomyza hirsuta Spencer, 1976[5]
- Phytomyza hirta Rydén, 1957
- Phytomyza holosericea (Bouché, 1847)[120]
- Phytomyza homogyneae Hendel, 1927[103]
- Phytomyza hoppi Hering, 1925[121]
- Phytomyza hoppiella (Spencer, 1990)[57]
- Phytomyza horticola Goureau, 1851[25]
- Phytomyza humeralis (Zlobin, 1993)
- Phytomyza humilis Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza hyalipennis (Meigen, 1838)[50]
- Phytomyza hyaloposthia Sasakawa, 1986
- Phytomyza hydrangeae Sasakawa, 1956[122]
- Phytomyza hydrophyllivora Eiseman & Lonsdale, 2018[13]
- Phytomyza hyperborea Griffiths, 1972[123]
- Phytomyza hypophallus Papp, 2019[9]
- Phytomyza hypophylla Griffiths, 1972[123]
- Phytomyza hypospinosa Papp, 2019[9]
- Phytomyza ignota Pakalniškis, 1994
- Phytomyza ilicicola Loew, 1872[124]
- Phytomyza ilicis Curtis, 1846[125]
- Phytomyza immanis (Spencer, 1969)[27]
- Phytomyza immerita (Spencer, 1969)[27]
- Phytomyza infelix Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza integerrimi Griffiths, 1974[68]
- Phytomyza intermedia Spencer, 1957[126]
- Phytomyza inulicola Hering, 1937[105]
- Phytomyza inusitata Sasakawa, 2004[127]
- Phytomyza involucratae Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza isais Hering, 1937[105]
- Phytomyza isicae Hering, 1962[128]
- Phytomyza ixeridopsis (Griffiths, 1977)[90]
- Phytomyza jacobaeae Meijere, 1924
- Phytomyza japonica Sasakawa, 1953[129]
- Phytomyza jasperensis Sehgal, 1971[38]
- Phytomyza jonaitisi Pakalniškis, 1997[130]
- Phytomyza jucunda Frost & Sasakawa, 1954[131]
- Phytomyza jugalis Hendel, 1935[132]
- Phytomyza kalopanacis Iwasaki, 1997
- Phytomyza kaltenbachi Hendel, 1922
- Phytomyza kamtschatkensis Hendel, 1935[132]
- Phytomyza kandybinae (Zlobin, 1994)
- Phytomyza kareliensis Spencer, 1976[5]
- Phytomyza karmarensis Cerný, Barták, Kubík & Vála, 2022[63]
- Phytomyza kasi Henshaw, 1989[133]
- Phytomyza kerteszi (Cerný, 2019)[9]
- Phytomyza kerzhneri Winkler, 2009[69]
- Phytomyza kibunensis Sasakawa, 1953[129]
- Phytomyza kisakai Sasakawa, 1954[134]
- Phytomyza klondikensis Boucher & Wheeler, 2001[91]
- Phytomyza kluanensis (Griffiths, 1974)[135]
- Phytomyza knowltoniae Hering, 1957[136]
- Phytomyza krygeri Hering, 1949[61]
- Phytomyza kugleri Spencer, 1974[137]
- Phytomyza kumaonensis Singh & Ipe, 1968
- Phytomyza kurilensis Iwasaki, 2000
- Phytomyza kyfhusana Hering, 1928[11]
- Phytomyza lactuca Frost, 1924[14]
- Phytomyza lacustris (Zlobin, 1994)
- Phytomyza lanati Spencer, 1966[138]
- Phytomyza lappae Goureau, 1851[25]
- Phytomyza lappivora Hendel, 1927[103]
- Phytomyza laterella (Zlobin, 1994)
- Phytomyza latifolii Groschke, 1957[21]
- Phytomyza latifrons Hendel, 1935[132]
- Phytomyza leptargyreae (Griffiths, 1976)[139]
- Phytomyza leslieae Lonsdale & Scheffer, 2011[140]
- Phytomyza lethe Hering, 1930[141]
- Phytomyza leucanthemi Hering, 1935
- Phytomyza leucocephala (Meigen, 1830)[17]
- Phytomyza libanotidis Hering, 1928[11]
- Phytomyza ligusticifoliae Spencer, 1981[19]
- Phytomyza lindbergi Spencer, 1957[142]
- Phytomyza lineata Lonsdale & Scheffer, 2011[140]
- Phytomyza linnaeae (Griffiths, 1974)[83]
- Phytomyza lithospermi Nowakowski, 1959
- Phytomyza liturata Brullé, 1833[112]
- Phytomyza loewii Hendel, 1923[143]
- Phytomyza lonicerae Kaltenbach, 1862[114]
- Phytomyza lonierae Brischke, 1881[60]
- Phytomyza lugentis Griffiths, 1972[123]
- Phytomyza lupini Sehgal, 1968[144]
- Phytomyza lupinivora Sehgal, 1968[144]
- Phytomyza lusatica Hering, 1955[145]
- Phytomyza luteoscutellata Meijere, 1924[146]
- Phytomyza luzulae Hering, 1924[30]
- Phytomyza luzulivora (Spencer, 1986)[22]
- Phytomyza lycopi Nowakowski, 1959
- Phytomyza majalis Zlobin, 1994
- Phytomyza major Malloch, 1913[147]
- Phytomyza malaca Spencer, 1981[19]
- Phytomyza malaisei Zlobin, 2002[65]
- Phytomyza manni (Spencer, 1986)[22]
- Phytomyza marginella Fallén, 1823[15]
- Phytomyza maritima (Tschirnhaus, 1981)
- Phytomyza masoni Spencer, 1986[22]
- Phytomyza masumiae (Sasakawa, 2010)[148]
- Phytomyza medicaginis Hering, 1925
- Phytomyza melana Hendel, 1920[8]
- Phytomyza melanella Frost, 1924[14]
- Phytomyza melanogaster Thomson, 1869[149]
- Phytomyza melanosoma Hendel, 1920[8]
- Phytomyza meridensis Spencer, 1973[77]
- Phytomyza meridialis Spencer, 1982[72]
- Phytomyza meridionalis Spencer, 1972[150]
- Phytomyza merita (Zlobin, 1993)
- Phytomyza mertensiae Sehgal, 1971[38]
- Phytomyza merula Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza milii Kaltenbach, 1864[151]
- Phytomyza mimula (Spencer, 1969)[27]
- Phytomyza mimuli (Spencer, 1981)[19]
- Phytomyza minima Meigen, 1830[17]
- Phytomyza minimoides Winkler, 2009[69]
- Phytomyza minuens Hendel, 1935[132]
- Phytomyza minuta (Meigen, 1838)[50]
- Phytomyza minutissima Spencer, 1981[19]
- Phytomyza miranda Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza misella Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza mitchelli (Spencer, 1986)[22]
- Phytomyza mitellae Griffiths, 1972[98]
- Phytomyza modica Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza modocensis Spencer, 1981[19]
- Phytomyza monori Groschke, 1957[21]
- Phytomyza montana Groschke, 1957[21]
- Phytomyza montanoides (Spencer, 1981)[19]
- Phytomyza montella (Spencer, 1986)[22]
- Phytomyza montereyensis Spencer, 1981[19]
- Phytomyza monticola Cerný, 2007[74]
- Phytomyza multifidae Sehgal, 1971[38]
- Phytomyza multifidi Spencer, 1985
- Phytomyza murina Hendel, 1935[132]
- Phytomyza mutellinae Beiger, 1961[152]
- Phytomyza mylini Hering, 1957[153]
- Phytomyza myosotica Nowakowski, 1959
- Phytomyza nagvakensis Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza nainiensis Garg, 1971[84]
- Phytomyza nana Winkler, 2009[69]
- Phytomyza narcissiflorae Hering, 1928[11]
- Phytomyza natalensis Spencer, 1964[46]
- Phytomyza neglecta (Zlobin, 1994)
- Phytomyza nemopanthi Griffiths & Piercey-Normore, 1995[154]
- Phytomyza nepalensis Spencer, 1965[155]
- Phytomyza nepetae Hendel, 1922[59]
- Phytomyza nervi Hering, 1956[156]
- Phytomyza nervosa Loew, 1869[157]
- Phytomyza nigella Zlobin, 1997[62]
- Phytomyza nigra Meigen, 1830[17]
- Phytomyza nigrella Hendel, 1935[132]
- Phytomyza nigricans Macquart, 1835[107]
- Phytomyza nigriceps (Wulp, 1871)[158]
- Phytomyza nigricornis Macquart, 1835[107]
- Phytomyza nigricoxa Hendel, 1935[132]
- Phytomyza nigrifemur Hering, 1934[159]
- Phytomyza nigrilineata (Griffiths, 1974)[83]
- Phytomyza nigrinervis Frost, 1924[14]
- Phytomyza nigripennis Fallén, 1823[15]
- Phytomyza nigrissima (Spencer, 1985)
- Phytomyza nigrita Spencer, 1960[32]
- Phytomyza nigritella Zetterstedt, 1848[3]
- Phytomyza nigrociliata Sasakawa, 1961[4]
- Phytomyza nigroclypea Hendel, 1935[132]
- Phytomyza nigroorbitalis Rydén, 1956
- Phytomyza nilgiriensis Ipe, 1971
- Phytomyza nishijimai Sasakawa, 1955[42]
- Phytomyza nitidicollis Meigen, 1838[50]
- Phytomyza nordica (Spencer, 1981)[19]
- Phytomyza notata Meigen, 1830[17]
- Phytomyza notopleuralis Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza novitzkyi Hering, 1958[87]
- Phytomyza nowakowskiana Beiger, 1975[160]
- Phytomyza nugax (Spencer, 1969)[27]
- Phytomyza obscura Hendel, 1920[8]
- Phytomyza obscurata Hendel, 1920[8]
- Phytomyza obscurella Fallén, 1823[15]
- Phytomyza obscurella var. fulvovittata Strobl, 1910[161]
- Phytomyza obscuriceps Hendel, 1935[132]
- Phytomyza obscuripennis (Macquart, 1835)[107]
- Phytomyza obscuritarsis (Rondani, 1875)[162]
- Phytomyza ochracea Hendel, 1920[8]
- Phytomyza oenanthes Sasakawa, 1955[42]
- Phytomyza oenanthica Hering, 1949[61]
- Phytomyza oenanthoides Spencer, 1981[19]
- Phytomyza oligochaeta Papp, 2019[9]
- Phytomyza omlandi Scheffer & Lonsdale, 2011
- Phytomyza omphalivora (Sasakawa, 1993)[163]
- Phytomyza opaca Hendel, 1920[8]
- Phytomyza opacae Kulp, 1968[102]
- Phytomyza opacella Hendel, 1935[132]
- Phytomyza orbitella (Spencer, 1981)[19]
- Phytomyza oreas Griffiths, 1974[68]
- Phytomyza oreophila Franz, 1947[164]
- Phytomyza orientalis Spencer, 1962[165]
- Phytomyza origani Hering, 1931[71]
- Phytomyza orindensis Spencer, 1981[19]
- Phytomyza orlandensis Spencer, 1973[166]
- Phytomyza orobanchia Kaltenbach, 1864[151]
- Phytomyza oscinina Fallén, 1823[15]
- Phytomyza osmorhizae Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza ovalis Griffiths, 1975[55]
- Phytomyza ovimontis Griffiths, 1976[47]
- Phytomyza oxytropidis Sehgal, 1971[38]
- Phytomyza palionisi Pakalniškis, 1998
- Phytomyza pallens (Spencer, 1969)[27]
- Phytomyza pallida (Meigen, 1838)[50]
- Phytomyza pallipes (Macquart, 1835)[107]
- Phytomyza pallitarsis (Macquart, 1835)[107]
- Phytomyza palmeri Eiseman & Lonsdale, 2018[13]
- Phytomyza palpata (Hendel, 1920)[8]
- Phytomyza palustris Eiseman & Lonsdale, 2018[13]
- Phytomyza pampeana Blanchard, 1954[66]
- Phytomyza paniculatae Sasakawa, 1953[129]
- Phytomyza paraciliata (Godfray, 1985)
- Phytomyza paracontinua Papp, 2019[9]
- Phytomyza paranigrifemur Cerný, 2007[167]
- Phytomyza paratripolii (Chen & Wang, 2003)[168]
- Phytomyza paratrolliivora Papp, 2019[9]
- Phytomyza parvicella (Coquillett, 1902)[169]
- Phytomyza pastinacae Hendel, 1923[86]
- Phytomyza pauliloewi Hendel, 1920[8]
- Phytomyza pedicularicaulis Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza pedicularidis Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza pedicularifolii Hering, 1960[170]
- Phytomyza penicilla Hendel, 1935[132]
- Phytomyza penstemonella Spencer, 1981[19]
- Phytomyza penstemonis Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza perangusta Sasakawa, 1972
- Phytomyza peregrini Griffiths, 1976[47]
- Phytomyza periclymeni Hendel, 1922
- Phytomyza permutata Hering, 1962[128]
- Phytomyza persicae Frick, 1954[115]
- Phytomyza petiolaris Griffiths, 1975[55]
- Phytomyza petoei Hering, 1924
- Phytomyza phaceliae Spencer, 1981[19]
- Phytomyza phalangites Griffiths, 1976[47]
- Phytomyza phellandrii Hering, 1956[156]
- Phytomyza phillyreae Hering, 1930
- Phytomyza philoclematidis Hering, 1957[136]
- Phytomyza picridocecis Hering, 1957[153]
- Phytomyza pieninica Nowakowski, 1963
- Phytomyza pilescens Singh & Ipe, 1973
- Phytomyza pimpinellae Hendel, 1924[48]
- Phytomyza placita Spencer, 1977[33]
- Phytomyza plantaginis Goureau, 1851[25]
- Phytomyza platensis Brèthes, 1923
- Phytomyza platonoffi Spencer, 1976[5]
- Phytomyza platystoma (Hendel, 1920)[8]
- Phytomyza plumea (Spencer, 1969)[27]
- Phytomyza plumigera (Zlobin, 1994)
- Phytomyza plumiseta Frost, 1924[14]
- Phytomyza poae (Griffiths, 1980)[23]
- Phytomyza podagrariae Hering, 1957[153]
- Phytomyza polycladae Sasakawa, 1955[43]
- Phytomyza polysticha Hendel, 1935[132]
- Phytomyza poppii Rydén, 1951
- Phytomyza prava Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza prima (Zlobin, 2001)[171]
- Phytomyza primulae Goureau, 1851[25]
- Phytomyza pseudoangelicae Sasakawa, 2008[172]
- Phytomyza pseudogentii Beiger, 1972[173]
- Phytomyza pseudomilii (Griffiths, 1980)[23]
- Phytomyza ptarmicae Hering, 1937[174]
- Phytomyza pubescens (Zlobin, 1993)
- Phytomyza pubicornis Hendel, 1920[8]
- Phytomyza puccinelliae Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza pulchella Spencer, 1977[33]
- Phytomyza pulchelloides Henshaw & Howse, 1989[133]
- Phytomyza pulchra Hendel, 1920[8]
- Phytomyza pullula Zetterstedt, 1848[175]
- Phytomyza pulmonariae Nowakowski, 1959
- Phytomyza pulsatillae Hering, 1924[30]
- Phytomyza pulsatillicola Hering, 1962[128]
- Phytomyza pummankiensis Spencer, 1976[5]
- Phytomyza pusilla (Forster, 1891)[176]
- Phytomyza qinghaiensis (Gu, 1991)
- Phytomyza quadriseta Sasakawa, 1972
- Phytomyza quadrispinosa Sasakawa, 2008[172]
- Phytomyza queribunda Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza ramosa Hendel, 1923[86]
- Phytomyza ranunculi (Schrank, 1803)[177]
- Phytomyza ranunculicola Hering, 1949[61]
- Phytomyza ranunculina Spencer, 1963[178]
- Phytomyza ranunculiphila Zlobin, 1993
- Phytomyza ranunculivora Hering, 1932[6]
- Phytomyza rapunculi Hendel, 1927[103]
- Phytomyza ravasternopleuralis Sasakawa, 1955[179]
- Phytomyza rectae Hendel, 1924[48]
- Phytomyza redunca Sasakawa, 2006[180]
- Phytomyza rhabdophora Griffiths, 1964
- Phytomyza rhaetica (Griffiths, 1980)[23]
- Phytomyza rhodiolae Griffiths, 1976[181]
- Phytomyza rhodopaea Beiger, 1979[182]
- Phytomyza ringdahli Rydén, 1937
- Phytomyza ripara (Wulp, 1871)[158]
- Phytomyza riparia Sehgal, 1971[38]
- Phytomyza robustella Hendel, 1936[183]
- Phytomyza rostrata Hering, 1934[159]
- Phytomyza rubicola Sasakawa, 1998
- Phytomyza rufescens Roser, 1840[184]
- Phytomyza ruficeps (Meigen, 1830)[17]
- Phytomyza ruficornis (Macquart, 1835)[107]
- Phytomyza rufifrons (Macquart, 1835)[107]
- Phytomyza rufimanus (Macquart, 1835)[107]
- Phytomyza rufipes Meigen, 1830[17]
- Phytomyza rydeni Hering, 1934[185]
- Phytomyza rydeniella Spencer, 1976[5]
- Phytomyza salviae (Hering, 1924)[186]
- Phytomyza saniculae Spencer, 1981[19]
- Phytomyza saskatoonensis Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza saxatilis Griffiths, 1974[20]
- Phytomyza saxifragae Hering, 1924[186]
- Phytomyza saximontana Griffiths, 1974[68]
- Phytomyza scabiosae Hendel, 1935[187]
- Phytomyza scabiosarum Meijere, 1934
- Phytomyza scabiosella (Beiger, 2001)[188]
- Phytomyza scaligeriae Hering, 1967[189]
- Phytomyza schlicki Spencer, 1976[5]
- Phytomyza schuetzei Hering, 1955[145]
- Phytomyza schusteri (Spencer, 1981)[19]
- Phytomyza scolopendri Goureau, 1851[25]
- Phytomyza scopulina Griffiths, 1976[47]
- Phytomyza scotina Hendel, 1920[8]
- Phytomyza scrophulariae (Spencer, 1966)[75]
- Phytomyza sedi Kaltenbach, 1869[190]
- Phytomyza sedicola Hering, 1924[186]
- Phytomyza sehgali Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza selini Hering, 1922[191]
- Phytomyza sempervirentis Eiseman & Lonsdale, 2018[13]
- Phytomyza senecionella Sehgal, 1971[38]
- Phytomyza senecionis Kaltenbach, 1869[190]
- Phytomyza seneciophila (Spencer, 1985)
- Phytomyza seneciovora Spencer, 1959[16]
- Phytomyza seseleos Hering, 1957[153]
- Phytomyza shepherdiana (Griffiths, 1976)[139]
- Phytomyza sibirica Hendel, 1935[187]
- Phytomyza sii Hering, 1930[94]
- Phytomyza silai Hering, 1935
- Phytomyza sitchensis Griffiths, 1973[89]
- Phytomyza skuratowiczi Beiger, 1972[192]
- Phytomyza smyrnii Spencer, 1954[193]
- Phytomyza socia Brischke, 1881[60]
- Phytomyza soenderupi Hering, 1941[194]
- Phytomyza soenderupiella Spencer, 1976[5]
- Phytomyza soldanellae Starý, 1950
- Phytomyza solidaginis Hendel, 1920[8]
- Phytomyza solidaginivora Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza solidaginophaga Sehgal, 1971[38]
- Phytomyza sonorensis Spencer, 1981[19]
- Phytomyza sordida (Brischke, 1881)[60]
- Phytomyza sorosi Zlobin, 1994
- Phytomyza spenceri Korytkowski, 2014[195]
- Phytomyza spenceriana (Griffiths, 1980)[23]
- Phytomyza sphondyliivora Spencer, 1957[126]
- Phytomyza splendida Spencer, 1981[19]
- Phytomyza spoliata Strobl, 1906[196]
- Phytomyza spondylii Goureau, 1851[25]
- Phytomyza stenoptera Papp, 2019[9]
- Phytomyza stolonigena Hering, 1949[78]
- Phytomyza styriaca (Griffiths, 1980)[23]
- Phytomyza subaffinis Malloch, 1914[197]
- Phytomyza subalpina Sehgal, 1971[38]
- Phytomyza subaquilegiana Zlobin, 1997[62]
- Phytomyza subnigra (Spencer, 1985)
- Phytomyza subrostrata Frey, 1946[39]
- Phytomyza subtenella Frost, 1924[14]
- Phytomyza subtilis Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza succisae Hering, 1922[191]
- Phytomyza suda (Spencer, 1969)[27]
- Phytomyza suikazurae (Sasakawa, 1993)[198]
- Phytomyza superba Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza suwai Iwasaki, 1996
- Phytomyza swertiae Hering, 1937
- Phytomyza symphoricarpi (Griffiths, 1974)[83]
- Phytomyza symphyti Hendel, 1935[187]
- Phytomyza syngenesiae (Hardy, 1849)[36]
- Phytomyza takasagoensis Sasakawa, 1972
- Phytomyza takhiniensis Boucher & Wheeler, 2001[91]
- Phytomyza tamui Sasakawa, 1957[99]
- Phytomyza tanaceti Hendel, 1923[86]
- Phytomyza tanaitica (Zlobin, 1993)
- Phytomyza taraxaci Hendel, 1927[103]
- Phytomyza tarsata (Meigen, 1838)[50]
- Phytomyza tenella Meigen, 1830[17]
- Phytomyza tenuifrons (Zlobin, 1993)
- Phytomyza tenuis Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza tetrasticha Hendel, 1927[103]
- Phytomyza thalictrella Spencer, 1981[19]
- Phytomyza thalictri Escher-Kündig, 1912
- Phytomyza thalictricola Hendel, 1925[24]
- Phytomyza thalictrivora Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza thapsi (Bouché, 1847)[120]
- Phytomyza thermarum (Griffiths, 1976)[47]
- Phytomyza thoracica (Macquart, 1835)[107]
- Phytomyza thymi Hering, 1928[11]
- Phytomyza thysselini Hendel, 1923[86]
- Phytomyza thysselinivora Hering, 1924[30]
- Phytomyza tiarellae Griffiths, 1972[98]
- Phytomyza tibialis (Fallén, 1823)[199]
- Phytomyza tigris Eiseman & Lonsdale, 2018[13]
- Phytomyza timida Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza tlingitica Griffiths, 1973[200]
- Phytomyza tomentella Sasakawa, 1972
- Phytomyza torilisi Guglya, 2021[201]
- Phytomyza torrentium (Griffiths, 1980)[23]
- Phytomyza tottoriensis Kuroda, 1960
- Phytomyza triangularidis Eiseman & Lonsdale, 2018[13]
- Phytomyza trichopsis Hendel, 1935[187]
- Phytomyza trivittata Frost, 1924[14]
- Phytomyza trollii Hering, 1930[94]
- Phytomyza trolliicaulis Süss, 1989
- Phytomyza trolliivora Hering, 1935
- Phytomyza trolliophila Hering, 1949[61]
- Phytomyza tropica Spencer, 1961[202]
- Phytomyza tschirnhausi (Griffiths, 1980)[23]
- Phytomyza tucumana Blanchard, 1954[66]
- Phytomyza tundrensis Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza tussilaginis Hendel, 1925[24]
- Phytomyza ukogi Iwasaki, 1996
- Phytomyza umanomitsubae Sasakawa, 1993[198]
- Phytomyza umbelliferarum Hendel, 1935[187]
- Phytomyza uncinata Sasakawa, 1986
- Phytomyza urbana Spencer, 1969[27]
- Phytomyza ussuriensis Winkler, 2009[69]
- Phytomyza valida Sasakawa, 1972
- Phytomyza vancouveriella Eiseman & Lonsdale, 2018[13]
- Phytomyza varii Spencer, 1964[46]
- Phytomyza varipes Macquart, 1835[107]
- Phytomyza venerabilis Spencer, 1977[33]
- Phytomyza veratri Hering, 1941[194]
- Phytomyza verbenae Eiseman & Lonsdale, 2018[13]
- Phytomyza vernalis Groschke, 1957[21]
- Phytomyza veronicicola Hering, 1925
- Phytomyza verticillatae Kulp, 1968[102]
- Phytomyza vetusta Théobald, 1937[203]
- Phytomyza viduata Meigen, 1838[50]
- Phytomyza vilnensis Pakalniškis, 1998
- Phytomyza virgaureae Hering, 1926[10]
- Phytomyza virosae Pakalniškis, 2000
- Phytomyza vitalae Kaltenbach, 1872[28]
- Phytomyza vitalbae Kaltenbach, 1872[28]
- Phytomyza vitalbella Hering, 1957[136]
- Phytomyza vittata (Meigen, 1838)[50]
- Phytomyza vivida (Spencer, 1965)[204]
- Phytomyza vockerothi Winkler, 2009[69]
- Phytomyza vomitoriae Kulp, 1968[102]
- Phytomyza wahlgreni Rydén, 1944
- Phytomyza wiggii Lonsdale & Scheffer, 2011[140]
- Phytomyza williamsoni Blanchard, 1954[66]
- Phytomyza winderi Steyskal, 1976
- Phytomyza winkleri Lonsdale, 2021[53]
- Phytomyza xanthocephala (Zetterstedt, 1860)[58]
- Phytomyza xiphochaeta Hendel, 1935[187]
- Phytomyza xylostei Goureau, 1851[25]
- Phytomyza yasumatsui (Sasakawa, 1955)[179]
- Phytomyza zapatai Korytkowski, 2014[195]
- Phytomyza zarzyckii Nowakowski, 1975
- Phytomyza zimini (Zlobin, 1993)
- Phytomyza zinovjevi Zlobin, 1994
- Phytomyza ziziae Eiseman & Lonsdale, 2018[13]
- Phytomyza zlobini Winkler, 2009[69]
- ↑ Spencer, Kenneth A. (1973). Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Economic importance Series Entomologica. Vol. 9. The Hague. D. Gld.: Dr. W. Junk bv. pp. xii + 418 p.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Hering, E.M. (1927). "Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Oekologie und Systematik blattminierender Insekten. (Minenstudien VIII)". Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entnomologie. 13: 156–198. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0418.1928.tb00033.x.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Zetterstedt, J.W. (1848). Diptera Scandinaviae disposita et descipta. Tomus septimus. Lundae [= Lund.].: Officina Lundbergiana. pp. 2581–2934.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Sasakawa, M. (1961). "A study of the Japanese Agromyzidae (Diptera) Part 2". Pacific Insects. 3: 307–472.
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 Spencer, K.A. (1976). "The Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark". Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica. 5: 1–304.
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Hering, E.M. (1932). "Minenstudien 11". Z. Wiss. Insektenbiologie. 26: 93–182.
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Hendel, F. (1934). "59. Agromyzidae". In: Lindner, E. (Ed.) die Fliegen der Palaearktischen Region. 6(2) (Lfg. 85): 321–368, pls. 1–4.
- ↑ 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 8.16 8.17 8.18 8.19 8.20 8.21 8.22 8.23 8.24 8.25 8.26 Hendel, F. (1920). "Die palaarktischen Agromyziden (Dipt.). (Prodromus einer Monographie)". Archiv für Naturgeschichte (A). (1918) 84 (7): 109–174, 1 pl.
- ↑ 9.00 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 9.10 9.11 Papp, L.; Cerný, M. (2019). Agromyzidae of Hungary. Volume 4. Phytomyzinae III. Hungary: Pars Ltd., Nagykovácsi. pp. 708 pp.
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 Hering, E.M. (1926). "Minenstudien VII". Z. Morph. Okol. Tiere. 5 (3): 447–488. doi:10.1007/BF00408156.
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 Hering, E.M. (1928). "Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Oekologie und Systematik blattminierender Insekten. (Minenstudien IX)". Zoologischer Jahrbucher. 55: 535–588.
- ↑ Zetterstedt, J.W. (1855). Diptera Scandinaviae disposita et descipta. Tomus duodecimus seu supplementum tertium, continens addenda, corrigenda & emendata tomis undecim prioribus. Lundae [= Lund.].: Officina Lundbergiana. pp. i-xx + 4547–4942.
- ↑ 13.00 13.01 13.02 13.03 13.04 13.05 13.06 13.07 13.08 13.09 13.10 13.11 13.12 13.13 Eiseman, C.S.; Lonsdale, O. (2018). "New state and host records for Agromyzidae (Diptera) in the United States, with the description of thirty new species". Zootaxa. 4479 (1): 1–156. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4479.1.1. PMID 30313333.
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 Frost, S.W. (1924). "A study of the leaf-mining Diptera of North America". Cornell Univ. Agric. Exp. STN. Mem. 78: 228 pp., 14 pls.
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 Fallén, C.F. (1823). Phytomyzides et Ochtidiae Sveciae. Lundae [= Lund]: Berlingianis. pp. 10 pp.
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 Spencer, K.A. (1959). "A synopsis of the Ethiopian Agromyzidae (Diptera)". Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London. 111 (10): 237–329. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2311.1959.tb02272.x.
- ↑ 17.00 17.01 17.02 17.03 17.04 17.05 17.06 17.07 17.08 17.09 17.10 17.11 Meigen, J. W. (1830). Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europäischen zweiflügeligen Insekten. (Volume 6) (PDF) (in Deutsch). Schulz-Wundermann. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-02-09.
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 Sasakawa, M. (1954). "New and unrecorded Agromyzidae (Diptera) from Japan, IV". Kontyû. 20: 55–61.
- ↑ 19.00 19.01 19.02 19.03 19.04 19.05 19.06 19.07 19.08 19.09 19.10 19.11 19.12 19.13 19.14 19.15 19.16 19.17 19.18 19.19 19.20 19.21 19.22 19.23 19.24 19.25 Spencer, K.A. (1981). "A revisionary study of the leaf-mining flies (Agromyzidae) of California". Univ. Calif., Div. Agric. Sci., Spec. Publ. No. 3273: 489 pp.
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 Griffiths, G.C.D. (1974). "Studies on boreal Agromyzidae (Diptera). VIII. Phytomyza miners on Artemisia (Compositae)". Quaestiones Entomologicae. 10: 295–314.
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 21.6 Groschke, F.; Hering, E.M. (1957). "Miszellen über Blattminen und-minierer III". Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 4 (3–4): 113–134. doi:10.1002/mmnd.19570040302.
- ↑ 22.00 22.01 22.02 22.03 22.04 22.05 22.06 22.07 22.08 22.09 22.10 22.11 22.12 22.13 22.14 22.15 22.16 22.17 22.18 22.19 Spencer, K.A.; Steyskal, G.C. (1986). "Manual of the Agromyzidae (Diptera) of the United States". Agriculture Handbook (United States. Department of Agriculture). 638: vi + 478 pp. Retrieved 10 March 2024.
- ↑ 23.00 23.01 23.02 23.03 23.04 23.05 23.06 23.07 23.08 23.09 23.10 23.11 23.12 Griffiths, G.C.D. (1980). "Studies on boreal Agromyzidae (Diptera). XIV. Chromatomyia miners on Monocotyledones". Entomologica Scandinavica Supplement. 13: 61 pp.
- ↑ 24.0 24.1 24.2 Hendel, F. (1925). "Neue europäische Minierfliegen. (8. Beitrag zur Blattminenkunde Europas)". Konowia. 4: 301–309.
- ↑ 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.5 25.6 25.7 Goureau, C.C. (1851). "Mémoire pour servir a l'histoire des Diptères dont les larves minent les feuilles des plantes". Annales de la Société Entomologique de France. 9 (2): 131–176, 3 pls.
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 26.2 Spencer, K.A. (1969). "Notes on European Agromyzidae (Diptera) - 2". Beiträge zur Entomologie. 19: 5–26.
- ↑ 27.00 27.01 27.02 27.03 27.04 27.05 27.06 27.07 27.08 27.09 27.10 27.11 27.12 27.13 27.14 27.15 27.16 27.17 27.18 27.19 27.20 27.21 27.22 27.23 27.24 27.25 27.26 27.27 27.28 27.29 27.30 27.31 27.32 27.33 27.34 27.35 27.36 27.37 27.38 27.39 27.40 27.41 27.42 27.43 27.44 27.45 27.46 27.47 27.48 27.49 27.50 Spencer, K.A. (1969). "The Agromyzidae of Canada and Alaska". Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada. 64: 311 pp.
- ↑ 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 28.4 Kaltenbach, J.H. (1872–1874). Die Pflanzenfeide aus der Klasse der Insekten. Ein nach Pflanzenfamilien geordnetes handbuh sammtlicher auf den einheimischen Pflazen bisher beobachteten Insekten zum Gebrauch für Entomologen, Insektensammler, Botaniker, Landund Forstwirthe und Gartenfreunde. 1-288 288-576. Stuttgart: Hoffman. pp. viii + 577–848.
- ↑ Hering, E.M. (1932). "Minenstudien 13". Z. Pflanzenkrank Planzenschutz. 42: 567–579.
- ↑ 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.4 Hering, E.M. (1924). "Minenstudien IV". Z. Morph. Okol. Tiere. 2 (1–2): 217–250. doi:10.1007/BF00419352.
- ↑ Séguy, E. (1951). "Diptères mineurs de Madagascar". Mem. Inst. Sci. Madag. (A). 5: 309–321.
- ↑ 32.0 32.1 32.2 Spencer, K.A. (1960). "Seven new species of Agromyzidae from Spain, together with other new and interesting records (Diptera)". Eos. 36: 375–386.
- ↑ 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 Spencer, K.A. (1977). "A revision of the Australian Agromyzidae (Diptera)". Western Austr. Mus. Spec. Publ. 8: 255 pp.
- ↑ 34.0 34.1 Hering, E.M. (1954). "Die larven der Agromyziden (Diptera). I". Tijdschrift voor Entomologie. 97: 116–136.
- ↑ Beiger, M. (1964). "Studies on leaf mining insects of the Tatra National Park". Bulletin de la Société des Amis des Sciences et Lettres de Poznan (D). 4: 55–60.
- ↑ 36.0 36.1 Hardy, J. (1849). "On the primrose-leaf miner; with notice of a proposed new genus, and characters of three species of Diptera". Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 4 (24): 385–392. doi:10.1080/03745486009494857.
- ↑ Frost, S.W. (1930). "The leaf-miners of Aquilegia, with a description of a new species". Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 23 (3): 457–460. doi:10.1093/aesa/23.3.457.
- ↑ 38.00 38.01 38.02 38.03 38.04 38.05 38.06 38.07 38.08 38.09 38.10 38.11 Sehgal, V.K. (1971). "A taxonomic survey of the Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Alberta, Canada, with observations on host-plant relationships". Quaestiones Entomologicae. 7: 291–405.
- ↑ 39.0 39.1 39.2 Frey, R. (1946). "Anteckningar om Finlands Agromyzider". Not. Ent. 26: 13–55.
- ↑ Hering, E.M. (1958). "Eine neue Gallen-Minierfliege aus Deutschland (Dipt. Agromyzidae)". Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 5: 389–393.
- ↑ Griffiths, G.C.D. (1967). "Revision of the Phytomyza syngenesiae group (Diptera, Agromyzidae), including species hitherto known as 'Phytomyza atricornis Meigen". Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde. 177: 28 p.
- ↑ 42.0 42.1 42.2 42.3 42.4 42.5 Sasakawa, M. (1955). "New Agromyzidae from Japan, IX. Six new species of the genus Phytomyza". Scientific Reports of the Saikyo University, Agriculture. 7: 26–34.
- ↑ 43.0 43.1 Sasakawa, M. (1955). "New Agromyzidae from Japan (Diptera). XI. Two new leaf-miners of Angelica". Akitu. 4: 93–97.
- ↑ 44.0 44.1 44.2 Spencer, K.A. (1971). "Notes on a revision of the British Agromyzidae (Diptera), including the description of 14 new species". Entomologist's Gazette. 22: 141–195.
- ↑ Hering, E.M. (1942). "Ein neuer Spargelfeind". Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten (Pflanzenpathologie) und Pflanzenschutz. 52 (12): 529–533.
- ↑ 46.0 46.1 46.2 46.3 Spencer, K.A. (1964). "Notes on the African Agromyzidae (Diptera) - 5". Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. New Series. 11: 15–41.
- ↑ 47.0 47.1 47.2 47.3 47.4 47.5 47.6 Griffiths, G.C.D. (1976). "Studies on boreal Agromyzidae (Diptera). XII. Phytomyza and Chromatomyia miners on Astereae (Compositae)". Quaestiones Entomologicae. 12: 239–278.
- ↑ 48.0 48.1 48.2 Hendel, F. (1924). "Acht neue europäische Agromyziden (Dipt.)". Konowia. 3: 140–148.
- ↑ Hering, E.M. (1943). "Neue palaearktische Agromyzidae (Dipt.) mit einem Anhang: Agromyziden-Funde in Spanien". Eos. 19: 51–62.
- ↑ 50.00 50.01 50.02 50.03 50.04 50.05 50.06 50.07 50.08 50.09 Meigen, Johann Wilhelm (1838). Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europäischen zweiflügeligen Insekten. Vol. 7. Hamm. pp. xii + 1–434. Retrieved 28 June 2021.
- ↑ Aldrich, J.M. (1929). "Three new acalyptrate Diptera". Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. 31: 89–91. Retrieved 22 March 2024.
- ↑ Frost, S.W. (1927). "Three new species of Phytomyza (Agromyzidae, Diptera)". Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 20 (2): 217–220. doi:10.1093/aesa/20.2.217.
- ↑ 53.0 53.1 53.2 Lonsdale, O. (2021). "Manual of North American Agromyzidae (Diptera, Schizophora), with revision of the fauna of the "Delmarva" states". ZooKeys (1051): 1–481. Bibcode:2021ZooK.1051....1L. doi:10.3897/zookeys.1051.64603. PMC 8342412. PMID 34393548.
- ↑ Griffiths, G.C.D. (1967). "Notes on the genus Napomyza Westwood (Diptera: Agromyzidae)". Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (B). 36: 128–130.
- ↑ 55.0 55.1 55.2 Griffiths, G.C.D. (1975). "Studies on boreal Agromyzidae (Diptera). IX. Phytomyza miners of Boraginaceae in North America". Quaestiones Entomologicae. 11: 129–142.
- ↑ 56.0 56.1 Loew, H. (1858). "Zwanzig neue Diptern". Wiener Entomologische Monatschrift. 2: 57–62, 65–79. Retrieved 17 March 2024.
- ↑ 57.0 57.1 57.2 Spencer, K.A. (1990). "Host specialization in the world Agromyzidae (Diptera)". Series Entomologica. 45: xii + 444 pp.
- ↑ 58.0 58.1 58.2 58.3 Zetterstedt, J.W. (1860). Diptera Scandinaviae disposita et descipta. Tomus decimus qvartus seu ultimus, continens addenda, corrigenda & emendata tomis prioribus, atque generico omnium tomorum. Lundae [= Lund.].: Officina Lundbergiana. pp. i-iv + 6191–6609.
- ↑ 59.0 59.1 59.2 59.3 Hendel, F. (1922). "Blattminierende Fliegen (Musciden)". Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. 39: 65–72. doi:10.5962/bhl.part.2565.
- ↑ 60.0 60.1 60.2 60.3 60.4 60.5 60.6 60.7 Brischke, C.G.A. (1881). "Die Blattminierer in Danzig's Umgebung". Schr. Naturf. Ges. Danzig. New Series. 5: 233–290.
- ↑ 61.0 61.1 61.2 61.3 61.4 Hering, E.M. (1949). "Neue palaearktische Agromyziden". Notulae Entomologicae. 29: 18–32.
- ↑ 62.0 62.1 62.2 Zlobin, V.V. (1997). "Fifteen new species of mining flies (Diptera: Agromyzidae) from North America". Dipterological Research. 8: 87–111.
- ↑ 63.0 63.1 Cerný, M.; Barták, M.; Kubík, Š.; Vála, M. (2022). "New records of Agromyzidae (Diptera) from Bulgaria". Zootaxa. 5175 (4): 401–438. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.5175.4.1.
- ↑ 64.0 64.1 Hering, E.M. (1927). "Die Minenfauna der Canarischen Inseln". Zoologischer Jahrbucher Abt. Syst. Okol. Geogr. Tiere. 53: 405–486.
- ↑ 65.0 65.1 Zlobin, V.V. (2002). "First findings of Phytomyza species from Myanmar (Diptera: Agromyzidae)". Dipterological Research. 13 (1): 61–65.
- ↑ 66.0 66.1 66.2 66.3 Blanchard, E.E. (1954). "Sinopsis de los agromyizidos Argentinos (Diptera, Agromyzidae)". Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia, Buenos Aires. 56: 1–4.
- ↑ Macquart, P.J.M. (1846). Diptères exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. Supplement. [1]. Lille: Mem. Soc. R. Sci. Agric. Arts. pp. 133–364, 20 pls. Retrieved 5 December 2020.
- ↑ 68.0 68.1 68.2 68.3 68.4 Griffiths, G.C.D. (1974). "Studies on boreal Agromyzidae (Diptera). VI. Further Phytomyza miners on Senecioneae (Compositae)". Quaestiones Entomologicae. 10: 103–129.
- ↑ 69.00 69.01 69.02 69.03 69.04 69.05 69.06 69.07 69.08 69.09 Winkler, I.S.; Scheffer, S.J.; Mitter, C. (2009). "Molecular phylogeny and systematics of leaf-mining flies (Diptera: Agromyzidae): delimitation of Phytomyza Fallén sensu lato and included species groups, with new insights on morphological and host-use evolution". Systematic Entomology. 34 (2): 26–292. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3113.2008.00462.x.
- ↑ 70.0 70.1 Hering, E.M. (1944). "Minenstudien 17". Mitt. Dt. Ent. Ges. Jahrg. 12: 56–62.
- ↑ 71.0 71.1 71.2 71.3 Hering, E.M. (1931). "Minenstudien 12. Z. Pflanzenkrank". Planzenschutz. 41: 529–551.
- ↑ 72.0 72.1 Spencer, K.A. (1982). "Agromyzidae (Diptera) in Chile". Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde (A). 357: 1–55.
- ↑ Süss, L.; Moreschi, I. (2005). "Phytomyza camuna n. sp. (Diptera Agromyzidae) on Thalictrum aquilegifolium". Boll. Zool. Agr. Bachicoltura. 37: 27–32.
- ↑ 74.0 74.1 Cerný, M. (2007). "New faunistic records of Agromyzidae (Diptera) from Andorra including descriptions of three new species". Bol. Soc. Ent. Aragonesa. 41: 43–51.
- ↑ 75.0 75.1 75.2 Spencer, K.A. (1966). "A clarification of the genus Napomyza Westwood (Diptera: Agromyzidae)". Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (B). 35: 29–40.
- ↑ 76.0 76.1 Sasakawa, M. (1955). "New Agromyzidae from Japan (Diptera), VI". Kontyû. 22: 59–64.
- ↑ 77.0 77.1 Spencer, K.A. (1973). "The Agromyzidae of Venezuela". Rev. Fac. Agron. (Maracay). 7: 5–107.
- ↑ 78.0 78.1 Hering, E.M. (1949). "Biologische Unterarten bei Phytomyza ranunculi Schrk. (Dipt. Agromyz.)". Entomon. 1: 207–210.
- ↑ Frost, S.W. (1936). "New Central American Agromyzidae". Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 29 (2): 298–318. doi:10.1093/aesa/29.2.298.
- ↑ Cerný, M. (2012). "The fauna of Agromyzidae (Diptera) in the Gemer region (central Slovakia), with descriptions of three new species from Slovakia". Casopis Slezkého Zemského Muzea Opava (A). 61: 49–76.
- ↑ Spencer, K.A. (1975). "Diptera: Agromyzidae from Ceylon". Entomologica Scandinavica (Supplement). 4: 209–220.
- ↑ Kaltenbach, J.H. (1856). "Die deutschen Phytophagen aus den Klasse der Insekten, oder Versuch einer Zusammenstellung der auf Deutschlands Pflanzen beobachteten Bewohner und deren Feinde". Verh. Naturh. Ver. Preuss. Rheinl. 13 [=n. ser., 3]: 165–265.
- ↑ 83.0 83.1 83.2 83.3 83.4 Griffiths, G.C.D. (1974). "Studies on boreal Agromyzidae (Diptera). V. On the genus Chromatomyia Hardy, with revision of Caprifoliaceae-mining species". Quaestiones Entomologicae. 10: 35–69.
- ↑ 84.0 84.1 84.2 Garg, P.K. (1971). "Studies on Agromyzidae (Diptera) from the Gangetic Basin: Part V: Descriptions of three new species of Phytomyza Fallen". Oriental Insects Suppl. 1: 247–256. doi:10.1080/00305316.1971.11745221.
- ↑ 85.0 85.1 85.2 85.3 85.4 85.5 85.6 85.7 85.8 Hendel, F. (1935). "59. Agromyzidae". In: Lindner, E. (Ed.) die Fliegen der Palaearktischen Region. 6(2) (Lfg. 90): 369–416, pls. 5–9.
- ↑ 86.0 86.1 86.2 86.3 86.4 86.5 Hendel, F. (1923). "Blattminierende Fliegen. (4. Beitrag zur Blattminenkunde Europas)". Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 1923: 386–400.
- ↑ 87.0 87.1 Hering, E.M. (1958). "Stengelbewohnende Larven an Clematis recta L. (Dipt. Agromyzidae)". Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 5: 72–78.
- ↑ Coquillett, D.W. (1910). "New genera and species of North American Diptera". Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. 12: 124–131. Retrieved 6 November 2021.
- ↑ 89.0 89.1 89.2 Griffiths, G.C.D. (1973). "Studies on boreal Agromyzidae (Diptera). III. Phytomyza miners on Cnidium and Conioselinum (Umbelliferae)". Quaestiones Entomologicae. 9: 3–11.
- ↑ 90.0 90.1 Griffiths, G.C.D. (1977). "Studies on boreal Agromyzidae (Diptera). XIII. Some Phytomyza and Chromatomyia miners on Cichorieae (Compositae)". Quaestiones Entomologicae. 13: 327–345.
- ↑ 91.0 91.1 91.2 91.3 Boucher, S.; Wheeler, T. (2001). "Diversity of Agromyzidae (Diptera) in disjunct grasslands of the southern Yukon Territory". The Canadian Entomologist. 133 (5): 593–621. doi:10.4039/Ent133593-5.
- ↑ 92.0 92.1 Kaltenbach, J.H. (1859). "Die deutschen Phytophagen aus der Klasse der Insekten". Decheniana. 16: 216–299.
- ↑ Spencer, K.A. (1965). "Notes on the Agromyzidae (Diptera) of the Canary Islands". Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde (A). 140: 1–5.
- ↑ 94.0 94.1 94.2 Hering, E.M. (1930). "Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Ökologie und Systematik blattminierender Insekten. (Minenstudien X.)". Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie. 17 (2): 431–473. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0418.1931.tb00186.x.
- ↑ Strobl, G. (1893). "Neue österreichische Muscidae Acalypterae. IV. Theil". Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. 12: 306–308. Retrieved 10 March 2024.
- ↑ Garg, P.K. (1971). "Studies on Agromyzidae (Diptera) from the Gangetic Basin: Part I: Descriptions of three new species". Oriental Insects. 5: 179–188. doi:10.1080/00305316.1971.10434007.
- ↑ Spencer, K.A. (1961). "Some interesting Agromyzidae from Yugoslavia, including the description of two new species". Entomologist. 1961: 53–58.
- ↑ 98.0 98.1 98.2 Griffiths, G.C.D. (1972). "Studies on boreal Agromyzidae (Diptera). I. Phytomyza miners on Saxifragaceae". Quaestiones Entomologicae. 8: 67–80.
- ↑ 99.0 99.1 Sasakawa, M. (1957). "Descriptions of two new Phytomyza-species from Mt. Nachi, Japan (Diptera, Agromyzidae)". Akitu. 6: 90–92.
- ↑ Sakakawa, M. (2007). "Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Nepal. Part 3". The Science Reports of Kyoto Prefectural University, Human Environment and Agriculture. 59: 35–42.
- ↑ Strobl, Pater Gabriel (1910). "Die Dipteren von Steiermark. II. Nachtrag". Mitteilungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines für Steiermark. (1909)46: 45–292. Retrieved 25 May 2019.
- ↑ 102.0 102.1 102.2 102.3 102.4 Kulp, L.A. (1968). "The taxonomic status of dipterous holly leaf miners (Diptera: Agromyzidae)". Univ. Md. Agric. Exp. STN., Bull. 155: 42 pp.
- ↑ 103.0 103.1 103.2 103.3 103.4 103.5 103.6 103.7 Hendel, F. (1927). "Beiträge zur Systematik der Agromyziden. [10. Beitrag zur Blattminenkunde Europas.]". Zoologischer Anzeiger. 69: 248–271.
- ↑ Steyskal, G.C. (1972). "New and little-known Agromyzidae from Michigan (Diptera: Acalyptratae)". Great Lakes Ent. 5: 1–10.
- ↑ 105.0 105.1 105.2 105.3 Hering, E.M. (1936). "Agromyziden-Nachlese (Dipt.). Neue Liriomyza- und Phytomyza-Arten". Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 1936: 73–80.
- ↑ Malloch, J.R. (1934). "Acalyptrata (concl.)". Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. 6: 393–489.
- ↑ 107.00 107.01 107.02 107.03 107.04 107.05 107.06 107.07 107.08 107.09 107.10 107.11 107.12 Macquart, P.J.M. (1835). Histoire Naturelle des insectes. Diptères. Tome deuxieme. Paris: Roret. pp. 703 or 710 pp., 12 pls. Retrieved 27 January 2021.
- ↑ Spencer, K.A. (1966). "Notes on the Oriental Agromyzidae - 4". Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde. 147: 15 pp.
- ↑ Bjerkander, C. (1793). "Musca subcutanea, eller en ny och obeskrefven fluga uti korn-bladen. K. Vetenskapsakad". Nya Handl. 14: 57–60, pl. 2.
- ↑ Zetterstedt, J.W. (1838). Sectio tertia. Diptera. Dipterologis Scandinaviae, pp. 477-868. In his: Insecta Lapponica. Lipsiae [= Leipzig]. pp. vi + 1, 140 pp.
- ↑ Melander, A.L. (1913). "A synopsis of the dipterous groups Agromyzinae, Milichiinae, Ochthiphilinae and Geomyzinae [part]". Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 21: 219–273. Retrieved 11 March 2024.
- ↑ 112.0 112.1 Brullé, A.M. (1833). IVe Classe. Insectes [part], pp. 289-336. In; Bory de Saint-Vincent (ed.), Expedition scientifique de Moree. Section des sciences physiques 3 (1) (Zool. 2). Paris. pp. 400 pp.
- ↑ Hendel, F. (1932). "59. Agromyzidae". In: Lindner, E. (Ed.) die Fliegen der Palaearktischen Region. 6(2) (Lfg. 66): 257–320.
- ↑ 114.0 114.1 114.2 Kaltenbach, J.H. (1862). "Die deutschen Phytophagen aus der Klasse der Insekten". Decheniana. 19: 1–106.
- ↑ 115.0 115.1 Frick, K.E. (1954). "Three North American Phytomyza species closely related to P. nigritella Zetterstedt (Agromyzidae: Diptera)". Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 47 (2): 367–374. doi:10.1093/aesa/47.2.367.
- ↑ Spencer, K.A. (1963). "A new Phytomyza species on Plantago media L". Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde (A). 103 (1–5).
- ↑ Beiger, M. (1977). "Phytomyza (Chromatomyia) griffithsiana sp. n., a new mining fly from family Agromyzidae". Bulletin de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences, Séries des Sciences Biologiques. 25 (5): 317–321.
- ↑ Sasakawa, M. (1981). "Descriptions of three new leaf-mining pests (Diptera: Agromyzidae)". Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology. 16 (2): 149–155. Bibcode:1981AppEZ..16..149S. doi:10.1303/aez.16.149.
- ↑ Hering, E.M. (1923). "Minenstudien III". Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 1923: 188–206.
- ↑ 120.0 120.1 120.2 Bouché, P.F. (1847). "Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Insekten-Larven". Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung. 8: 142–146.
- ↑ Hering, E.M. (1924). "Minenstudien V". Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Entomologie. 7: 125–136, 161–174.
- ↑ Sasakawa, M. (1956). "A new species related to Phytomyza saxifragae Hering (Diptera, Agromyzidae)". Insecta Matsumurana. 19: 105–108.
- ↑ 123.0 123.1 123.2 Griffiths, G.C.D. (1972). "Studies on boreal Agromyzidae (Diptera). II. Phytomyza miners on Senecio, Petasites and Tussilago (Compositae, Senecioneae)". Quaestiones Entomologicae. 8: 377–405.
- ↑ Loew, Hermann (1872). "Diptera Americae septentrionalis indigena. Centuria decima". Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift. 16: 49–124. doi:10.1002/mmnd.18720160110. Retrieved 25 July 2021.
- ↑ Curtis, J. (1846). "The holly leaf fly (Phytomyza ilicis)". GDNRS' Chron. 1846: 44.
- ↑ 126.0 126.1 Spencer, K.A. (1957). "Observations on the British Agromyzidae (Dipt.). - III". Entomologist's Gazette. 8: 21–28.
- ↑ Sasakawa, M. (2004). "A revision of Melanesian Agromyzidae (Diptera)". Scientific Reports of Kyoto Prefectural University Human Environment and Agriculture. 56: 75–100.
- ↑ 128.0 128.1 128.2 Hering, E.M. (1962). "Neue Blattminen-Studien II (Col., Dipt., Lep.)". Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 9 (1–2): 30–65. doi:10.1002/mmnd.19620090103.
- ↑ 129.0 129.1 129.2 Sasakawa, M. (1953). "Descriptions and records of Dipterous leaf-miners from Japan (Agromyzidae), I.". Scientific Reports of the Saikyo University, Agriculture. 4: 9–22.
- ↑ Pakalniškis, S.A. (1997). The Lithuanian Agromyzidae (Diptera). Descriptions of 4 new species and other notes, pp. 17-34. In: Skirkevicius, A., Jonaitis, V., Budrys, E., Puplesis, R., Šurkus, J., Valenta, V. & Žiogas, A. (eds): Lietuvos entomologu darbai. Lietuvos entomologu draugijos 30–meciui, 1996 [Research of Lithuanian Entomologists. To the Thirty Years of Lithuanian Entomological Society, 1996]. Vilnius: Institute of Ecology Lithuanian Entomological Society. pp. 287 pp.
- ↑ Frost, S.W.; Sasakawa, M. (1954). "New Agromyzidae from Japan, II (Diptera)". Mushi. 27: 49–52.
- ↑ 132.00 132.01 132.02 132.03 132.04 132.05 132.06 132.07 132.08 132.09 132.10 132.11 Hendel, F. (1935). "59. Agromyzidae. In: Lindner, E. (ed.)". Die Fliegen der Palaearktischen Region (2). 6 (2 Lfg. 92): 417–464.
- ↑ 133.0 133.1 Henshaw, D.J.C.; Howse, D. (1989). "Revised status of eight species of European Agromyzidae (Diptera) described both as larvae and adults, and four new names for homonyms". Entomologist's Monthly Magazine. 125: 83–84.
- ↑ Sasakawa, M. (1954). "New Agromyzidae from Japan VII (with record of several little-known species)". Scientific Reports of the Saikyo University, Agriculture. 6: 106–130.
- ↑ Griffiths, G.C.D. (1974). "Studies on boreal Agromyzidae (Diptera). VII. A new Chromatomyia miner on Valeriana". Quaestiones Entomologicae. 10: 217–222.
- ↑ 136.0 136.1 136.2 Hering, E.M. (1957). "Zur blattminenkunde von Südafrika. I. Minierfliegen und ihre minen (Diptera: Agromyzidae)". Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 23: 59–79.
- ↑ Spencer, K.A. (1974). "Some Agromyzidae (Diptera) from Israel". Israel Journal of Entomology. 9: 141–157.
- ↑ Spencer, K.A. (1966). "A new Phytomyza species from California". The Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 42: 108–110.
- ↑ 139.0 139.1 Griffiths, G.C.D. (1976). "Studies on boreal Agromyzidae (Diptera). XI. Chromatomyia miners on Elaeagnaceae". Quaestiones Entomologicae. 12: 211–216.
- ↑ 140.0 140.1 140.2 Lonsdale, O.; Scheffer, S.J. (2011). "Revision of the holly leaf-miners in the Nearctic (Phytomyza" Agromyzidae)". Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 104 (6): 1183–1206. doi:10.1603/AN11008.
- ↑ Hering, E.M. (1930). "Eine agromyziden-mine aus dem Tertiar (Dipt. Agromyz.)". Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 1930: 63–64.
- ↑ Spencer, K.A. (1957). "Agromyzidae (Dipt.) in the Canary Isles". Commentat. Biol. 16: 1–3.
- ↑ Hendel, F. (1923). "Neue europäische Melanagromyza-Arten (Dipt.). (5. Beitrag zur Blattminenkunde Europas.)". Konowia. 2: 142–145.
- ↑ 144.0 144.1 Sehgal, V.K. (1968). "Descriptions of new species of flies of the family Agromyzidae from Alberta, Canada (Diptera)". Quaestiones Entomologicae. 4: 57–88.
- ↑ 145.0 145.1 Hering, E.M. (1955). "Die Minierfliegen der Oberlausitz (Dipt. Agromyzidae)". Abhandlu8ngen und Berichte des Naturkundesmuseums Gorlitz. 34 (2): 163–184.
- ↑ Meijere, J.C.H. de. (1924). "Verzeichnis der hollandischen Agromyzinen". Tijdschrift voor Entomologie. 67: 119–155.
- ↑ Malloch, J.R. (1913). "A synopsis of the genera of Agromyzidae, with descriptions of new genera and species". Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 46[2018] (2018): 127–154. doi:10.5479/si.00963801.46-2018.127.
- ↑ Sasakawa, M. (2010). "Notes on the Japanese fern-miners (Diptera, Agromyzidae), with description of a new species". Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology. 16 (1): 161–164.
- ↑ Thomson, C.G. (1869). Diptera. Species nova descripsit. Pp. 443-614, In Kongliga svenska fregatten Eugenies resa omkring jorden under befäl af C. A. Virgin, åren1851-1853. 2 (Zoologi) 1, Insecta. Stockholm: P. A. Norstedt & Soner. pp. 617 pp., pl. 9.
- ↑ Spencer, K.A. (1972). "Agromyzidae from southern Spain (Insecta, Diptera)". Steenstrupia. 2: 91–104.
- ↑ 151.0 151.1 Kaltenbach, J.H. (1864). "Die deutschen Phytophagen aus der Klasse der Insekten". Verh. Naturh. Ver. Preusee. Rheinl. 21: 228–404.
- ↑ Beiger, M. (1961). "A new Phytomyza species from Poland (Diptera, Agromyzidae)". Bulletin de la Société des Amis des Sciences et Lettres de Poznan (D). 2: 37–42.
- ↑ 153.0 153.1 153.2 153.3 Hering, E.M. (1957). Bestimmungstabellen der Blattminen von Europa: einschliesslich des Mittelmeerbeckens und der Kanarischen Inseln. Band 3, Neubeschreibungen von Minen-Erzeugern. Systematische Ubersicht der Wirtspflanzen und der Minen-Erzeuger. 's-Gravenhage: Abbilungen. W. Junk. pp. 221 pp., 86 pls.
- ↑ Griffiths, G.C.D.; Piercey-Normore, M.D. (1995). "A new agromyzid (Diptera) leaf-miner of mountain holly (Nemopanthus, Aquifoliaceae) from the Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland". Canadian Field-Naturalist. 109: 23–26. doi:10.5962/p.357583. Retrieved 30 March 2024.
- ↑ Spencer, K.A. (1965). "Agromyzidae. In: Diptera from Nepal". Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Entomology. 16: 25–31. doi:10.5962/bhl.part.21862.
- ↑ 156.0 156.1 Hering, E.M. (1956). "Die larven der Agromyziden (Diptera). II. ". Tijdschrift voor Entomologie. 97: 257–281.
- ↑ Loew, H. (1869). "Diptera Americae septentrionalis indigena. Centuria octava". Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift. 13: 1–52. Retrieved 15 July 2022.
- ↑ 158.0 158.1 Wulp, F.M. van der (1871). "Dipterologische Aanteekeningen, No. 3". Tijdschrift voor Entomologie. 14: 186–210.
- ↑ 159.0 159.1 Hering, E.M. (1934). "Die an Melampyrum lebenden Phytomyza-Arten der Mark Brandenburg (Dipt.)". Märkische Tierwelt. 1: 17–21.
- ↑ Beiger, M. (1975). "Beitrag zur Kenntnis der minierenden Insekten Su¨dostpolens. IV. Eine neue Art aus der Gruppe der Phytomyza symphyti Hd. (Diptera, Agromyzidae)". Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne. 45 (1): 133–139.
- ↑ Strobl, Pater Gabriel (1910). "Die Dipteren von Steiermark. II. Nachtrag". Mitteilungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines für Steiermark. (1909)46: 45–292. Retrieved 25 May 2019.
- ↑ Rondani, C. (1875). "Species Italicae ordinis Dipterorum (Muscaria Rndn.) collectae et observatae. Stirps XXIII. Agromyzinae". Bullettino della Società Entomologica Italiana. 7: 166–191.
- ↑ Sasakawa, M.; Imura, T. (1993). "Notes on the Japanese Agromyzidae (Diptera), 2". Japanese Journal of Entomology. 61: 341–354.
- ↑ Franz, H. (1947). "Eine neue hochalpin lebende Napomyza (Dipt. Agromyz.) aus den Ostalpen". Z. Wien. Ent. Ges. 32: 28–31.
- ↑ Spencer, K.A. (1962). "Some Agromyzidae (Diptera) from New Guinea, Melanesia and Polynesia". Pacific Insects. 4: 651–660.
- ↑ Spencer, K.A.; Stegmaier, C.E. (1973). "Agromyzidae of Florida with a supplement on species from the Caribbean". Arthropods Florida. 7: iv + 205 pp.
- ↑ Cerný, M. (2007). "Description of eight new species of Agromyzidae (Diptera) from North Korea, including new records". Studia Dipterologica. 14: 209–229.
- ↑ Chen, X.L.; Wang, X.J. (2003). "A review of the genus Napomyza Westwood in China (Diptera: Agromyzidae)". Acta Entomologica Sinica. 46: 640–643.
- ↑ Coquillett, D.W. (1902). "New acalyptrate Diptera from North America". Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 10: 177–191. Retrieved 22 March 2024.
- ↑ Hering, E.M. (1960). "Neue Blattminen-Studien (Dipt., Lep.)". Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 7 (1/2): 119–145. doi:10.1002/mmnd.19600070104.
- ↑ Zlobin, V.V. (2001). "Review of mining flies of the genus Napomyza Westwood (Diptera: Agromyzidae). VI. First record of Napomyza species from Oriental region". Dipterological Research. 12: 43–47.
- ↑ 172.0 172.1 Sasakawa, M. (2008). "Agromyzidae (Insecta: Diptera) from the Alishan Mountains, Taiwan, with descriptions of five new species". Species Diversity. 13 (2–3): 133–148. doi:10.12782/specdiv.13.133.
- ↑ Beiger, M. (1972). "Studies on mining insects of the Tatra National Park. 6. Phytomyza pseudogentii sp. n. (Diptera, Agromyzidae)". Bulletin de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences. Séries des Sciences Biologiques. 20 (3): 183–186.
- ↑ Hering, E.M. (1937). "Agromyziden-Nachlese (Dipt.) II". Mitteilungen der Deutsche Entomologischen Gesellschaft. 8 (6/7): 76–77.
- ↑ Zetterstedt, J.W. (1847). Diptera Scandinaviae disposita et descripta. Tomus sextus. Lundae [= Lund.].: Officina Lundbergiana. pp. 2163–2580.
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- ↑ Spencer, K.A. (1963). "Notes on the African Agromyzidae (Diptera) - 4". Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa. 26: 94–124.
- ↑ 179.0 179.1 Sasakawa, M. (1955). "New Agromyzidae from Japan (Diptera), VIII". Kontyû. 23: 16–20.
- ↑ Sasakawa, M. (2006). "Agromyzidae (Diptera) from Hong Kong". Acta Entomologica Sinica. 49: 835–842.
- ↑ Griffiths, G.C.D. (1976). "Studies on boreal Agromyzidae (Diptera). X. Phytomyza miners on Crassulaceae". Quaestiones Entomologicae. 12: 203–210.
- ↑ Beiger, M. (1979). "Liriomyza bulgarica sp. n. and Phytomyza rhodopaea sp. n. (Diptera, Agromyzidae), the new mining flies from Bulgaria". Bulletin de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences, Séries des Sciences Biologiques. 26[1978] (10): 687–693.
- ↑ Hendel, F. (1936). "59. Agromyzidae". In: Lindner, E. (Ed.) die Fliegen der Palaearktischen Region. 6(2) (Lfg. 96): 513–570, pls. 15–16.
- ↑ Roser, K.L.F. von (1840). "Erster Nachtrag zu dem im Jahre 1834 bekannt gemachten Verzeichnisse in Wurttemberg vorkommender zweiflugliger Insekten". Correspondenzbl. K. Wurttemb. Landw. Ver., Stuttgart. 37 [=N.S. 17] (1): 49–64.
- ↑ Hering, E.M. (1934). "Minenstudien 14". Z. Pflanzenkrank Planzenschutz. 44: 49–70.
- ↑ 186.0 186.1 186.2 Hering, E.M. (1924). "Zur Kenntnis der Blattminenfauna des Banats. I., II". Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Entomologie. 1924: 1–15, 31–41.
- ↑ 187.0 187.1 187.2 187.3 187.4 187.5 Hendel, F. (1935). "59. Agromyzidae". In: Lindner, E. (Ed.) die Fliegen der Palaearktischen Region. 6(2) (Lfg. 94): 465–512, pls. 13–14.
- ↑ Beiger, M. (2001). "Chromatomyia scabiosella sp. n. (Diptera: Agromyzidae) a new mining fly from Poland". Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne. 70 (1): 55–57.
- ↑ Hering, E.M. (1967). "Blattminen der Insel Hvar (Col., Dipt., Hym., Lep,)". Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 14: 1–80.
- ↑ 190.0 190.1 Kaltenbach, J.H. (1869). "Die deutschen Phytophagen aus der Klasse der Insekten [concl.]". Verh. Naturh. Ver. Preuss. Rheinl. 26 (3, 6): 106–224.
- ↑ 191.0 191.1 Hering, E.M. (1922). "Drei neue arten blattminierenden Agromyziden (Dipt.)". Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 1922: 423–426.
- ↑ Beiger, M. (1972). "Studies on mining insects of the Tatra National Park. 3. Phytomyza tatrica sp. n. and Phytomyza skuratowiczi sp. n. (Diptera, Agromyzidae)". Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne. 42 (1): 109–120.
- ↑ Spencer, K.A. (1954). "Agromyzidae (Dipt.) in Portugal, including a description of a new species". Entomologist's Monthly Magazine. 90: 219–221.
- ↑ 194.0 194.1 Hering, E.M. (1941). "Minenstudien 16". Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 1941 (10–23).
- ↑ 195.0 195.1 Korytkowski, C.A. (2014). "Contribución al conocimiento de los Agromyzidae (Diptera: Muscomorpha) en el Peru". Revista Peruana de Entomologica. 49 (1): 1–106.
- ↑ Strobl, Pater Gabriel (1906). "Spanische Dipteren. II. Beitrag (1)". Memorias de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural. 3 (5): 271–422. Retrieved 10 June 2018.
- ↑ Malloch, J.R. (1914). "Formosan Agromyzidae". Annales Historica-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici. 12: 306–336.
- ↑ 198.0 198.1 Sasakawa, M. (1993). "Notes on the Japanese Agromyzidae (Diptera), 1". Japanese Journal of Entomology. 61: 149–155.
- ↑ Fallen, C.F. (1823). Agromyzides Sveciae. Lundae [= Lund]: Berlingianis. pp. 10 pp.
- ↑ Griffiths, G.C.D. (1973). "Studies on boreal Agromyzidae (Diptera). IV. Phytomyza miners on Angelica, Heracleum, Laserpitium and Pastinaca (Umbelliferae)". Quaestiones Entomologicae. 9: 219–253.
- ↑ Guglya, Y. (2021). "Rearing mining flies (Diptera: Agromyzidae) from host plants as an instrument for associating females with males, with the description of seven new species". Zootaxa. 5014 (1): 1–158. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.5014.1.1. PMID 34810467.
- ↑ Spencer, K.A. (1961). "A synopsis of the Oriental Agromyzidae (Diptera)". Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London. 113 (4): 55–110. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2311.1961.tb00802.x.
- ↑ Théobald, N. (1937). Les insectes fossile des terrains oligocenes de France. Nancy: G. Thomas. pp. 473 + [1] pp.
- ↑ Spencer, K.A. (1965). "Notes on the African Agromyzidae (Diptera) - 6". Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa. 28: 233–276.
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