Parabolic cylinder function

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Coordinate surfaces of parabolic cylindrical coordinates. Parabolic cylinder functions occur when separation of variables is used on Laplace's equation in these coordinates
Plot of the parabolic cylinder function Dν(z) with ν = 5 in the complex plane from -2-2i to 2+2i
Plot of the parabolic cylinder function Dν(z) with ν = 5 in the complex plane from −2 − 2i to 2 + 2i

In mathematics, the parabolic cylinder functions are special functions defined as solutions to the differential equation

d2fdz2+(a~z2+b~z+c~)f=0. (1)

This equation is found when the technique of separation of variables is used on Laplace's equation when expressed in parabolic cylindrical coordinates. The above equation may be brought into two distinct forms (A) and (B) by completing the square and rescaling z, called H. F. Weber's equations:[1]

d2fdz2(14z2+a)f=0 (A)


d2fdz2+(14z2a)f=0. (B)

If f(a,z) is a solution, then so are f(a,z),f(a,iz) and f(a,iz). If f(a,z) is a solution of equation (A), then f(ia,ze(1/4)πi) is a solution of (B), and, by symmetry, f(ia,ze(1/4)πi),f(ia,ze(1/4)πi) and f(ia,ze(1/4)πi) are also solutions of (B).


There are independent even and odd solutions of the form (A). These are given by (following the notation of Abramowitz and Stegun (1965)):[2] y1(a;z)=exp(z2/4)1F1(12a+14;12;z22)(even) and y2(a;z)=zexp(z2/4)1F1(12a+34;32;z22)(odd) where 1F1(a;b;z)=M(a;b;z) is the confluent hypergeometric function. Other pairs of independent solutions may be formed from linear combinations of the above solutions.[2] One such pair is based upon their behavior at infinity: U(a,z)=12ξπ[cos(ξπ)Γ(1/2ξ)y1(a,z)2sin(ξπ)Γ(1ξ)y2(a,z)] V(a,z)=12ξπΓ[1/2a][sin(ξπ)Γ(1/2ξ)y1(a,z)+2cos(ξπ)Γ(1ξ)y2(a,z)] where ξ=12a+14. The function U(a, z) approaches zero for large values of z and |arg(z)| < π/2, while V(a, z) diverges for large values of positive real z. limzU(a,z)/(ez2/4za1/2)=1(for|arg(z)|<π/2) and limzV(a,z)/(2πez2/4za1/2)=1(forarg(z)=0). For half-integer values of a, these (that is, U and V) can be re-expressed in terms of Hermite polynomials; alternatively, they can also be expressed in terms of Bessel functions. The functions U and V can also be related to the functions Dp(x) (a notation dating back to Whittaker (1902))[3] that are themselves sometimes called parabolic cylinder functions:[2] U(a,x)=Da12(x),V(a,x)=Γ(12+a)π[sin(πa)Da12(x)+Da12(x)]. Function Da(z) was introduced by Whittaker and Watson as a solution of eq.~(1) with a~=14,b~=0,c~=a+12 bounded at +.[4] It can be expressed in terms of confluent hypergeometric functions as


Power series for this function have been obtained by Abadir (1993).[5]

Parabolic Cylinder U(a,z) function

Integral representation

Integrals along the real line,[6] U(a,z)=e14z2Γ(a+12)0eztta12e12t2dt,a>12, U(a,z)=2πe14z20cos(zt+π2a+π4)ta12e12t2dt,a<12. The fact that these integrals are solutions to equation (A) can be easily checked by direct substitution.


Differentiating the integrals with respect to z gives two expressions for U(a,z), U(a,z)=z2U(a,z)e14z2Γ(a+12)0eztta+12e12t2dt=z2U(a,z)(a+12)U(a+1,z), U(a,z)=z2U(a,z)2πe14z20sin(zt+π2a+π4)ta+12e12t2dt=z2U(a,z)U(a1,z). Adding the two gives another expression for the derivative, 2U(a,z)=(a+12)U(a+1,z)U(a1,z).

Recurrence relation

Subtracting the first two expressions for the derivative gives the recurrence relation, zU(a,z)=U(a1,z)(a+12)U(a+1,z).

Asymptotic expansion

Expanding e12t2=112t2+18t4 in the integrand of the integral representation gives the asymptotic expansion of U(a,z), U(a,z)=e14z2za12(1(a+12)(a+32)21z2+(a+12)(a+32)(a+52)(a+72)81z4).

Power series

Expanding the integral representation in powers of z gives U(a,z)=π2a214Γ(a2+34)π2a2+14Γ(a2+14)z+π2a254Γ(a2+34)z2.

Values at z=0

From the power series one immediately gets U(a,0)=π2a214Γ(a2+34), U(a,0)=π2a2+14Γ(a2+14).

Parabolic cylinder Dν(z) function

Parabolic cylinder function Dν(z) is the solution to the Weber differential equation, u+(ν+1214z2)u=0, that is regular at z+ with the asymptotics Dν(z)e14z2zν. It is thus given as Dν(z)=U(ν1/2,z) and its properties then directly follow from those of the U-function.

Integral representation

Dν(z)=e14z2Γ(ν)0ezttν1e12t2dt,ν<0,z>0, Dν(z)=2πe14z20cos(ztνπ2)tνe12t2dt,ν>1.

Asymptotic expansion

Dν(z)=e14z2zν(1ν(ν1)21z2+ν(ν1)(ν2)(ν3)81z4),z+. If ν is a non-negative integer this series terminates and turns into a polynomial, namely the Hermite polynomial, Dn(z)=e14z22n/2Hn(z2),n=0,1,2,.

Connection with quantum harmonic oscillator

Parabolic cylinder Dν(z) function appears naturally in the Schrödinger equation for the one-dimensional quantum harmonic oscillator (a quantum particle in the oscillator potential), [22m2x2+12mω2x2]ψ(x)=Eψ(x), where is the reduced Planck constant, m is the mass of the particle, x is the coordinate of the particle, ω is the frequency of the oscillator, E is the energy, and ψ(x) is the particle's wave-function. Indeed introducing the new quantities z=xbo,ν=Eω12,bo=2mω, turns the above equation into the Weber's equation for the function u(z)=ψ(zbo), u+(ν+1214z2)u=0.


  1. Weber, H.F. (1869), "Ueber die Integration der partiellen Differentialgleichung 2u/x2+2u/y2+k2u=0", Math. Ann., vol. 1, pp. 1–36
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Abramowitz, Milton; Stegun, Irene Ann, eds. (1983) [June 1964]. "Chapter 19". Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables. Applied Mathematics Series. Vol. 55 (Ninth reprint with additional corrections of tenth original printing with corrections (December 1972); first ed.). Washington D.C.; New York: United States Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards; Dover Publications. p. 686. ISBN 978-0-486-61272-0. LCCN 64-60036. MR 0167642. LCCN 65-12253.
  3. Whittaker, E.T. (1902) "On the functions associated with the parabolic cylinder in harmonic analysis" Proc. London Math. Soc., 35, 417–427.
  4. Whittaker, E. T. and Watson, G. N. (1990) "The Parabolic Cylinder Function." §16.5 in A Course in Modern Analysis, 4th ed. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, pp. 347-348.
  5. Abadir, K. M. (1993) "Expansions for some confluent hypergeometric functions." Journal of Physics A, 26, 4059-4066.
  6. NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions., Release 1.2.2 of 2024-09-15. F. W. J. Olver, A. B. Olde Daalhuis, D. W. Lozier, B. I. Schneider, R. F. Boisvert, C. W. Clark, B. R. Miller, B. V. Saunders, H. S. Cohl, and M. A. McClain, eds.