Telescoping Markov chain

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In probability theory, a telescoping Markov chain (TMC) is a vector-valued stochastic process that satisfies a Markov property and admits a hierarchical format through a network of transition matrices with cascading dependence.[1] For any N>1 consider the set of spaces {𝒮}=1N. The hierarchical process θk defined in the product-space


is said to be a TMC if there is a set of transition probability kernels {Λn}n=1N such that

  1. θk1 is a Markov chain with transition probability matrix Λ1
  2. there is a cascading dependence in every level of the hierarchy,
    (θkn=sθk1n=r,θkn1=t)=Λn(sr,t)     for all n2.
  3. θk satisfies a Markov property with a transition kernel that can be written in terms of the Λ's,
where s=(s1,,sN)𝒮1××𝒮N and r=(r1,,rN)𝒮1××𝒮N.
