Banach–Alaoglu theorem

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In functional analysis and related branches of mathematics, the Banach–Alaoglu theorem (also known as Alaoglu's theorem) states that the closed unit ball of the dual space of a normed vector space is compact in the weak* topology.[1] A common proof identifies the unit ball with the weak-* topology as a closed subset of a product of compact sets with the product topology. As a consequence of Tychonoff's theorem, this product, and hence the unit ball within, is compact. This theorem has applications in physics when one describes the set of states of an algebra of observables, namely that any state can be written as a convex linear combination of so-called pure states.


According to Lawrence Narici and Edward Beckenstein, the Alaoglu theorem is a “very important result—maybe the most important fact about the weak-* topology—[that] echos throughout functional analysis.”[2] In 1912, Helly proved that the unit ball of the continuous dual space of C([a,b]) is countably weak-* compact.[3] In 1932, Stefan Banach proved that the closed unit ball in the continuous dual space of any separable normed space is sequentially weak-* compact (Banach only considered sequential compactness).[3] The proof for the general case was published in 1940 by the mathematician Leonidas Alaoglu. According to Pietsch [2007], there are at least twelve mathematicians who can lay claim to this theorem or an important predecessor to it.[2] The Bourbaki–Alaoglu theorem is a generalization[4][5] of the original theorem by Bourbaki to dual topologies on locally convex spaces. This theorem is also called the Banach–Alaoglu theorem or the weak-* compactness theorem and it is commonly called simply the Alaoglu theorem.[2]


If X is a vector space over the field 𝕂 then X# will denote the algebraic dual space of X and these two spaces are henceforth associated with the bilinear evaluation map ,:X×X#𝕂 defined by x,f=deff(x) where the triple X,X#,, forms a dual system called the canonical dual system. If X is a topological vector space (TVS) then its continuous dual space will be denoted by X, where XX# always holds. Denote the weak-* topology on X# by σ(X#,X) and denote the weak-* topology on X by σ(X,X). The weak-* topology is also called the topology of pointwise convergence because given a map f and a net of maps f=(fi)iI, the net f converges to f in this topology if and only if for every point x in the domain, the net of values (fi(x))iI converges to the value f(x).

Alaoglu theorem[3] — For any topological vector space (TVS) X (not necessarily Hausdorff or locally convex) with continuous dual space X, the polar U={fX:supuU|f(u)|1} of any neighborhood U of origin in X is compact in the weak-* topology[note 1] σ(X,X) on X. Moreover, U is equal to the polar of U with respect to the canonical system X,X# and it is also a compact subset of (X#,σ(X#,X)).

Proof involving duality theory


Denote by the underlying field of X by 𝕂, which is either the real numbers or complex numbers . This proof will use some of the basic properties that are listed in the articles: polar set, dual system, and continuous linear operator. To start the proof, some definitions and readily verified results are recalled. When X# is endowed with the weak-* topology σ(X#,X), then this Hausdorff locally convex topological vector space is denoted by (X#,σ(X#,X)). The space (X#,σ(X#,X)) is always a complete TVS; however, (X,σ(X,X)) may fail to be a complete space, which is the reason why this proof involves the space (X#,σ(X#,X)). Specifically, this proof will use the fact that a subset of a complete Hausdorff space is compact if (and only if) it is closed and totally bounded. Importantly, the subspace topology that X inherits from (X#,σ(X#,X)) is equal to σ(X,X). This can be readily verified by showing that given any fX, a net in X converges to f in one of these topologies if and only if it also converges to f in the other topology (the conclusion follows because two topologies are equal if and only if they have the exact same convergent nets). The triple X,X is a dual pairing although unlike X,X#, it is in general not guaranteed to be a dual system. Throughout, unless stated otherwise, all polar sets will be taken with respect to the canonical pairing X,X. Let U be a neighborhood of the origin in X and let:

  • U={fX:supuU|f(u)|1} be the polar of U with respect to the canonical pairing X,X;
  • U={xX:supfU|f(x)|1} be the bipolar of U with respect to X,X;
  • U#={fX#:supuU|f(u)|1} be the polar of U with respect to the canonical dual system X,X#. Note that U=U#X.

A well known fact about polar sets is that UU.

  1. Show that U# is a σ(X#,X)-closed subset of X#: Let fX# and suppose that f=(fi)iI is a net in U# that converges to f in (X#,σ(X#,X)). To conclude that fU#, it is sufficient (and necessary) to show that |f(u)|1 for every uU. Because fi(u)f(u) in the scalar field 𝕂 and every value fi(u) belongs to the closed (in 𝕂) subset {s𝕂:|s|1}, so too must this net's limit f(u) belong to this set. Thus |f(u)|1.
  2. Show that U#=U and then conclude that U is a closed subset of both (X#,σ(X#,X)) and (X,σ(X,X)): The inclusion UU# holds because every continuous linear functional is (in particular) a linear functional. For the reverse inclusion U#U, let fU# so that supuU|f(u)|1, which states exactly that the linear functional f is bounded on the neighborhood U; thus f is a continuous linear functional (that is, fX) and so fU, as desired. Using (1) and the fact that the intersection U#X=UX=U is closed in the subspace topology on X, the claim about U being closed follows.
  3. Show that U is a σ(X,X)-totally bounded subset of X: By the bipolar theorem, UU where because the neighborhood U is an absorbing subset of X, the same must be true of the set U; it is possible to prove that this implies that U is a σ(X,X)-bounded subset of X. Because X distinguishes points of X, a subset of X is σ(X,X)-bounded if and only if it is σ(X,X)-totally bounded. So in particular, U is also σ(X,X)-totally bounded.
  4. Conclude that U is also a σ(X#,X)-totally bounded subset of X#: Recall that the σ(X,X) topology on X is identical to the subspace topology that X inherits from (X#,σ(X#,X)). This fact, together with (3) and the definition of "totally bounded", implies that U is a σ(X#,X)-totally bounded subset of X#.
  5. Finally, deduce that U is a σ(X,X)-compact subset of X: Because (X#,σ(X#,X)) is a complete TVS and U is a closed (by (2)) and totally bounded (by (4)) subset of (X#,σ(X#,X)), it follows that U is compact.

If X is a normed vector space, then the polar of a neighborhood is closed and norm-bounded in the dual space. In particular, if U is the open (or closed) unit ball in X then the polar of U is the closed unit ball in the continuous dual space X of X (with the usual dual norm). Consequently, this theorem can be specialized to:

Banach–Alaoglu theorem — If X is a normed space then the closed unit ball in the continuous dual space X (endowed with its usual operator norm) is compact with respect to the weak-* topology.

When the continuous dual space X of X is an infinite dimensional normed space then it is impossible for the closed unit ball in X to be a compact subset when X has its usual norm topology. This is because the unit ball in the norm topology is compact if and only if the space is finite-dimensional (cf. F. Riesz theorem). This theorem is one example of the utility of having different topologies on the same vector space. It should be cautioned that despite appearances, the Banach–Alaoglu theorem does not imply that the weak-* topology is locally compact. This is because the closed unit ball is only a neighborhood of the origin in the strong topology, but is usually not a neighborhood of the origin in the weak-* topology, as it has empty interior in the weak* topology, unless the space is finite-dimensional. In fact, it is a result of Weil that all locally compact Hausdorff topological vector spaces must be finite-dimensional.

Elementary proof

The following elementary proof does not utilize duality theory and requires only basic concepts from set theory, topology, and functional analysis. What is needed from topology is a working knowledge of net convergence in topological spaces and familiarity with the fact that a linear functional is continuous if and only if it is bounded on a neighborhood of the origin (see the articles on continuous linear functionals and sublinear functionals for details). Also required is a proper understanding of the technical details of how the space 𝕂X of all functions of the form X𝕂 is identified as the Cartesian product xX𝕂, and the relationship between pointwise convergence, the product topology, and subspace topologies they induce on subsets such as the algebraic dual space X# and products of subspaces such as xXBrx. An explanation of these details is now given for readers who are interested.

Primer on product/function spaces, nets, and pointwise convergence

For every real r, Br=def{c𝕂:|c|r} will denote the closed ball of radius r centered at 0 and rU=def{ru:uU} for any UX, Identification of functions with tuples The Cartesian product xX𝕂 is usually thought of as the set of all X-indexed tuples s=(sx)xX but, since tuples are technically just functions from an indexing set, it can also be identified with the space 𝕂X of all functions having prototype X𝕂, as is now described:

  • Function Tuple: A function s:X𝕂 belonging to 𝕂X is identified with its (X-indexed) "tuple of values" s=def(s(x))xX.
  • Tuple Function: A tuple s=(sx)xX in xX𝕂 is identified with the function s:X𝕂 defined by s(x)=defsx; this function's "tuple of values" is the original tuple (sx)xX.

This is the reason why many authors write, often without comment, the equality 𝕂X=xX𝕂 and why the Cartesian product xX𝕂 is sometimes taken as the definition of the set of maps 𝕂X (or conversely). However, the Cartesian product, being the (categorical) product in the category of sets (which is a type of inverse limit), also comes equipped with associated maps that are known as its (coordinate) projections. The canonical projection of the Cartesian product at a given point zX is the function Prz:xX𝕂𝕂 defined by s=(sx)xXsz where under the above identification, Prz sends a function s:X𝕂 to Prz(s)=defs(z). Stated in words, for a point z and function s, "plugging z into s" is the same as "plugging s into Prz". In particular, suppose that (rx)xX are non-negative real numbers. Then xXBrxxX𝕂=𝕂X, where under the above identification of tuples with functions, xXBrx is the set of all functions s𝕂X such that s(x)Brx for every xX. If a subset UX partitions X into X=U(XU) then the linear bijection H:xX𝕂(uU𝕂)×xXU𝕂(fx)xX((fu)uU,(fx)xXU) canonically identifies these two Cartesian products; moreover, this map is a homeomorphism when these products are endowed with their product topologies. In terms of function spaces, this bijection could be expressed as H:𝕂X𝕂U×𝕂XUf(f|U,f|XU). Notation for nets and function composition with nets A net x=(xi)iI in X is by definition a function x:IX from a non-empty directed set (I,). Every sequence in X, which by definition is just a function of the form X, is also a net. As with sequences, the value of a net x at an index iI is denoted by xi; however, for this proof, this value xi may also be denoted by the usual function parentheses notation x(i). Similarly for function composition, if F:XY is any function then the net (or sequence) that results from "plugging x into F" is just the function Fx:IY, although this is typically denoted by (F(xi))iI (or by (F(xi))i=1 if x is a sequence). In the proofs below, this resulting net may be denoted by any of the following notations F(x)=(F(xi))iI=defFx, depending on whichever notation is cleanest or most clearly communicates the intended information. In particular, if F:XY is continuous and xx in X, then the conclusion commonly written as (F(xi))iIF(x) may instead be written as F(x)F(x) or FxF(x). Topology The set 𝕂X=xX𝕂 is assumed to be endowed with the product topology. It is well known that the product topology is identical to the topology of pointwise convergence. This is because given f and a net (fi)iI, where f and every fi is an element of 𝕂X=xX𝕂, then the net (fi)iIf converges in the product topology if and only if

for every zX, the net Prz((fi)iI)Prz(f) converges in 𝕂,

where because Prz(f)=f(z) and Prz((fi)iI)=def(Prz(fi))iI=(fi(z))iI, this happens if and only if

for every zX, the net (fi(z))iIf(z) converges in 𝕂,

Thus (fi)iI converges to f in the product topology if and only if it converges to f pointwise on X. This proof will also use the fact that the topology of pointwise convergence is preserved when passing to topological subspaces. This means, for example, that if for every xX, Sx𝕂 is some (topological) subspace of 𝕂 then the topology of pointwise convergence (or equivalently, the product topology) on xXSx is equal to the subspace topology that the set xXSx inherits from xX𝕂. And if Sx is closed in 𝕂 for every xX, then xXSx is a closed subset of xX𝕂. Characterization of supuU|f(u)|r An important fact used by the proof is that for any real r, supuU|f(u)|r if and only if f(U)Br where sup denotes the supremum and f(U)=def{f(u):uU}. As a side note, this characterization does not hold if the closed ball Br is replaced with the open ball {c𝕂:|c|<r} (and replacing supuU|f(u)|r with the strict inequality supuU|f(u)|<r will not change this; for counter-examples, consider X=def𝕂 and the identity map f=defId on X).

The essence of the Banach–Alaoglu theorem can be found in the next proposition, from which the Banach–Alaoglu theorem follows. Unlike the Banach–Alaoglu theorem, this proposition does not require the vector space X to endowed with any topology.

Proposition[3] — Let U be a subset of a vector space X over the field 𝕂 (where 𝕂= or 𝕂=) and for every real number r, endow the closed ball Br=def{s𝕂:|s|r} with its usual topology (X need not be endowed with any topology, but 𝕂 has its usual Euclidean topology). Define U#=def{fX#:supuU|f(u)|1}. If for every xX, rx>0 is a real number such that xrxU, then U# is a closed and compact subspace of the product space xXBrx (where because this product topology is identical to the topology of pointwise convergence, which is also called the weak-* topology in functional analysis, this means that U# is compact in the weak-* topology or "weak-* compact" for short).

Before proving the proposition above, it is first shown how the Banach–Alaoglu theorem follows from it (unlike the proposition, Banach–Alaoglu assumes that X is a topological vector space (TVS) and that U is a neighborhood of the origin).

Proof that Banach–Alaoglu follows from the proposition above

Assume that X is a topological vector space with continuous dual space X and that U is a neighborhood of the origin. Because U is a neighborhood of the origin in X, it is also an absorbing subset of X, so for every xX, there exists a real number rx>0 such that xrxU. Thus the hypotheses of the above proposition are satisfied, and so the set U# is therefore compact in the weak-* topology. The proof of the Banach–Alaoglu theorem will be complete once it is shown that U#=U,[note 2] where recall that U was defined as U=def{fX:supuU|f(u)|1}=U#X. Proof that U=U#: Because U=U#X, the conclusion is equivalent to U#X. If fU# then supuU|f(u)|1, which states exactly that the linear functional f is bounded on the neighborhood U; thus f is a continuous linear functional (that is, fX), as desired.

Proof of Proposition

The product space xXBrx is compact by Tychonoff's theorem (since each closed ball Brx=def{s𝕂:|s|rx} is a Hausdorff[note 3] compact space). Because a closed subset of a compact space is compact, the proof of the proposition will be complete once it is shown that U#=def{fX#:supuU|f(u)|1}={fX#:f(U)B1} is a closed subset of xXBrx. The following statements guarantee this conclusion:

  1. U#xXBrx.
  2. U# is a closed subset of the product space xX𝕂=𝕂X.

Proof of (1): For any zX, let Prz:xX𝕂𝕂 denote the projection to the zth coordinate (as defined above). To prove that U#xXBrx, it is sufficient (and necessary) to show that Prx(U#)Brx for every xX. So fix xX and let fU#. Because Prx(f)=f(x), it remains to show that f(x)Brx. Recall that rx>0 was defined in the proposition's statement as being any positive real number that satisfies xrxU (so for example, ru:=1 would be a valid choice for each uU), which implies ux=def1rxxU. Because f is a positive homogeneous function that satisfies supuU|f(u)|1, 1rx|f(x)|=|1rxf(x)|=|f(1rxx)|=|f(ux)|supuU|f(u)|1. Thus |f(x)|rx, which shows that f(x)Brx, as desired. Proof of (2): The algebraic dual space X# is always a closed subset of 𝕂X=xX𝕂 (this is proved in the lemma below for readers who are not familiar with this result). The set UB1=def{f𝕂X:supuU|f(u)|1}={f𝕂X:f(u)B1 for all uU}={(fx)xXxX𝕂:fuB1 for all uU}=xXCx where Cx=def{B1 if xU𝕂 if x∉U is closed in the product topology on xX𝕂=𝕂X since it is a product of closed subsets of 𝕂. Thus UB1X#=U# is an intersection of two closed subsets of 𝕂X, which proves (2).[note 4]

The conclusion that the set UB1={f𝕂X:f(U)B1} is closed can also be reached by applying the following more general result, this time proved using nets, to the special case Y:=𝕂 and B:=B1.

Observation: If UX is any set and if BY is a closed subset of a topological space Y, then UB=def{fYX:f(U)B} is a closed subset of YX in the topology of pointwise convergence.
Proof of observation: Let fYX and suppose that (fi)iI is a net in UB that converges pointwise to f. It remains to show that fUB, which by definition means f(U)B. For any uU, because (fi(u))iIf(u) in Y and every value fi(u)fi(U)B belongs to the closed (in Y) subset B, so too must this net's limit belong to this closed set; thus f(u)B, which completes the proof.

Lemma (X# is closed in 𝕂X) — The algebraic dual space X# of any vector space X over a field 𝕂 (where 𝕂 is or ) is a closed subset of 𝕂X=xX𝕂 in the topology of pointwise convergence. (The vector space X need not be endowed with any topology).

Proof of lemma

Let f𝕂X and suppose that f=(fi)iI is a net in X# the converges to f in 𝕂X. To conclude that fX#, it must be shown that f is a linear functional. So let s be a scalar and let x,yX. For any zX, let f(z):I𝕂 denote f's net of values at z f(z)=def(fi(z))iI. Because ff in 𝕂X, which has the topology of pointwise convergence, f(z)f(z) in 𝕂 for every zX. By using x,y,sx, and x+y, in place of z, it follows that each of the following nets of scalars converges in 𝕂: f(x)f(x),f(y)f(y),f(x+y)f(x+y), and f(sx)f(sx). Proof that f(sx)=sf(x): Let M:𝕂𝕂 be the "multiplication by s" map defined by M(c)=defsc. Because M is continuous and f(x)f(x) in 𝕂, it follows that M(f(x))M(f(x)) where the right hand side is M(f(x))=sf(x) and the left hand side is M(f(x))=defMf(x) by definition of notation =(M(fi(x)))iI because f(x)=(fi(x))iI:I𝕂=(sfi(x))iIM(fi(x))=defsfi(x)=(fi(sx))iI by linearity of fi=f(sx) notation  which proves that f(sx)sf(x). Because also f(sx)f(sx) and limits in 𝕂 are unique, it follows that sf(x)=f(sx), as desired. Proof that f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y): Define a net z=(zi)iI:I𝕂×𝕂 by letting zi=def(fi(x),fi(y)) for every iI. Because f(x)=(fi(x))iIf(x) and f(y)=(fi(y))iIf(y), it follows that z(f(x),f(y)) in 𝕂×𝕂. Let A:𝕂×𝕂𝕂 be the addition map defined by A(x,y)=defx+y. The continuity of A implies that A(z)A(f(x),f(y)) in 𝕂 where the right hand side is A(f(x),f(y))=f(x)+f(y) and the left hand side is A(z)=defAz=(A(zi))iI=(A(fi(x),fi(y)))iI=(fi(x)+fi(y))iI=(fi(x+y))iI=f(x+y) which proves that f(x+y)f(x)+f(y). Because also f(x+y)f(x+y), it follows that f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y), as desired.

The lemma above actually also follows from its corollary below since xX𝕂 is a Hausdorff complete uniform space and any subset of such a space (in particular X#) is closed if and only if it is complete.

Corollary to lemma (X# is weak-* complete) — When the algebraic dual space X# of a vector space X is equipped with the topology σ(X#,X) of pointwise convergence (also known as the weak-* topology) then the resulting topological space (X#,σ(X#,X)) is a complete Hausdorff locally convex topological vector space.

Proof of corollary to lemma

Because the underlying field 𝕂 is a complete Hausdorff locally convex topological vector space, the same is true of the product space 𝕂X=xX𝕂. A closed subset of a complete space is complete, so by the lemma, the space (X#,σ(X#,X)) is complete.

The above elementary proof of the Banach–Alaoglu theorem actually shows that if UX is any subset that satisfies X=(0,)U=def{ru:r>0,uU} (such as any absorbing subset of X), then U#=def{fX#:f(U)B1} is a weak-* compact subset of X#. As a side note, with the help of the above elementary proof, it may be shown (see this footnote)[proof 1] that there exist X-indexed non-negative real numbers m=(mx)xX such that U=U#=X#xXBmx=XxXBmx where these real numbers m can also be chosen to be "minimal" in the following sense: using P=defU (so P=U# as in the proof) and defining the notation BR=defxXBRx for any R=(Rx)xXX, if TP=def{RX:PBR} then mTP and for every xX, mx=inf{Rx:RTP}, which shows that these numbers m are unique; indeed, this infimum formula can be used to define them. In fact, if BoxP denotes the set of all such products of closed balls containing the polar set P, BoxP=def{BR:RTP}={BR:PBR}, then Bm=BoxPBoxP where BoxP denotes the intersection of all sets belonging to BoxP. This implies (among other things[note 5]) that Bm=xXBmx the unique least element of BoxP with respect to ; this may be used as an alternative definition of this (necessarily convex and balanced) set. The function m=def(mx)xX:X[0,) is a seminorm and it is unchanged if U is replaced by the convex balanced hull of U (because U#=[cobalU]#). Similarly, because U=[clXU], m is also unchanged if U is replaced by its closure in X.

Sequential Banach–Alaoglu theorem

A special case of the Banach–Alaoglu theorem is the sequential version of the theorem, which asserts that the closed unit ball of the dual space of a separable normed vector space is sequentially compact in the weak-* topology. In fact, the weak* topology on the closed unit ball of the dual of a separable space is metrizable, and thus compactness and sequential compactness are equivalent. Specifically, let X be a separable normed space and B the closed unit ball in X. Since X is separable, let x=(xn)n=1 be a countable dense subset. Then the following defines a metric, where for any x,yB ρ(x,y)=n=12n|xy,xn|1+|xy,xn| in which , denotes the duality pairing of X with X. Sequential compactness of B in this metric can be shown by a diagonalization argument similar to the one employed in the proof of the Arzelà–Ascoli theorem. Due to the constructive nature of its proof (as opposed to the general case, which is based on the axiom of choice), the sequential Banach–Alaoglu theorem is often used in the field of partial differential equations to construct solutions to PDE or variational problems. For instance, if one wants to minimize a functional F:X on the dual of a separable normed vector space X, one common strategy is to first construct a minimizing sequence x1,x2,X which approaches the infimum of F, use the sequential Banach–Alaoglu theorem to extract a subsequence that converges in the weak* topology to a limit x, and then establish that x is a minimizer of F. The last step often requires F to obey a (sequential) lower semi-continuity property in the weak* topology. When X is the space of finite Radon measures on the real line (so that X=C0() is the space of continuous functions vanishing at infinity, by the Riesz representation theorem), the sequential Banach–Alaoglu theorem is equivalent to the Helly selection theorem.


For every xX, let Dx={c:|c|x} and let D=xXDx be endowed with the product topology. Because every Dx is a compact subset of the complex plane, Tychonoff's theorem guarantees that their product D is compact. The closed unit ball in X, denoted by B1, can be identified as a subset of D in a natural way: F:B1Df(f(x))xX. This map is injective and it is continuous when B1 has the weak-* topology. This map's inverse, defined on its image, is also continuous. It will now be shown that the image of the above map is closed, which will complete the proof of the theorem. Given a point λ=(λx)xXD and a net (fi(x))xX in the image of F indexed by iI such that limi(fi(x))xXλ in D, the functional g:X defined by g(x)=λx for every xX, lies in B1 and F(g)=λ.


Consequences for normed spaces

Assume that X is a normed space and endow its continuous dual space X with the usual dual norm.

  • The closed unit ball in X is weak-* compact.[3] So if X is infinite dimensional then its closed unit ball is necessarily not compact in the norm topology by F. Riesz's theorem (despite it being weak-* compact).
  • A Banach space is reflexive if and only if its closed unit ball is σ(X,X)-compact; this is known as James' theorem.[3]
  • If X is a reflexive Banach space, then every bounded sequence in X has a weakly convergent subsequence. (This follows by applying the Banach–Alaoglu theorem to a weakly metrizable subspace of X; or, more succinctly, by applying the Eberlein–Šmulian theorem.) For example, suppose that X is the space Lp space Lp(μ) where 1<p< and let q satisfy 1p+1q=1. Let f1,f2, be a bounded sequence of functions in X. Then there exists a subsequence (fnk)k=1 and an fX such that fnkgdμfgdμ for all gLq(μ)=X. The corresponding result for p=1 is not true, as L1(μ) is not reflexive.

Consequences for Hilbert spaces

  • In a Hilbert space, every bounded and closed set is weakly relatively compact, hence every bounded net has a weakly convergent subnet (Hilbert spaces are reflexive).
  • As norm-closed, convex sets are weakly closed (Hahn–Banach theorem), norm-closures of convex bounded sets in Hilbert spaces or reflexive Banach spaces are weakly compact.
  • Closed and bounded sets in B(H) are precompact with respect to the weak operator topology (the weak operator topology is weaker than the ultraweak topology which is in turn the weak-* topology with respect to the predual of B(H), the trace class operators). Hence bounded sequences of operators have a weak accumulation point. As a consequence, B(H) has the Heine–Borel property, if equipped with either the weak operator or the ultraweak topology.

Relation to the axiom of choice and other statements

The Banach–Alaoglu may be proven by using Tychonoff's theorem, which under the Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory (ZF) axiomatic framework is equivalent to the axiom of choice. Most mainstream functional analysis relies on ZF + the axiom of choice, which is often denoted by ZFC. However, the theorem does not rely upon the axiom of choice in the separable case (see above): in this case there actually exists a constructive proof. In the general case of an arbitrary normed space, the ultrafilter Lemma, which is strictly weaker than the axiom of choice and equivalent to Tychonoff's theorem for compact Hausdorff spaces, suffices for the proof of the Banach–Alaoglu theorem, and is in fact equivalent to it. The Banach–Alaoglu theorem is equivalent to the ultrafilter lemma, which implies the Hahn–Banach theorem for real vector spaces (HB) but is not equivalent to it (said differently, Banach–Alaoglu is also strictly stronger than HB). However, the Hahn–Banach theorem is equivalent to the following weak version of the Banach–Alaoglu theorem for normed space[6] in which the conclusion of compactness (in the weak-* topology of the closed unit ball of the dual space) is replaced with the conclusion of quasicompactness (also sometimes called convex compactness);

Weak version of Alaoglu theorem[6] — Let X be a normed space and let B denote the closed unit ball of its continuous dual space X. Then B has the following property, which is called (weak-*) quasicompactness or convex compactness: whenever 𝒞 is a cover of B by convex weak-* closed subsets of X such that {BC:C𝒞} has the finite intersection property, then BC𝒞C is not empty.

Compactness implies convex compactness because a topological space is compact if and only if every family of closed subsets having the finite intersection property (FIP) has non-empty intersection. The definition of convex compactness is similar to this characterization of compact spaces in terms of the FIP, except that it only involves those closed subsets that are also convex (rather than all closed subsets).

See also


  1. Explicitly, a subset BX is said to be "compact (resp. totally bounded, etc.) in the weak-* topology" if when X is given the weak-* topology and the subset B is given the subspace topology inherited from (X,σ(X,X)), then B is a compact (resp. totally bounded, etc.) space.
  2. If τ denotes the topology that X is (originally) endowed with, then the equality U=U# shows that the polar U={fX:supuU|f(u)|1} of U is dependent only on U (and X#) and that the rest of the topology τ can be ignored. To clarify what is meant, suppose σ is any TVS topology on X such that the set U is (also) a neighborhood of the origin in (X,σ). Denote the continuous dual space of (X,σ) by (X,σ) and denote the polar of U with respect to (X,σ) by U,σ=def{f(X,σ):supuU|f(u)|1} so that U,τ is just the set U from above. Then U,τ=U,σ because both of these sets are equal to U#. Said differently, the polar set U,σ's defining "requirement" that U,σ be a subset of the continuous dual space (X,σ) is inconsequential and can be ignored because it does not have any effect on the resulting set of linear functionals. However, if ν is a TVS topology on X such that U is not a neighborhood of the origin in (X,ν) then the polar U,ν of U with respect to (X,ν) is not guaranteed to equal U# and so the topology ν can not be ignored.
  3. Because every Brx is also a Hausdorff space, the conclusion that xXBrx is compact only requires the so-called "Tychonoff's theorem for compact Hausdorff spaces," which is equivalent to the ultrafilter lemma and strictly weaker than the axiom of choice.
  4. The conclusion UB1=xXCx can be written as UB1=(uUB1)×xXU𝕂. The set U# may thus equivalently be defined by U#=defX#[(uUB1)×xXU𝕂]. Rewriting the definition in this way helps make it apparent that the set U# is closed in xX𝕂 because this is true of X#.
  5. This tuple m=def(mx)xX is the least element of TP with respect to natural induced pointwise partial order defined by RS if and only if RxSx for every xX. Thus, every neighborhood U of the origin in X can be associated with this unique (minimum) function m:X[0,). For any xX, if r>0 is such that xrU then mxr so that in particular, m0=0 and mu1 for every uU.


  1. For any non-empty subset A[0,), the equality {Ba:aA}=BinfA holds (the intersection on the left is a closed, rather than open, disk − possibly of radius 0 − because it is an intersection of closed subsets of 𝕂 and so must itself be closed). For every xX, let mx=inf{Rx:RTP} so that the previous set equality implies BoxP=RTPxXBRx=xXRTPBRx=xXBmx. From PBoxP it follows that mTP and BoxPBoxP, thereby making BoxP the least element of BoxP with respect to . (In fact, the family BoxP is closed under (non-nullary) arbitrary intersections and also under finite unions of at least one set). The elementary proof showed that TP and BoxP are not empty and moreover, it also even showed that TP has an element (rx)xX that satisfies ru=1 for every uU, which implies that mu1 for every uU. The inclusion P(BoxP)X(BoxP)X# is immediate; to prove the reverse inclusion, let f(BoxP)X#. By definition, fP=defU# if and only if supuU|f(u)|1, so let uU and it remains to show that |f(u)|1. From fBoxP=Bm, it follows that f(u)=Pru(f)Pru(xXBmx)=Bmu, which implies that |f(u)|mu1, as desired.


  1. Rudin 1991, Theorem 3.15.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Narici & Beckenstein 2011, pp. 235–240.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Narici & Beckenstein 2011, pp. 225–273.
  4. Köthe 1983, Theorem (4) in §20.9.
  5. Meise & Vogt 1997, Theorem 23.5.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Bell, J.; Fremlin, David (1972). "A Geometric Form of the Axiom of Choice" (PDF). Fundamenta Mathematicae. 77 (2): 167–170. doi:10.4064/fm-77-2-167-170. Retrieved 26 Dec 2021.


Further reading