The show featured ten matches that resulted from scripted storylines, where wrestlers portray heroes, villains, or less distinguishable characters in scripted events that build tension and culminate in a wrestling match or series of matches.[2]
On August 23, 2020, Tetsuya Endo won the annual King of DDT tournament by defeating T-Hawk in the finals. Usually, the winner of the tournament would receive a shot at the KO-D Openweight Championship, but since Endo was already holding the title, he was allowed to choose his challenger. Endo initially named Kenny Omega, a former DDT full-time member, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, travel restrictions prevented the match from happening. At Get Alive 2020, Endo chose his Damnation stablemate Daisuke Sasaki to be his challenger instead.[3] On September 27, at Who's Gonna Top? 2020, Sasaki hit Endo with a low blow and ordered the rest of Damnation and #StrongHearts to beat Endo up. They refused and attacked Sasaki instead before announcing he was being kicked out of the unit. In a following interview, Sasaki refused to acknowledge his eviction and promised that he would leave DDT if he failed to defeat Endo.[4] On October 3, at "This Will Be Our Third Narimasu Event! 2020", a handicap match pitting Sasaki against the team of Endo and T-Hawk ended in a disqualification when Damnation interfered in order to attack Sasaki. Hiroshi Yamato came to Sasaki's rescue and the match was restarted as a regular tag team match that Yamato and Sasaki were unable to win.[5]
In February, Chris Brookes became the inaugural DDT Universal Champion, a title created to attract an international viewership to DDT's programming. By June, he was already a two-time champion, and after defending his title against Naomi Yoshimura on October 10, at DDT TV Show! #9, he called his opponent weak. Unhappy about the insult, Yoshimura's tag team partner Yuki Ueno came out to challenge Brookes to a title match.[6] Days later, at a press conference, Brookes presented Ueno with flowers as if he was already mourning Ueno's KO-D Tag Team Championship title reign and the end of his tag team as Yoshimura was scheduled to take a medical leave of absence following the Ultimate Party event.