List of freshwater fishes of Korea
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This is a list of species of fish found in the rivers and lakes of the Korean Peninsula.
- Eudontomyzon morii (Berg, 1931) – Korean lamprey (칠성말배꼽)
- Lethenteron camtschaticum (Tilesius, 1811) – Arctic lamprey (칠성장어)
- Lethenteron reissneri (Dybowski, 1869) – Far Eastern brook lamprey (다묵장어)
Sturgeons and paddlefish
- Acipenser dabryanus (Dumeril, 1868) – Yangtze sturgeon (칼상어)
- Acipenser medirostris (Ayres, 1854) – green sturgeon (용상어)
- Acipenser sinensis (Gray, 1834) – Chinese sturgeon (철갑상어)
- Anguilla japonica (Schlegel, 1846) – Japanese eel (뱀장어)
- Anguilla marmorata (Quoy and Gaiamard, 1824) – marbled eel (무태장어)
- Coilia mystus (Linnaeus, 1758) – tapertail anchovy (싱어)
- Coilia nasus (Temminck et Schlegel, 1846) – Japanese grenadier anchovy (웅어)
- Konosirus punctatus (Temminck et Schlegel, 1846) – dotted gizzard shad (전어)
- Sardinella zunasi (Bleeker, 1854) – Japanese sardinella (밴댕이)
Carp, minnows and loaches
- Abbottina rivularis (Basilewsky, 1855) – Chinese false gudgeon (버들매치)
- Abbottina springeri (Banarescu et Nalbant, 1973) (왜매치)
- Acanthorhodeus chankaensis (Dybowski, 1872) – Khanka spiny bitterling (가시납지리)
- Acanthorhodeus macropterus Bleeker, 1871 (큰납지리)
- Acheilognathus hondae (Jordan et Metz, 1913) (서호납줄갱이)
- Acheilognathus koreensis (Kim et Kim, 1990) (칼납자루)
- Acheilognathus majusculus (Kim et Yang, 1998) (큰줄납자루)
- Acheilognathus rhombeus (Temminck et Schlegel, 1846) (납지리)
- Acheilognathus signifer (Berg, 1907) (묵납자루)
- Acheilognathus somjinensis (Kim et Kim, 1991) (임실납자루)
- Acheilognathus yamatsutae (Mori, 1928) (줄납자루)
- Aphyocypris chinensis (Günther, 1868) – Chinese bleak (왜몰개)
- Barbatula nuda (Bleeker, 1865) (대륙종개)
- Barbatula toni (Dybowski, 1869) – bearded stone loach (종개)
- Carassius carassius (Linnaeus, 1758) – crucian carp (붕어)
- Carassius cuvieri (Temminck et Schlegel, 1846) – Japanese crucian carp (떡붕어)
- Chanodichthys erythropterus (Basilewsky, 1855) – redfin culter (강준치)
- Cobitis lutheri (Rendahl, 1935) – Luther's spiny loach (점줄종개)
- Cobitis pacifica (Kim, Park, et Nalbant, 1999) (북방종개)
- Cobitis sinensis (Sauvage et Dabryi, 1874) – Siberian spiny loach (기름종개)
- Cobitis tetralineata (Kim, Park, et Nalbant, 1999) (줄종개)
- Coreius heterodon (Bleeker, 1865) – brass gudgeon (게톱치)
- Coreoleuciscus splendidus (Mori, 1935) – Korean splendid dace (쉬리)
- Ctenopharyngodon idella (Cuvier et Valenciennes) – grass carp (초어)
- Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus, 1758) – common carp (잉어)
- Gnathopogon strigatus (Regan, 1908) – striped false gudgeon (줄몰개)
- Gobiobotia brevibarba (Mori, 1935) (돌상어)
- Gobiobotia macrocephala (Mori, 1935) (꾸구리)
- Gobiobotia naktongensis (Mori, 1935) (흰수마자)
- Gobio cynocephalus (Dybowski, 1869) – Siberian gudgeon (모샘치)
- Hemibarbus labeo (Pallas, 1707) – steed barbel (누치)
- Hemibarbus longirostris (Regan, 1908) – long-nosed barbel (참마자)
- Hemibarbus mylodon (Berg, 1907) – spotted barbel (어름치)
- Hemiculter leucisculus (Basilewsky, 1855) – sharpbelly (살치)
- Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Cuvier et Valenciennes) – silver carp (백련어)
- Hypophthalmichthys nobilis (Richardson, 1845) – bighead carp (대두어)
- Iksookimia choii (Kim et Son, 1984) – Miho spine loach (미호종개)
- Iksookimia koreensis (Kim, 1975) – Korean spine loach (참종개)
- Iksookimia longicorpa (Kim, Choi, et Nalbant, 1976) (왕종개)
- Iksookimia pumila (Kim et Lee, 1987) – Puan spine loach (부안종개)
- Iksookimia yongdokensis (Kim et Park, 1997) (동방종개)
- Kichulchoia brevifasciata (Kim et Lee, 1996) – dwarf loach (좀수수치)
- Koreocobitis naktongensis (Kim, Park, et Nalbant, 2000) – Nakdong nose loach (얼룩새코미꾸리)
- Koreocobitis rotundicaudata (Wakiya et Mori, 1929) – white nose loach (새코미꾸리)
- Ladislavia taczanowskii (Dybowski, 1869) – Tachanovsky's gudgeon (새미)
- Lefua costata (Kessler, 1876) – eightbarbel loach (쌀미꾸리)
- Leuciscus waleckii (Dybowski, 1869) – Amur ide (야레)
- Mesogobio lachneri (Banarescu et Nalbant, 1973) (압록자그사니)
- Mesogobio tumensis (Chang, 1979) (두만강자그사니)
- Microphysogobio jeoni (Kim et Yang, 1999) (됭경모치)
- Microphysogobio koreensis (Mori, 1935) (모래주사)
- Microphysogobio longidorsalis (Mori, 1935) (배가사리)
- Microphysogobio rapidus (Chae et Yang, 1999) (여울마자)
- Microphysogobio yaluensis (Mori, 1928) (돌마자)
- Misgurnus anguillicaudatus (Cantor, 1842) – pond loach (미꾸리)
- Misgurnus mizolepis (Günther, 1888) – Chinese fine-scaled loach (미꾸라지)
- Nipponocypris temminckii (Temminck & Schlegel, 1846) – dark chub (갈겨니)
- Niwaella multifasciata (Wakiya et Mori, 1929) (수수미꾸리)
- Opsariichthys uncirostris (Temminck & Schlegel, 1846) – three-lips (끄리)
- Phoxinus kumgangensis (Kim, 1980) – Kumgang fat minnow (금강모치)
- Phoxinus phoxinus (Linnaeus, 1758) – common minnow (연준모치)
- Phoxinus semotilus (Jordan & Starks, 1905) (버들가지)
- Pseudogobio esocinus (Temminck et Schlegel, 1846) (모래무지)
- Pseudopungtungia nigra (Mori, 1935) – black shiner (감돌고기)
- Pseudopungtungia tenuicorpus (Jeon et Choi, 1980) – slender shiner (가는돌고기)
- Pseudorasbora parva (Temminck et Schlegel, 1846) – stone moroko (참붕어)
- Pungtungia herzi (Herzenstein, 1892) – striped shiner (돌고기)
- Rhynchocypris oxycephalus (Sauvage et Darby, 1874) – Chinese minnow (버들치)
- Rhynchocypris percnurus (Pallas, 1811) – swamp minnow (동버들개)
- Rhynchocypris steindachneri (Dybowski, 1869) – Amur minnow (버들개)
- Rhodeus ocellatus (Kner, 1867) – rosy bitterling (흰줄납줄개)
- Rhodeus pseudosericeus (Arai, Jeon, et Ueda) (한강납줄개)
- Rhodeus notatus (Nichols, 1929) (떡납줄갱이)
- Rhodeus uyekii (Mori, 1935) (각시붕어)
- Sarcocheilichthys czerskii (Berg, 1914) – Chersky's thicklip gudgeon (북방중고기)
- Sarcocheilichthys nigripinnis (Jordan et Hubbs, 1925) – rainbow gudgeon (중고기)
- Sarcocheilichthys variegatus (Mori, 1927) (참중고기)
- Saurogobio dabryi (Bleeker, 1871) – Chinese lizard gudgeon (두우쟁이)
- Squalidus chankaensis Dybowski, 1872 (참몰개)
- Squalidus gracilis (Temminck and Schlegel, 1846) (긴몰개)
- Squalidus japonicus (Sauvage, 1883) (몰개)
- Squalidus multimaculatus (Hosoya et Jeon, 1984) – spotted-barbel gudgeon (점몰개)
- Squaliobarbus curriculus (Richardson, 1846) – barbel chub (눈불개)
- Tanakia lanceolata (Temminck et Schlegel, 1846) (납자루)
- Tribolodon brandtii (Dybowski, 1872) – Pacific redfin (대황어)
- Tribolodon hakonensis (Günther, 1880) – sea rundace (황어)
- Zacco platypus (Temminck et Schlegel, 1846) – pale chub (피라미)
- Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque, 1818) – channel catfish (찬넬동자개)
- Leiocassis longirostris (Günther, 1864) – Chinese longsnout catfish (종어)
- Liobagrus andersoni (Regan, 1908) (퉁가리)
- Liobagrus mediadiposalis (Mori, 1936) – south torrent catfish (자가사리)
- Liobagrus obesus (Son, Kim, et Choo, 1987) – bullhead torrent catfish (퉁사리)
- Pelteobagrus ussuriensis (Dybowski, 1872) – Ussurian bullhead (대농갱이)
- Pseudobagrus brevicorpus (Mori, 1936) – Korean stumpy bullhead (꼬치동자개)
- Pseudobagrus koreanus (Uchida, 1990) – black bullhead (눈동자개)
- Silurus asotus (Linnaeus, 1758) – Amur catfish (메기)
- Silurus microdorsalis (Mori, 1936) – slender catfish (미유기)
- Tachysurus fulvidraco (Richardson, 1846) – yellow catfish (동자개)
- Tachysurus nitidus (Sauvage et Dabryi, 1874) (밀자개)
- Hypomesus nipponensis (McAllister, 1963) – wakasagi (빙어)
- Neosalanx anderssoni (Rendahl, 1923) – Andersson's icefish (도화뱅어)
- Neosalanx hubbsi (Wakiya et Takahashi, 1937) (실뱅어)
- Neosalanx jordani (Wakiya et Takahashi, 1937) (젓뱅어)
- Plecoglossus altivelis (Temminck et Schlegel, 1846) – ayu (은어)
- Protosalanx chinensis (Basilewsky, 1855) (붕퉁뱅어)
- Salangichthys microdon (Bleeker, 1860) – Japanese icefish (뱅어)
- Salanx ariakensis (Kishinouye, 1901) – Ariake icefish (국수뱅어)
- Salanx prognathus (Regan, 1908) (벚꽃뱅어)
- Brachymystax lenok (Pallas, 1773) – lenok (열목어)
- Hucho ishikawae (Mori, 1928) – Korean taimen (자치)
- Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Walbaum, 1792) – pink salmon (곱사연어)
- Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum, 1792) – chum salmon (연어)
- Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum, 1792) – coho salmon (은연어)
- Oncorhynchus masou (Brevoort, 1856) – masu salmon (송어)
- Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) – rainbow trout (무지개송어)
- Salvelinus leucomaenis (Pallas, 1811) – white-spotted char (홍송어)
- Salvelinus malma (Walbaum, 1792) – Dolly Varden (곤들매기)
- Thymallus yaluensis (Mori, 1928) (사루기)
- Liza affinis (Günther, 1861) – eastern keelback mullet (등줄숭어)
- Liza haematocheilus (Temminck et Schlegel, 1845) – haarder (가숭어)
- Mugil cephalus (Linnaeus, 1758) – flathead mullet (숭어)
Perch-like fish
- Acanthogobius elongatus (Ni et Wu, 1985) (왜풀망둑)
- Acanthogobius flavimanus (Temminck et Schlegel, 1845) – yellowfin goby (문절망둑)
- Acanthogobius lactipes (Hilgendorf, 1879) (흰발망둑)
- Acanthogobius luridus (Ni et Wu, 1985) (비늘흰발망둑)
- Acentrogobius pellidebilis (Lee et Kim, 1992) (점줄망둑)
- Acentrogobius pflaumii (Bleeker, 1853) – striped sand goby (줄망둑)
- Bathygobius fuscus (Ruppel, 1830) – dusky frillgoby (무늬망둑)
- Boleophthalmus pectinirostris (Linnaeus, 1758) – blue-spotted mudskipper (짱뚱어)
- Channa argus (Cantor, 1842) – northern snakehead (가물치)
- Coreoperca herzi (Herzenstein, 1896) – Korean perch (꺽지)
- Coreoperca kawamebari (Temminck et Schlegel, 1842) – Japanese aucha perch (꺽저기)
- Eleotris oxycephala (Temminck et Schlegel, 1845) – spined sleeper (구굴무치)
- Favonigobius gymnauchen (Bleeker, 1860) – sharp-nosed sand goby (날개망둑)
- Gymnogobius castaneus (O'Shaughnessy, 1875) – biringo (날망둑)
- Gymnogobius macrognathos (Bleeker, 1860) - (왜꾹저구)
- Gymnogobius urotaenia (Hilgendorf, 1879) (꾹저구)
- Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier, 1828) – suzuki (농어)
- Lepomis macrochirus (Rafinesque, 1819) – bluegill (블루길)
- Leucopsarion petersii (Hilgendorf, 1880) – ice goby (서백어)
- Luciogobius guttatus (Gill, 1859) – flat-headed goby (미끈망둑)
- Macropodus ocellatus (Cantor, 1842) – roundtail paradisefish (버들붕어)
- Micropercops swinhonis (Gunther, 1873) (좀구굴치)
- Micropterus salmoides (Lacépède, 1802) – largemouth bass (베스)
- Mugilogobius abei (Jordan et Snyder, 1901) – Abe's mangrove goby (모치망둑)
- Mugilogobius fontinalis (Jordan et Seale, 1906) (제주모치망둑)
- Nuchequula nuchalis (Temminck et Schlegel, 1845) – spotnape ponyfish (주둥치)
- Odontamblyopus lacepedii (Temminck et Schlegel, 1845) (개소겡)
- Odontobutis interrupta (Iwata et Jeon, 1985) (얼록동사리)
- Odontobutis obscura (Temminck et Schlegel, 1845) – donko (남방동사리)
- Odontobutis platycephala (Iwata et Jeon, 1985) (동사리)
- Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) – Nile tilapia (나일틸라피아)
- Paratrypauchen microcephalus (Bleeker, 1860) – comb goby (빨갱이)
- Parioglossus dotui (Tomiyama, 1958) (꼬마청황)
- Periopthalmus magnuspinnatus (Lee, Choi, et Ryu, 1995) (큰볏말뚝망둥어)
- Periophthalmus modestus (Cantor, 1842) – Shuttles hoppfish (말뚝망둥어)
- Pseudogobius masago (Tomiyama, 1936) (애기망둑)
- Repomucenus olidus (Gunther, 1873) (강주걱양태)
- Rhinogobius brunneus (Temminck et Schlegel, 1845) – Amur goby (밀어)
- Rhinogobius giurinus (Rutter, 1897) – barcheek goby (갈문망둑)
- Sicyopterus japonicus (Tanaka, 1909) – grazing goby (열동갈문절)
- Siniperca scherzeri (Steindachner, 1892) – golden mandarin fish (쏘가리)
- Synechogobius hasta (Temminck et Schlegel, 1845) – javelin goby (풀망둑)
- Tridentiger bifasciatus (Steindachner, 1881) – Shimofuri goby (민물두줄망둑)
- Tridentiger brevispinis (Katsuyama, Arai, et Nakamura, 1972) (민물검정망둑)
- Tridentiger nudicervicus (Tomiyama, 1934) – bare-naped goby (황줄망둑)
- Tridentiger obscurus (Temminck et Schlegel, 1845) – dusky tripletooth goby (검정망둑)
Needlefish and ricefish
- Hyporhamphus intermedius (Cantor, 1842) – Asian pencil halfbeak (줄공치)
- Hyporhamphus sajori (Temminck et Schlegel, 1845) – Japanese halfbeak (학공치)
- Oryzias latipes (Temminck et Schlegel, 1846) – Japanese rice fish (송사리)
- Oryzias sinensis (Chen, Uwa, et Chu, 1989) – Chinese rice fish (대륙송사리)
- Gasterosteus aculeatus (Linnaeus, 1758) – three-spined stickleback (큰가시고기)
- Pungitius pungitius (Linnaeus, 1758) – ninespine stickleback (청가시고기)
- Pungitius sinensis (Guichenot, 1869) – Amur stickleback (가시고기)
- Pungitius tymensis (Nikolsky, 1889) – Sakhalin stickleback (두만가시고기)
- Syngnathus schlegeli (Kaup, 1856) – seaweed pipefish (실고기)
Swamp eels
- Monopterus albus (Zuiew, 1793) – rice eel (드렁허리)
Scorpionfish, flatheads and sculpins
- Cottus czerskii (Berg, 1913) – Chersky's sculpin (참둑중개)
- Cottus hangiongensis (Mori, 1930) (한둑중개)
- Cottus poecilopus (Heckel, 1837) – alpine bullhead (둑중개)
- Myoxocephalus stelleri (Tilesius, 1811) – Steller's sculpin (개구리꺽정이)
- Platycephalus indicus (Linnaeus, 1758) – bartail flathead (양태)
- Sebastes schlegeli (Hilgendorf, 1880) – Korean rockfish (조피볼락)
- Trachidermus fasciatus (Heckel, 1837) – roughskin sculpin (꺽정이)
- Cynoglossus semilaevis (Gunther, 1873) – tongue sole (박대)
- Kareius bicoloratus (Basilewsky, 1855) – stone flounder (돌가자미)
- Platichthys stellatus (Pallas, 1788) – starry flounder (강도다리)
- Pleuronichthys cornutus (Temminck et Schlegel, 1846) – ridged-eye flounder (도다리)
- Takifugu niphobles (Jordan et Snyder, 1901) – grass puffer (복섬)
- Takifugu obscurus (Abe, 1949) – obscure pufferfish (황복)
- Takifugu poecilonotus (Temminck et Schlegel, 1850) – finepatterned puffer (흰점복)
- Takifugu rubripes (Temminck et Schlegel, 1850) – Japanese pufferfish (자주복)
- Takifugu vermicularis (Temminck et Schlegel, 1850) – purple puffer (매리복)
- Takifugu xanthopterus (Temminck et Schlegel, 1850) – yellowfin pufferfish (까치복)
See also
- List of amphibians of Korea
- List of reptiles of Korea
- List of mammals of Korea
- List of passerine birds of Korea
- List of non-passerine birds of Korea
- Kim, Ik-su (김익수); Park Jong-yeong (박종영) (2002). 한국의 민물고기 [Hangugui minmulgogi / Fish of Korea]. Seoul: Kyo-Hak Publishing. ISBN 89-09-07175-3.