List of card games by number of cards
This list arranges card games by the number of cards used, part of the aim being to answer the question "what games can I play with these cards?" Only games played with traditional European playing cards are listed. Those played with cards from other regions are not included, nor are proprietary card games since each game comes with a bespoke pack and the question is not relevant. Where two or more packs are listed, games may be predominantly played with just one pack as indicated at the relevant article. The composition is indicated in brackets thus: (suits x cards) e.g. (4 x AKQJT) means 4 suits each containing the Ace, King, Queen, Jack and Ten. The key to suits is: F = French-suited cards, G = German-suited cards, I = Italian-suited cards, Sp = Spanish-suited cards and Sw = Swiss-suited cards.
Games played with classic packs
Games played with 16 cards
French (4 x AQJT) packs:[1]
Games played with 20 cards
French (4 x AKQJT) or German (4 x AKOUT) packs:
- Bauernfangen (G)
- Bauernschnapsen (G)
- Dreierschnapsen (G)
- Short Schafkopf (G)
- Schnapsen (F or G)
Games played with 24 cards
German packs (4 x AKOUT9):
- Bierkopf
- German Solo (modern Hombre)
- Mucken with a shortened pack
- Short Schafkopf
- Sixty-Six
Games played with 28 cards
French packs (4 x AKQJT97):
Games played with 32 cards
French (4 x AKQJT987) or German (4 x AKOUT987) packs:
- Bassadewitz
- Belote
- Bezique
- Bierkopf
- Blattla
- Bohemian Schneider
- Bräus/Brus
- Brusquembille
- Coinche
- Écarté
- Einwerfen
- Elfern
- Fingerkloppe
- Fünfzehnern
- German Schafkopf
- German Solo
- Grasobern
- Klaberjass
- Mau Mau
- Manille
- Mariage
- Mariáš
- Marjolet
- Mucken
- Officers' Skat
- Oma Skat
- Préférence
- Piquet
- Quodlibet
- Réunion
- Schafkopf (long pack)
- Schwimmen
- Sedma
- Sheepshead
- Siebenschräm
- Siebzehn und Vier
- Skat
- Tippen
- Toepen
- Ulti
- Wallachen
- Wendish Schafkopf
Games played with 33 cards
German (William Tell or Double German) packs (4 x AKOUT987 plus Weli):
Games played with 36 cards
Games played with 36 cards may be of considerable antiquity as the standard German card pack reduced to 32 cards during the 19th century (see Dummett 1980). Several of these games are attempts to play the Tarot game of Grosstarock with standard French- or German-suited cards. French (4 x AKQJT9876), German (4 x AKOUT9876) or Swiss (4x AKOUB9876) packs:
- Bauerntarock (G)
- Bavarian Tarock (G)
- Bräus (F)
- Brus (F)
- Brús (F)
- Bruus (F)
- Bura (F)
- Coeur d'Alene Solo (F)
- Denver Solo (F)
- Dobbm (G)
- Durak (F)
- Frog (F)
- German Tarok (G)
- Hindersche (F)
- Schieber (S)
- Knack (F)
- Marjapussi (F)
- Scharwenzel (F)
- Six-bid solo (F)
- Skærvindsel (F)
- Straight Solo (F)
- Svängknack (F)
- Tapp (F)
- Trekort (F)
- Tschau Sepp (S)
- Viersche (F)
- Voormsi (F)
Games played with 40 cards
Italian (4 x RCF765432A), Spanish packs (4 x A3RCF76542) or shortened Tarock (Sküs XXI-IIII + I ♠♣ KQCJT ♥♦ KQCJA) packs:
- Bestia (I)
- Briscola (I)
- Lansquenet (I)
- L'Hombre (Sp)
- Mus (Sp)
- Primero (I or Sp)
- Quadrille (Sp)
- Scopa (I)
- Sette e mezzo (I)
- Tressette (I)
- Zwanzigerrufen (T)
Games played with 42 cards
Shortened Tarock pack (Skiz XXI-I ♣♠ KQCJT ♥♦ KQCJA):
Games played with 48 cards
French (AKQJ98765432) or Swiss (KOUB98765432) packs of 48 cards:
- Kaiserspiel (S)
- Knüffeln (F)
- Styrivolt (F)
Games played with 48 cards (2 x 24)
French or German pack (2 packs each of 4 x AKOUT7):
- Binokel (G)
- Doppelkopf (F or G)
- Gaigel (G)
- Penuchle (Pinochle) (F)
Games played with 52 cards
French-suited packs (4 x AKQJT98765432):
- 3-2-5
- 3-5-8
- 500 Rum
- All fours
- Auction bridge
- Badugi
- Barbu
- Battle or battle royal
- Belle, Fluss and Einunddreißig
- Bingo
- Black lady
- Black Maria
- Blackjack
- Bluke
- Bonken
- Boston
- Botifarra
- Bourré
- Bridge
- Cassino
- Cheat
- Clag
- Colonel
- Conquian
- Costly colours
- Court piece
- Cribbage
- Cucumber
- Cuttle
- Egyptian Ratscrew
- Femkort
- Forty-fives
- German whist
- Gin rummy
- Golf
- Gong Zhu
- Hearts
- Hucklebuck
- Indian rummy
- Kachufool
- King
- Knockout whist
- Köpknack
- Lanterloo
- Liverpool rummy
- Mizerka
- My ship sails
- Napoleon
- Ninety-nine
- Norseman's knock
- Oh hell
- Pedro
- Phat
- Pitch
- Poker
- Put
- Ristikontra
- Rödskägg
- Rummy
- Shelem
- Sheng ji
- Sixty-three
- Smear
- Spades
- Tarneeb
- Staircase rummy
- Texas hold 'em
- Turkish king
- Teen patti
- Vira
- Whist
Games played with 54 cards
Shortened Tarot/Tarock packs (Sküs XXI-I ♣♠KQCVT987 ♥♦ KQCV1234):
- Cego
- Dreierles
- Dreiertarock
- Husarln
- Illustrated Tarock
- Königrufen
- Kosakeln
- Neunzehnerrufen
- Point Tarock
- Strohmandeln
- Tapp Tarock
Games played with 58 cards
French (Zwicker) packs (4 x AKQJT98765432 + 6 Jokers)
Games played with 62 cards
78-card Swiss 1JJ Tarot pack minus the 1-4 of Swords and Batons and 7-10 of Cups and Coins:
62-card Tarocco Bolognese pack
Games played with 66 cards
78-card French-suited tarot pack minus the 3 lowest cards of each suit:
Games played with 78 cards
Tarot/Tarock pack (Fool 21–1 ♣♠ KQCJT98765432A ♥♦ KQCJA23456789T):
Games played with 97 cards
Minchiate pack (40 trumps, Fool and 4 suits of 14 cards):
Games played with 104 cards
French packs (2 packs of 4 x AKQJT98765432):
Games played with 108 cards
French pack (Canasta): 2 packs of 52 cards and 4 Jokers:
Games played with 110 cards
French packs (2 packs of 4 x AKQJT98765432 + 6 Jokers):
Games played with 312 cards
(6 packs of 52 cards)