The "Pretty Little Lightning Paw" E.P. is an EP by Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra & Tra-La-La Band under the name Thee Silver Mountain Reveries. It was released May 2004 on Constellation Records. The name the band assumed for this EP was temporary; they have since reverted to using Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra.
Many of the band members switched instruments for this recording.[3] For example, Sophie Trudeau, who usually plays violin, plays bass guitar. Ian Ilavsky, usually one of the band's guitarists, plays drums. When recording was complete, the EP was played on a boombox and rerecorded from that, giving it a rough sound.[3]
On the track, "There's a River in the Valley Made of Melting Snow", the Hebrew lyric, "baruch atta adonai" (ברוך אתה אדוני), means "bless the Lord".