Serre's criterion for normality

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In algebra, Serre's criterion for normality, introduced by Jean-Pierre Serre, gives necessary and sufficient conditions for a commutative Noetherian ring A to be a normal ring. The criterion involves the following two conditions for A:

  • Rk:A𝔭 is a regular local ring for any prime ideal 𝔭 of height ≤ k.
  • Sk:depthA𝔭inf{k,ht(𝔭)} for any prime ideal 𝔭.[1]

The statement is:

Items 1, 3 trivially follow from the definitions. Item 2 is much deeper. For an integral domain, the criterion is due to Krull. The general case is due to Serre.



(After EGA IV2. Theorem 5.8.6.) Suppose A satisfies S2 and R1. Then A in particular satisfies S1 and R0; hence, it is reduced. If 𝔭i,1ir are the minimal prime ideals of A, then the total ring of fractions K of A is the direct product of the residue fields κ(𝔭i)=Q(A/𝔭i): see total ring of fractions of a reduced ring. That means we can write 1=e1++er where ei are idempotents in κ(𝔭i) and such that eiej=0,ij. Now, if A is integrally closed in K, then each ei is integral over A and so is in A; consequently, A is a direct product of integrally closed domains Aei's and we are done. Thus, it is enough to show that A is integrally closed in K. For this end, suppose


where all f, g, ai's are in A and g is moreover a non-zerodivisor. We want to show:


Now, the condition S2 says that gA is unmixed of height one; i.e., each associated primes 𝔭 of A/gA has height one. This is because if 𝔭 has height greater than one, then 𝔭 would contain a non zero divisor in A/gA. However, 𝔭 is associated to the zero ideal in A/gA so it can only contain zero divisors, see here. By the condition R1, the localization A𝔭 is integrally closed and so ϕ(f)ϕ(g)A𝔭, where ϕ:AA𝔭 is the localization map, since the integral equation persists after localization. If gA=i𝔮i is the primary decomposition, then, for any i, the radical of 𝔮i is an associated prime 𝔭 of A/gA and so fϕ1(𝔮iA𝔭)=𝔮i; the equality here is because 𝔮i is a 𝔭-primary ideal. Hence, the assertion holds.


Suppose A is a normal ring. For S2, let 𝔭 be an associated prime of A/fA for a non-zerodivisor f; we need to show it has height one. Replacing A by a localization, we can assume A is a local ring with maximal ideal 𝔭. By definition, there is an element g in A such that 𝔭={xA|xg0 mod fA} and g∉fA. Put y = g/f in the total ring of fractions. If y𝔭𝔭, then 𝔭 is a faithful A[y]-module and is a finitely generated A-module; consequently, y is integral over A and thus in A, a contradiction. Hence, y𝔭=A or 𝔭=f/gA, which implies 𝔭 has height one (Krull's principal ideal theorem). For R1, we argue in the same way: let 𝔭 be a prime ideal of height one. Localizing at 𝔭 we assume 𝔭 is a maximal ideal and the similar argument as above shows that 𝔭 is in fact principal. Thus, A is a regular local ring.



  • Grothendieck, Alexandre; Dieudonné, Jean (1965). "Éléments de géométrie algébrique: IV. Étude locale des schémas et des morphismes de schémas, Seconde partie". Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS. 24. doi:10.1007/bf02684322. MR 0199181.
  • H. Matsumura, Commutative algebra, 1970.