1.1"/75 caliber gun |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
28 mm anti-aircraft gun
1.59-inch breech-loading Vickers Q.F. gun, Mk II (commonly called "Vickers-Crayford rocket gun") |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
40 mm light field gun later adapted for use by aircraft
2 cm FlaK 30 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
20 mm anti-aircraft gun
2 cm FlaK 38 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
20 mm anti-aircraft gun
2 cm Flakvierling 38 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
20 mm quad anti-aircraft gun
2 cm Gebirgsflak 38 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
20 mm anti-aircraft gun
2A6 |
File:Flag of Russia.svg Russia |
152 mm field gun
2A19 |
File:Flag of Russia.svg Russia |
100 mm anti-tank gun
2A29 / MT-12 |
File:Flag of Russia.svg Russia |
100 mm anti-tank gun
2A60 |
File:Flag of Russia.svg Russia |
120 mm anti-tank gun
2S4 Tyulpan |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
240 mm SP mortar
2S9 Nona-SVK |
File:Flag of Russia.svg Russia |
120 mm SP gun / mortar
BL 2.75-inch mountain gun |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom, File:British Raj Red Ensign.svg India |
70 mm mountain gun
2.8 cm sPzB 41 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
28/20 mm taper-bore anti-tank gun
3 inch gun M5 |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
76.2 mm anti-tank gun
3-inch M1918 gun |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
76.2 mm anti-aircraft gun
3"/50 caliber gun |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
76.2 mm anti-aircraft gun
3.7 cm 1918 |
File:Flag of the German Empire.svg German Empire |
37 mm anti-tank gun
3.7 cm FlaK 18/36/37 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
37 mm anti-aircraft gun
3.7 cm FlaK 43 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
37 mm anti-aircraft gun
3.7 cm PaK 35/36 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
37 mm anti-tank gun
3.7 cm vzor 34 (Škoda A3) |
File:Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czechoslovakia |
37 mm anti-tank gun
3.7-inch mountain howitzer |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
94 mm mountain gun
4.2 cm PaK 41 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
42/28 mm taper-bore anti-tank gun
4.5-inch Mark 8 naval gun |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
114 mm dual purpose naval gun
4.5-inch gun M1 |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
114 mm howitzer
4.7 cm vzor 36 (Škoda A6) |
File:Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czechoslovakia |
47 mm anti-tank gun
4.7-inch gun M1906 |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
120 mm field gun
4M motorized quad Maxim |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
Four 7.62 mm PM M1910 machine guns on anti-aircraft mounting
5 cm PaK 38 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
50 mm anti-tank gun
BL 6-inch 26 cwt howitzer |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
152 mm howitzer
BL 6-inch 30 cwt howitzer |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
152 mm howitzer
6-inch howitzer M1908 |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
152 mm howitzer
6-inch siege gun M1877 |
File:Flag of Russia.svg Russian Empire |
152 mm siege gun
6-inch siege gun M1904 |
File:Flag of Russia.svg Russian Empire |
152 mm siege gun
7 cm Gebirgsgeschütz M 99 |
File:Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867–1918).svg Austria-Hungary |
70 mm mountain gun
7.5 cm FK 7M85 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
75 mm field gun
7.5 cm FK 16 nA |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
75 mm field gun
7.5 cm FK 18 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
75 mm field gun
7.5 cm FK 38 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
75 mm field gun
7.5 cm Gebirgsgeschütz 36 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
75 mm mountain gun
7.5 cm Gebirgskanone Model 1911 |
File:Flag of the German Empire.svg German Empire |
75 mm mountain gun
7.5 cm Infantriegeschutz 37 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
75 mm infantry gun
7.5 cm L/45 M/16 anti aircraft gun |
File:Flag of Norway.svg Norway |
75 mm anti-aircraft gun
7.5 cm leichte Gebirgsinfantriegeschutz 18 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
75 mm mountain gun
7.5 cm leichte Infantriegeschutz 18 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
75 mm infantry gun
7.5 cm Pak 97/38 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
75 mm anti-tank gun
7.5 cm Pak 40 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
75 mm anti-tank gun
7.5 cm Pak 41 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
75/55 mm taper-bore anti-tank gun
7.5 cm PLK vzor 37 |
File:Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czechoslovakia |
75 mm anti-aircraft gun
7.62 cm Pak 36(r) |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
Soviet 76 mm divisional gun M1936 (F-22) anti-tank gun on German carriage
7.7 cm 1914 |
File:Flag of the German Empire.svg German Empire |
77 mm anti-aircraft gun
7.7 cm FK 16 |
File:Flag of the German Empire.svg German Empire |
77 mm field gun
7.7 cm FK 96 |
File:Flag of the German Empire.svg German Empire |
77 mm field gun
7.7 cm FK 96 n.A. |
File:Flag of the German Empire.svg German Empire |
77 mm field gun
8 cm FK M. 5 |
File:Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867–1918).svg Austria-Hungary |
76.5 mm field gun
8 cm FK M. 17 |
File:Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867–1918).svg Austria-Hungary |
76.5 mm field gun
8 cm kanon vz. 30 |
File:Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czechoslovakia |
76.5 mm field gun
8 cm PLK vzor 37 |
File:Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czechoslovakia |
76.5 mm anti-aircraft gun
8 cm PAW 600 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
81.4 mm anti-tank gun
8 inch gun M1 |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
203 mm howitzer
8.35 cm PLK vzor 22 |
File:Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czechoslovakia |
83.5 mm anti-aircraft gun
8.8 cm FlaK 18/36/37/41 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
88 mm anti-aircraft gun
8.8 cm PaK 43 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
88 mm anti-tank gun
9K22 Tunguska |
File:Flag of Russia.svg Russia |
30 mm SP twin anti-aircraft gun / missile system
9.45-inch heavy mortar "Flying Pig" |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
British production of French Mortier de 240 mm
10 cm Feldhaubitze M. 14 |
File:Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867–1918).svg Austria-Hungary |
100 mm howitzer
10 cm Gebirgshaubitze M 99 |
File:Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867–1918).svg Austria-Hungary |
100 mm mountain gun
10 cm Gebirgshaubitze M 8 |
File:Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867–1918).svg Austria-Hungary |
100 mm mountain gun
10 cm houfnice vz. 30 |
File:Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czechoslovakia |
100 mm howitzer
10.4 cm Feldkanone M. 15 |
File:Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867–1918).svg Austria-Hungary |
104 mm field gun
10.5 cm FlaK 38 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
105 mm anti-aircraft gun
10 cm K 04 |
File:Flag of the German Empire.svg German Empire |
105 mm field gun
10 cm K 14 |
File:Flag of the German Empire.svg German Empire |
105 mm field gun
10 cm K 17 |
File:Flag of the German Empire.svg German Empire |
105 mm field gun
10.5 cm Feldhaubitze 98/09 |
File:Flag of the German Empire.svg German Empire |
105 mm howitzer
10.5 cm hruby kanon vz. 35 |
File:Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czechoslovakia |
105 mm howitzer
10.5 cm leFH 16 |
File:Flag of the German Empire.svg German Empire |
105 mm howitzer
10.5 cm leFH 18 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
105 mm howitzer
10.5 cm leFH 18M |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
105 mm howitzer
10.5 cm leFH 18/40 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
105 mm howitzer
10.5 cm sK 18 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
105 mm field gun
12 cm felthaubits/m32 |
File:Flag of Norway.svg Norway |
120 mm howitzer
12.8 cm PaK 44 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
128 mm anti-tank gun
12.8 cm FlaK 40 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
128 mm anti-aircraft gun
Mitrailleuse de 13.2 |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
13.2 mm anti-aircraft machine gun
14 cm Minenwerfer M 15 |
File:Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867–1918).svg Austria-Hungary |
140 mm mortar
15 cm Autokanone M. 15/16 |
File:Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867–1918).svg Austria-Hungary |
152 mm field gun
15 cm hruba houfnice vz. 25 |
File:Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czechoslovakia |
149 mm howitzer
15 cm Kanone 18 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
149 mm field gun
15 cm Kanone 39 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
149 mm field gun
15 cm Luftminenwerfer M 15 M. E. |
File:Flag of the German Empire.svg German Empire |
149 mm mortar
15 cm schwere Feldhaubitze M 14 |
File:Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867–1918).svg Austria-Hungary |
149 mm howitzer
15 cm schwere Feldhaubitze M. 15 |
File:Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867–1918).svg Austria-Hungary |
149 mm howitzer
15 cm sFH 02 |
File:Flag of the German Empire.svg German Empire |
149 mm howitzer
15 cm sFH 13 |
File:Flag of the German Empire.svg German Empire |
149 mm howitzer
15 cm sFH 18 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
149 mm howitzer
15 cm sFH 36 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
149 mm howitzer
15 cm sIG 33 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
149 mm infantry gun
15 cm sIG 33 auf Fahrgestell Panzerkampfwagen II |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
149 mm SP infantry gun
17 cm mittlerer Minenwerfer |
File:Flag of the German Empire.svg German Empire |
173 mm mortar
17 cm Kanone 18 in Mörserlafette |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
173 mm field gun
17pdr SP Achilles |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
76.2 mm self-propelled anti-tank gun, a US M10 tank destroyer with 17pdr gun
20 cm Luftminenwerfer M 16 |
File:Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867–1918).svg Austria-Hungary |
200 mm mortar
20 mm AA machine cannon Carrier Truck |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
20 mm SP anti-aircraft gun
20 mm Anti-Aircraft Tank "Ta-Se" |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
20 mm SP twin anti-aircraft gun
20 mm C/30 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
20 mm naval anti-aircraft gun
20 mm modèle F2 gun |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
20 mm anti-aircraft gun
21 cm GrW 69 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
211 mm mortar
21 cm Mörser 10 |
File:Flag of the German Empire.svg German Empire |
211 mm siege mortar
21 cm Mörser 16 |
File:Flag of the German Empire.svg German Empire |
211 mm siege mortar
21 cm Mrs 18 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
211 mm siege mortar
22.5 cm Minenwerfer M 15 |
File:Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867–1918).svg Austria-Hungary |
225 mm mortar
24 cm Haubitze 39 |
File:Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czechoslovakia |
240 mm siege howitzer
24 cm Kanone 3 |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
238 mm field gun
24 cm Kanone M. 16 |
File:Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867–1918).svg Austria-Hungary |
240 mm field gun
24 cm Mörser M 98 |
File:Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867–1918).svg Austria-Hungary |
240 mm siege mortar
25 cm schwere Minenwerfer |
File:Flag of the German Empire.svg German Empire |
250 mm mortar
25 mm APX anti-tank gun |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
25 mm anti-tank gun
25 mm Hotchkiss anti-aircraft gun |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
25 mm anti-aircraft gun
25 mm Hotchkiss anti-tank gun |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
25 mm anti-tank gun
25 pounder Short Mark 1 |
File:Flag of Australia (converted).svg Australia |
88 mm pack howitzer
26 cm Minenwerfer M 17 |
File:Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867–1918).svg Austria-Hungary |
260 mm mortar
37 mm anti-tank gun M1930 (1-K) |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
37 mm anti-tank gun
37 mm gun M1 |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
37 mm anti-aircraft gun
37 mm automatic air defense gun M1939 (61-K) |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
37 mm anti-aircraft gun
Type 55 |
File:Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg People's Republic of China |
37 mm anti-aircraft gun
37 mm trench gun M1915 |
File:Flag of Russia.svg Russian Empire |
37 mm infantry gun
38 cm Belagerungshaubitze M 16 |
File:Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867–1918).svg Austria-Hungary |
380 mm siege howitzer
40M Nimrod |
File:Flag of Hungary.svg Hungary |
40 mm SP anti-aircraft gun
42 cm Gamma Mörser |
File:Flag of the German Empire.svg German Empire |
419 mm siege howitzer
42 line gun M1877 |
File:Flag of Russia.svg Russian Empire |
107 mm field gun
45 mm anti-tank gun M1937 (53-K) |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
45 mm anti-tank gun
45 mm anti-tank gun M1942 (M-42) |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
45 mm anti-tank gun
47 mm APX anti-tank gun |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
47 mm anti-tank gun
57 mm AZP S-60 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
57 mm anti-aircraft gun
75 mm gun M1897 |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
75 mm field gun
75 mm gun M1916 |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
75 mm field gun
75 mm gun M1917 |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
75 mm field gun
75 mm Pack Howitzer M1 / M116 |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
75 mm pack gun
75 mm Schneider-Danglis 06/09 |
File:Flag of Greece.svg Greece |
75 mm gun
75 mm Type 90 field gun |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
75 mm field gun
76 mm air-defense gun M1914/15 |
File:Flag of Russia.svg Russian Empire |
76.2 mm anti-aircraft gun
76 mm air defense gun M1938 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
76.2 mm anti-aircraft gun
76 mm divisional gun M1902 |
File:Flag of Russia.svg Russian Empire |
76.2 mm field gun
76 mm divisional gun M1902/30 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
76.2 mm field gun
76 mm divisional gun M1936 (F-22) |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
76.2 mm field gun
76 mm divisional gun M1939 (USV) |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
76.2 mm field gun
76 mm divisional gun M1942 (ZiS-3) |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
76.2 mm field gun
76 mm gun M1900 |
File:Flag of Russia.svg Russian Empire |
76.2 mm field gun
76 mm mountain gun M1938 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
76.2 mm mountain gun
76 mm regimental gun M1927 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
76.2 mm gun
76 mm regimental gun M1943 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
76.2 mm gun
85 mm vzor 52 (Škoda A22) |
File:Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czechoslovakia |
85 mm anti-tank gun
85 mm air-defense gun M1939 (52-K) |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
85 mm anti-aircraft gun
85 mm divisional gun D-44 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
85 mm field gun
87 mm light field gun M1877 |
File:Flag of Russia.svg Russian Empire |
87 mm field gun
88 mm gun |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
88 mm anti-aircraft / anti-tank gun
90 mm gun |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
90 mm anti-aircraft gun
90mm gun |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
90 mm anti-tank gun
100 mm field gun M1944 (BS-3) |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
100 mm anti-tank gun
100 mm vzor 53 (Škoda A20) |
File:Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czechoslovakia |
100 mm anti-tank gun
105 mm gun T8 |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
105 mm anti-tank gun
107 mm divisional gun M1940 (M-60) |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
107 mm field gun
107 mm gun M1910 |
File:Flag of Russia.svg Russian Empire |
107 mm field gun
107 mm gun M1910/30 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
107 mm field gun
120 mm gun M1 ("Stratosphere") |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
120 mm anti-aircraft gun
122 mm gun M1931 (A-19) |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
122 mm field gun
122 mm gun M1931/37 (A-19) |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
122 mm field gun
122 mm howitzer 2A18 (D-30) |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
122 mm howitzer
122 mm howitzer M1909 |
File:Flag of Russia.svg Russian Empire |
122 mm howitzer
122 mm howitzer M1909/37 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
122 mm howitzer
122 mm howitzer M1910 |
File:Flag of Russia.svg Russian Empire |
122 mm howitzer
122 mm howitzer M1910/30 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
122 mm howitzer
122 mm howitzer M1938 (M-30) |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
122 mm howitzer
130 mm towed field gun M1954 (M-46) |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
130 mm field gun
152 mm field gun-howitzer M84 NORA-A |
File:Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg Yugoslavia |
152 mm towed howitzer
152 mm gun 2A36 |
File:Flag of Russia.svg Russia |
152 mm field gun
152 mm gun M1910/30 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
152 mm field gun
152 mm gun M1910/34 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
152 mm field gun
152 mm gun M1935 (Br-2) |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
152 mm field gun
152 mm howitzer 2A65 |
File:Flag of Russia.svg Russia |
152 mm howitzer
152 mm howitzer M1909 |
File:Flag of Russia.svg Russian Empire |
152 mm howitzer
152 mm howitzer M1909/30 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
152 mm howitzer
152 mm howitzer M1910 |
File:Flag of Russia.svg Russian Empire |
152 mm howitzer
152 mm howitzer M1910/37 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
152 mm howitzer
152 mm howitzer M1938 (M-10) |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
152 mm howitzer
152 mm howitzer M1943 (D-1) |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
152 mm howitzer
152 mm howitzer-gun M1937 (ML-20) |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
152 mm howitzer
155 mm Long Tom |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
155 mm howitzer
152 mm siege gun M1910 |
File:Flag of Russia.svg Russian Empire |
152 mm siege gun
152 mm towed gun-howitzer M1955 (D-20) |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
152 mm howitzer
155 GH 52 APU |
File:Flag of Finland.svg Finland |
155 mm howitzer
160mm Mortar M1943 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
160 mm mortar
180 mm gun S-23 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
180 mm howitzer
203 mm howitzer M1931 (B-4) |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
203 mm howitzer
210 mm gun M1939 (Br-17) |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
210 mm siege gun
Dumezil-Batignolles Mortier de 240 mm |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
240 mm mortar
305 mm howitzer M1915 |
File:Flag of Russia.svg Russian Empire |
305 mm siege howitzer
305 mm howitzer M1939 (Br-18) |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
305 mm siege howitzer
A30 Avenger |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
76.2 mm tank destroyer
AC 37 anti-tank gun |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
37 mm anti-tank gun
AC 47 anti-tank gun |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
47 mm anti-tank gun
Al Fao |
File:Flag of Iraq.svg Iraq |
210 mm SP howitzer
File:Flag of Finland.svg Finland, File:Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden |
120 mm SP twin mortar
AMX-13 DCA |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
30 mm SP twin anti-aircraft gun
Archer |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
76.2 mm SP anti-tank gun
Armstrong gun |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
Developmental gun
Artemis 30 |
File:Flag of Greece.svg Greece |
30 mm twin anti-aircraft gun
ASU-57 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
57 mm assault gun
ASU-85 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
85 mm assault gun
Autocanon de 75 mle 1913 |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
75 mm SP anti-aircraft gun
Basilic |
Ottoman EmpireOttoman Empire/Wallachia Wallachia |
750 mm siege gun
Becker gun |
File:Flag of Germany.svg Germany |
19 mm anti-aircraft gun
Big Bertha |
File:Flag of the German Empire.svg German Empire |
419 mm siege howitzer
BL 4.5 inch gun |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
113 mm field gun
BL 5-inch howitzer |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
127 mm howitzer
BL 5.4-inch howitzer |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
137.2 mm howitzer
BL 5.5-inch medium gun |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
140 mm field gun
BL 6-inch Mk VII naval gun |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
152 mm naval gun
BL 6-inch gun Mk XIX |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
152 mm field gun
BL 7.2-inch howitzer Mk I – VI |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
183 mm howitzer
BL 8-inch howitzer Mk I – V |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
203 mm howitzer
BL 8-inch howitzer Mk VI – VIII |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
203 mm howitzer
BL 9.2-inch howitzer |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
233 mm siege howitzer
BL 10-pounder mountain gun |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom, File:British Raj Red Ensign.svg India |
70 mm mountain gun
BL 12-inch howitzer |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
305 mm siege howitzer
BL 15-inch howitzer |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
380 mm siege howitzer
BL 60-pounder gun |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
127 mm field gun
Bofors 37 mm |
File:Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden |
37 mm anti-tank gun
Bofors 40 mm L/60 gun |
File:Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden |
40 mm anti-aircraft gun
Bofors 57 mm gun |
File:Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden |
57 mm anti-aircraft gun
Bofors 75 mm L/20 |
File:Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden |
75 mm gun
Bofors 75 mm Model 1929 |
File:Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden |
75 mm anti-aircraft gun
Bofors 75 mm Model 1934 |
File:Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden |
75 mm mountain gun
Bofors 10.5 cm howitzer Model 1924 |
File:Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden |
105 mm howitzer
Bofors 10.5 cm cannon Model 1927 |
File:Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden |
105 mm field gun
Bofors 10.5 cm kanon m/34 |
File:Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden |
105 mm field gun
Bofors 12 cm M. 14 |
File:Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden |
120 mm howitzer
File:Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg Yugoslavia |
20 mm SP triple anti-aircraft gun
File:Flag of Slovakia.svg Slovakia |
30 mm SP twin anti-aircraft gun / missile system
Brandt LR |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
60 mm mortar/gun
Sturmpanzer 43 (Brummbär) |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
149 mm assault gun
Cannone da 47/32 M35 |
File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy |
47 mm anti-tank gun
Cannone da 65/17 modello 13 |
File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy |
65 mm towed gun
Cannone da 70/15 |
File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy |
70 mm towed gun
Cannone da 75/27 modello 06 |
File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy |
75 mm field gun
Cannone da 75/27 modello 11 |
File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy |
75 mm gun
Cannone da 75/32 modello 37 |
File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy |
75 mm field gun
Cannone da 75/46 C.A. modello 34 |
File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy |
75 mm anti-aircraft gun
Cannone da 90/53 |
File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy |
90 mm anti-aircraft gun
Cannone da 149/35 A |
File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy |
149 mm field gun
Cannone da 149/40 modello 35 |
File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy |
149 mm field gun
Cannone da 152/45 |
File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy |
152 mm field gun
Cannone-Mitragliera da 20/65 modello 35 (Breda) |
File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy |
20 mm anti-aircraft gun
Cannone-Mitragliera da 20/77 (Scotti) |
File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy |
20 mm anti-aircraft gun
Canon Court de 105 M mle 1909 Schneider |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
105 mm mountain gun
Canon Court de 105 M mle 1919 Schneider |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
105 mm mountain gun
Canon Court de 105 M mle 1928 Schneider |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
105 mm mountain gun
Canon d'Infanterie de 37 modèle 1916 TRP |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
37 mm infantry gun
Canon de 65 M modele 1906 |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
65 mm mountain gun
Canon de 75 M mle 1919 Schneider |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
75 mm mountain gun
Canon de 75 M mle 1928 |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
75 mm mountain gun
Canon de 75 Mod. GPI |
File:Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Belgium |
75 mm field gun
Canon de 75 Mod. GPII |
File:Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Belgium |
75 mm field gun
Canon de 75 Mod. GPIII |
File:Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Belgium |
75 mm field gun
Canon de 75 Mod. TR |
File:Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Belgium |
75 mm field gun
Canon de 75 modèle 1897 |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
75 mm field gun
Canon de 75 modèle 1905 Schneider |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
75 mm field gun
Canon de 75 modèle 1912 Schneider |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
75 mm field gun
Canon de 75 modèle 1914 Schneider |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
75 mm field gun
Canon de 75 modèle 1922 Schneider |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
75 mm field gun
Canon de 75 modele 1934 |
File:Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Belgium |
75 mm gun
Canon de 76 FRC (Fonderie Royale de Canons) |
File:Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Belgium |
76 mm gun
Canon de 76 M mle 1909 Schneider |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
76 mm mountain gun
Canon de 85 modèle 1927 Schneider |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
85 mm field gun
Canon de 105 court mle 1934 Schneider |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
105 mm howitzer
Canon de 105 court mle 1935 B |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
105 mm howitzer
Canon de 105 L mle 1936 Schneider |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
105 mm field gun
Canon de 105 mle 1913 Schneider |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
105 mm field gun
Canon de 105 modèle 1925/27 Schneider |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
105 mm field gun
Canon de 105 modèle 1930 Schneider |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
105 mm field gun
Canon de 155 C mle 1917 Schneider |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
155 mm howitzer
Canon de 155 GPF |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
155 mm field gun
Canon de 194 GPF |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
194 mm field gun
Canon de 240 L Mle 1884 |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
240 mm field gun
Canone de 120 L mle 1931 |
File:Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Belgium |
120 mm field gun
Canone de 155 L mle 1924 |
File:Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Belgium |
155 mm howitzer
Cañón 155 mm L 33 Modelo Argentino |
File:Flag of Argentina.svg Argentina |
155 mm towed howitzer, also known as "CITER 155 mm L33 gun"
Cañón 155 mm L 45 CALA 30 |
File:Flag of Argentina.svg Argentina |
155 mm long range gun/howitzer
D-74 howitzer |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
122 mm howitzer
Deacon |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
57 mm SP anti-tank gun
Elefant |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
88 mm assault gun
Ehrhardt 7.5 cm Model 1901 |
File:Flag of the German Empire.svg German Empire |
75 mm field gun
Ehrhardt 7.5 cm Model 1904 |
File:Flag of the German Empire.svg German Empire |
75 mm field gun
FH-70 |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom, File:Flag of Germany.svg Germany, File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy |
155 mm howitzer
FH 77 |
File:Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden |
155 mm howitzer
FH-88 |
File:Flag of Singapore.svg Singapore |
155 mm SP howitzer
FH-2000 |
File:Flag of Singapore.svg Singapore |
155 mm howitzer
Flakpanzer 38(t) |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
20 mm SP anti-aircraft gun
"Flaming onion" |
File:Flag of the German Empire.svg German Empire |
British nickname for various 37 mm anti-aircraft guns
Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer Gepard |
File:Flag of Germany.svg Germany |
35 mm SP twin anti-aircraft gun
G5 |
File:Flag of South Africa.svg South Africa |
155 mm towed howitzer
G6 |
File:Flag of South Africa.svg South Africa |
155 mm SP howitzer
G7 |
File:Flag of South Africa.svg South Africa |
105 mm towed howitzer
GC-45 |
File:Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Canada |
155 mm towed howitzer
File:Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Switzerland |
35 mm SP twin anti-aircraft gun
Grasshopper cannon |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
Light mobile gun
Hetzer |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
75 mm assault gun
Indian field gun |
File:Flag of India.svg India |
105 mm field gun
ISU-122 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
122 mm assault gun
ISU-152 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
152 mm assault gun
Jagdpanther V |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
88 mm jagdpanzer (self-propelled anti-tank gun)
Jagdpanzer IV |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
88 mm jagdpanzer (self-propelled anti-tank gun)
Jagdtiger (Sd. Kfz. 186) |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
128 mm jagdpanzer (self-propelled anti-tank gun)
Kanonenjagdpanzer |
File:Flag of Germany.svg Germany |
90 mm assault gun
Kongsberg M.27 |
File:Flag of Norway.svg Norway |
75 mm gun
Krupp 7.5 cm Model 1903 |
File:Flag of the German Empire.svg German Empire |
75 mm field gun
Krupp 7.5 cm Model 1909 |
File:Flag of Argentina.svg Argentina |
75 mm field gun, Argentine Army
Obuzierul Krupp, calibrul 105 mm, model 1912 |
Romania Romania |
105 mm howitzer
KS-12 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
85 mm anti-aircraft gun
KS-19 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
100 mm anti-aircraft gun
KS-30 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
130 mm anti-aircraft gun
Kugelblitz |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
30 mm SP triple anti-aircraft gun
L118 light gun |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
105 mm field gun
Laffly W15TCC |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
47 mm SP anti-tank gun
Leather cannon |
File:Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden |
Experimental lightweight gun
LG1 |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
105 mm towed howitzer
Little David |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
914 mm mortar
Livens Projector |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
203 mm mortar
Long Cecil |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg British Empire |
104 mm howitzer
Luftvärnskanonvagn L-62 Anti II |
File:Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden |
40 mm SP anti-aircraft gun
M1 57 mm anti-tank gun |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
57 mm anti-tank gun
M1 240 mm howitzer |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
240 mm howitzer
M3 37 mm gun |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
37 mm anti-tank gun
M3 howitzer |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
105 mm howitzer
M42 Duster |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
40 mm SP twin anti-aircraft gun
M425 |
File:Flag of Thailand.svg Thailand |
105 mm towed howitzer / self-propelled howitzer
M50 Ontos |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
106 mm SP 6-barrel recoilless rifle
M56 SPAA |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
90 mm SP anti-aircraft / anti-tank gun
M618A2 |
File:Flag of Thailand.svg Thailand |
105 mm towed howitzer
M84 NORA-A |
File:Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg Yugoslavia |
152 mm towed howitzer
M101 howitzer |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
105 mm howitzer
M102 howitzer |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
105 mm howitzer
M109 |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
155 mm SP howitzer
M114 howitzer |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
155 mm howitzer
M115 203 mm howitzer |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
203 mm howitzer
M116 howitzer |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
75 mm howitzer
M119 howitzer |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
105 mm howitzer
M163 VADS |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
20 mm SP anti-aircraft gatling gun
M167 VADS |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
20 mm 6-barrel gatling gun
M198 howitzer |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
155 mm howitzer
M-240 towed mortar |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
240 mm mortar
M247 Sergeant York |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
40 mm SP twin anti-aircraft gun
M389 howitzer |
File:Flag of Russia.svg Russia |
155 mm howitzer
M777 howitzer |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
155 mm howitzer
M1902/M1905 field gun |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
76.2 mm field gun
Machbet |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
20 mm SP anti-aircraft gatling gun / missile system
Marder I |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
75 mm SP anti-tank gun
Marder II |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
75 mm SP anti-tank gun
Marder III |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
75 or 76.2 mm SP anti-tank gun
Marksman anti-aircraft system |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
35 mm SP twin anti-aircraft gun
Möbelwagen |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
37 mm SP anti-aircraft gun
Mörser Karl |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
540 or 600 mm siege mortar
Mortaio da 210/8 D.S. |
File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy |
210 mm siege mortar
Mortier 120mm Rayé Tracté Modèle F1 |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
120 mm towed mortar
Mortier de 280 Schneider |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
280 mm mortar
Nashorn |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
88 mm assault gun
Newton 6-inch mortar |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
152 mm mortar
Nora B-52 |
File:Flag of Serbia.svg Serbia |
152 mm SP howitzer
Nuclear cannon |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
280 mm nuclear cannon
Obice de 75/18 Modello 34, 35 |
File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy |
75 mm gun
Obice da 105/14 |
File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy |
105 mm howitzer
Obice da 149/19 modello 37 |
File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy |
149 mm howitzer
Obice da 210/22 |
File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy |
210 mm howitzer
Obusier de 155 mm Modèle 50 |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
155 mm howitzer
Oerlikon 20 mm cannon |
File:Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Switzerland |
20 mm anti-aircraft gun
Oerlikon 35 mm twin cannon |
File:Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Switzerland |
35 mm twin anti-aircraft gun
Oerlikon GAI-BO1 |
File:Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Switzerland |
20 mm anti-aircraft gun
Ordnance BL 12 pounder 6 cwt |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
76.2 mm field gun
Ordnance BL 12 pounder 7 cwt |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
76.2 mm field gun
Ordnance BL 15 pounder |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
76.2 mm field gun
Ordnance BLC 15 pounder |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
76.2 mm field gun
Ordnance QF 2 pounder |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
40 mm anti-tank gun
Ordnance QF 6 pounder |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
57 mm anti-tank gun
Ordnance QF 12 pounder 8 cwt |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
76.2 mm naval gun
Ordnance QF 13 pounder |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
76.2 mm field gun
Ordnance QF 15 pounder The Ehrhardt |
File:Flag of the German Empire.svg German Empire |
76.2 mm field gun
Ordnance QF 17 pounder |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
76.2 mm anti-tank gun
Ordnance QF 18 pounder |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
83.8 mm field gun
Ordnance QF 25 pounder |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
88 mm towed gun-howitzer
Ostwind |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
37 mm SP anti-aircraft gun
OTO Melara Mod 56 |
File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy |
105 mm pack howitzer
Otomatic Air Defense Tank |
File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy |
76 mm SP anti-aircraft gun
Paladin M109 |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
155 mm SP howitzer
Panzerjäger I |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
47 mm SP anti-tank gun
Patria NEMO |
File:Flag of Finland.svg Finland |
120 mm SP mortar
Paris gun |
File:Flag of the German Empire.svg German Empire |
210 mm siege gun
Patria Vammas M58 |
File:Flag of Finland.svg Finland |
160 mm mortar
PLDvK-53/59 |
File:Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czechoslovakia |
30 mm SP twin anti-aircraft gun
PLDvK vzor 53 |
File:Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czechoslovakia |
30 mm twin anti-aircraft gun
PLK vzor ČS |
File:Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czechoslovakia |
57 mm anti-aircraft gun
Polsten |
File:Flag of Poland.svg Poland, File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
20 mm anti-aircraft gun, a simpler development of the 20mm Oerlikon
PZA Loara |
File:Flag of Poland.svg Poland |
35 mm SP twin anti-aircraft gun
QF 1 pounder pom-pom |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
37 mm automatic cannon
QF 2 pounder naval gun |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
40 mm anti-aircraft gun
QF 2.95 inch mountain gun |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
75 mm mountain gun
QF 3 inch 20 cwt |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
76.2 mm anti-aircraft gun
QF 3.7 inch AA gun |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
94 mm anti-aircraft gun
QF 4-inch naval gun Mk I – III |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
102 mm naval gun
QF 4-inch naval gun Mk IV, XII, XXII |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
102 mm naval and submarine gun
QF 4-inch naval gun Mk V |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
102 mm dual purpose ship and anti-aircraft gun
QF 4-inch naval gun Mk XVI |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
102 mm dual purpose ship and anti-aircraft gun
QF 4-inch naval gun Mk XIX |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
102 mm dual purpose ship and anti-aircraft gun
QF 4-inch naval gun Mk XXIII |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
102 mm submarine gun
QF 4.5-inch howitzer |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
114 mm howitzer
QF 4.5-inch Mk I – V naval gun |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
113 mm dual purpose ship and anti-aircraft gun
QF 4.7-inch Mk I – IV naval gun |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
120 mm naval gun
QF 12-pounder 12 cwt AA gun |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
76.2 mm anti-aircraft gun
QF 13-pounder 6 cwt AA gun |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
76.2 mm anti-aircraft gun
QF 13-pounder Mk IV AA gun |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
76.2 mm anti-aircraft gun
QF 13-pounder 9 cwt |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
76.2 mm anti-aircraft gun
RBL 12-pounder 8 cwt Armstrong gun |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
76.2 mm field gun
Rheinmetall Mk 20 Rh-202 |
File:Flag of Germany.svg Germany |
20 mm twin anti-aircraft gun
Rheinmetall Rh-120 |
File:Flag of Germany.svg Germany |
120 mm tank gun
Rheinmetall LTA2 |
File:Flag of Germany.svg Germany |
105 mm tank gun
Rheinmetall Mk 20 Rh-202 |
File:Flag of Germany.svg Germany |
20 mm vehicle autocannon
Rheinmetall Mk 20 Rh-202 |
File:Flag of Germany.svg Germany |
20 mm anti-aircraft gun
Rimailho Model 1904TR |
File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy |
155 mm howitzer
RML 2.5-inch mountain gun |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
63.5 mm mountain gun
RML 6.3-inch howitzer |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
160 mm Howitzer
RML 7-pounder Mountain gun |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
76.2 mm mountain gun
Rooikat 76 |
File:Flag of South Africa.svg South Africa |
75 mm SP gun
Rooikat 105 |
File:Flag of South Africa.svg South Africa |
105 mm SP gun
Royal Ordnance light towed howitzer |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
155 mm howitzer
RT F1 |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
120 mm towed mortar
Santa Barbara SB-155/54 |
File:Flag of Spain.svg Spain |
155 mm howitzer
Semovente 20/70 Quadruplo |
File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy |
20 mm SP quad anti-aircraft gun
Semovente da 47/32 |
File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy |
47 mm assault gun
Semovente da 75/18 |
File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy |
75 mm SP anti-tank gun
Semovente da 75/34 |
File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy |
75 mm SP anti-tank gun
Semovente da 75/46 |
File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy |
75 mm SP anti-tank gun
Semovente da 90/53 |
File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy |
90 mm SP anti-tank gun
Semovente da 105/25 |
File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy |
105 mm assault gun
Semovente da 149/40 |
File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy |
149 mm SP anti-tank gun
ShM-85 PRAM S |
File:Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czechoslovakia |
120 mm SP mortar
Sidam-25 |
File:Flag of Italy.svg Italy |
25 mm SP anti-aircraft gun
Skoda 37 mm Model 1937 |
File:Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czechoslovakia |
37 mm anti-tank gun
Skoda 75 mm Model 15 |
File:Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867–1918).svg Austria-Hungary |
75 mm mountain gun
Skoda 75 mm Model 1928 |
File:Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czechoslovakia |
75 mm gun
Skoda 75 mm Model 1936 |
File:Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czechoslovakia |
75 mm gun
Skoda 75 mm Model 1939 |
File:Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czechoslovakia |
75 mm gun
Skoda 100 mm Model 1916 |
File:Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867–1918).svg Austria-Hungary |
100 mm mountain gun
Skoda 100 mm M. 16/19 |
File:Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czechoslovakia |
100 mm mountain gun
Skoda 105 mm Model 1939 |
File:Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czechoslovakia |
105 mm gun
Skoda 150 mm Model 1918 |
File:Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867–1918).svg Austria-Hungary |
150 mm gun
Skoda 305 mm |
File:Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867–1918).svg Austria-Hungary |
305 mm siege gun
Skoda K-series |
File:Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czechoslovakia |
149 mm field gun
Skoda Model 1928 gun |
File:Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czechoslovakia |
149 mm field gun
SLAM Pampero MRL |
File:Flag of Argentina.svg Argentina |
105 mm 16 tube SP rocket launcher
Skyshield |
File:Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Switzerland |
35 mm twin anti-aircraft gun
Skysweeper |
File:Flag of the United States (23px).png United States |
75 mm anti-aircraft gun
SLWH Pegasus |
File:Flag of Singapore.svg Singapore |
155 mm howitzer
Soltam 845P |
File:Flag of Israel.svg Israel |
155 mm towed howitzer
Soltam M-66 |
File:Flag of Israel.svg Israel |
160 mm mortar
Soltam M-68 |
File:Flag of Israel.svg Israel |
155 mm howitzer
Soltam M-71 |
File:Flag of Israel.svg Israel |
155 mm howitzer
Sprut Anti-Tank gun |
File:Flag of Russia.svg Russia |
125 mm anti-tank gun
St Chamond 75 mm gun |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
75 mm field gun
StuG III |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
75 mm assault gun
StuG IV |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
75 mm assault gun
SU-76 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
76.2 mm assault gun
SU-76i |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
76.2 mm assault gun
SU-85 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
85 mm assault gun
SU-100 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
100 mm assault gun
SU-122 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
122 mm assault gun
SU-152 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
152 mm assault gun
Sturmtiger |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
380 mm assault gun
T-12 |
File:Flag of Russia.svg Russia |
100 mm anti-tank gun
T-90 anti-aircraft tank |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
12.7 mm SP twin anti-aircraft machine guns
T-155 Panter |
File:Flag of Turkey.svg Turkey |
155 mm howitzer
Tarasque |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
20 mm anti-aircraft gun
TCM-20 |
File:Flag of Israel.svg Israel |
20 mm twin anti-aircraft gun
Tortoise heavy assault tank |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
96 mm tank destroyer
TRF1 |
File:Flag of France.svg France |
155 mm howitzer
Type 1 47 mm anti-tank gun |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
47 mm anti-tank gun
Type 2 20 mm AA machine cannon |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
20 mm twin anti-aircraft gun
Type 3 12 cm AA gun |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
120 mm anti-aircraft gun
Type 3 80 mm AA gun |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
76.2 mm anti-aircraft gun
Type 4 15 cm howitzer |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
149 mm howitzer
Type 4 20 mm twin AA machine cannon |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
20 mm twin anti-aircraft gun
Type 4 75 mm AA gun |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
75 mm anti-aircraft gun
Type 5 15 cm AA gun |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
150 mm anti-aircraft gun
Type 10 120 mm AA gun |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
120 mm anti-aircraft gun
Type 11 75 mm AA gun |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
75 mm anti-aircraft gun
Type 11 |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
37 mm infantry gun
Type 14 10 cm AA gun |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
100 mm anti-aircraft gun
Type 14 10 cm Cannon |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
105 mm field gun
Type 38 10 cm Cannon |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
105 mm field gun
Type 38 15 cm howitzer |
File:Flag of the German Empire.svg German Empire |
149 mm howitzer
Type 38 75 mm field gun |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
75 mm field gun
Type 41 75 mm cavalry gun |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
75 mm field gun
Type 41 75 mm mountain gun |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
75 mm mountain gun
Type 56 |
File:Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg China |
14.5 mm triple anti-aircraft machine gun
Type 58 |
File:Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg China |
14.5 mm twin anti-aircraft machine gun
Type 59 |
File:Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg China |
57 mm anti-aircraft gun
Type 59 |
File:Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg China |
100 mm anti-aircraft gun
Type 59 field gun |
File:Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg China |
130 mm field gun
Type 60 howitzer |
File:Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg China |
122 mm field gun
Type 63 |
File:Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg China |
37 mm twin anti-aircraft gun
Type 63 howitzer |
File:Flag of Thailand.svg Thailand |
75 mm howitzer
Type 66 gun-howitzer |
File:Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg China |
152 mm howitzer
Type 72 |
File:Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg China |
85 mm anti-aircraft gun
Type 74 |
File:Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg China |
37 mm twin anti-aircraft gun
Type 83 howitzer |
File:Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg China |
152 mm howitzer
Type 86 |
File:Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg China |
100 mm anti-tank gun
Type 87 |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
35 mm SP twin anti-aircraft gun
Type 88 |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
75 mm anti-aircraft gun
Type 88 |
File:Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg China |
155 mm towed howitzer
Type 89 15 cm cannon |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
149 mm field gun
Type 91 10 cm howitzer |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
105 mm howitzer
Type 92 10 cm cannon |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
105 mm field gun
Type 92 battalion gun |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
70 mm infantry gun
Type 94 |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
37 mm anti-tank gun
Type 94 75 mm mountain gun |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
75 mm mountain gun
Type 95 75 mm field gun |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
75 mm field gun
Type 96 15 cm howitzer |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
149 mm howitzer
Type 96 25 mm AT/AA gun |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
25 mm anti-aircraft – anti-tank gun
Type 96 25 mm AT/AA gun |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
25 mm twin anti-aircraft gun
Type 98 20 mm AA machine cannon |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
20 mm anti-aircraft gun
Type 98 20 mm AA half-track vehicle |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
20 mm SP anti-aircraft gun
Type 98 20 mm AAG tank |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
20 mm SP twin anti-aircraft gun
Type 99 88 mm AA gun |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
88 mm anti-aircraft gun
File:Flag of Argentina.svg Argentina |
120 mm SP mortar (Vehículo de Combate Transporte de Mortero)
VCA 155 |
File:Flag of Argentina.svg Argentina |
155 mm SP howitzer
Vickers-Crayford rocket gun |
File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom |
Popular name of 1.59-inch breech-loading Vickers Q.F. gun, Mk II
QF 2-pounder naval gun |
File:Flag of Japan.svg Japan |
40 mm anti-aircraft, anti-tank gun
WA 021 |
File:Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg China |
155 mm towed howitzer
Wildcat SPAA |
File:Flag of Germany.svg Germany |
30 mm SP twin anti-aircraft gun
Wirbelwind |
File:Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Nazi Germany |
20 mm SP quad anti-aircraft gun
YaG-10 motorized anti-aircraft |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
76.2 mm SP anti-aircraft gun
ZiS-2 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
57 mm anti-tank gun
ZiS-42 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
25 mm SP anti-aircraft gun
ZPU-1 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
14.5 mm anti-aircraft machine gun
ZPU-2 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
14.5 mm twin anti-aircraft machine gun
ZPU-4 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
14.5 mm quad anti-aircraft machine gun
ZSU-23-4 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
23 mm SP quad anti-aircraft gun
ZSU-23-4MP "Biała" |
File:Flag of Poland.svg Poland |
23 mm SP quad anti-aircraft gun / missile system
ZSU-25 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
25 mm SP twin anti-aircraft gun
ZSU-37 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
37 mm SP anti-aircraft gun
ZSU-57-2 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
57 mm SP twin anti-aircraft gun
ZU-23 |
File:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Soviet Union |
23 mm twin anti-aircraft gun